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[Twitter thread with translations](https://x.com/kunderybbl/status/1808191107802845280) for context.


If you hate on Qian Kun it’s only because you have no love for yourself. He’s an absolute treasure. I said what I said.


Totally agree! There is nothing that man can't do!!! They're just jealous!! He's a precious angel and we must protect him 💗


always read that in tamisha iman's voice 🤣


These people are #unemployed


Right?! Like who has time for that kinda crap?!?!


Nct have the worst treatment from fans and solo stans and stalkers. It’s horrendous


The things I've heard of TVXQ is nightmare stuff. The fact its the same company shows this is a long term issue. You'd think SM would learn a thing or two, but the issues persist.


>You'd think SM would learn a thing or two, but the issues persist It has been alleged that SM sees fan infighting as a good thing because it generates interest and fan investment. Normal people would point out that they put TVXQ through hell, whereas SM-brained people would point to them having the most legendary ship in Kpop, which a good chunk of fans are still obsessed with. There's a similar split in opinion over the MaHae custody wars. But ultimately, in this case, it's resulting in someone reading hate mail in the early hours of the morning, which must be all the more jarring when you were expecting to ready something heart-warming at best or cringe worthy at worst. And always, we don't know what else Kun may be having to deal with in his life or work. NCT members constantly have to deal with individuals doing the most outrageous things and next to nothing ever gets done about it.


I used to think EXO had it bad….but dang…. I can’t even begin to understand their unhinged mindset.


Will never understand why people devote time and energy over an artist that they don't like. It's not like he did some heinous crime to warrant this kind of treatment. 


For real though Why would I make the *effort* and invest my energy and time and material.... To spread hate. Like..... I can't wrap my head around it


Any attention. They want to stand out to the artist. They do not care how.


I actually saw his bbl and thought this is crazy but glad that kun calls them out for this, absolutely insane. If you don’t like someone then just look away?? And tbh what’s there to not like about kun?!


Thank you for posting about this on the main sub 🥺 nobody deserves messages like this but knowing how much WayV have been through & Kun as their leader has handled it with such grace it broke my heart to get these messages!! I’m glad fans are sending him love too, I hope it doesn’t get to him.


IMO, things like this need the bat signal sending out for Czennies Assemble (mixing Marvel and DC there, I know). It just feels like we've had to do it a lot lately with Taeyong, Renjun and now Kun. ETA: forgot to add the nonsense about Haechan and Johnny, too.


Kun does not deserve this type of treatment. He and the team have faced numerous challenges, and now that they can see the light at the end of the tunnel, haters have had the audacity to disguise themselves as fans. I don't see why someone would waste their time hating on someone and writing horrible things about them. If there are any Kun or Wayv haters here ( Wayv is my bias in NCT), devote your efforts and time to whoever you idolize, and don't bother other people.


Mostly I’m just trying to figure out what anyone could not like about him?! I mean what are the grounds for hate?


There was a ssng who said Kun was her "rival" because he wouldn't let her sit next to her target Yangyang. He made her sit next to him and he watched her like a hawk. Some people are just delusional and crazy.


I wish that surprised me, but it doesn't. Is that the same ssng who knocked over Ten at the airport to get to Yangyang?


Wow that is definitely insane


Damn I didn't know this. Makes me respect Kun as a leader all the more for doing what he could to shield YY, but he shouldn't have to have that responsibility.


Kun don't play. He's a good ass leader and is quick to put himself in the way of predators going after his members.


Certain elements seem to really have it in for him. Like that nonsense when he said he was happy to be speaking in Chinese during a concert in China and some fans claimed it was rude and disrespectful to Ten.


I guess it’s easy to twist anything and make it negative. He just seems so friendly and has such a professional demeanor I’m surprised anyone could find fault in him.


Must be some angry and twisted souls to be doing something like this


Noooo Kun is the sweetest guy and doesn't deserve it! I hope something is done about it soon


No one would ever deserve this, Kun least of all :( 


That’s just disgraceful! I will never get where people get energy to search for a hate object so that they can just spread it! I suppose those haters don’t think that idols are real people with real families who would be upset and frustrated with this.


I always have this 'imagination' when seeing fans giving fan letters. Of course fan letters would be filled with good words or encouragement but sometimes I wonder if there were people who would take advantage of this to give a hate letter or even worst, >!a death threat!<. Maybe it had happened before but to have it confirmed makes me anxious. And out of all members, it's Kun who received those? (Tbh, no one deserves this) Kun is the sweetest. What did he do to you? =(


What the hell. Kun doesn’t deserve this. People who have no time or decency are the ones who waste their time and energy to do this.


I was appalled when I saw this - not only is it jobless loser unhinged behavior, but this man literally has nothing worthy of critique?? He's handsome, talented, smart, kind, polite & thankful to staff & fans - what else can someone possibly want? (Even tho I know haters aren't rational smdh 🤬) I'm glad he said something even if it was uber gentle. I was afraid that after the Renjun situation SM would ban the members saying anything negative to fans


doing all that just to send Kun hate…it’s giving no life of their own


how anyone can dislike kun this passionately is beyond me. that man is a sweetheart


Kun did absolutely nothing to get this hate. I swear the people sending these are jealous and bored


Its mind boggling how any idol outside of the criminal ones can have that many haters. are there idols i don’t click with sure but i got better things to spend my time on like the ones i do like. disguising your hate as fan mail is low. but then they are extremely low people. Kun is such a good leader and so talented ugh hurts my heart.


How can someone hate Kun?! Like you gotta be some chronic hater to do something like this. Kun is the least of the least problematic idol I’ve come across. In his free time he works on his hobbies, talks to fans respectfully, even on shows he thinks before talking to avoid controversy. Yet some good for nothing people finding reasons to hate him?! These people got no life


Kun needs to hear all the loving words he can right now to drown out the negativity. Please, let's all send out support through social media e.g. Bubble, WeVerse, Twitter, Instagram, official WayV accounts, etc. This kind of behavior is truly vile. I am especially livid because Kun is the most talented, passionate, empathetic, loving, and caring person who deserves the world. He's worked so hard for so long through so many hardships and shouldn't have to deal with these scumbags. How can anyone not see the goodness in him? He tried reading all the fan letters because he's a kind person who wants to appreciate his fans and then to find that is like a slap in the face.


Every time I think I've heard it all, an awful story like this appears… How can someone live their life fuelled by hate? Poor Kun, he seems so sweet and is clearly so talented. He doesn't deserve this – no one does.


I ult Kun, he's the absolute best and sweetest, wtf are these people on.