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I hate the rams as much as anyone else here but the collapse was greatly exaggerated and I feel like this year will tell a lot without AD but nothing but flowers to lamb fuckers for being the scary terry of our dreams, bitch.


Also, they won a fucking ring! I feel like anyone except the Chiefs will take a "collapse" for winning a ring. Especially so the Bills


Tell that to the 9ers. They're so delusional they would rather try to get you to believe that they prefer getting to the NFCCG, or SB just to lose in ~~heartbreaking~~ hilarious fashion.


Hellllll nah. I’ll take that 2019 ring if that means I would’ve suffered the rams “collapse” + the memability of the baseball team for the past three seasons


>I’ll take that 2019 ring ~~It was 2021, but I get your point.~~ Edit: I'm an idiot and didn't understand what you meant.


It’s been a dry 30 years from a Super Bowl perspective… but they’re consistently in play and still have 5 trophies


That's not what we're discussing. We aren't glorifying what they did before the salary cap was a thing. We are talking about how they haven't won a ring in 30 years, yet act like they're trying to 3-peat. They haven't won a ring since BEFORE the Cowboys won their last ring. The NFL doesn't remember the teams that were close, unless you are the Bill's from the 90's.


Oh for sure, the NFL season is all or nothing and for 30 years they’ve managed nothing. BUT I will say they aren’t afraid to keep shooting their shots. I guess the Bills shot theirs too but… I’d still rather be in the SF camp than the buffalo camp is my point


>I’d still rather be in the SF camp than the buffalo camp is my point That's without question.


The Bills have Josh Allen in his prime, young promising playmakers and 11 picks in the draft. People are being irrational about losing a 31 year old receiver who sucked ass the last half of the past two seasons. Plus we have 80 mill in cap space opening up next year, it’s all going to be just fine.


As a Niners fan I agree with u. There seems to be a sense of complacency from the fans and the organization. Shit our owner even held a press conference before the SB and already called this season a success win or lose, which I get from a business perspective but from a season expectations standpoint… hell nah our expectation this season was Lombardi or bust


Kroenke: “alright we got one now I can stop giving a shit again”


I think it was kind of a miracle Stafford stayed healthy all season. He's gotta be on his last legs. I've also thought that about Stafford for the last 3 years so maybe he'll just play til he dies on the field.


Bro, I can’t stand the rams but Stafford absolutely deserves his flowers. That guy has played through some serious injuries and even did so for the lions when they were dog-shit bad. Dude is tough.


You could tell he greatly hurt what seems like his ribs during the Lions game and kept slinging. Even in the post game press conference there's a moment where he noticeably winces in pain.


90% of the time, I dislike when players play through serious injuries, but the impressive part to me is that he played through injuries and still looked better than a majority of the other QBs in the league. When healthy he's a different animal.


He’s old af and retiring next 😂


and hes still better than any 49ers QB since the 1990s.


No kidding - I have immense respect for Stafford as a player. But as a man, I hope he knows to call it quits for the sake of his health and family. Same way I feel about Tua.


Literally just beefed up our o line more this offseason and we rely more on the run now hopefully Stafford stays healthy for a few more years


I’m pretty sure they could run out their practice squad and we’d still give up 35. We’re fucking cursed against them.


Fuck the Rams but Stafford is easily a top 5 QB and the best one that’s in the NFC. Still, screw them


Not only did he stay healthy, but he physically looked stronger than I have ever seen him


Lamb fucker here... thank you sir


No kidding. First, THEY WON A RING! Second, they made the playoffs two years later.




I mean I feel like if you trade all your high picks and then hit at your late picks that's just good timing lol


This. The Rams' success with their low picks in recent drafts is definitely more luck than skill. The fact that they turned it around again so quickly doesn't prove that their system will work well for everyone or that the people who predicted their collapse were dumb to do so; logic *was* indeed pointing to a collapse. But part of that logic assumed normal draft luck in the next few drafts, and instead they had wildly good draft luck, so it played out differently


Who cares about the Rams they're not going to do anything lol either is Buffalo. Kansas city's going to 3P


Flair up or GTFO


Flair up, bitch.


Don’t even need a flair to know this a cowboys fan lmao


Collapse? The Rams had a year wash out cause of Stafford's injury and then won 10 games last year since thier SB. And they just got 2 new great young weapons in Puka and Kyren and another possible building block on defense with that interior DL rook Kobie Turner.


I think this quote was before last season


Oh, well. Still, the collapse was again, due to Stafford's injury. Almost no team would play well without their starting QB.


Our O line was down to fourth stringers. Which is what led to Staff's injury. That whole year felt cursed.


And now yall have quite a solid O-line and look good again. And the Bills are imploding due to injuries and needing to clear the books. Comment aged like milk


Other than us ofc


The rams won a ring, what exactly are the Bills collapsing from?


Let's be fair (unlike our homer sub) and note that Beane never actually said "Rams" or "collapse". In fact, the actual comment is fairly objective and reasonable imo.


Well to be fair, I'm sure most are responding to the clickbait title like I did.


Holy shit looking that up what an unbelievable manipulation of the quote for that headline. Yeah you could read through the lines that he’s referencing the rams and yeah maybe 2022 did seem like a total collapse, but to put those journalistic inferences in the headline directly next to the actual quote, knowing full well people will read the whole thing as a quote. That’s godawful


Yeah the hate their GM gets is stupid. It's really atrocious how his statement continues to be completely misquoted and reinforced.




Wait so is he saying they should have traded Kupp?


I don't even know what this bozo with a top5 QB who can't even beat Patrick Mahomes is trying to say. Imagine losing to Patrick Mahomes in the playoffs multiple years in a row, that would be fucking sadlarious


Rams fans be like “You can’t lose to Mahomes in the playoffs if you’ve never faced him” \*taps temple*


We beat him in that TNF classic though. And Jared Goff has never lost to Patrick Mahomes.


Sorry I’m not autistic enough to remember every Rams-Chiefs regular season matchup. Do those games matter now tho? Because I’ve been told by Rams fans for the last few months that only one game a year matters, and it’s definitely not an inter-conference TNF game. It’s just so hard to keep up.


[bro, this game was so good it has its own wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Kansas_City_Chiefs%E2%80%93Los_Angeles_Rams_game)


Seriously! One of those games I remember where I was watching it! On my couch smoking weed while I stream it on my laptop. The weed couldn't even make me forget this game.


You’re bragging about a week 11 win from 5 years ago and expecting everyone else to just be on board knowing what you’re talking about with “that TNF game”? Yeah I’m definitely not that autistic.


Buddy, this game is known throughout the league as one of the greatest games ever. Not our fault you're a casual.


I can see that this game holds a very important role in the hearts of Rams fans. It must’ve led to a Super Bowl win huh?


You really wanna talk about SB wins, bud?


Not that you’d know the feeling


Modern problems require modern solutions.


I feel like the Rams collapse was Matt Stafford getting hurt coupled with a few salary dump moves.


Historic OLine injuries


Funny is our collapse was supposed to be last year.. not two years ago when we won 5 games.


30 million in dead cap… on top of the trade for a stapler


Hate the rams, but they collapsed into a playoff spot sooo not a good look for this guy


I don’t have any skin in the game, but winning a Super Bowl, having an off year, and immediately coming back and making the playoffs sounds much better than whatever the Bills have accomplished as of recent


I think they are stripping down the offensive side of the ball and having all their expensive pieces on defense to leverage #17


At $31.1M in dead money, I wonder how much the other Bills hated this guy.


I mean the rams won a Super Bowl. Did the Bills?


Lol. The Rams never collapsed. Even then, I’d trade a collapse for a ring in heartbeat. Bills lul.


Screw fiscal responsibility, if the Bills wanted to win they would've picked up the second Josh Allen. They could have Josh Allen on both sides of the ball, but they failed everyone (again)


They went to 2 super bowls and won 1. Bills gonna Bills. Their achievements are going to 3 straight super bowls and managing the cap while they have Josh Allen.


You'd think with the amount of worshipping the Bills get from the fans, media, and their own org that they'd actually win something meaningful for once to earn it.


As much as I hate the rams they went all in and it worked and the “collapse” lasted only a year. That mentality is why the bills will never win a SB


(He never said Rams in any part of that quote.)


He didn’t even say collapse, half the headline is bullshit


It drives me crazy. It’s quoted all the time across all subs . This just came up on my suggested. It just makes me sad that it’s constantly brought up to shit on the bills. Lol. We know we haven’t won yet… no need to remind us (which is always the top comment lol) and additionally shit on us for a misquoted headline


Easiest way to avoid a "Rams-like collapse" - Don't lie your way out of the city that supported you through mostly bad years in favor of a city you left in the first place because you don't have fans there, then proceed to pay too much to buy yourself a trophy!! Oh, and let's not forget having to pay the city you lied yourself out of for breaking the league's own relocation rules and committing fraud.


Diggs is gonna rage at cj even more than allen when preseason starts and he realizes hes not the only reciever on the team like he was in buffalo.


The bills haven't played the 2024 season last time I checked. Also this has nothing to do with the bills cap space or trading away of draft picks like what the rams did. Dumbass meme




You can literally see in the picture it's not the chiefs won in 2023.


I feel like most of the people who bring this article up never read the actual quote.


Rams fans still crying about this quote 😂


The only crying we doing about this is from laughing so hard.


Like it or not you guys did collapse the year after. It’s a fact. Plus you won the Super Bowl, why do you even care? edit: typo