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LeBron maybe, probably depends on how Bronny is doing. Steph I think not.


Lebron, Steph and Bronny all retire 


Bronny will more of a forced retirement


Yes that was the implied joke


Your face is an implied joke


Fucking slammed


hell yeah dude


Partisans online will then act aggrieved that he’s not a 3rd ballot hall of famer 😂


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Why? He’ll be 38, it’s not unbelievable.


I think Steph would rather go out closer to on top than not. Maybe he signs a year more after that


LeBron’s gonna play with Bryce too


I strongly believe Steph, when he decides to "retire", he'll be 6st man of the year 3 years in a row.


I doubt it. No former MVP and legendary player wants to be a 6th man regardless of how humble they are. When they no longer are starting caliber they’ll just retire. Especially those who have won titles as the best player


Westbrook, Garnett, Tmac, Cp3 to name a few all came off the bench end of their careers


With all due respect, aside from KG, nowhere near the legendary status of Steph or Lebron


That’s a hard one because even Steph is nowhere near the legendary status of lebron.


Agreed. But Lebron is in a tier with Kareem and Jordan. Steph is in that next tier with everyone else who’s legendary. Even if you think he’s at the bottom of that tier, he’s one of those guys who there’s no doubts or questions left about his legacy


Jordan played for the Wizards


Come on. Steph is closer to LeBron than like TMac is to him.


KG isn’t near their status either frankly


Bill Walton and Derrick Rose both moved to the 6th man role after injury as former MVPs


Yea with Steph, even if he is somehow on the bench, his ability to shoot the ball can keep him in the league much longer


I can see LeBron gunning till *Bryce is draftable


Just to prove his IG Live wrong lol. That would be such a dad move


why would that matter? he's already on the Lakers.


*Bryce - edited 🫡


Is he even any good? Ehh, it probably doesn't matter.


Has looked better than bronny


How has he looked better? Cause Bronny at 17 years old was way ahead of Bryce, who is also 17 years old rn


It’s one of those things that people keep parroting and believe is true for literally 0 reason. Bryce has never looked better than Bronny and it’s really not even close, Bryce is about to be a senior and was getting DNPs and garbage time minutes whereas Bronny was playing since he was a freshman. It’s like people had it ingrained that he’s better bc he’s taller and ppl predicted/wished it years ago


That’s what I figured. This article basically explains it: https://247sports.com/article/where-bryce-james-stands-compared-to-his-famous-family-members-ahead-of-senior-year-233500309/amp/ Also I wouldn’t be surprised if some people think that Bryce is like 14 or 15, and still has a lot time to grow and get better by the time he graduates, but he literally graduates next year Lol. I’m just tired of seeing people saying things like “watch out for Bryce, he’s the one” 😂


Steph has said it himself, he’s gonna dribble till the balls fall off.














Now fast-forward.


Brady said the same thing and he coulda played another 1-2 years


Bro that last year he played sorta cost him his wife and kids 💀 and he was 44 and they went 8-9… Even if the wheels didn’t fall off, at least a couple tires were slashed


No I think the marriage was over regardless and that’s why he went back But he also retired at the right time. He declined a bit and went out still as a top QB compared to let’s say Peyton Manning


Honestly feel like if they went 9-8 instead of 8-9 he would have come back for one more season somewhere.


Bruh his last year was a disaster tbh. He traded GISELLE for an 8-9 season


Now that draymond has no more punching bags on the team that may be soon


It's probably impossible but I'd love to see Steph go for 5000 threes.


in one game? 


Anything's possible.


we did ittttt


I guess we’ll never know 😎


What they gonna say now?


You tell em KG.


The first game they play Dallas this season.


In one quarter


That's basically 5 more reasonably healthy seasons assuming some regression


Im not saying its going to happen but I don’t think it’s really unlikely either. I remember years ago when the points record seemed completely out of reach as well. Even if Steph regresses in multiple facets of his game he will still be a valuable shooter. I think it depends on how long he wants to keep putting his body through nba seasons.


Stats have shown Steph runs more than any other star player. If his wheels and stamina go those shots aren’t gonna come so easy


You aren’t wrong. But if his role changes to just a spot up shooter or way less usage he could stick around as long as he wants on the right contracts.


No one is leaving Steph open as a spot up shooter


It’s wild to imagine Steph’s off-ball movement at the end of the decade if he plays 20 MPG with the same 3PAs per game.


Steph runs marathons on the court...if he became a normal shooter stand and shoot, he could go until 40 years old, easily Of course he needs to be surrounded by a player of some gravity to get proper spacing 


Offensively sure, but 40 yr old Steph is getting abused on defense.


So, no change from the rest of his career?


It will be much worse


Nothing new there. It's only been around the last 3 seasons that he's been able to at the very least stand his ground a bit and take contact. Otherwise for the majority of his career he's been manhandled and abused on both ends of the court.


So basically he becomes Ray Allen


Is he tall enough to be a catch and shoot specialist?


Whats crazy is they're already saying Luka can't reach LeBron.


That's mostly because he's not going to play for 2 decades though and Bron is still in the league


Luka already said he isn’t playing as long as Lebron, and it really shouldn’t surprise anybody either as he’s been playing pro ball for over 10 years already


He’s also fat and doesn’t take care of himself


Grading on the scale of world-class athletes maybe. (I share your suspicion his game won’t age well due to health down the line, but “fat?”)


Lmao I met walker d Russell in the Mavs fo the other day and he said Luka's fat. If the scouts of your own damn team want you to slim down you're fucking fat lmfao


It’s not really crazy. Lebron has played a crazy amount of games and dealt with very few injuries during his career. Even though Luka may have a similar game average to LeBron, he’s simply not scoring as many points over a season. 


If he keeps going at anywhere near his current pace he could get there in 4 years. Realistically it would probably take 5 because of potential missed games, reduced minutes, not being as effective, etc. Long shot but not impossible.


Bronny will retire before LeBron


Well, be out of the league more likely ? 😅😂


Bronnys big press conference announcement "I'm takeing my talent to The Venezuelan C League"


He could make a ton of money in an international league


The decision: I’m going to the Shanghai sharks 🤡


A real “We have LeBron James at home” moment.


This boy is going to be lost once LeBron retires.


I would love to be lost with a billionaire dad


spicy comment


The way things are going Bronny will replace Rob Pelinka, and LBJs wife will replace Jeannie Buss as Governor.


So we have at least 4 more years of LeBron?


We have no idea how long these millennials players can play with the medicine science and all that they have these days. They have already defied what we assumed was the standard route for aging players. These guys are freaks of nature they show little to any aging.


I have no doubt they both could play 5+ years if they wanted to. the question is more so if they decide to call it quits. jordan was still the best player his first 2 retirements. an above average player when he called it quits officially at 39


It seems like they either really love basketball and can't see themselves quit or they have to have a career ending injury


Making $40-$50 million a year also probably helps.


Fully believe that as long as LeBron doesn’t have a catastrophic injury he’d be able to get 15 a night into his late 40s playing 18 minutes a game coming off the bench. And im all for it. Put all those records completely out of reach.


I can see LeBron retiring in 3 seasons honestly. The longer he goes, the more his playoff legacy is affected and I doubt he wants that.


its been widely reported 2 years. and his actions today spoke louder than words / reports. he signed a 2 year and not a 3 year for a reason


Agree. I just hope once he retires that someone can take up the mantle of being the GOAT. It's looking like Luka but we will see. Wemby in a few years probably, that dude is nice af.


I think it’ll be Wemby. He could become the most unstoppable player we’ve ever seen


Luka defense isn’t half as good as it needs to be in the conversation.


I really hate that in some people’s minds making the playoffs and losing is apparently worse than not making them at all. That 3 of 3 record is better than a 3 of 4. 


Completely agree and I find it interesting that so many people think lebron will likely retire after these next two years at 42 when Vince Carter was able to play until 43 and many others who were less physically gifted than lebron played until 40 or so. Steph too, with the way he plays as well as his frame, combined with all the advancements in modern medicine I also wouldn’t be shocked to see him play until 40 or a little beyond.


The problem is even with modern medicine the human body can only take so much as you age. That’s why you see Lebron taking defensive possessions off and missing so many games. His body can’t handle a full season playing like he did 10 years ago


LeBron doesn’t retire until he at least gets 6 rings. Even if it takes him 10 more years


I can totally see this happening with his longevity. Even if he just ring chases with a contender in the twilight of his career.


He’ll never accept ring chaser salaries though


I could see him taking it to go to a good young team for the last ring to try to do a lot for his reputation


But why. He’s essentially a billionaire. I wouldn’t even be mad if he went to Minnie, Denver or OKC on the MLE lol. That one year of Jokic/Lebron highlights would be worth it.


He shoulda gone to OKC in 2010




He wants to buy a team after he retires. That requires a different stratosphere of wealth


No it’ll ruin his legacy to ring chase. It won’t matter if he has 7 rings nobody would “count” them unless he is FMVP for all of them but even then


He should get at least one where he’s a number two or 3 option… so many legends have rings that they weren’t the best player of If he wanted to ring chase he could win a couple more probably


Would be funny to see LeBron like 6 years from now on a Udonis Haslem role.


Stephs got another 5 years in him. He hasn't even adjusted his game yet. He still has the entire phase when he isnt moving as quick where he can just be a spot up shooter. Like when Vince Carter lost his explosiveness and was just hitting 3s.


I don’t think Steph needs to adjust his game. He already does a lot of off ball movement to get open, so as long as his healthy holds up, he could realistically just keep doing what he is doing until he retires.


That’s what I’m saying. He still has years left before he may have to adjust his game.


Crazy how Steph broke the all time 3 record so long ago


Steph probably has another deal in him, Bron probably not


Steph just won clutch player of the year while having no single stat drop off at all (compared to his prime\*), hell, he managed 26.5/5/4.5 at 35 year old on all good metrics. He just won a chip two years ago and three years before that would have likely won another one given Klay/Durant were healthy. He has no sign of slowing down, he's arguably the best point guard in the league still, why would he retire next year?


No single stat drop off at all. Except for points, rebounds, assists, and steals


Yeah, on a year to year basis, his stats have dropped off but compared to his whole prime (I'm considering 2012-13 the start, first season he got MVP votes and beat 57 win Nuggets, lost 2-4 to 58 win Spurs) he's about on par with those stats per 36 minutes. Obviously he's not the same player, in the same way that Lebron is putting up the same numbers, but he no longer has the same impact as he did back in the day.


Stat inflation has been happening at the same time that Steph and LeBron have been declining. The difference between their primes and now is a much larger gap than the stats suggest


Yeah I absolutely agree. Stat inflation has definitely helped both of them but there are plenty of players who haven't been able to maintain the same box score production. I think advanced stats show a better story, their VORP and win shares are now half of what they were in their primes. This definitely shows a decline.


from the previous year, I meant as compared to his last 5-10 years. Like two years prior he averaged 25.5 points, more turnovers a worse 2 & 3 pt %, but he also had more rebounds and assists. He just had an exceptional year 20-21 and 22-23, other than 2015, this year is better or average in regards to his career and arguably better than his 2014 MVP season.


idk if you can even really try to argue him over Luka rn but he’s still a great player


> he's arguably the best point guard in the league still Luka is better and I don't think it's arguable.


Arguably best PG in the league? Lmfao what? No way ur serious. If u really can't see that he had a slight decline that year, ur just biased honestly. No shit it didn't drop off compare to 2016 if u consider that his prime. Stats are inflated. Do u think Bron didn't decline or something? Steph was not close to Luka or SGA this year. If people think that's true, ur just a delusional stan.


Might be a hot take, but I don’t think the Warriors will be “mediocre to bad” next season or beyond. Parting with Klay Thompson is tragic, but the money and minutes that just opened up will be well spent. Steph’s skill set and fitness level will allow him to keep playing at a high level for basically however long he wants.


Yeah the Klay thing was sad but is a window extender


Yep, his shot selection was way too aggressive and his defense declined sharply, but he was unwilling to adjust his approach, accept a diminished role, or take less money. This change will open up more opportunities for the young players who were stuck behind him on the depth chart, and free up cap space for roster improvements.


They ditched klay to save the owner tax money. It doesn’t open money for outright signing folks 


Lacob doesn’t care about paying tax money. Dunleavy cares about staying under the second apron, which is necessary to make X-for-1 trades if the Warriors hope to pursue star players.


lol ok friend


If they get Lauri they’ll be contending


If they keep Kuminga they’ll be contending


Why would either? They are both still playing at an extremely high level. Everyone is acting like bron didn’t just average 25/7/8 last season and curry 25/4/5.


its been widely reported lebron wants to retire in 2 years. actions speak louder than words and lebron signed the 2 year max not 3 year. he can play at a high level still for sure but that doesnt mean he owes it to anyone to keep going


Steph’s longevity could be very similar to Lebron because of his ability to shoot. Imagine a pure shooter Steph or even as a backup point guard. Imagine Steph curry coming off your bench. I could see him doing something like that with the warriors. I think Lebron is gunna try to be the best he can for the next two seasons and ride off into the sunset.


Lebron just got $104 million. He ain't going anywhere. He'll be the GOAT of longevity.


Bruh he been had been the longevity goat


LeBron for sure in 26. He beats Vince Carter’s record by one season. He tells everyone he’s retiring during the offseason of 24-25 so the media can build its hype train for the 25-26 arena farewell tour. LeBron gets a ceremony at the 2026 ASG which is in LA (Clippers new arena). It’s legit Hollywood ending shit. Steph I think not. His shooting skills will keep him in the league until 40 (27-28 season)


Not steph...handles and shooting never go out of style lol. Ask his daddy.


I can’t see him playing past 2027 tbh like his longevity is in part due to not playing every single game back to back so less wear and tear will occur but also I’m not sure if Lebron is the type like KG to play until he literally can’t and is putting up like 3 points on avg or smth


No. LeBron is gonna try to play with both of his kids probably. I'm sure the Lakers love that idea even if they aren't competitive at all because of the narrative. The Lakers love a story. Steph isn't gonna retire either unless he suffers a bad injury or something because I think he does enjoy basketball and he is a legend out there. Unless the wheels fall off both of them I say no.


I don’t see Curry retiring anytime soon.


Not until Jeannie is ready to sell 10% of the team to Lebron.


why would lebron do that. he wants total control not a minority stake, probably the expansion vegas team


LeBron needs to take a lesson from Michael Jordon about how that’s gonna work out.


It worked out great. Michael purchased the Bobcats for $275 Million and sold it for $3 Billion for 1100% profit. Overall, these franchises only go up in value over time.




Bron not retiring until he gets to share an NBA court with Bronny Jr.


just not fair for lebron king aegon james the 7th


Aegon james with his Akron Madnes


I can see LeBron playing with Bryce, but also the new teams are rapidly approaching and no way he's allowed to be an owner and player at the same time so yeah.


LeBron could retire at any time. If this upcoming season is a struggle, it could be his last season. Or he could play 4 more years. Hard to say. Word on the street is he’s going to take it one year at a time.


That would put him retiring a month before Bryce gets drafted. He might sign another 1 year after this for a “farewell tour” where he doesn’t necessarily play a whole lot but gets to be in the nba with both sons


No but they should.


I think Curry is around a couple more years after ‘26. He played at such a high level this year and may not have to do all the regular season heavy lifting if the warriors can get a decent #2 this year or next.


They are both gonna retire whenever they want to I doubt Steph calls it before he’s 40


I think LeBron plays at least until he has the most games played ever. He’s number 6 right now at 1492. If he plays 69 games this year he surpasses Kareem for #2. Robert Parrish has 1611 so if Lebron averages 60+ games in the next two years he takes the #1 spot. If he doesn’t do that then he plays another year at least.


LeBron maybe but I could see Steph playing until he’s 40.


KD should also be in this conversation.


Obviously, nobody in the NBA wants to retire until they retire, but Curry doesn't even entertain the idea at the moment. Depending on the role he's willing to take, I think he could last into his 40's. He probably has at least a couple years of being a superstar, and his shot speed and accuracy off the catch would let him be a JJ Redick type player basically as long as he wants to imo


4 rings in 25yrs is a terrible ratio just saying


4 rings in 25? karl malone: hold my beer (or my girls capri sun)


Lol facts I'm saying 4 in 25 would be bad for a top 10 player in nba history


Every top 10 player would’ve been ‘their current ring count’ in 25. None of those players were winning another ring after their last unless they were a bench player on a championship team. It’s impressive he’s still going to be a walking 25/7/7 at year 25 when every other player was retired


It's not true every year is an opportunity and a lot of guys won rings late in their career...4 in 25yrs is a terrible ration for a top 10 player


Erhmmm you must not have seen this one? https://youtu.be/cOZtzz_4-OA?si=28oeWSdCS09qhI59


Steph will prob go until 40, Bron has talked about wanting to retire for a couple years now. He is pretty much only playing cause he wants to play with his son.


They need to start a Big 3 team


Steph is still playing at a pretty high level. Once he starts to fall off he can follow a ray Allen type of career and become an elite 3 point specialist for a championship team. That's if he decides to leave the warriors


Steph will keep playing it seems his body is biologically younger than lebron


I hope so


Steph's game will age really well, not as an MVP candidate but as a 20+ PPG guy


He will trade his son after 20 games. Then he will request for trade or just sit the whole season like simmons.


Maybe LeBron does, but he could also stick around for fun or for Bryce. I could see him try to do stuff like play til he's older than Tom Brady is, maybe overseas if his kids wind up there, global marketing opportunities. Then he'll buy a team, The Las Vegas Cavaliers, someone will tell him about Gordie Howe, he'll pull a Jordan with Wizards for a quick snap and suit up in his 50's with all his boys, then he will probably retire for good. I don't think Steph's kid is eligibile for the draft until 2033, his calculus is different. I don't think he retires, he'd probably play for Charlotte even just for kicks if the money's good. Seems to be in fine health too, no reason to think he won't be playing unless he decides to join the PGA tour.


I would be shocked if Lebron played overseas. I think once he’s done in NBA it’s a wrap on his baseball career as a player and it’s straight into ownership.


Nah, LeBron will stay and keep paddling his stats.


At least his stats are real


LeBron will probably retire after this contract in 2 years. If Bryce is on the verge of becoming a NBA player he might tough it out. I think Steph might have a stint in Charlotte after 2026 for a few years.


Horford is 38 and loved and respected in Boston so they will take Lebron til his 40-42 to feed Tatum the rock.  


Lebron will stay to play with Bryce


Lebron will stay until GMs realise he’s bigger negative than his precived upsides, he’s gutted every team he was part of and nobody was safe from being traded / fired. At the point Curry can play till he calls it quit while Lebron might have go unceremoniously in the future.


It would also be 23 seasons. I think he likes that number lol, which also would put him number 1 in seasons played.


Lebron will retire when I retire, 2031 baby




Lebron more so bc he’s got so many miles usage Curry can definitely play longer bc of his shooting he probably will move to SG and take thompsons job of catch/shoot Curry first step, driving ability may get worse he can still be able to handle the ball but without the driving threat those moves wont work and the defender wont bite


Brown goes to 46




Steph to Orlando next year


Steph game kinda feels like he could due what Diana Taurasi does. She’s like 42 and drops 17 a game still. Pure scorer who finds her spots and has tremendous off ball movement. Very similar play style just make vs female. But she’s a legend a an absolute dawg. So I could see Steph playing into his 40s . Plus he never had any major injuries after fixing the ankle issues that plagued him early on. For me Bron gets hurt a lot and misses time or should miss time. Dude has a crazy amount of NBA mileage on him in comparison to Curry.


lebron needs to retire already. Steph should play til he's 50


Curry no. At 40 years old maybe, but if GS puts a team around him these next few years that can compete and doesn't require him to drop 30+ a game just to be in the play-in, he'll keep going until the wheels fall off.




Steph still has plenty of gas left in the tank...he's on the back end of his prime and although he's not "peak" Steph anymore, he's still a top 15 player and his game isn't that dependent on athleticism so I could see him playing at a high level deep into his 30s. GSW needs to surround him with defense and spacing; he will be just fine IMO I don't think Bron retires after this season; he wants another championship and I think if LA shits this bed this season he moves on to a team that gives him a shot at another ring. Lebron has accomplished pretty much everything you can other than getting enough rings to be called the "GOAT" including now playing with his son lol I think retiring when he still had some tread left on his tires, will eat him alive if he doesn't try to win one more