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It’s cost of living in General, it’s a rich persons game!


It’s insane. Your 4-6 year old wants to play hockey? Great, here’s a thousand dollars worth of equipment you gotta pay for, and then you have to keep spending that kind of money every time they grow, and it gets more expensive the bigger and better they get. Then you gotta spend tens of thousands of dollars every year for them to play on teams. And then thousands every summer for camps and training. Not to mention paying for hotels and trips for tournaments. It’s completely unaffordable for even middle class families, let alone low income households who have children who want to play the sport. The only way to get around it is for charities to support you, or for your kid to be so damn good that other families are willing to help you just so your kid can stay on their team.


Damn, I wanted to jerk, but that's pretty awful.


Don’t worry man, I love jerking it too


https://preview.redd.it/7rupq6d2s66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ed1ea2bbbefa128035c86ac54c9129ef17a06a have these poor children tried this method?


Why don’t they just become rich? Are they bedarded?


/uj That's actually a pretty good article. The title is kind of a bait and switch because it's mostly about how difficult it is to build the foundation of your investment portfolio when you're starting from nothing and how much easier it is to make money once you have it.


Dickens Seider…. your related to Moritz right? Yeah it’s funny how Hockey Canada will spend millions to cover sexual assaults….. but helping the less fortunate kids play…. Naw man that’s crazy!!!!


Stop trying to make sense


It’s like $200 in gear at 6 years old and $200 for the season which can be subsidized for low income families. Camps are a luxury and a waste of money. Kids can affordably okay hockey at a young age. At U11 is maybe $1000 per year for gear and fees. Subsidized further if the family can’t afford it.


Not true




Really depends where you live


Kids playing hockey vs having the best gear and attending every camp and tournament is a big difference


No joke. You basically need to be a a millionaire to get your kid to the NHL. Specialized camps, trainers etc are expensive AF.


Zach Hyman’s dad knows what’s good


Thousands to start out a 6 year old with equipment?! You buying them new skates every game instead of sharpening them?


I hear people always joke at work saying: "My kids can play hockey, they just can't be good at it."


This rofl, Matt duchenes parents said they spent 650k on his hockey development. Guy I work with has a kid about to get drafted and he’s dropping 30-40k a year on training.


My cousin who was drafted by the Flames (never played though), had next to nothing spent on him but his school teacher mother and schools bus driver father. His kid currently plays for the leafs and again, nowhere near this spent as he has a regular middle class professional job; they're just actually good at hockey.


I think most refer to that if they are good they play on competitive teams. Which means more team fees, more traveling, more hotels. Where if you kid isn't good he plays house league.


Damn, sounds like those kids need to shut up and dribble 


Just want to add, unless you live in a fairly densely populated area, plan on spending EVERY WEEKEND traveling shitty ice roads during the winter. Just a regular ass game is a 2 hour drive away from here.


I've watched enough ice road truckers to know you're never gonna go through the ice. I did one time though https://preview.redd.it/xqaa5t7unc6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef076bbec1fe341e729bb506c9ead8ac084612f7


Put a kid in figure skating or dance... Hockey is cheap.


Yeah i hired my daughter a private music instructor. Cost me a lot, but then it was kind of heartbreaking when she just grew out of it. Can’t say I didn’t try. But maybe I should’ve just did what my dad did and just ignore his kid’s hopes and dreams? 🤷‍♂️


Meanwhile with basketball, some shoes and a ball and you're good.


Competition is probably 2000x more intense though. Suppose a financial barrier of entry can really benefit some of those kids with wealthy parents. I’ll just take my boys to the farm and they can learn to work their nuts off and build character. Seriously, we grew up in a little farm community before moving to a bigger suburb. I went from being kind of useless to being the school’s fastest runner overnight. Couldn’t even believe it.


Keep telling yourself that


Bingo. My buddy spent $20K last year on just one son to play HOUSE league. He was praying his son wasn't good enough for the next league up because of the expenses that would result


20K in house league, smells like bullshit. My kid played in A last year. With team fees it was 1000, couple outta town tournaments with hotels gas and food 600 each time, minimal equipment as he hardly grew and we buy used equipment mostly.


What city? In Ottawa, they were playing out of town tourneys nearly every weekend. This is also including camps, skating lessons, etc. And sure, you can say "you don't need that" but if everyone else on the team is going...




Still doesn't sound like house. House is usually once a week and maybe a practice 2x a month max. Could be "Select" or "All star" where they pick kids from the house league to have more practices/games and play a few tournaments.


My kids are too young for hockey and I grew up playing in the prairies in the 90s so you're most likely right. It's probably "Select" that's adding to the costs


>or for your kid to be so damn good that other families are willing to help you just so your kid can stay on their team. This actually happens?


That’s literally how Marner could afford to play


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If you’re paying $1000 for gear for a 4-6 year old you’re an idiot.


Oh yeah. Hockey is absolutely a bougie sport. It’s not nearly as inclusive as the NHL would like people to believe.


There is also a culture reputation in decline. For good reason. Hockey Canada has proven the management of a toxic community. After the Pandemic, Soccer has seen incredible growth. In the volleyball community, we have seen an unbelievable increase in Hockey transfers to Volleyball. Sports are at least diversifying!


Luckily we just need the USA to train kids since that's where you compete for the cup


Except most of the players on those teams are canadian




Just look up the roster of each team in the nhl lol, the majority are Canadians


Just looked it up, seems like no team full of Canadiens has won since 93


I said majority, not full team.


Last team full of Americans to win was the knights you bum. 100% Nevadan


Uhh no the players were mostly Canadian on that team


No, they were from Nevada


No, none were actually


Bro this is a troll cave. The entire purpose of the sub is to do what you’re falling for.


13 Canadians on Panthers. Thats majority over other countries.


panthers are all floridians moron


Sportnet roster with birth places says 13 Canadien citizens orignially, which means the cup spends time here anyway


Google maps says sunrise is in Florida, don’t be bedarded


Lmao the only source of pride you have left since Canadian teams aren't champion quality


Canada is cold and expensive. Nobody willingly wants to live here over Florida or anywhere else that’s warm with less taxes. Canadian teams have no chance.


Well maybe if they stopped harrasing people... All jokes aside, it's too damn expensive these days.


Memory of me crying to my mom and dad because I wanted to play hockey so bad, but it was too expensive. Spent my days playing ball hockey wishing. That was ages ago. Been expensive for all I can remember


Something something high barrier of entry, something something immigrants' sports, something something 30 years of American dominance.


I mean US hasn’t won a gold in hockey at the men’s level since 1996, Canada wins them essentially every year junior through senior. Not too sure about American dominance. Stanley Cups aren’t a national achievement.


This is an NHL circle jerk sub… clearly they are talking about Canadians inability to bring a Stanley cup home.


Canadians bring it back home every year there guy! 24 hours at a time.


Canadian players not teams. Its a circle jerk sub it’s not too serious


Well aware. Anytime someone calls you “guy”, immediately you can stop taking them serious as well.


That still doesn’t make sense though as the cup will be spending more time in Canada than anywhere else this summer based on the team demographics. I’m counting 21 Canadian players on the Oilers and Panthers combined, I’m also counting just 2 American players total in this series in Tkachuk and Okposo. Heck both the coaches are Canadians too. So the opposite is actually true. I think too many Americans compensate for their lack of international success by claiming the success of historically Canadian and European stacked rosters in the NHL, which is rather odd to me lol.


It’s a circle jerk sub… not to be taken too literally


It's because the sticks that used to be $50 for a base model are now $150+. I blame Bauer for breaking the $200 stick barrier. Now their top line is $400+


In canada 1 piece sticks have always been $200. I remember getting an m1 for Christmas 20 years ago and it was $189CAD. Synergies were even more.


All of em. Mid level was like 180, top tier 290. Even the ol TPS rubbers were like 200. Good times.


Existing in Canada is expensive. I can’t imagine the cost of hockey these days let alone a goalie and higher levels like AAA. I was very lucky that I got to play growing up.


Some of you in here uniroincally want to see poor people (🤮) playing hockey? What happened to my classy game?!


Imagine if Zach Hyman grew up poor!!!!!!!!


Probably end up being a dentist


I have 1 in hockey 2 in ringette. Its roughly 5k a pop per year when you factor in tournments, registration, equipment. But we knew that going into it. Wife played ringette and hockey thru the college level. I was way to poor growing up to play any sport that wasnt free and didnt cut into my after school work. So we sacrifice so our kids can do what we never could. Its not easy and I also feel its way way too expensive


Just wanna say to you that the life lessons I learned through sports and the memories I made with friends that’ll last a lifetime are 100% worth every penny you’re paying. You’re a good parent


Hockey is by far the most expensive sport and prices are kind of out of control for the equipment so let’s start the discussion there.


If someone can't afford to play, then they should fill the water bottles of the players who can afford to play. It's what Zach Hymans dad made the other kids do.


Exactly. Kids these days don’t understand the benefits of networking


Don’t forget the story about last year around the draft about Bedard bringing his sticks and roller stakes to Hawaii. Last time I looked into the math 14 years of hockey cost as much a college education. If you can afford one only an idiot would chose hockey, cause a .0000001% your kid goes pro is not a good bet. They don’t fix the entry barrier issue hockey will die off since people like being fans do games they played as kids


Unfortunately, can't take out a student loan for hockey


You bums! Now the only thing you have left is maple syrup!


We’re cooked. Might as well immigrate Indias hockey team too.


It's too expensive for fees and equipment, plus the average and below get bullied relentlessly by teammates and coaches


![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized) Gonna kick their asses this summer in Paris to remind those kids why they gotta lace up. It’s their only chance.


Holy shit I'm feeling patriotic


I blame the carbon tax


I blame loblaws record profits


Its terrifying how greedy they are


PC Memories of Two Pad Stack


You're not far off... Cost of living in general.


Carbon tax isn't helping


Australia scrapped it's carbon tax in 2013, inflation still happened.


I didn't say it's the sole cause of inflation. If they still had a carbon tax, their citizens would be that much poorer right now.


Inflation always happens lol


Every tax, groceries, gas, etc etc


Is this homophobic?


Nothing worse than losing to the Yanks.


What about losing to the Flames


I was too poor growing up to play hockey, settled for football. Can't imagine what it costs these days


Literally can’t afford to play the game lol


Hockey has become a rich kids sport. It's a shame really..


If it wasn’t so bloody expensive, maybe more people would do it.


The age of Canadians in hockey is over. The age of the Americans in hockey has begun.


There’s more excuses in this thread than an r/leafs pgt


Hockey is too fucking expensive thats why. Kids could play 90% of other sports and the parents would save thousands if not more


I live in Oakville, traditionally “rich white” but I’ve seen more kids carrying around cricket paddles than I have hockey sticks or baseball bats, we are cooked.


If the Florida panthers were a trailer park boys character it would be Randy, greasy and fights dirty.


It's a sport for rich suburban meatheads. The sex offendingest sons go on to play for the junior Canadian national team.


Greatest sport Worst sport for poor people It’s a goddamn cash grab, unfortunately


10 ply


Lotta rich indians and asians boutta put their kids through hockey with that real estate $$$, that is if they would assimilate into the country 😂😂😂 NOT


Another Trudeau gift ! Time to start playing soccer or even just get those kids on the job site already!!


Trudeau wants us to play cricket. It'll be hour national sport two generations from now


Not if America has anything to say about that, too, apparently!


Sorry, the US is unstoppable there now too. They started a few years too late.


ok but T20 cricket slaps


I'm sure it does lmao


Fuck Trudeau and the Liberals


Fuck morons who think one political party is to blame. Also fuck morons who bring politics into a hockey sub. Brainwashed troll


Generally curious why not? Just trying to learn I understand the whole low competition issue between groceries, airlines and telecommunication. Which I feel the government should intervene and create some competition. Not a Liberal problem. But the liberals immigration policy has been a disaster. With rising population we have put great strain on our housing, job and health care structures


Over 100 years of conservative and liberal leadership is what’s got us to this point. Maybe try something different? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.


>politics into a hockey sub. You must hate r/hockey


I really do


Oh look another offended liberal who thinks anyone that doesn’t align with their political views is an asshole


Your ignorance is hilarious


Given all the fucked up shit coming out about hockey Canada that might be a good thing


I played hockey all my childhood. Hope my son doesn’t want to play. Culture is garbage. Expensive. If he wants to I will but I will not push him.


Because it’s fucking expensive, I was wanting to get back into goaltending but after looking at prices it’d be better to wear pillows as pads


My sons camp in texas was packed this morning


Hate seeing Canada losing access to a sport it loves so much due to high cost of playing. But Texas Hockey is real and growing. Love to see it.


Muslims don't play hockey


Canadians can’t jerk to this. This is like telling yanks that ar-15 and deep fried butter participation is down


The future of Canadian hockey will be Arshdeep Singh's cousins.


Not only is it expensive af, but it probably doesn’t help that there was a whole ass pandemic💀


I had to camp refresh at 9am this morning to get my 2 year old in gymnastics like I was trying to buy Taylor swift tickets… probably all the alphabet crowd nonsense.


It’s expensive


Its because our demand is exploding and we cant afford basic necessities like food or rent/housing anymore. Our government has singlehandedly dismantled the country


Demographics are changing coupled with insane cost of youth hockey. Im not at all surprised.


It's not even money sometimes. Nothing like 11 year Olds having ice time at 10:30pm to just yo start playing and getting home afternight on a weekday. Yay hockey.......


It’s the cost it’s insane


It's pretty expensive to get a kid into hockey not gonna lie..


Everyone in Canada is renting from our landlord overlords for 4K a month. We can’t spend any money on things like hockey. If our landlords found out we had disposable income they’d raise our rent 500 bucks a month.


Maybe if USA/Canada Hockey would stop increasing yearly fees just to play on a roster.


It is ridiculously expensive. I would love for my kids to play (they don’t care about it much) but I could never afford to put both of them through hockey each year. I play beer league myself and it’s around $800 for a season. If my kids wanted to play I would figure it out but hockey costs are insane.


Love watching hockey, cannot afford to put my son in it.


💰 💰 💰 💰


Canadians can't afford to put their kids in hockey or for that matter to have more than 1 or 2 kids.. most of the metropolis areas are non-white as a result and they're not into hockey. Towns that once had great hockey teams now struggle to put together a team as a result.


Hockey itself is an amazing game, the Canadian culture around hockey is disgusting


Anything that costs money and is not mandatory is declining in popularity


It’s the cost, my two kids played. We couldn’t afford it now (15 yrs later)


It’s our turn to be the best 🇺🇸


I live in a small town 50 mins away from a major city and my small town very sneakily sold all the arena slots to the large city division and will transfer all there players. Registration was $700 for U9 and will be easy 2x as much now. But the rink and it’s managers get more money🤦🏻‍♂️. Hockey for kids is dieing because the gap of affordable sports is growing ridiculous quick. I wish we lived in a world we’re everything wasn’t based on making more and more money.


My ex said hockey was too expensive. Then we bought our daughter a horse. Shoulda done hockey 😂


I'm not Canadian, but do youth rec centers not have donated gear that kids can use to play? is that not a thing?


Canada sucks


Cost of living, idiot. Extremely uneducated post


I'm a real Canadian, I choose hockey over putting food on the table


Thanks Trudeau


People citing cost which is true but all the immigration too. People who come from countries where they don’t play hockey, there’s no family history of playing, it isn’t something they were raised with.


It's mostly the cost.


Look at the demographic makeup of who plays hockey, and who plays in the NHL It’s almost all white guys. I know people downvote me because they downvote anything they perceive as anti immigrant, but my post isn’t arguing that at all, it’s literally just a demographic fact. Hockey has always been relatively expensive, which is why people have always argued that for example that’s the reason you don’t see a lot of diversity in the game, a lot of black players. It’s interconnected because many immigrants are poorer. It’s no surprise that when less immigrants play hockey, and when there’s a greater percentage of your population that’s immigrants, that equals fewer hockey players.


OP is the biggest twat I've ever seen. Fuckin bootlicker


Don’t result to insults. Jerk harder than the op. Look what sub you’re in