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I was just going to post this…. Wtf???? I hope she goes to the hospital if it formed that quickly.


I’ve seen two of these videos today….NYC are y’all alright (obviously not but this is insane)


Is it all the same person? Idk if that would even make it better or worse 😭


That’s the crazy part it’s not. One was this girl the other was a brunette.


Oh I meant like, did she say it was a guy walking his dog. Just curious if this one dude is on way today or if it was just a crazy coincidence


Oh that I’m not sure about. This is kinda silly but I got too sad and didn’t wanna watch the whole thing….


I don’t think that’s silly at all, sometimes it can just be too much negativity or if you’ve experienced something like that, triggering. I get you


i just saw a third. this is crazy


scared to leave my apartment without my boyfriend after seeing all those punching videos. they’ve calmed down lately but never in my life have i ever felt so unsafe in my home city.


I RAN HERE. That is actually insane


Same, as soon as I saw her TikTok


Unfortunately this is happening more in the city. I’ve been a victim of violence like this and unfortunately the guy who did it will probably not get in any trouble. It’s a traumatizing thing to go through and I hope she is able to recover and process this trauma with resources and help


The man who assaulted me still squats on my street and intimidates me. I’ve made many reports and tried filing a restraining order but they have all been denied or not taken seriously


I was grabbed and thrown to the ground by a homeless guy that was always hanging around my office. He had assaulted a couple of women in the area and police did nothing. just said watch out for him. My dad bought me some pepper spray and the next time i saw him i emptied the bottle in his face. Never saw him again after that.


Love this


You know what’s the worst part of this. You would be the one in trouble if police intervened since pepper spray is actually illegal in NYS. Ain’t that fucking wild


It's absolutely legal to carry pepper spray, even in NYC. You can even buy it legally at certain locations. They ask for ID. That's it.


Oh wow, thanks for correcting me! Idk where I got that from. Maybe trying to buy it online and it not being able to be shipped to NY


I am so fucking TIRED/ANGRY of the justice system not taking violence against women seriously. We are either completely brushed off or the men are given the silliest slap on the wrists that don't deter them, at all. The fact that this guy is still constantly on your street *after assaulting you* and nothing is being done makes me fucking livid.


Ugh I had to move and switch apartments bc of a similar situation. I’m so sorry!


Sorry that happened, that’s messed up. Totally agree that they don’t do anything in these situations but it’s still important


This happened to me in DC while visibly pregnant and pushing a stroller to story time at the library. And no they didn't arrest him even though they found him. It's so fucked up. I hope she goes to therapy . Terrible thing to happen.


Before i moved to DC from my home country, I had a stalker. He flew from a different country, knew my address, would send "gifts" (shit i didn't want, eg merch from his airforce base?!) The police did NOTHING. He would harass my friends, cyberstalk....the reponse was "well, because he was an aquaintence before he turned into a stalker, we can't do shit". I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm so tired of reading this happening to women. My husband's female friend was killed by her stalker, after months of her/her freinds warning about the escaalation. I'm tired.


This also happened to me in DC while pregnant when I worked in Chinatown/Penn Quarter. Scary stuff. I was so shaken, I didn’t even report it. :/


This is when you grab a baseball bat and call on the goons. Go to Times Square and find some kids riding bikes recklessly, pay them 40$ and they'll chase that mf.




I had pepperspray. There was no time. I literally fought him off with my body. I have no doubt he was trying to sexually assault me. I kept my body between him and the stroller with my infant in it.


It’s awful bc you don’t even have time to get your pepper spray out. Just walking past a man on the street and 🥊 out of nowhere??? Some of these people straight up just attack out of nowhere, even will start up a friendly conversation with you first. Happened to my friend and I. Now I’m lowkey still scared to leave my house. I’m just happy that the lady that attacked us didn’t have any weapons on her. Traumatized just thinking about how much worse it could’ve been


Yep ive witnessed this one to many times and they never get in any trouble. Even if they catch them theyre back out on the streets the next day. Poor girl thats traumatic


I’m not from, have ever lived or have ever been to NYC. So homeless men will just hit woman on the street? Halley’s head looks so bad!


I live in New Orleans and it’s the same thing here. People will assault you or steal your stuff and nothing happens to them




I watched her other video and she said it was a guy walking a dog so I’m not sure. But yes generally ive had friends this has happened to and even seen it myself many times. Sometimes its homeless people but not always. There’s so many insane and aggressive people in this city its acary


I actually work at a nonprofit that deals with homelessness (not in NYC) and we see a lot but never people just attacking others for now reason that is so scary. Y’all be safe out there my fellow snarkers ❤️


Happens often. A homeless man literally spit in my face and kicked me on my morning commute and then ran off.


Did they literally just randomly walk up to you and punch you? Genuine question because I’m so confused. No words said, just punch people? Who has that much hate in their heart.


I wasn’t punched I was grabbed and thrown down. I don’t know what prompted it. He came up behind me and it scared me. I definitely wasn’t walking slow but I guess he didn’t like the way I walked


Wow that’s horrifying, I am so sorry you went through that.


So rent is high and you might get punched in the city? Jesus what’s the point?


I got spit on w no words or interaction. Walked by and this man just spit on my back. People can just be insane and awful.


Same. A seemingly homeless man with definite mental health issues was sitting against a building, screaming shit at people walking by, I didn’t engage or even look over, then he launched a huge nasty wad of spit that hit me on my bare leg. I have never taken a hotter or longer shower. I also doused my leg in nearly an entire bottle of rubbing alcohol. I still shudder thinking about it. This was pre-covid, fwiw.




Ugh I’m so sorry too! Mine was in Boston. Assholes everywhere!


Right because in her update video she said it was a guy walking his dog. Wtf!!!!


Happened to me with my bf about 1 foot away. The guy told the cops he “didn’t like that I was with a man who was not giving me his undivided attention and wanted to teach him a lesson about letting his woman walk the streets of NYC without an attentive guarding man” My boyfriend was on a work call and we were just meeting up midday to grab lunch.


They’re the judge jury and executioner it sounds like on New York. Because Halley’s update she said she thinks it’s was because she was walking with her head down and he didn’t like that.


Yeah and to make matters worse, the cop pretty much told my boyfriend, if it happens again - would have been better off beating the dude than calling the cops; the DA won’t do anything or will drag their feet. Happened October 30th last year, still getting pushed by the Manhattan DA 🙃🙃🙃 My boyfriend was trying to not escalate the situation, but apparently it’s the Wild West in NYC.


FWIW, it's the same in LA. Metropolitan city police just dgaf.


I got spat on and swung at in the East Village. He was pretty unsteady on his feet so the hit didn't cause any damage but getting spat on was pretty horrible


i was spit on in Soho. I turned my head to look up at a pretty building and there just happened to be some crazy guy sort of in front of me who thought I was looking at him (he was in my view at like 2:00 direction and I had my head looking UP at 3:00 direction). So he starts shouting to not look at him (fuck you dude I wasn't? But now I am glancing at you because you're shouting at me?) and then he spat on me. I was so upset. It's so gnarly.


NYC is a big place with a lot of people condensed into small areas. It’s not always “hate” but often mental illness.




I totally get it!!!


This is surprisingly/ sadly a regular occurrence in cities


Less hate and more dual diagnosis mental illness and addiction. Who knows what they’re seeing. I managed to pull my bf at the time back just in time to avoid a head punch from a homeless high dude once. Ended up just glancing off his forehead. He had just been standing at the curb and then suddenly went to sucker punch with no warning.


I’m so sorry that happens to you ❤️


I hope that man gets hit by a tr*ck immediately, wtf


Did you censor truck?


Yes bc sometimes mods/rules are weird about violence and I wasn’t sure if it counted lolll


this really sucks for her. EVERYONE be vigilant in NYC and other big cities! heads up and one headphone out!


and honestly get pepper spray for your bag for the ones who walk alot/ take the subway late/early.


pepper gel!!! especially if you’re in the city, it’s so god damned windy last thing you need is to spray and it falls back on you 😩 i walk dogs in the city pretty often and keep a pepper gel on my wrist with one of those brass knuckle type keychains as well


Yes, I always have pepper gel ever since my fireman ex gave me it along with a knife, personal alarm which all fit within a Lululemon belt bag! Plus, in an emergency, my emotional support yeti in its own sling an double as a weapon.


Do you have links to the brass knuckle thing and gel?


How does the gel work/ do you have a link to a reliable one


Ladies you have to stay vigilant in nyc there are so many crazies around, she said she was walking with her head down sending an email. Always be aware of your surroundings and stop looking at your phones while walking. Hope shes okay this is so scary


Yeah i was once walking near battery park and was alone and a man in a car full on blocked me, rolled his windows down and stared into my soul in such a menacing way trying to start a conversation. When i shook my head and moved away he moved his car to follow and i was SO scared i’d cross the road and he’d run me over but I had to take the chance. I RAN SO FAST to the park where there were hundreds of people and families not that far away. But i was so scared he’d follow me. Was really hard to then walk home without a huge chip on my shoulder. Another time a man followed me home from Trader Joe’s and to my front door, which I didn’t realise until later. He asked me if there was a book store nearby so I gave him directions but then ofcourse he started asking if I had a husband and if he was home. So scary because i was clearly entering my front door!!! Another time I was just sitting writing on the river and an old man sat next to me. I thought he was a lonely Covid grandpa but he soon started asking really invasive questions and saying he was a tour guide who could offer me special views of the city. I tried to put my AirPods back in/ leave but he insisted on exchanging details. To avoid a scene but protect myself I said I’d reach out to him. And then he made me promise I would before letting me go (obviously I didn’t ever contact him). It’s so scary in nyc though because all these incidences were so close to where I lived so I was constantly scared I’d bump into these weirdos again.


Honestly its sick what women have to go through in this city that men will just never understand! Even just having a random man look at you strangely is absolutely terrifying. You never know what they’re capable of


One time this guy chased me in his car and I only escaped cause I ran inside some fish grill or something he was so mad he got out of the car and smashed his fist at me on the restaurant window! Freaking psychos


I’ve experienced something similar :( I was walking around Herald Square a few months ago and a man driving a delivery truck was following me around in his car while pointing at me and flicking his tongue (in an obviously sexual way) Had to go in a CVS and stay inside for 5 minutes to get rid of him


Ngl I feel safer walking canal st by myself than I do battery park - I can’t explain it, just always have an unsettling feeling over there when it comes to strange men


It’s so hard to know. This also unlocked a memory of dining near union square during Covid so it was outdoors and two men in a car rolled down their window, spit onto my friend and I and our food and then drove away. No one did anything. We were all too stunned. Like during a fucking pandemic in nyc??? I thought I was going to die 😭


This is the number one thing people should realize is to be alert and NOT ON YOUR PHONE when in the subway, on the street, etc. It's an unfortunate reality but the more out of touch/unaware of your surroundings you are, the more likely some crazy will take advantage of that


What is wrong with men??? If someone has their head down on their phone it is beyond inappropriate to “body check” them or teach them a lesson or something. I feel so sorry for her this is so scary


I hope she’s ok, that’s really scary and it looks so big already.


This is actually scary I have chills watching those videos 😳 I hope she doesn’t accumulate too much trauma from this and that she finds the man and charges him tbh bc wtf I can’t believe I live in a world like this


There's a guy named Christopher Boissard in Greenpoint that has been doing this for over 10 years, and targets women specifically, in broad daylight, and he's still on the streets. [Take a look at Reddit a](https://www.reddit.com/r/Greenpoint/comments/1akbjiy/christopher_boissard_update/)nd you'll see just a few of the random things he's done.


And the guy who killed Moose the dog in Prospect Park is still out and about targeting women with dogs. He was living in the gazebo by the lake until recently. I've also seen a ton of people lately talking about a guy who rides the 2, masturbates while sitting across from them, and gets aggressive with them when they move seats/cars. There are so many of these people that do this shit on a consistent basis and are still just free to wander around.


Sadly this is becoming so common in the city, I know so many people that it’s happened to including myself and one of the main reasons I’m leaving. Hope she’s okay and takes a breather


Happening more and more. I am hearing stories every single day. Just a week ago my friend was grabbed, tackled to the ground, and smacked in the head by a woman in a "quiet" neighborhood in the city, completely unprovoked and out of nowhere.


Had almost the exact same thing happen to me


Can’t snark because tbh we need more people to be aware of the rising violence. This younger generation always has their nose in their phones when they’re out and about AND BOTH AIRPODS IN (it drives me up a wall) but goodness you need to be aware of your surroundings.


especially against women and the elderly! all these men and people who wfh, never leaving their neighborhood, never taking the subway are so quick to say there’s no increase in violence and we should all move back to the midwest. but i’ve lived here my entire life and there is definitely a rise in violence and EDPs on the street and the subway, but obviously the majority of their targets are us women and the elderly.


There is DEF an increase in crazies and violence. Almost every station or every train I get on has some unhinged person. It was NOT like this.


i have to commute to work via subway at like 5/6 am regularly. there are nut jobs on every car and every station, homeless people everywhere. and of course, there is little to no police presence at that time of day. not the nypd is ever helpful, but it’s very unfortunate that people have to deal with this everyday while they’re just trying to get to woek


Hell, I live in the Midwest and my friend said some guy last week drove past her on a walking trail and deliberately tried to hit her with a water bottle he threw out his truck.


Yeah snarking about this would categorize as absolutely deranged behaviour 😳


(And I appreciate her sharing this)


> AND BOTH AIRPODS IN im always shocked by the amount of people, but women especially, who walk around in huge over the ear headphones. im a one airpod girlie because i cant imagine blocking out the public like that and feeling safe


Yes, I find at least one headphone essential so that if someone does talk to me, I can pretend that the reason I'm not responding is because I'm listening to music and didn't hear them, but "pretend" is the key word - I get so overwhelmed when I can't hear at all.


I wonder also if its transplants that aren't aware of how AWARE you need to be in the city?


It totally is, and especially this tik tok generation that are Uber glued to their phones. I mean I’m aging myself here but I remember commuting on the 6 with my iTouch and even then I was like “oh shit make sure I’m aware of my surroundings”


Be careful out there! This is horrifying. Some guy swung at me recently in Chelsea and I was able to back away but I was shocked by how no one around me cared at all, it's fucking scary.


I think this incident happened in Chelsea as well....


Looks like she’s filing a police report. I hope they’re able to get security footage of the man and find him but I’m doubtful.


This is outrageous. I don’t care that she was looking down at her phone. She could be walking and sending emails all day everyday, nobody should be hitting or punching you for that.


I know a few people who have had this happen to them in nyc over the past few years unfortunately. One friend had a random man aggressively throw his food in her face as he walked by her


The way this is my worst fear


The city has become increasingly dangerous and the fact that a man walking a dog felt emboldened to attack a young woman for no reason is genuinely terrifying. This was not on the subway, at night, she’s not doing anything to anyone and she was still a target. One common factor is that it’s usually men perpetuating this sick violence. I’m so over this shit. I hope she files a report and that her influencer status gets her some justice but wow what a disgusting and traumatizing experience :( wishing her the absolute best.


What I’m confused on is how no one in the streets helped her if they saw it happen?! Omg


The ny mind ya business mentality is taken to an extreme these days


Disagree - I've seen more people step in to help strangers in NYC than any other place I've lived


She said a girl did try to follow her and help her but she was too shaken up and ran away. Honestly makes sense if she was in shock


people do not give a fuck or don't want to get involved sadly


More that we are afraid, it's a big risk to insert yourself and possibly be attacked or even killed. (not including calling 911)


Yeah I’m not sure if they were unable to given the haste with which she maybe ran away? I know in the heat of the moment new yorkers are advised to not really intervene with the crazy. I watched a man assault a woman on the subway but they were clearly a couple and in a big fight/ potentially on substances. I couldn’t fathom it and wanted to intervene but my friend was like fuck no, don’t make eye contact. It was peak hour at Port Authority too but tbh you never know who is armed or if they’ll then turn their focus to hurting you - it’s so scary.


I’ve also had situations where bystanders don’t help. It’s actually a psychological fact that the more people are around, the less likely it is that people will volunteer to help. Bc we believe someone else will do it and not make it our problem. Pretty fucked up. But very few people are empathetic or brave


she said someone women tried to help her but she was really shaken up and overwhelmed in the moment and ran away. when she later reported it to a cops the cops said that a bystander women reported the incident as well.


holy shit??? everyone in the comments is telling her to go to the hospital and get a ct scan. i hope she's doing it, that bump is serious. i've never seen anything like it.


Very similar thing happened to me last spring — luckily i just was left with a bruise but it lowkey scared the shit out of me lol. I’m very anti the whole NYC is so dangerous narrative, but as a young woman it really unsettled me and has started to make me hate going places alone in the city.


It’s so destabilizing. I never felt unsafe in my neighborhood before it happened to me and then I did. I definitely have more situational awareness now but it’s extremely terrifying, regardless if you buy into the “nyc is more dangerous than ever” narrative (I don’t, this happened to me 3 years ago). Edited to add: hope you are doing better. I had buddies for a while to walk me places.


Thank you 🤍🤍


I literally moved out of NYC because my anxiety was overwhelming with how often I didn’t feel safe. It’s awful. I hope Halley is okay 🫶🏼


I just moved out last year for the same reason. I love the city and want to to see it thrive but it’s a very dark place post COVID.


This city is not fucking safe it’s ridiculous.


No this actually reminded me of all the creeps I encountered in such a short time there :/ now that I’m somewhere much more quiet it’s jarring. I love nyc but i hate how it’s romanticised as quirky or you’re just not cut out for the big city if you don’t like feeling unsafe


I don’t know a girl that doesn’t have a story like this or close to something like this. It’s a serious problem and unfortunately it has a lot to do with the city’s unwillingness to prosecute people / catch and release. The intent behind some of these policies was good but it doesn’t fucking work


Omg she can’t catch a break it seems. I came to Reddit to talk about this cuz this reminded me of a few months ago my friend and I were standing at a bus stop and a random lady attacked us because she complimented my friends earrings and asked if she was selling them and she told her no and then she started throwing hands. People are fucking crazy. Started carrying my pepper spray everywhere now


This is beyond terrifying. I remember when I worked in Union Square. I hated that area. I was walking to my platform and a man went up to a lady and slammed her head into the pillar.




This is horrible. It’s happening more and more. Us women need to be more vigilant, put our phones safely away, and be alert at all times. Unfortunately, this is what we must do to survive and not get hit in the head on a random morning.


Tbh this happens to women who do pay attention. It seems like a hopeless situation




yeah someone made a post in nycbitcheswithtaste recently about how women feel unsafe lately and i was disgusted with the people who were downvoting and shaming others/invalidating their experiences. it’s becoming quite unsafe and i feel so bad for her, no one deserves that.


I posted a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbitcheswithtaste/s/uwKSACXGGZ) in that thread and noticed the downvotes. It’s crazy how some NeW yOrkErS are in denial about the increase in crime and violence.


This is so crazy scary. My partner (male) is never harassed on the street. Almost every other time I go outside, some unhinged homeless guy harasses me, spits at me, or follows me. Most men don't understand what it's like to be constantly harassed for just going down the block because they simply are not targets.


Very scary, I hope she’s okay


Recently moved out of the city after 6 years because the energy just feels terrible and people are so much more chaotic. I hope she's alright, that's incredibly scary and her head looks painful


Sorry but this is why I left New York. It just feels unsafe now. I feel bad for her and hope she’s okay physically/mentally. Broad daylight. Terrifying




I feel terrible for her. She sounds like she’s in shock about it. Being the victim of a random act of violence can be extremely traumatic, I hope she can speak with a professional to help her process what happened.


She NEEDS to go to the hospital. A blow to the side or back of the head can be fatal.


No fr my grandpa literally passed out and hit his head 3/02 and died 3/11 from a massive brain bleed from him hitting his head when he passed out


Poor Halley :( I appreciate when influencers share this stuff because sometimes I worry with the way it’s depicted on TikTok that young girls think cities like NYC are a giant theme park when the reality is veryy different


So this lady was assaulting these two dogs and I ran over and told her to stop kicking her dogs and she punched me in the face 😭😭😭😭 and after me calling and emailing the police a million times and officers interviewing me they STILL HAVENT ARRESTED HER so I UNDERSTAND YOU HALLEY


What the fuck!!!!!! This is horrific. WOW I really hope she’s okay. 


My friend was just punched in the neck last week while getting on the L in the morning. She said the man seemed mentally ill. He would have hit her face if she hadn’t quickly moved out of the way. Stay safe out there.


I’ve been spit on by a homeless man at 11am in a city. Cities are wild. And this was 12 years ago when things were relatively safer ETA: not trying to normalize or downplay what she went through. It’s awful. I was crying just from the sheer shock of it and didn’t get injured like she did. I feel for her that she is trying to minimize it and second guess going to the hospital. Totally normal to initially be embarrassed and not call the cops. But I hope she does! Also please please be aware of your surroundings at all times (although my incident happened when I wasn’t on my phone nor did I have headphones in). Ugh just sucks to have to worry about this kind of stuff and it’s also awful that as women we tend to downplay it and blame ourselves as Halley did.


In her latest video she said it was a guy walking his dog. I’m so confused - was he just a normal guy or was he homeless? NOT that it matters but WTF if it was a normal looking guy with a dog… you can’t trust anyone these days


A lot of homeless people in NYC have dogs. I didn't watch her videos, but I read people saying it was near the West Village, and the groupings of homeless people who gather around W 4th St and in Washington Square Park usually have dogs. But yeah, if it was a normal-looking guy with his dog, that's even crazier.


I know they have dogs but in my own personal experience as someone who went to nyu + high school in nyc, I’ve never seen a crazy homeless person just walking their dog on the sidewalk in the village someone posted a comment in the other thread saying this guy is a repeat offender who’s seemingly a normal guy (apparently there was a video of him in a purple windbreaker doing it?)


I guess I usually see them sitting with their dogs, but I figure they must move around at some point and it could appear as though they're walking their dog when they move from one place to another. But wow, that's crazy that it's someone who appears like a normal person. I usually am not on high alert when someone is just walking their dog and will even smile at/engage with them more than I would with any other stranger. Terrifying.


It’s actually a little scarier and more concerning for me that it could be just a normal person. Not that the unpredictability of homeless isn’t scary but the fact that someone can look “normal” (where you may have your guard down more) and do this type of thing w no repercussions or intervention by a bystander is truly alarming.


This has been happening around nyc lately. Like complete random men.


Yeah nyc has definitely changed unfortunately and not for the better…


People get so weirdly aggressive about people walking & using their phone at the same time. I'm a writer, and sometimes my cure for writer's block is to take a walk and write things as I walk. I do it on empty-ish streets while remaining aware & alert, but it bothers people SO much sometimes. I once had some old man sitting on his porch lunge out at me and try to scare me, and then he laughed at me. Like I wouldn't have also gotten scared of him jumping out at me if I was gazing straight ahead???


https://preview.redd.it/osx5d0nwpjqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b6bca8e749a696ce26db9886e407e2c1e603b7 Reminds me so much of this case in Miami


that’s so scary and horrible ugh. didn’t she also get assaulted by a man in a coffee shop with her friends? i can’t imagine how scared id be of going out


First off, as an NYCer, this isn’t always homeless people. There are a lot of fucked up men out here that know they can get away with this shit, a quick google looking at assaults on women, these attackers aren’t even homeless. Unchecked mental health can of course cause violence but I’ve always noticed a lot of mentally homeless people have patterns of actions and keep to themselves mostly, not to say they can never be violent. That being said I hope Halley is ok, this is super traumatic mentally and on the body. I hope the police actually do something.


I’ve seen 4 different tiktoks of this happening to girls. It’s insane


This is horrifying. Men are so scary


This is so scary omg she said the guy said to her “be aware of your surroundings” LIKE WHAT, I Hope it was by a store with cameras wtf is wrong with people


I feel awful for her. The city is truly becoming uninhabitable. Something needs to be done.


It’s traumatizing. It happened to me once when o was waiting to get on the train and the guy coming off the train thought I was too in his way so he got violent. It was so shocking.


This is actually quire terrifying i hope its nothing awful :/


awful and seems to be increasingly happening. my friend was also punched in the side of the head leaving a subway station two weeks ago! i hope halley is okay and girlies in the city stay safe!!


Damn maybe that Noiley girl wasn’t as delusional as we thought getting a body guard


This is horrible. I have seen too many of these videos. I don’t know how people can stay in the city after an encounter like that. I would be flying home immediately because I’d be so traumatized. I feel so sorry for her and anyone who has experienced this. It is so wrong.


That is so fuckimg horrible




i really hope she goes to the er and gets an mri she is really brushing it off...cannot trust urgent care


Been spit on and punched in the face on the subway tracks. Unfortunately this is very common and I’m not surprised at all


That’s so traumatizing I hope she’s ok. I’m glad Jazz seemed to reach her soon after so at least she wasn’t alone for long after something like that happening :( gonna send her some good vibes


Hopefully they at least catch the guy. This is literally one of my bigger fears in the city. Does anyone have an advice on how to respond? ie pepper spray gel etc


The video literally made my head hurt, I really hope she goes to the hospital because with head injuries you never now! That seems traumatic, I really hope she can recover


I keep hearing more and more stories like this unfortunately😭 Ladies PLEASE always be aware of your surroundings. It sucks that we constantly have to be on alert walking around the city but that seems to be the reality right now.


This is horrible and traumatizing. I hopes she is okay.


It seems like everyday I see a TikTok of a woman getting assaulted in nyc


A homeless man threw a plastic crate at my head in 2016 in NYC this is nothing new unfortunately


nyc doesn’t seem worth this, sorry


I just saw this. Idk the story but what I do know is that I don’t like this girl but if I had seen that I probably would have beat some ones ass for her. You can tell she’s in shock too ☹️ Halley if you read this I’m sorry. Send me his location and I will find him to pepper spray him


This is so scary


I hate that people especially women laugh about this.Someone out there is punching women without the intention of robbing/sexually assaulting them so that someone could easily be an individual or a group of people that belong in the incel/red piller community.That someone is targeting women in broad daylight in one of the most famous cities in the entire world.And this is something we should be happy about? It is a snark page but we are all human at the end of the day and wishing harm upon anyone doesn’t make us any better than the guy that punches random women on the street


Don’t like Halley but this is horrible and it’s sickening that it happens to people everyday. All cities can be dangerous but NYC is on another level. Not sure why anyone is still living there. Corrupt city


So sad and scary!! I feel so bad for her especially considering her situation a few years ago with that guy exposing himself to her and her friends at Starbucks


That is so fucking scary, I hope she’s okay


RAN HERE to post this


NYC isn’t safe anymore.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted because it’s true. Every other day there’s an article about someone getting hurt to some extent. It’s crazy


The crazy part is he was walking a dog like what??? I feel bad for that dog, clearly this isn’t the first time he’s abused someone


That’s terrifying. I hope she’s okay and they find out who did it.


This is so insane!!!! I can’t believe this happens regularly’


What the literal fuck


This is so fucked up and horrifying omfg I would be traumatised. sick to my stomach rn I hope she’s okay


Oh my god what. Jesus Christ. I hope she’s okay.


Does anyone else not find it so odd that’s she’s making several lighthearted TikTok’s on being assaulted? Maybe it’s her way of coping with it but her tone is extremely nonchalant and she’s now posted 6 videos about it


I’ve seen tiktoks all day today of women being punched by random men on the streets of NYC..scary


I don’t see this on her insta and I don’t use TikTok. Can someone make note of what she’s said/ described?


She was walking on the sidewalk and some random man who was walking his dog punched/elbowed her in the face, knocked her down for a sec, and screamed at her. Sadly I’ve heard this happen to multiple people lately in the city


What’s getting me is she’s brushing it off like girl GO GET A SCAN AT THE ER????


It was man nipples


This happened to another girl months ago!! NYC is getting out of hand!!


Omg terrible. I’m visiting next month and these comments are scaring me!!!


You’ll be ok