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What reason do the other people have for wearing it? Why can’t she have similar reasons? Edit: Maybe HER specific reason comes down to culture? The armor is more culturally/ceremonially significant, hence its (let’s be frank here) impracticality.


She wears it because she looks great in it, and she knows it. Chainmail is usually expensive so she has it on to display her wealth without being too showy or ostentatious. Chainmail is also also the fabric of a warrior, which is what she is. It won’t get easily torn off. It does offer some protection against strikes to her genitalia while still giving her full range of motion and showing off her superb physique. Best of all, it just plain looks great on her.


Well, barbarians usually cannot wear armor. Wearing armor, you cannot rage. Now, barbarians notoriously are not the sharpest swords. (Not knocking them, stating truths. I love them for it, and the exceptions that prove the rule are equally fun.) I could completely imagine that there would be a barbarian, wearing the smallest patches of chain mail, that would genuinely not qualify as armor, that the barbarian absolutely believes offers protection. I don’t really think you *need* more than this, but, here is a fun one. It is her first armor from when she was a little girl. This is all that remains of it through the years and after decades of repair, the bikini is all that remains or that you have the skill to maintain/repair.


Maybe she doesn't like the way scars look on boobs?


Chainmail bras offer GREAT support so she doesn’t hurt her own boobs, and she relies on a large shield for protection, like Celtic warriors did! Fur is already warm enough; she’d be fighting heat stroke if she also wore armor.


Well, there's a relevant [Oglaf for this.](https://www.oglaf.com/newmodelarmy/)


How about you give some relevant details on the setting she's in. Like is there magic? Spells? Enchantments?


1. Fck armor, she just needs to wear minimal clothing 2. She is hardcore and takes the chainmail of her enemies as a trophy, before repurposing it into a chainmail bikini to wear.


Marisa from Touhou Project is a witch who can fly with a broom. She doesn't need the broom, she can fly without it, but she uses it because witches ride brooms and she's a witch, and wants everyone to know. Barbarians wear chainmail bikinis because that's what they're known to wear, whether or not it serves any practical purpose.


Barbarian, body temperature rose significantly when they entered Rage mode, more so when they're a furry. She wore chainmail bikini to exhaust the heat as much as possible, or risk overheating.


Fur+clothes=hot Bikini+armor=safety without heat accumulation


Protecting the heart is pretty important.


You could just… not justify it. She wears it cause she wear it.


The easiest answer to everything thing is god. Why does this character do something so weird? Because their god likes it.


I don’t know if this is relevant but wouldn’t fur get tangled in chainmail and get stuck and hurt like hell to remove? Maybe she just can’t get it off. Or maybe she likes the pain. But I feel the first one’s funnier.


For intimidation?


It was difficult enough to convince her to wear clothes at all. The bikini is a compromise.


The rest of their skin is so thick it servers as natural leather armor


Was part of a ceremonial parade, ceremonial chain bikini armour for the elite warriors Precession was attacked, the warriors fought or fled. She still wears it as a mark of the side she’s on, though her forces have retreated from the area


She had a cut on her nipple once, and she still remembers how much it hurts with every jiggling movement, so she decided to prevent it in the future, but without losing the benefits of not wearing armour. (Trust me, you don't want to have cuts on your nipples even if you are a man. It hurts like hell for several weeks with every sudden movement)


Chaimnail bikini cass chriasma to youre AC.




Maybe the areas it covers are weak points when she is raging


Kuz she thinks it makes her feel pretty and she has muscles big enough to make it hard for any stupid tiny people to tell her what to wear.


Barbarians are like Kriegsmen from Warhammer 40k in the sense that they're raised through a culture of extreme guilt that can only be atoned with martyrdom. Traditionally, warriors would fight in the nude as only those with lives to live should have armor, but complains from their allies in war led them to adopt chainmail bikinis as a compromise.


If she's from a culture where fur == clothing then: 1) It's purely decorative. She wears it because she thinks it looks good. 2) It's symbolic in some way, maybe she adds a link to the chainmail for every enemy she defeats. 3) It's magic and has all the protection of real armor. 4) Mumble hanwave maneuverablity something something agility. 5) It's a cultural/religious/something thing. If she's from a culture where fur doesn't count as clothing then she has all the above to choose from in addition to: 6) It covers her enough that people don't complain and she likes the attention. And, of course depending on how NSFW your setting is: 7) It's tiny shreds of clothing are sexier than nudity and therefore her chainmail Wicked Weasel lets her sex magic/attack/fighting/whatever work better.


Maybe she just thinks it looks cool? It could be purely for fashion purposes.


What species is she? You've said only that she's furry.


There is always the GURPS rule about chainmail bikinis. On female characters, the smaller the armor and more revealing it is, the higher the armor value.