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Looks like they found her: “In Sochi, the body of a 20-year-old girl was found, who was swept out to sea on the Riviera beach by a wave. According to preliminary data, rescuers found her a few days later, a couple of kilometers from the incident in the Khostinsky district.”


Dang. I know she was long gone but I’m still sorry to read this. I am thankful however that her family will be able to lay her body to rest. The ocean shall not be fucked with. My thoughts are with her friends, family and that dude in the video.


So sad because water is hell on bodies. Drowning victims look horrific. No open casket. No closure for the family.


If it helps, I've heard that drowning is one of the nicer ways to go...


Heard that too. I think its more the panic that you die thats sucks- more than the drowning itself. I always remember that they once found a cave diver who died by ramming a knife into his chest. He found a little airpocket and knew he couldn't get out of the cave alive. Id think the knife to the heart is more painful than drowning but the panic of the drowning itself is the sucky part. Many people who almost drowned said its quite peaceful once you accepted your fate.


Wow I can't even imagine being that cave diver in that moment. Absolutely horrific way to go.


[Heres](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj0LhZKyLDc&pp=ygUYUG9nYW5pY2EgYmF5IGNhdmUgZGl2aW5n) a short video about the story. The sad thing is that another person made the same mistake he did and died trying to recover his body. Its basically a cave with a small entry but then you are in the middle of a huge room. He went ahead and looked around and when it was time he wanted to leave the same way he came. but instead of finding the tiny opening he came from he entered a wrong tunnel which ended in a dead end which had a tiny air pocket. He knew he wasted too much time and couldn't dive back out because he didn't have enough air (trimix) remaining. And the air pocket was tiny. So he could either die via drowning, die via not having enough air to breathe or kill himself in a fast way. He chose the knife. I often think about how i would react in similar circumstances but i think its impossible to predict until you really are in a life or death or in this case death or death situation


i have always heard/ read about near death by drowning experiences and how if iirc it’s only about a 3 min process beforehand and that when you’re essentially forced to breathe in the water that it might burn but then you can almost breathe it in and out of your lungs until losing consciousness and then drowning i believe is how it goes. everyone has always been adamant that drowning would be the worst way to die and how much it would be painful and awful and i’m not saying you wouldn’t panic due to your body innately trying to survive and not sink below the water, i beg to differ that drowning is even close to the worst way. catching on fire is 100% what id think is the worst but also shooting yourself / the former mainly because i believe it’d last much longer and absolutely be horrific pain but also you might not even die. and same w shooting yourself sans the pain part but if you don’t actually end up dying then suddenly your life is even worse and you might not be able to get out of it. oh yea, these convos/debates were always me asking how someone would choose to commit suicide if you had to pick. anyway i derailed a little bit, but also cause almost no one has ever agreed w me about drowning being less painful/ not that bad from what ive researched anyhow.


ooh also i forgot to ask but is this the story where i think it’s like, 3 guys maybe and it was speculated once he was finally located that he had been murdered vs suicide? if so i remember watching something on that recently and idk man, i feel like stabbing yourself is not as easy as it might sound/ seem. also solidifies my feelings on why the fuck anyone would find deep cave diving to be a fulfilling hobby - like finding new tunnels and shit or whatever. i imagine there’s only a matter of time before you’re gonna be fucked or you’re gonna have to leave a friend behind to die or lose him and find him dead later or potentially have to just swim past the dead body — and this is in the case that you also don’t drown based on whatever wrong turn/ poor planning/ equipment malfunction may have occurred. someone will die for sure and you’re gonna have too see it or experience it or god forbid both if you happen to have to die second. fuck all caves man


I heard once you breath in the water it's painless but while you hold your breath it hurts


I almost drowned as a child. Swallowed water and panic definitely set in while being taken by heavy water and waves. It wasnt painless.


I’ve read that next to burning alive drowning is pretty high up on the pain scale.


It was horrible and terrifying. I got carried out by at the time what i called "the under toad" lol didnt know it wasnt anything to do with a toad 🐸 Once the water is in your lungs you instinctively start violently swooshing around and trying to keep above water but i guess the realest thing i can compare it too is when you get the wind knocked out of you. You are gasping for air and nothing. My shit parents had no idea i had even toddled off to the waves and worked my way in the water. It was sheer luck that some man had been nearby and was apparently watching me an ran out and saved my butt. I just remembered being scooped up and he kept trying to talk to me and tell me "we move out to the edge and we can get to shore" i didnt know what he meant until i searched it and he was right! That man saved my life that day.


your body usually will hold your breath reflexively when submurged underwater until you lose consciousness. once you lose consciousness your body is like "aight we cooked fam" and doesnt give a shit if you inhale the water


Nah. My mother saved me from drowning when I was a child. I'll never forget the feeling. Choking on your drink hurts a little. Inhaling water is terrible.


Heard the complete opposite from survivors few researchers too it's def the top 10 worst ways to go


i've heard that it hurts soooo bad but also feels so good.. I know a guy who drowned but obviously was revived and he said his lungs felt like they were set ablaze but after awhile he said it was so peaceful one of the best feelings ever "like the best orgasm i will ever have" he said it was so euphoric. but when he was revived and coughed up water he said the pain was a 10 along with broken ribs.


The euphoria probably just came from the experience of dying. Your brain does all sorts of shit once dmt gets released. Don't think any of the drowning part would cause euphoria except maybe because of lack of oxygen. Was he pronounced dead, heart had stopped?


i think it must just be a completely mixed bag esp on how deep you actually go under if at all. i’ve also heard that it happens so fast that flailing arms and yelling becomes almost impossible v quickly because of not wanting to lose any more breath / energy / chance of not going under. idk i’ve always wanted to go by drowning.. in the ocean at night specifically but i think it also has a lot to do w how much healing and creativity and general connection i felt when id be there alone at night in the past. so my mindset was intense lust over the idea of seawater healing me and then giving myself to it when i was ready to go. also i would def make sure to take a prescription i have had for forever and mix it was alcohol too just because i know i wouldn’t be able to just consciously tell my body to let go and drown and that just work. also this shit is probably sounding bleak but i’m sharing because it’s just bringing up past obsession with drowning and suicide - not from even being sad. it just felt right. so for the record, i’m not trying to bum anyone out nor am i saying i still desire this. but it’s just interesting to actually see a debate of what people have heard or experienced or researched etc on drowning and how drastically opposite everyone’s opinions seem to be. no one ever seems to think it’d be ‘okay’ - it’s either not bad or the worst way ever


I think it’s dying in your sleep cause there’s no pain or panicking.


Man i could be wrong but it looks like after that 2nd wave the guy knew they were in trouble


I agree. It was as if she pulled his arm anyway to keep going.


Yes exactly she pulled away from him because she wanted to stay there


Almost got him killed as well… the ocean wanted to take both of them but only bagged her.. idek why they were on the beach with the current acting like that


Some people sadly just don’t have a lot of common sense. Hindsight is 20/20, but I wish her man was a bit more forceful with getting out of there.


I grew up close to the ocean. That sea is not in a condition for people to be playing like that right where the waves are crashing. I don’t know how to explain this but by the size of the waves just behind them it seems the sand is depressing down in a steep angle. Waves crashing like that will just roll you over and over. Honestly, I think he was very lucky, probably because he was wearing speedos, unlike her that was wearing a dress that probably got all wrapped around her, making it even more difficult to get away. This seems totally avoidable and it’s very sad… Edit: just looked at the video again and she actually pulls him towards the water while he’s pulling her away. This is so sad.


I've been nearly dragged out to sea before, but I did my best to go with the current and waves to move AWAY from shore (dunno if it was a rip current, really rough waters, or a combo of both). After 30 minutes of conserving my energy by floating between and over smaller waves that didn't break, I started making my way back towards the shore that seemed like it was over a mile away. Another 45 minutes later, I was kissing the sand. When the waves really want to take you, sometimes you gotta let it take you to survive.


Given all the beach umbrellas are closed and there's no one else there it's also most likely a storm as well.


If the water is white and bubbly, it loses buoyancy.... never go into it. You won't float at all, won't be able to swim, you'll just be pulled in the direction of wherever the waves are going.


That's some angry ass water. People need to stop underestimating it's power .


I got sucked out by a riptide- only because I was trying to rescue my then girlfriend due to her idiocy and her underestimating the power of nature. Thankfully, neither of us died but never again will I ever try to rescue a dumbass from a riptide.


News Article: # Couple shared final kiss amid crashing waves before girlfriend washed out to sea and presumed dead The situation went from playful romance to life and death in just a few seconds as her panicked boyfriend desperately tried to save her from being sucked out to sea A shocking video has captured the moment a young couple [shared a final kiss ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/romance)seconds before a young woman was dragged out to sea by surging waves. The tragic event was captured as the pair walked on the beach by the[ Black Sea](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/black-sea), meanwhile onlookers just “stood and watched or filmed her” in her final moments. Aspiring model Diana Belyaeva, 20, was seen in shallow water at the [Russian ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/russia)beach resort of Sochi, as waves crashed around them. The clip shows the couple share a romantic moment before a huge wave sweeps them off their feet causing them to tumble into the surf. As further waves crash on them the young woman can be seen struggling to stand up as the heavy seas repeatedly crash over her. The situation goes from playful romance to life and death in just a few seconds as her panicked boyfriend desperately tries to save her from being sucked out to sea. But sadly the waves battered him back and he was unable to help her and Diana was pulled out to sea and lost.  Authorities have spent three days searching for Diana, who was from Lipetsk, but without any luck. Local reports say she is presumed dead.


"onlookers just stood and watched or filmed her." I wouldn't jump in to die with her either.


Gonna go ahead and edit that to say  "meanwhile, onlookers watched in horror, but fortunately stayed safely away from the danger, knowing that if they approached to attempt to help, they too would be carried away by the intense waves.”


Sorry for her, that wasnt a very intelligent thing to do


Looks like he was hesitating and she was insisting they keep going too


If my girl was falling in the water I’d be going to help her up not stand there. I don’t care if I die. I’ll die trying to save her. I’m more mad at the guy standing around like a fool


Natural selection they should’ve gotten out or never went in when they saw it


This is why you need to be familiar with the demographics and landscapes of where you travel. We get college students and vagrants pass away walking on campus from the cold or they fall into the Mississippi River bc they aren’t familiar with river currents. Visiting the Midwest and the skies get dark and you see locals on the porch? Fucking take cover, especially if the entire neighborhood goes outside. Know the climates of where you’re going. Don’t underestimate what you aren’t familiar with. Mother Nature will get you




Don't you see the white water


Alternative headline: #Following romantic kiss, woman gets so wet she dies




Very strong Darwin Awards candidate.


Damn. This one is just sad. There's no morbid satisfaction for me this time


Bro just let his girl die like that.


No way if I was that dude I would have stood on the shore and watched as my sweet heart is swept out by an angry surf. It would be certain death to go after her, I know. But I don’t think I could live with the guilt if I didn’t try.


Then her death (and yours) would become utterly futile. Accidents are one thing, committing suicide in a highly emotional and irrational state is another. Why would you selfishly put your loved ones through grief because of a potential guilt which isn't even yours?


I live near the beach... If you don't know how to escape an undertow, and if you aren't an *exceptionally* strong swimmer, you have no business being on the beach anywhere near the water... especially when the tide is coming in. News Flash: The Ocean can kill you in more ways than ~~you~~ Nazis can imagine!


I get sometimes people have this mindset of 'couldn't possibly happen to me, it's like 1 in a million'. But come on... They were basically begging for it to happen, they, more accurately he, should count his blessings that only 1 of them got swept out into the sea to drown and die. Just the video alone you can tell the weather was bad, presumably windy, potentially a storm, waves are crashing more than usual due to the intense weather, and what do they do, walk into the crashing waves...


Bro absolutely did nothing but stood there.


That's the 2nd video this week where the women dies in a beach while having fun with husband


I'd call out the camera person for not trying to do something, but the guy in the video was just as useless.


The ocean surf has a scary way of pushing you with crashing waves, and then sucking you back out before you can even get your footing. It’s like a one two punch, and will tire you out quick.


An absolute nightmare


I have absolutely no sympathy for people who can’t respect the power of nature


Aw man this is terrible. It even looks like he is hesitant after the first wave and is trying to persuade her back to the shoreline.


Under the Skin vibes


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, the water was clearly rising high, she could see it but kept pushing her luck. Its sad and tragic but people lack common sense, if you see large waves that are coming towards you and you cant swim (well even if you can swim) and it looks dangerous you should walk the other way.


Russians have zero survival instinct I swear


This is both horrifying and sad at the same time.


What were onlookers supposed to do besides be like hey dumbasses get out of the water the tides hitting pretty hard. Once they start slapping me in the waist vs the shins I’m out not even risking it


Idiots. I guarantee that there was a red flag flying they ignored


Reverse little mermaid storyline


Riptides are no joke. A storm was passing off the coast of NJ when I was maybe 12 or 13 and 2" of water ripped my feet out from under me. I was over 100lbs at the time, too.


That was a short honeymoon


Yeah the Black sea is no joke.


i saw something like this when i was in greece. there were giant waves and 2 men were far away. a human chain was made, and they reached one of them. the other one wasnt so lucky tho, found dead after some hours at a beach. ddest part was his daughter picking up histhe sa flip flops while crying:( really had me fckd up for some time


If you can't swim or not a strong swimmer then don't walk into massive waves.


Another reminder not to let your stupid significant other goad you into doing something that you don’t want to do.


Russia? I guess maybe drunk


Her boyfriend is a real big help isn't he?


Soči beaches look so shitty that I wouldn't swim there even in the most calmest of seas. Let alone in the tempest they seem to have been swimming in.


Infuriating how they just stand there after they figure out how strong the waves are, after the second one you see the guy begin to look more apprehensive. Sure, just stand right there in the waves, don’t move backwards at all!


I was alone on a beach in MX and got sucked up by a riptide, couldn’t even scream for help. It was like 530am and I decided to go for a swim. If I wasn’t a strong swimmer (life guard for years) and had a cool head, I’m almost certain I would have been sucked out to sea. At my furthest point from the beach was roughly a football field in length. The shitty part of it would have been all my friends were still asleep and no one would’ve had a clue of my whereabouts. Scary shit. Respect the ocean.


Oh man he probably blames himself so hard


I think the camera man knew why else start recording 🤔


Dude's running like the ocean is just joking. Horrible


Didn't see a huge wave. Saw people basically walk into the water, too close to a sequence of normal waves.


First rule of helping a person who is drowning or washing out, never take your eyes off of them even for a second. The cameraman should have never planned back to the bf


Im guessing they couldn’t swim. It boggles the mind that people who are not able to look out for themselves around water, seem to be attracted to it. And yes, everyone just stands and films. Because that’s all modern humans are capable of. Making sure to capture the moment and upload to TikTok for views.


Percentage wise, how likely you to die if you jump in to help? Is there even a strategy or proper technique?


Darwinism doing its job


RIP… current.


As an Aussie who regularly attends the beach, you really have to respect the surf. Rips and currents are extremely strong. Also if you are not a strong swimmer please don’t go into rough surf… fuck moiiii it’s stupid


Honestly that’s just natural selection at that point. If you haven’t figured out already that those waves were too big after the second wave than you just have no common sense


In some layer of her subconscious she seemed determined to die. Literally pulling his arm. It's sad but it's also not, considering that it's the direct result of an irresponsible act of stupidity, more than an unavoidable accident.


It's all fun and games until...


He nudged get closer and she didn't want to go. He will live with her death on his hands forever.


I am always thankful for the life guards, professional & volunteer on our beaches in OZ. Even outside the flags a monitored beach could have saved her. So very a sad & unnecessary death, but if you watch "Bondi rescue" there are so many in the makings so close to shore.


C- for effort in trying to save her lol......Hope she wasn't thinking he was the one, he sure as hell didn't act like it mattered one way or the other to him lol.


Dude was in absolutely NO rush to help her


Nice effort/s


Sometimes it’s ok to not listen to your gf. Dude was hesitant.


Poor guy


I saw her head ! Look at 10 seconds left ! She’s in the water .


I bring a floatation device with me to the beach. It can be anything such as a float, life jacket, boogie board ect. Just have something with your stuff so you can run and grab it if needed. If he had SOMETHING this could have been avoided


Was she drunk or suicidal? No way a person in the right mind would actively go into waves like those and think “it’s fun”


Probably just poor judgement. Didn’t recognize how dangerous the water was, how close the waves were, how difficult it would be to swim would be in those conditions. People will go “It’ll be fine” and then not be fine at all because they just didn’t understand the situation or their own limits.


Who was recording this?


Wave/s I’m pulling my family way before. I see one big one, that’s a day.


He had a small window to grab her an both run. Never turn your back on the waves


No one questioned why they were being filmed?


“Oh look at the magnificent torrential waves it would be so lovely for us to walk by them”




Seemed like she wanted to wander deeper in


I don’t mess with water. Even up in the sky flying over the ocean freaks me out


What kind of person records another person dying for social media attention?


Looked avoidable if they reacted immediately. Sad.


She’s Poseidon’s now.


Power of the waves and current aside that Water so choppy it’s white, no buoyancy there. Even if you’re a good swimmer that would be incredibly hard.


I lost my worker the weekend he graduated in 2022 to a rip current never heard of that until that day


Bruh imagine dying to a wave like that it's not that bad it might be worse in person


I can't imagine how the boyfriend feels right now 😓


Weak man


Oh man I'm so sorry for this that poor couple 😭


The sea was angry that day my friends…


We all make mistakes. This one proved deadly.


He murdered her


Who filmed this? Some random spying creep?


After she disappears, he doesn't appear to be that panicked.


What's really scary is that up until now I felt like I had the adequate respect for the ocean, but I could definitely see myself play in those waves as well. I was wildly wrong. Duly noted.


Remember- you can't fight it. Start swimming out into the ocean. Relax and get out of the riptide swim parallel to the beach until you can swim towards it without b getting washed out


Who sees those waves and things, “yeah let me just stand here and let the waves wash over me”


I know it's easy to judge sitting on my couch, but man if that was my wife I would be putting up a MUCH bigger fight to locate and rescue her.


…. No offense, but seriously?


This is why you must stay away from the water when the current is crazy. It doesn’t matter if you’re an amazing swimmer the current is too strong. This is my worst nightmare. Losing the woman you love in an instant. I hope her family and her dude find some closure.


I would've attempted to throw my girl into the beach


Man, if i was in that situation with my girl, I would throw myself in the sea without thinking one damn second. I'd rather die trying to save her than to let her die like that...


How is someone just filming this happening? Why were they filming the couple in the first place? Why not try and at least attempt to try and help/do something instead of just standing back recording it? It’s just really odd to me.


That happened to one of my cousins lucky for him he got his foot stuck in the sand then is father gave him an ass whooping


Gotta be the worst way to go. When I go, I want a bullet to the back of my head.


The ocean called her. She wanted to go. Understandable.


Are they fucking.... serious?


Remember folks! The ocean may be pretty but it can sure as fuck take you in one go! Stay safe out there!


Who the hell is just standing there filming it


You know, once a fisherman told me: no one can swim in the ocean


Or maybe if you see tall waves coming in you get off the beach? Seems like common sense. That's natural selection for you.


Gone in the blink of an eye. So sad. One minute you're lovingly strolling along the beach with your girl and then seconds later she's dead. Just horrible. How do you mentally come back from that? Life can be so incredibly cruel sometimes.




He doesn't even look alarmed


The thing is, they aren't really giant waves, it's definitely rough, but this isn't really unusual


Just film don't help...


The ocean hates you and will kill you. Never trust it and never give it that opportunity.


The weather itself doesn't look like a "let's take a walk on the beach" kind of weather.


Where's the giant wave?


This gives me such bad anxiety. My wife isn’t a very good swimmer and every time we go to the beach, I have to hold her hand so that she doesn’t get knocked down by the waves. Seeing this makes me think of her, and others who are not strong swimmers and could easily get carried away by the unforgiving ocean.


to think that if they didnt go too far into the water, and one survived, they would've brushed it off as nothing but a fun story - like the rest of us. Very sad, be careful guys.


The sea was angry that day, my friends


Protip: it's impossible to swim in loose clothing like a dress.


Poor girl! Buddy is probably traumatized for life too


Always respect the sea.


Dude was like: meh, I'll just get a new one


Boyfriend: "You can't swim? It's okay... I'll take care of you."


Damn, the ocean is ruthless. I am a good swimmer and was living in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., which means I went to the beach frequently. One day the undertow was extremely strong and the waves were huge. I went in to cool off, I was probably no higher than my a bit above my knees. I got pulled by the undertow and just kept trying to swim horizontal, like I have always been taught and I just couldn't. It was too strong that day. I was choking on water, I couldn't breath and no matter what I did I kept on being pulled out further. The stupid lifeguard was whistling that I was out too far and had to come back in. He didn't even notice I was literally drowning. I remember just giving up and thinking "this is how I am going to die. Then a feeling of peace just embraced me and I gave up fighting. I must have passed out bc next thing I remember is two lifeguards pulling me to shore. I was with a friend and she didn't even notice I was drowning. I live in New England where we have some of the most beautiful salt water beaches and I haven't been into salt water since that happened to me about 13 years ago. I stick to lakes (our lakes are pretty great as well). Not saying lakes are 100% safe, there are still weeds that grow that can tangle you and you can drown. I just feel safer in them . The lakes I got to have lifeguards and there is only a certain point you can go out to, which also makes me feel safer. My grandmother's cousin died in a lake in the 1940's. He was with a few friends and they lost an ore and he went to retrieve it and never came up. Divers found his body wrapped in weeds several days later. I still feel safer in lakes and ponds. I never had a fear of the ocean or any body of water. I loved to swim and every chance I got I was at the beach (salt water) and in New England I would spend my days off venturing to new beaches with friends. I don't do that anymore bc of what happened to me. I hope I can get over that fear some day bc I do miss the ocean. Especially since I live about 15-20 mins from three different beaches.


Dude didn’t even try to get her lmfao


I live near dangerous shores where this is not uncommon. Here’s how to deal with this situation: The man was not aware of the danger they were in until it was too late. You’re supposed to grip the person’s wrist and NEVER let go before the person is 100% out of the water. Even then, if the person is already too deep, you THROW something they can hold on to until help comes. Remember this is a panic situation. Try to stay calm and try to calm people around you. Lastly, do not be hesitant as all it takes is a few seconds for a return current to drag you out far from the shore.


Is that her head bobbing up at 47 seconds? Hard to say beciase it is just a black blob, but man. That would b so heartbreaking to see


I watched a friend get swept away in an instant. He was looking out over the ocean on a large rock and the all the sudden a large wave swallowed him up. One second there, another gone… forever


My man just standing there doing nothing. If you brought her there she's your responsibility. His complete inaction took what might have been a near miss, into a death. It is better to have tried and failed or given up than watch someone die like that.


I sincerely hope her loved ones never see this footage


People underestimate how powerful the undertow is. Even in shallow waters, I've been pulled back out into the deeper water.


exactly why I avoid the ocean like the plague.


Imagine how bad he felt


I imagine the pain he must have felt in losing the person he loved in front of his eyes, I think I would blame myself for not having been me in her place


Was that kendall roy at 0:48


Well that is tragic as fuck. That poor dude had his woman literally ripped from his arms by mother nature. And he's got nobody to blame but himself for them being out there in that rough surf. Gotta be maddeningly traumatic.


That's lowkey terrifying


Darwin award


Reminds me of the scene from Deep Impact when the girl and her father are swept away in the beach by the asteroid impact's megatsunami.


Damn I remember one of the funnest parts of the beach was the waves that would kinda suck you back in, wasn't scary or anything. Prayers to her and her family


Undertow is no joke.


Bro dats sad af.


Pure idiocy.


looks predetermined


She was listening to him tell her tbstbshe was safe and he'd never let anything hurt her...


I went to Australia and we were at the beach I remember the waves pushing me to my feet. I was terrified of getting dragged out. Wasn’t much one to get in the water after that and watched my husband and kids like a hawk. Pretty powerful stuff. And with big waves like that, bad idea to be walking


You have to be a shitty man to not recognize the risks in that situation. Looking at the video, guy didn't realize the woman was in danger until it was too late.


The guy was turned toward the water and could likely see the incoming waves. I might’ve dragged her out, kicking and screaming before the waves reached us.


The man watched her be swept away. He was not swimming in to try to save her. Sad


Good lord


How could he let her die. What a coward moron


I mean, I’ve been in worse waters. I’m just guessing they just have no balance or coordination what so ever. It’s sad people don’t realize that, until it’s too late. Yes, I know tricky water is. Grew up in river, canals and the beach. Also a frozen lake. I guess experience plays a huge role.


Ironically enough two teenage boys from the school I work in suffered the same fate the day this was posted at Jacob riis beach. I saw this earlier that day and after hearing about the events it made me realize how unpredictable life truly is.


Guy walks like Mr Bean.


im almost halfway thru the video, nothing has happened quite yet ...but seeing those waves and seeing them so close and seeming to be so nonchalant 😭




0:25 point of no return


I couldn’t find the comment that said no open casket, but, even though it’s quite morbid, you can, and I have, done an open casket for a drowning victim, if they get drained out properly, they’re only a little bit bloated, but very blue.