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Trump lying and being a psychotic megalomaniac isn't news. We've lived with that since 2015. The sitting president being pressured to end his re-election campaign is news.


Transcripts from the Epstein trial, though, detailing his forcing a sex act between two 12 yo girls in "Session 3" and the tying down and rape of one of those 12 yo girls in "Session 4" **absolutely is** news and should be top of the hour, bottom of the hour, and bumpers to every story of the day. **Edit for clarification** this is about Trump, the rapist, fraud, and seditionist. **EDIT x2 for sources:** Take your pick: * [https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit](https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit) * [https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=trump+katie+johnson](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=trump+katie+johnson) * [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) * [https://www.law.com/dailybusinessreview/2024/07/02/lawyers-weigh-in-as-jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-transcripts-released/](https://www.law.com/dailybusinessreview/2024/07/02/lawyers-weigh-in-as-jeffrey-epstein-grand-jury-transcripts-released/)


pedophile rapist. Don't leave that out. He didn't just rape someone, he raped a *child*. A child. This is so far past the point of reason for every decent person that it's not even a grey area. Normalise calling out Trump supporters and media favouring him as pedo rapist supporters. Edit : Look at all the pedo defenders crawling out of their nests. A fair bit of them are probably paid Russian trolls.


Yep we aren't talking about borderline age of consent/looked older here, this was 100% a child.


I agree. The debate is yesterday's news. The media is ignoring the Epstein release. The bias is obvious.


His fans follow a religion based on a pregnant 14 year old.


When did that break??


Yesterday or the 1st. I think there was some new law Desantis rolled out and it allowed the judge to release the court documents. Probably unintended consequences, but...


DeSantis has no love for Trump


They are both what I consider “whiney little bitches”.


Little piss babies, like Abbot.


DeSantis hopes trump drops and they come running to him.


It was Monday. Got lost in the fold of scotus garbage.


Maybe not considering Trump’s embarrassed the shit out of him


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Strange because that news has been known for years well before his presidency.


This is such a false reading. There was news coverage and a case, but the victim received death threats and withdrew. This is new evidence about that case, and therefore new and news and not something that was “known.”


EXACTLY. Media is failing in this moment "biden is old" is hardly news either. No matter what happens, the news should not compare these two people as if they are on the same level.


I will vote for a corpse before I vote for a Republican.


The media is working as intended - by the rich and powerful.


"Biden is old" is news to the media. Just before the debate, they were still on about how his age is his superpower and how the right won't quit with their cheap fakes


Exactly this issue. Nobody even cares anymore.


The problem is, Trump’s supporters simply do not care. He can say/do literally anything, there is no amount of evil he can do to lose his cult.


But haven't you heard? Bidens old


Link? To something?


Image of the transcript is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1dujd0q/big_if_true/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) from the court documents [as entered here](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/).


I thought they dropped that one after getting too many death threats? Or was it that another child victim who was intimidated into silence?


Testimony remains, even after she dropped charges due to witness intimidation (that sounds familiar...)


But an 80 year old man had to search for his words a few times! We need to protect the highest office in the land from the wrong sort of person! /s Goddamn,though, I listen to the news and I haven't heard that. What I have seen is that Dems are a bunch of pussies torpedoing their only solid candidate after one poor showing while the rapist, *convicted* *felon*, fraud, seditionist plows through scandal like he's turned the clipping off. I don't get it. It's not even political – Trump is just awful and people act like there's a choice.




They're slow walking him to the oval office the exact same way as they did in 2016. Infinite free media coverage hack, ezpz. It's so transparent and we all just have to watch it happen. Again.


We already knew Trump was a sex offender/abuser. This will be as damaging to him as it was to every other politician/celeb proven to be on that island. That being said this is probably the best they got to change the narrative. Ads should be running daily from now on.


DEsantis knew what he was doing.


Wait, Trumped raped a 12 y/o girl?


That's what the sworn testimony says, and it explains his close friendship with Epstein.


>Wait, Trumped raped a 12 y/o girl? Biden's old is the biggest story but Trump raped a 12 year old is like "meh". The liberal media is at it again!


Because they are no longer the "liberal media." They are the media of the world's wealthiest, who have dominated the media landscape for some time, with plenty of them still living large today, including the Bloomberg, Hearst, Newhouse, Murdoch (Fox News), and Ochs-Sulzberger families. Bloomberg and Ochs-Sulzberger (New York Times) "leans left." The rest are considered conservative, and according to Bloomberg.com, 'Without Si Newhouse, There Might Never Have Been a President Trump.' It has been said, "The news media is owned by the ultra rich, and run by the working rich."


True that!


Yep, and mainstream media will bury that. $$$$.


To be clear this was known before. It was just covered up or killed during the 2016 election cycle. Thankfully it's relevant again with new transcripts getting released.


There are multiple factors taught in journalism school regarding the newsworthiness of a story. Clickbait/sensationalism is not the only factor. Relevance to the audience (Project 2025 will ruin many of our lives), continuity (Trump corruption and lies may be a “dog bites man” story, but that actually makes it more important to highlight), impact (losing democracy to oligarchy will impact everyone from entrepreneurs to, ironically, journalism. Look at Hungary or many other fallen democracies), prominence/elite personalities, and virtue journalism (will this story help right a wrong?)…


No story can be about everything. I agree that Project 2025 makes this election absolutely critical, and I hope NPR is giving it the coverage it needs. But this story is about the collapse of support for Biden within his own party.


Even worse what the Supreme Court just ruled in terms of immunity from pretty much anything.


holy crap are you like an NPR editor because this mindset is exactly how we got into this mess. he erodes our society daily yet that's not news cuz it happens everyday. when we wake up and find ourselves in a violent minority run theocracy I guess we can all pat ourselves on our backs for what a good job we did


Trump lying isn’t news, sure. But Trump lied during the debate is, he lied yesterday is, he lied today is. But no, MSM refuses to report these news, only hyper focusing on Biden. Why?




NPR has been flogging the Trump crazy thing for a very long time.


On the other side, Faux News is pushing RFK Jr HARD now, instead of Trump


No, they’re not.


Brain worm man?? And I thought this couldn’t get any more insane.


I'm voting blue which means I'll vote for the cadaver of Joe Biden if that's what the dems put out there. But, let's not live in a la la land and act like we're in a cult and pretend that our eyes and ears didn't see someone fail a neurological exam LIVE on TV in front of America during that debate. Lying to themselves is what the cultists on the other side does. At this point, all that matters is preserving our liberal democracy against the forces of fascism. Before the debate, Biden was our best chance to win. After the debate, a lot of democratic voters aren't so sure that Biden is our best shot to win. The good news is, Trump isn't gaining any votes as he's his own worst enemy. We just need someone who can get out there and excite the voting public to turn out. Maybe it's time for the good old man to step aside for someone like Gavin Newsom. Biden has done a LOT of good for this country over the last 4 years and he should be remembered for always putting the country first. If he stays in the race and loses to Trump, he will forever be remembered by that last failed debate.


Honestly someone young and sharp will provide a stark contrast to Trumps old and rambling.


I’m not sure it could be said any better than this. Dems are gonna Dem, but if Trump wins, everyone…forever…will look at that debate as the reason why.


Seriously. I’m a paramedic. I support Biden. I will vote for Biden if he’s the nominee, but his performance was brutal. He had some really great points buried and Trump was of zero substance. But it was evident that Biden cannot maintain that razor sharp train of thought we need in a leader. We must do better. Are we really being honest about what he may be called into do?


I love Joe if the user name doesn’t under line that enough lol I can’t help but to agree though if he stepped down that would be a huge sign our party puts the country first and the other party is for Donald first


Alive Joe Biden > Dead Joe Biden > Dead Donald Trump > Alive Donald Trump


So much to digest here...


I'm also voting blue. Not really voting for Biden, but voting against project 2025.


Have to agree with this. To many Americans treat politics as sports and is just cheering on their team no matter what they do.


Well said. Most Democrats on Reddit aren't as level headed about this.


Biden should learn from RBG’s mistake and not ruin his potential legacy. That said, I too will vote blue even if it is VP Harris.


💯. I’m tired of people saying it’s like a media operation and voters don’t feel this way. I’m terrified of Biden aging 3 more months before the election


I’m 100% voting for dementia Biden over pedo Trump every single time. We’re not voting for the candidates anyways we’re voting for the entourage and trumps entourage are criminals and criminals from Russia so fuck that!


They did cover it daily during his trial and subsequent conviction. They also covered the recent SC decision where they express concerns about democracy. The news cycle only lasts so long so beleaguered points regarding Trump that have already been made is not news. The possibility of a political party ousting a sitting president and replacing them with less than 6 months until the election is news. Their job is to report the most recent news in any news cycle. Arguably, the heavy editorializing when reporting any event is not news as journalism should be presented from a factual unbiased lens and they have fallen short in both news cycles sadly


Yes, it would be better if NPR buried its head in the sand and ignored the biggest news issue of the summer, probably the year. It’s Russian propaganda, after all!


No, they’re accurately covering the (justified) panic many Democrats are feeling, myself included. Pretending Biden’s disaster of a debate performance isn’t a problem is not a viable strategy.


My recent favorite (read: most aggravating) headline regarded how his int’l travel was to blame. It’s obnoxious to me how much nonsense we’re receiving: this is the most consequential election in the history of democracy, so vote for Joe! Also, he was too busy to prepare for his first televised debate! With the new fearmongering about the Supreme Court’s US king-president’s power, will Joe Biden utilize his apparently limitless authorities to save the nation? Or will he (and his) just complain about Trump’s for the next 12 years of his presidency? I’m so lost on what any D’s legit strategy is.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been this angry toward the Democratic Party in my adult life, at least with respect to non-policy decisions. While 2016 was a debacle, in fairness HRC seemed at the outset to be a very formidable candidate. We’re pre-convention now and it’s blindingly obvious Biden isn’t going to win. Voters and Biden-friendly media are raising entirely legitimate concerns and they’re being met with ridiculous and insulting gaslighting from the White House. It’s absolutely infuriating.


I was in denial myself. It’s a giant let down and we’re facing an existential crisis.


100% this. So many of us are in absolute cultish denial. The hypocrisy kills me. Call a spade a spade guys. We're gonna vote blue


You are right. The fucked up part is that has been the DNC’s strategy for several years now. I cannot believe that Trump came off as the more eloquent candidate. It’s the 4th of July and I’m ashamed to be an American rn


I will vote for a dead body over Trump but that doesn't mean we or NPR shouldn't talk about Biden's old age or the debate. It's time for Biden's team to pick a new VP who everyone can get existed over.


I'm convinced that people in this thread that are mad at npr, are actually upset about the current reality facing Biden and the democrats.


The people that are mad gave us Trump the first time, and they're doing it again. The tribalism is killing us. If the DNC loses again it should be demolished.


Oh don’t worry; if Trump wins, there won’t be a DNC anymore since it will become a one party system.


It’s optimistic to think we’ll even have a DNC or another election if Trump wins. 


It is ironic, dems have been shouting down everyone that have tried saying Biden is to old for 4 years and claiming he's fine. Then when he acts like an old confused man on live TV they are suddenly freaking out.


People have been lying about Biden for months. Its scandalous.


Gotta love the cover they gave SCOTUS on a recent episode of the Indicator about how the Dobbs decision is affecting how medical school student are giving preference to train in states where abortion isn't banned and it will affect the quality of new doctors that stay in states that have abortion restrictions. At the end the guest says, unquestioned, "Yes, I'm confident that the court had no idea how much this decision would cause ripples in the entire medical ecosystem...". JFC! It's as if this scenario hasn't been studied and deliberated about by experts for decades and judges never get grilled about at their confirmation hearings. The conservative justices knew and didn't care. I was yelling at my phone when I heard that.


Wasn’t everyone saying how awesome he did at the State of the Union not many months ago?


fair enough. the dramatic decline in health of a sitting president is a pretty important story. also, they point out Trump's lies plenty enough.


It doesn't require Coch money, just man bites dog reporting. People are used to Trump sucking and it doesn't run engagement like it used to. I do agree that it is a bad thing.


I despise how Trump has trained us. He's been awful from the beginning lying insulting mocking and since it's just his thing nobody bats an eye now. Truly he's conditioned us that he's the worst person and everybody just shrugs their shoulders and moves on. Talk about an abusive relationship.


People have been talking about Trump non-stop since the beginning of the year. Have you really disillusioned yourself into thinking that NPR is going overboard because they've spent a week talking about the CURRENT sitting President and how he's obviously not fit to bear the responsibility of commander-in-chief anymore, nevermind running again for another 4 years. That's huge news and cannot be ignored. And yes, it is as bad as they're making it out to be. Stop gaslighting us into thinking otherwise.


Trump’s criminal matters have been news for years now; arguable since 16. Biden dropping out is unprecedented and brand new. You don’t get to talk corruption within the news because your political party animal is losing and you don’t like the coverage. That’s stupid and childish. Somewhat akin to whackos calling a fair election as a rigged one tbh


I despise how Trump has trained us. He's been awful from the beginning lying insulting mocking and since it's just his thing nobody bats an eye now. Truly he's conditioned us that he's the worst person and everybody just shrugs their shoulders and moves on. Talk about an abusive relationship.


Get them views and clicks!


For now. If Trump becomes the dictator he dreams of being, they can say bye bye to independent journalism. Trump certainly isn't going to pick npr to be the country's propaganda machine, either.


well, views with the FOX news crowd I guess.


This reminds me of 2016 presidential election campaign. Started in the primary, at that time the more crazy thing Trump said, the more news coverage he got until Trump sucked up all the oxygen and all his opponents lost; then it was Hillary's turn and now it is Biden's turn.... Instead of reporting what mess up thing Trump said (I guess it is bc Trump always says mess up things so it is not news worthy) media focus on being negative on Biden debate History repeats itself and sadly NPR you are not the exception: your behavior is turning into for-profit media like CNN, times and fox.... I noticed that a while ago and I stop listening to your program for at least a year....


They should be! Biden is behind in the polls and is on his way to losing to Trump. There’s actual panic in the Dem party over this and NPR is simply reporting on it. You can bury your head in the sand and tell yourself Trump can’t win but he absolutely will if Dems don’t replace Biden. What we saw on the debate stage can’t be fixed between now and November.


Biden has dropped six points since the debate according to one poll. Horrendous outcome.


So over this. I’m done worrying.  Will just cast my ballot and see which direction the US goes. MSM is partially responsible and Joe Biden (who was granted FULL presidential immunity by the corrupt SC isn’t even doing anything to stop this?) I’m done.


It is okay to criticize Biden. The criticism of Turnip is taken pretty much for granted, there's not much new on that front. Biden becoming a weaker candidate is news. And yes, we know Trump is a rapist and shouldn't be running. Obviously.


So if Trump is a child rapist and shouldn’t be running what’s the point of discussing anything else? Like literally all news should be about the total lunacy of republicans and how batshit crazy they are, there’s no middle ground and normalizing what they’re doing. The news is complicit in stearing us into Nazi America and fuck that and fuck them


no listener of NPR has any doubt what a piece of shit Trump is. Biden's implosion is freaking out Dems (rightfully) and if you're left of center it's note-worthy and deserves discussion. If you're right of center it's comical.


Are people really this clueless? No one listening to NPR is confused about orange man bad. The fact is, the Democrats and media have been lying to us for the last 6 months or more, insisting that Biden is sharp as a tack and completely on his game. This is massive news. This was supposed to be a more or less guaranteed win for Biden, and now we've found out that, at the very best, Biden is having some occasional very bad days. This isn't someone who should be running a country, definitely not the USA. This is huge, terrifying news.


Here’s a reminder that the far right has started to seize control of all sorts of media outlets, and are pushing their dishonest narratives. Go down to the pub, fucking vote, and wait for Trump to be put in fucking jail.


Because Biden is actually doing poorly? You can’t have actually seen the man speak over the past few months and think everything is okay. Whether you blame his staff or not, he is not projecting strength and authority. He looks frail when he moves, and just doesn’t project a sense of acuity when you hear him speak. To say anything else is just to deny reality, whether you like Trump or not.


But after the State of the Union everyone was saying he did well. That was just a few months ago. Then he just gave a speech after the debate where he sounded good.


I’ve heard plenty of reporting on Trump’s lying from NPR and KCRW programs and reporters. The reporting they are doing on Biden is completely warranted by the way so I don’t see what the problem is. Biden needs to bow out of the race or they are going to hand the election to Trump and we will all be fucked. It’s going to be RBG all over again.


All the journalists were silent with their concerns about Biden in the 2020 race, and they were silent during his first years. Now they are whining. The media should have been pestering the Dem Elites and having them explain why there has been no David to slay this Goliath, but instead we get a Moses at the end of his tablet days.


Democrats going after NPR because they aren't kissing Bidens ass quite as much as they would like is hilarious.


It’s not fear mongering, Biden was awful and is not fit to run again, and in staying in the race he almost certainly hands Trump a victory. He should have decided not to run months ago this isn’t something that just happened.


We can't control Trump he doesn't care. We can control Biden, presumably. It's not constructive to point out that 2 different things are bad when you can conceivably stop one of them from being bad. Harm. Reduction.


The narrative on Biden has turned and all the organs of the cathedral are getting their marching orders to pressure replacing him. Soon enough everyone will believe we've always been at war with Eastasia.


Biden was awful at the debate, and his poll numbers reflect that reality. Would you rather NPR lie to you about that reality?


It just goes to show how so many seek confirmation bias with their media choices. If it’s the truth but unfavorable to your side you don’t want to hear it. Go figure why this country is so divided, everyone wants to hear something that confirms their belief systems.


Yeah. Some people want to believe there's an aurora borealis in the kitchen.


Biden is a Maginot Line bruh. Wake up.


If anyone thinks that American English is 45's first language, you have never heard him speak. He has trouble finishing sentences, and pronouncing simple words like 'transplants' instead of 'transpants.' United shaysh, instead of United States. I mean, come on. [https://www.google.com/search?q=I+have+the+best+words+video&client=opera&hs=Okr&sca\_esv=e4cf654192141469&sxsrf=ADLYWIKOKH82ublKJfM33gFiswn7VciMdg:1720043535281&ei=D8iFZtTvEI-OuvQPv7GK6AY&start=10&sa=N&sstk=AagrsuhPhN5mmcvup7JI5QC9\_-0Ksd0\_\_4DHBbFxMooA\_Xdga5SVrJR04Q2Byu6gmnwiEZhshPS0OAGvR5rYOxVfn7qbblxnrGCtyg&ved=2ahUKEwiUs6y\_7YuHAxUPh44IHb-YAm0Q8NMDegQIAhAW&biw=1866&bih=954&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:afaaa1a8,vid:lNtbjnUrwO4,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?q=I+have+the+best+words+video&client=opera&hs=Okr&sca_esv=e4cf654192141469&sxsrf=ADLYWIKOKH82ublKJfM33gFiswn7VciMdg:1720043535281&ei=D8iFZtTvEI-OuvQPv7GK6AY&start=10&sa=N&sstk=AagrsuhPhN5mmcvup7JI5QC9_-0Ksd0__4DHBbFxMooA_Xdga5SVrJR04Q2Byu6gmnwiEZhshPS0OAGvR5rYOxVfn7qbblxnrGCtyg&ved=2ahUKEwiUs6y_7YuHAxUPh44IHb-YAm0Q8NMDegQIAhAW&biw=1866&bih=954&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:afaaa1a8,vid:lNtbjnUrwO4,st:0)


It's pretty fucking amazing


I listen to WABE and GPB (Georgia's NPR stations) every single day and haven't really heard that much about the Biden debate performance. They interviewed one congressman today/yesterday that was against Biden running again but that was about the most I've heard.


I really don’t see it as that, although I do wish they’d have pointed out many of the most egregious lies Trump came out with. Like aborting a child AFTER IT WAS BORN that he brought up several times.


I see a lot of cynical comments in this thread. I am also cynical. I'll still vote for the mumbling half-corpse of Joe Biden over Trump, nay, any Republican. I'll vote for Dem corpses for the rest of my life if Republicans remain the only viable alternative.


every liberal on reddit keeps saying this like it matters that's not the point. the point is that there are millions of voters aged 40-85 who aren't on reddit or twitter who were on the fence about who to vote for who watched that debate and decided they're either going to vote for trump or not vote at all


Doesn't matter. I'm voting "Not Trump" in 2024.


Lol Koch really is just liberals version of a Soros-boogeyman


There’s definitely a concerted effort to convince democrats that Biden should be replaced or removed and it is too obvious to be anything but Russian and conservative interference


Or if we use occams razor, what we all saw at the debate was extremely concerning and they're just making some good points


You just want to hear them say it to feel good about something but the truth is none of that matters to his supporters . They’re all going to vote for him no matter what he does. The Democratic Party ensured this would happen when they elected a boring centrist who doesn’t have the energy and charisma to match trump. Imagine they gave use an energetic 40 year old who was actually progressive and was able to call trump out and make him stumble over his words. If the democrats, left leaning people, progressives, and leftists had a candidate they didn’t just have to vote for to maintain the status quo everything would be different right now . I’ve already reasoned that trump will win this election it almost seems inevitable.


It’s almost like they want to lose bc the dollar is on track to either implode or explode in the next four years, and they dont want to take the blame.


Npr is garbage, recently stopped listening


NPR would rather talk about Biden than Trump raping children


I mean, I'm a blue-no-matter-who person, and I don't think this is fear mongering at all. Biden's debate performance was the worst in presidential history by a wide margin. Calls for him to step down are rational and justified, and I think anyone who doesn't see this is in deep denial.


Can we get literal pedophiles out of politics America? Thanks Concerned Citizen. 


Trump: - Old and unhealthy as fuck - Attempted coup - Promises to attempt another coup - Promises to be a dictator - Promises to abuse his power for retribution - Found guilty of rape and fraud - Simps for a foreign adversarial dictator, promises to appease him - Promises utterly disastrous economic policy - Lies INCESSANTLY, even when it’s not useful, just endless lies - Absolutely botched the covid response, not out of trying and failing but with genuine malice and intentional negligence Biden - Old, and sounds old - Currently seeing a ton of success as president while being old I get that Trump being crazy and malicious is just so normalized it doesn’t hit the same, but damn the media response is absolutely wild with this


President Biden should step down for the good of the country. [Post-Debate: "72 Percent Say Biden Unfit Mentally, Cognitively."](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/30/poll-biden-mental-age-debate/74262195007/) [Post-Debate: "64% of Independents want Biden replaced on the ballot"; that's more than they want Trump replaced on the ballot by 1%, by the way.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/01/biden-democratic-support-shaken-debate-poll/74263208007/) [Post-Debate: "Voters think Harris is more fit than Biden to run the country"](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/6/29/in-post-debate-poll-voters-think-biden-is-too-old-to-be-president-yet-alternative-candidates-perform-similarly-against-trump) [Post-Debate: "Swing state voters react to presidential debate, Biden’s weak performance"](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/swing-state-voters-react-presidential-debate-bidens-weak/story?id=111499224) [Post-Debate Focus Group: "Undecided voter focus group leans toward Trump after debate"](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/28/joe-biden-replace-us-elections-2024) [Post-Debate Focus Group 2/Reuters: "'I am absolutely voting for Donald Trump': Undecided voters react to Biden's debate performance"](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-presidential-debate-some-undecided-voters-see-disastrous-biden-night-2024-06-28/) [Post-Debate USAToday/Suffolk Poll: "Republican Donald Trump has edged ahead of Democrat Joe Biden, 41% to 38%, in the aftermath of the candidates' rancorous debate last week"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/02/biden-trump-poll-post-debate/74263315007/) [Nate Silver of 538's Model: "Biden’s win probability has dropped to 28 percent from 35 percent on debate night." ](https://www.natesilver.net/p/nate-silver-2024-president-election-polls-model) [Post-Debate Poll: "Three-quarters of US voters say the Democratic Party would have a better shot at holding the presidency in 2024 with someone other than President Joe Biden at the top of the ticket"](https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/02/politics/cnn-poll-post-debate/index.html) [Post-Debate NYT/Siena Poll: "The poll offers early empirical evidence of what many Democrats have feared: That Mr. Biden’s faltering debate performance has further imperiled his chances against Mr. Trump this fall."](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/poll-debate-biden-trump.html) [Post-Debate WSJ Poll: "80% of voters say President Biden is too old to run for a second term as Donald Trump’s lead expands to 6 points"](https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-expands-lead-over-biden-after-debate-as-voters-age-worries-grow-wsj-poll-finds-c3a793ab) Also I just want to highlight a contrast by noting that following a 2020 debate against Donald Trump, Biden was leading by 14 points, not losing my 6 in many of these polls. Friendly reminder that Biden only won 2020 by 40,000 votes across 3 battleground states. Let's face reality: - [Biden is 10.5 points nationally below where he was at this time in 2020 in polling versus Trump.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) - [Biden is currently losing in nearly every single battleground state.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/politics/biden-trump-battleground-poll.html) - [Biden is losing a significant number of Black and Latino voters compared to his 2020 run.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-biden-trump-economy-presidential-race-rcna136834) - [Biden's aggregate approval rating for Presidency is 37.9% with 56.3% disapproval.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/joe-biden/?ex_cid=abcpromo) To me I view it as a known loss versus a known risky chance. At this point, personally and given all the data I've thus far presented, I am that convinced that we will lose. Polling shows people deeply unsatisfied with the current candidate. I think critical swing-state voters would just be happy to vote for a fresh face that is younger. Like Mehdi Hasan said, "Americans like new shit." We can downplay all we want, but this wasn't "one bad debate," for it wasn't even about the debate itself but the revelation of Biden's senility piercing through echo-chambers. For the exact same reason Biden ASKED for this debate to reach important voters and show he's mentally fit (akin to the SOTU) and show Trump is not, it backfired 100% and there will not be another chance to reach 50 million voters at primetime. Trump has no obligation to take another debate; ending on that note is all that is needed. - Biden took this debate because he is currently losing and needed to break the stagnant, steadily-declining polls. - Biden's performance is worse than his 2020 run and in fact, worse than Hillary's losing run in 2016 by every single metric I can find. - There is a MASSIVE amount of risk that Biden's condition deteriorates more rapidly between now and November, and following the convention there is no more backing out. If I was a Republican strategist, I'd be doing everything in my power to keep Biden in the race because I know he'd be the weakest opponent compared to a fresh, younger face. Now if you agree with this and you say, "okay I see your points, but how can anyone else do better?" then we'll move on to that. But let me give you a preview of my argument: Americans LOVE contests. They love American Idol. They love Survivor. An Open convention with a new fresh young face to beat Donald Trump is EXACTLY what literally 75% of Americans are asking for, and the remaining 25% are either forever Trump voters or people who would vote for Biden but also vote for anyone else on the Democratic ticket.


The fact that I know more about Joe Biden’s one bad debate night than I do about Donald Trump’s years of raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring shows exactly what is terribly wrong with today’s political mainstream media.


Keep saying these things loud. Thank you for doing so.


They should be talking non-stop about the danger of having a despot who can rule as a king . He plans to bring a rein of terror


I stopped listening/reading NPR this year I noticed over the previous year the articles becoming more right leaning. Also tied in with more “donations” from Amazon and other corporate overlords. They sold their soul.


Npr is trash propaganda


One of these things is new information, the other has already been endlessly covered by media for 8 years.


Man it’s funny to see how brain rotted people are from nonstop echo chamber propaganda.


What are you talking about, they've been talking about trump nonstop for the past 8 years


Oh my god, of course they also mention the Trump stuff. Stop being a cultist, just because they aren’t 24/7 flooding the air with anti-Trump stuff doesn’t suddenly mean they’re in love with him. Actual news involves reporting on everything going on.


This post is embarrassing. Ya, they’re going to talk about the hot news topic. To have a shred of integrity they have to do it. Why exactly do you listen to NPR? Hoping for mindless propaganda? Just switch parties and watch Fox.


My God you Biden and nobody else supporters are driving me crazy. Yes Trump is a bad choice which is why there is so much pressure on Biden to step aside. We all know Trump is a bad choice and a horrible person that isn't news. The president of the United States appearing incredibly senile on national television is news and frankly hard to come back from. It's ok to say things critical about Biden and if you think that is going to cost him the election it was going to cost him anyways whether we talk about it or not. Instead of ignoring the problem let's fix the problem by getting a better candidate.


Whi among the NPR audience is honestly going to vote other-than-Biden? We're grown, educated, and informed adults. We can handle facing the scrutiny and criticism and still voting. It's not a popularity contest. It's not Fox News or it's embarrassing copycat propaganda productions. Placing Biden under intense scrutiny is tough to endure, agreed. But they're legitimate questions. If your commitment to vote to preserve Democracy and rule of law is so weak that a series of critical analysis pieces of news coverage scares you away, you have other issues to work out on your own. Besides - we can't even manage a consistent 70% turnout nationwide for Dem voters - seems like there's some work to do at home before blaming journalists for being journalists.


It's far left media. Ofc they want Biden gone. They have the whole time. That doesn't mean they're funded by the right. The left is full of idiots too.


I'm really happy that NPR is reporting honestly about the Biden crisis. The reason we're in the current position is that Dems have deluded themselves into believing everything is ok with Biden, when it's obviously not. At this point, Biden is toast. Biden is not going to defeat Trump. No sensible person believes that Biden is in any shape to be President going forward. Biden must resign from his campaign and let others take over. It's the only chance we have of saving ourselves from the Trumpocalypse.


I don’t know, not a huge Trump fan, but the sitting POTUS that can formulate a complete thought or gets “lost” at a photo-op at an economic summit is pretty bad.


Just because the media is finally not soft balling Biden doesn’t mean is fear mongering. 


I genuinely thought NPR was supposed to be virtually unbiased. Am I wrong?


The older I get the more I lean conservative but I would not be caught dead voting for trump to be president much less saluting him if he were. I don't even care who the Democrat is, I'm voting for him, only to ensure Trump doesn't win. Otherwise, it's likely a conservative candidate may have gotten my vote, I like a lot of people. It's that bad guys. Get. Away. From. Trump. Ffs


Because the democratic party can be extremely insular and not listen to their own constituents from time to time. In 2016, everyone acted like Hillary Clinton was the next president no matter what because who wouldn't vote for her? We know how that story went. She was a horrible candidate. She was never the front runner because she was great on policy but because "it was her turn". It's entirely possible that Biden is with it enough that his staff can fill in the blanks. It's also possible that Biden isn't. That he has enough lucidity to make stump speeches but is otherwise just like a lot of other 81 year olds. I used to work in senior care. One thing that surprises people is when people Biden's age are with it half of the time until the aren't. Then they're just confused. What the DNC doesn't get is that their voters don't trust them to tell us one way or the other. I'll vote for a ham sandwich over Trump however I am sick and tired of the DNC trying to control the narrative.


While I don’t know if Koch money is flowing into NPR, I can say Koch money did flow into my alma and their econ and business school got aggressively right-wing really quickly afterward. People talk about the “liberal college professor” set, but in my experience liberals tend to teach by the book – conservative professors *aggressively put politics into all facets* of their lessons.


You don’t listen enough. They’ve had many reports detailing what you think is not being said.


Trump: wins the right to sell the office of president, comes up many times in the epstein documents, and reveals he knew about the Ukraine invasion before it happened, all in the span of a week. Literally every media source: Biden is still old.


I wish we had candidates that we could choose to vote FOR instead of having to decide which candidate to vote AGAINST. The Epstein court documents that have a detailed description of Trump raping minors would be the end of any other candidate and they’d be in jail. The fact that he’s allowed to continue to run and that he could win cements current American politics as the craziest shit I’ve ever witnessed.


NPR has been pretty right wing for a while now due to their board members.


Yeah I used to be an NPR loyalist until Trump ruined the US. They’re bought and sold like all of the corrupted souls out there.


Well idk about yall but I really am that worried about Biden. That debate performance will be blamed when Trump gets reelected. Unfortunately nobody cares about Trump abusing a child and frankly just makes him more relatable to his base. Besides everyone has already decided who they’re voting for and if not they’re not listening to all things considered


My entire life NPR has normalized conservative insanity while undercutting political urgency. The label of being "liberal" has always been a hilarious false equivalence. Conservative Radio: "Today in the news, Michelle Obama raped a purple heart veteran with his very real penis, Democrats raised your taxes higher than ever and federal agents are allowing migrants to take your parking spot at work" NPR: "Democrats are really struggling to reach across the aisle with their immigration plans. Coming up next, a GeoQuiz about the Canadian oil sands, and Terri Gross interviews a Ugandan amputee who is giving hope to their community through artwork"


NPR has succumbed to our billionaire overlords and cannot be trusted any longer to provide unbiased news. They are just another sensationalist propaganda media company.


They absolutely cannot be trusted but neither can any of the big news networks. IT IS IMPORTANT TO CALL THEM OUT - silence accomplishes nohting.


I was literally screaming at the radio. I usually listen to npr on my days off and yesterday was no different. Only one show (here and now I believe) actually talked about the looming threat of fascism. ATC actually had one of the fascists on talking about how great it all is next to Nina fucking totenberg. I’m surprised her head didn’t explode. I blame Ari Shapiro. Kind of not joking. That guy is a grade a phony.


I can’t listen to any news or politics show on NPR


Sorry but how are you even reading this thread in the first place then?


You have it right, NPR is just shills for whomever pays the most money. Stop believing everything you see and hear about either candidate. If Trump was a lying fascist the media would be promoting him a as a truthful lover of freedom.


NPR has been corrupted by corporate interests for years now. They’re dead to me. 


They're not wrong. Everyone knows Donald lies. That's not even in question. Meanwhile the Democrats watched a *disaster* of a debate and are now trying to gaslight their own voters because they screwed the pooch so hard that this barely-animate corpse is their only candidate. Literally the job of the democratic party to prevent situations like this. Listen to them talk about it. None of them will say how bad it was. "IT was a bad day" or "he could have been better". Are you kidding me? He let Donald claim they do *post birth abortions* with no pushback.


Wait, OP is concerned about NPR being biased in a "Pro Trump" way? It will be OK, just give them a few days to write up Kamala Harris puff pieces, these things take time.


Bidden is the one who should be destroying Trumo right now but he is lost. Guess he was also funded by Koch bros. Tell ne seriously what will be responsible for the next fascist regime : Bidden or NPR ? Bisden is the most important thing in favor of Trump right now.


What about the 13 year old girl who dropped a case against him in 2016? I’m not an American but I’m fucking horrified that this paedophile piece of shit isn’t in a prison cell! How many crimes is he allowed to commit? This monster is an absolute embarrassment to your country!


National Propaganda Radio. Your tax dollars hardly at work.


Everyone is pushing fearmongering. Seems like the only language people understand but its funny you only care when one side does it.


We have heard about how bad Trump is for years. This is the news of the day, sorry


Biden is the president of the United States. His issues, no matter how small, will always get more coverage than those of a former president or presidential candidate- in this case Trump is both. Not to mention that POTUS possibly showing signs of cognitive and physical decline is in and of itself a huge story. More so if his own party feels he shouldn’t be their candidate. As an incumbent president. This is very rare and unusual. Think about when Trump was POTUS and how much more we heard about his daily issues, concerns, tweets, etc - compared to those of then-former VP and presidential candidate Biden. The media covering Biden more isn’t them saying Trump is OK, or good, or not worthy of coverage. They’re commenting on Biden, who is the president. It’s newsworthy. Not everything exists in a Biden:Trump lens. Sometimes it’s just Biden (or Trump).


As they should. Open convention, here we come. God help us :)


I guess I don't understand. Talking about Biden's performance IS talking about Trump if you just think one step ahead. They are \_rightfully\_ freaked out right now.


This is the dems eating their own.


Funny how honest and unbiased reporting on the part of NPR pisses off both the right and the left. You ask the right, and NPR if far left propaganda. Then they tick the left off by reporting the objective fact that an 81 year old man is declining in cognitive function. The truth seems to ticks everyone off


Lol. Yeah NPR is in the bag for Trump. Do you people even listen to the words?


You really think the there are NPR listeners who dont already think Trump is a lying, fascist maniac?


They are reporting the real fear that normal Americans feel about a president who cannot field a question without a script.


NPR covering for the right is peak Reddit lol


Our sitting President was on TV for 90 minutes last week showing us that he not only needs to back out of the election, but really should be stepping down from his current duties immediately. It was as bad as everyone is saying, and it's sickening how some people are gaslighting this country into thinking he's ok He's clearly not, and obviously cannot perform his duties as President.


If you go to the ABC News website it’s littered with stories about replacing Biden, even though literally no one has come out saying that’s something the DNC was ever considering.


Just crazy that there’s a community that exists that actually thinks NPR has a right wing bias


I whole heartedly agree and makes me not want to listen to them


Democrats are screwed unless Biden steps down and they put up a real moderate candidate. If they put up a more moderate candidate the sensible democrats and independents would probably elect him but I don't think it will happen. They are talking about running Kamala which is insane. That's almost worse than Biden.


If you watched the debate with honest eyes, you cannot think Biden should stay in the race. Trump WILL be the last democratically elected President if Biden stays in the race.


Everyone knows trumps a psycho, it is actually newsworthy that Biden seems to be declining by the day, I am praying that the debate was some kind of test by the dnc to see if the base would accept this nonsense and that they will nom someone else at the convention


This is what-aboutism. If the segment is on Biden then it’s on Biden, and they’re not wrong btw. He will lose unfortunately, and it’s not a surprise. His selfishness and narcissism is more valuable to him than this country being run by a lunatic con man.


Bullshit. The ‘performance’ by Biden is the most shocking thing I’ve ever seen in politics and I’m not going to let the Biden camp gaslight me in to thinking it’s ‘not that bad’.


Fear mongering? Biden clearly is in no position to be president of the United States. It is clear he is sadly in mental decline. It is truly concerning the amount of PR and damage control happening in the media and here on Reddit trying to downplay what we all witnessed. To spin a narrative that he is still the better candidate is truly scary. It is almost asking us to deny reality and create a new one based on nothing other than glib and spin. Scary times we live in. :/


Used to trust NPR to be mostly unbiased and just presenting the facts so that listeners/readers could sort things out for themselves. Not a fan of them seeming to lean.


Had to stop listening to npr. The fact there isn't one word about trump dropping out. Nothing about his scandals and convictions. They've been bought. It's so one sided


Media is productized and corporatized like everything in the 21st century. We’ve literally sold off the truth for a buck. It’s over in terms of these kinds of systems of government.


Honestly it difficult to listen some days because of the blatant favoritism. Like oh no, the president who is campaigning while actually running the country is tired, but let’s ignore ALL of Von Shitz in Pantz misdeeds because it’s blatant lies


Npr is a fucking joke now. They’re totally confused about what their purpose is. Fear mongering, pearl clutching and whinging ain’t it. Why are they not pummelling child rapist trump and the blatantly corrupt Supreme Court 24/7? You don’t create activists by cultivating powerlessness and cope.


I propose boycotting any news station that refuses to report on Trump and Project 2025. Biden being old isn't news. Project 2025 is news.


They’re finally telling the truth.


It is so fun eating caramel popcorn and watch Liberals believe the same people that told them there was Russian collusion, the vaccine worked and it can't be spread, masks work, the laptop was Russian misinformation. Ignoring Bidens mental issues up until it is seen by to many to cover up.


Trump can hold a thought and is able to walk


Same with the NYT. I didn't see a lot of in-depth reporting about Trump's lies during the debate, or any analytical pieces on to what degree Trump knows he's lying and how much he's convinced himself is true, certainly a relevant cognitive issue for a presidential candidate. To some degree, the audience (aka us) is responsible. All media are (public or private0 driven by consumer interest, and the fact that Trump is a lying fascist is old news.


I’m thinking of withdrawing my monthly support to NPR. They have become part of the problem.


I used to respect NPR and love listening to it. It has been years now since I’ve had respect for them.