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She’s sickening, like why even own a pet if you’re going to be that upset when it pees on your furniture. Seems neglectful that she didn’t even take him to the vet after he peed out of his litter box, that’s a classic sign of a UTI and male cats are more prone to them. Plus I’m pretty sure she didn’t take him to the vet after adopting him which you’re supposed to do for a general check up, you never know what they could’ve contracted at the shelter being around so many other cats.


This. Anytime my cats have peed anywhere obvious like that, it has been to get our attention so that something can be addressed (sometimes it’s just that the litter box is extra dirty, or they’re stressed out about something that seems silly to us but is very important to them. And twice it has been for UTI / urinary crystals so she may need to just go see a vet honestly. Idk but they really have no other way to communicate to you that something is wrong, so rather than yelling and screaming she should be trying to figure out what’s going on


he has not once seen a vet! none of them see one except once in a blue moon. her first doxie, ayla, hasn’t seen a vet since she had sand impaction from alyssa encouraging her to eat her treat that was in the sand. her second doxie, olive, was from a puppy mill pet shop and was only taken to the vet after her snark kept bringing it up. when she did take her, olive had girardia.


Okay, this is gonna make me irate because I have two Doxie's and a cat. S Sounds like she should never be allowed to own another animal or be around animals.


Exactly what I was going to say. I hate her for this.


Actually, female cats are more prone to UTI’s than male cats due to their urethras being shorter and bacteria entering their bladders easier because of that! Male cats are more likely to develop FIC and urine crystals which are brought on due to inflammation of the bladder, which presents itself with symptoms of what would seem like a UTI, but it is actually a different condition. Sorry to get all know-it-all on you, but my male kitten just went through something similar where he was urinating outside of his box and I actually ended up at the E-vet with him because I take no chances with my animals. A urinary blockage IS fatal within days if not treated. This woman doesn’t deserve to have pets.


my elderly dog has an accident in the house at least once a day and I could never be mad at him like that. don’t have animals (or kids) if this is too hard for you


I'll say it here too: I have a cat. My cat has peed at very inconvenient times and places. Actually, she peed on a pile of my partner's clothes literally two days ago. **Not ONCE have we ever yelled at her, thrown things at her, chased her or locked her up.** If anything, it's a clear sign that we need to step our game up and either clean her litter box, reduce her stress levels, make sure she is entertained or take her to the vet to have her checked. This is literally abuse. Poor cat :(


Yeah our cat is an old grumpy boy and will act out completely out of spite and revenge. The most he gets is an “are you serious right now?” or “you know that’s not how we deal with our frustrations” and he gives us his best little glare back, he’s not frightened like the poor cat in this video


This behavior is so disgusting. It’s an animal and all he understands is her tone and body language, and both are negative & aggressive. It’s not like he peed there to spite you JFC😒 like don’t own a damn pet if you’re not going to show any empathy or compassion OR take care of it properly!


will post the psa here too: before anybody wants to claim she doesn’t abuse her cat because she locked him in a room full of toys, you are blind to how terrified he is for a natural mistake. he is being *chased* while being yelled at and having objects thrown at him! this was when he was an older kitten brand new to this house and she didn’t think *once* to get him checked for a uti or try to act with empathy. if you want to say “she probably didn’t actually lock him in there,” if you were watching at the time of him being new to her home she had him shut in that room majority of the day and all night. he was locked away early because of an accident. a year later, he is still skittish around her, usually runs away when she tries to hold him or pet him. his tail is always puffed up and flicking back and forth. he’s overweight. she puts him in a glorified birdcage saying it’s a “catio.” as recently as last night she was recording herself yelling at him. justify that.


It’s so irresponsible to have an animal and not understand their needs! Poor cat 😢


Can’t! That is horrific!


Y’all are a bunch of freaking SNOWFLAKES oh my freaking God 😭 Unless y’all are VEGAN, I don’t wanna hear about how much y’all “care” about animals. This is all performative bs 😂


For caring about an animal's wellbeing? What does that make someone who doesn't care then?


Say you don’t care about your animals comfort without saying you don’t care about your animals comfort…..yikes


“Animal’s discomfort” is not the same as “animal *ABUSE*”. Bffr. Also, I was vegan for 7 years (a REAL one at that lol. Didn’t buy or wear leather, consume honey, and refrained from buying anything that’s been tested on animals) and the irony of people’s faked outrage over supposed “animal (dog/cat) abuse” or even the annual Chinese Yulin festival while they themselves consume 🐮/🐂/🐔/🐷/🐟/🐝🍯, wear leather goods, and use makeup and skincare that’s been tested on animals is INCREDIBLY HYPOCRITICAL and IRONIC lmfao. And for those of y’all who are vegetarian… I hope you know there’s more suffering in a glass of milk vs a piece of steak. (That cow that gave you your 🥛🧀🫕🍦🍰🍫🍪🍩 was continuously manually impregnated aka RAPED and milked throughout its lifetime until collapse before it is then 🔪 lmao). So no, idc if I get downvoted. Y’all are a bunch of HYPOCRITICAL SNOWFLAKES! I also grew up in a third world country, so what holds mental real estate for me is vastly different than y’all’s. I choose to be OUTRAGED about ongoing genocides, where people and children are being burned alive, maimed, starved, tortured and murdered for their ethnic/religious background… vs someone yelling at a cat.🧍🏾‍♀️ Don’t get me wrong, I love a good snark… but choosing to have a meltdown over an irrelevant influencer yelling at her cat for peeing on her bed…. Like there aren’t more pressing issues of morality and ethics on y’all’s minds?? Other things y’all can advocate for or fake concern over?? It’s so silly lmao y’all *especially* those of y’all talking about the cat’s *FEELINGS* 😂 didn’t know so many of y’all were animal whisperers. Talk about real life incidents where your black and minority friends are discriminated against and/or abused by their co-workers/bosses/neighbors/random strangers since I know we all have plenty of stories to share and bring awareness to 🤷🏽‍♀️ And if you don’t have any minority friends whose lore you can share and bring awareness to, then get some. You might meet them when you go outside and TOUCH GRASS lol


wow this got to be about something else other than taking care of pets real quick


is your brain really that small that you can’t be upset about more than 1 topic at a time…? anyone saying “well i WAS vegan” to try and grandstand animal abuse is like legitimately damaged in the head lmao someone trying to defend a helpless animal made you froth at the mouth like this? u good bro? u even made it about race LOLLL imagine publicly exposing urself for being stupid as fuck like this. could never be me


Babe I hope you never own a pet. Discomfort can come in many forms and if you’re actively neglecting fixing their discomfort that’s definitely abuse. If you’re the cause of their discomfort that’s definitely abuse.


lmao i think *you* need to touch grass. over here typing out a whole book acting like your own life story needs to be brought up. talking about us not being allowed to be worried for an animal’s wellbeing because we aren’t vegan? okay so why did you stop. we’re allowed to be worried about animals. full stop. doesn’t matter what life choices we choose to make in regards to animal product. we can still be worried. we can’t be upset over something because there are other things happening in the world?? unfortunately, people have feelings and opinions that still are able to exist in the world even if there are worse things happening. this is a SNARK page. not a page discussing the current political rampages going on in the world. there can be more than just the issues you choose to believe we can only think about. once again, this is a SNARK page. not a fucking page where human rights or wars are being discussed.


No, I’m saying your “worry” is incredibly performative, inauthentic and hypocritical if you’re not vegan. You’re actively engaging in the murdering, maiming, and suffering of millions of animals for your beauty, fashion, and consumption…. And yet you’re outraged over someone yelling at their cat 🤣 incredibly out of touch lol I’m just tryna make sense of the superiority complex. You coddling your cat doesn’t make you a more ethical or moral human being than her when you just had Peppa Pig 🥓 for breakfast this morning 💀 (who, btw has the intelligence and AWARENESS of a 3 year old HUMAN CHILD). And yet, y’all are doing psychological analyses and breakdowns of the emotional torment and turmoil of some influencer’s cat from 30 second TikTok clips claiming “aBuSe” 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|XdP2iT55kYiXI7GsNN) And let’s Bffr, you’re not worried for THAT animal’s well-being. Y’all just wanna feign outrage. If you really cared, you’d be commenting all y’all’s lil tips on her TikTok tryna educate her and advocate for better treatment instead of commenting on an anonymous snark page 😉


you don’t have to be a tRuE vegan to have empathy and care about animals bozo. how many times does that have to be repeated? just because *you* think you’re holier than thou telling us the only things people can talk about are genocide and minority “lore” (you’re weird for calling it that,it’s their life not fucking LoRe and my minority friends don’t want ME speaking for them) doesn’t mean that other people can’t have genuine worry. *you* don’t get to decide for us. if you’re dying on this mountain of our worry being performative because we aren’t vegan, hey girl why aren’t you vegan anymore then!!! either way, we didn’t come to this conclusion from only “30 seconds of a tiktok” bc we had a meltdown seeing this. this video is over a year old. she’s still doing the same exact things. we came to this conclusion after OVER A YEAR of her treating this animal like he is a piece of shit. so because he’s not an animal raised for consumption, it doesn’t matter as much? YOU are being hypocritical now. if you think there are certain things we can and cannot snark on and it really grinds your gears that badly, simply close your fucking eyes and move on. nobody cares if YOU think that we cannot be worried without it being performative. frankly, your whole argument right now reeks of performative action. maybe you should go touch the grass instead.


No, I’m saying the animals “raised for (YOUR) consumption” are the embodiment of TRUE animal abuse and suffering. Yelling at a cat is nowhere near as “abusive” as the raping, maiming, burning, experimenting on, and murdering a cat (or *any* animal, for that matter, *especially* for something as menial as wanting to eat a 🍔 lmao) I used the word “lore” because my 8 year old sister (who’s the only black girl in her grade) did to describe her experience, and thought it was *absolutely fucking hilarious* (and REAL! 🤣) But yeah I guess I’m on the wrong side of reddit, y’all all performative, PC, privileged lil snowflakes. I know most of what I’m saying you’ll find either incredibly offensive, requires a deeper level of thinking and/or humor, or will go over y’all’s heads completely Lmao The only part of my comment you didn’t reply to was my recommendations on *ACTUALLY* helping that cat your apparently SOOOO concerned about 😂. Girl’s been “abusing (🥴) him for OVER A YEAR” and all you’ve done is comment on a random anonymous reddit thread instead of actually educating and/or calling her out on her socials/PMing her. So stay mad I guess lol idk what else you want me to say 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


not gonna read your entire paragraph because *yawn* but the very last one since it caught my attention. how are we supposed to educate her and help her be better when she **blocks and deletes** any comment criticizing how she treats her animals and providing other ways to solve these issues. she HAS been told to take him to the vet. she HAS been told to clean his litter box more often. she HAS been told screaming and yelling at her animals isn’t healthy. we DO call her out and we are silenced. silence yourself.


Ew….I feel sad for you


She looks like a fucking foot. Can someone who knows her please go steal this cat from her.. and the dog while you’re at it. She shouldn’t have animals


Can we all collectively comment on her insta that she’s an animal abuser


Roger that


The only thing that does scare me is some people take out their anger on being called out on the animals they are already abusive to. She needs to rehome that cat to a more patient home if it’s stressing her out this much to the point where she’s locking it in a room all night.


This makes me sick to my stomach.


Someone should post this to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I dont know her but I am genuinely concerned if people have called out this behavior on any of her public accounts?


She’ll delete your comment & block you within 60 seconds if you tried.


Jfc she sounds like a terrible person How does one report another person to animal abuse control 🫣


We have and have also contacted animal services.


Why do you have pets if you’re that upset over some pee?


She also posts the most entitled videos complaining about service people if they inconvenience her in the slightest!


Shes a bung eyed creep. 


This makes me sad. I hope she treats the kitties better or rehomes them to someone who will. The only time I yell at my cat is when he tries to do something that endangers himself (like eating plastic) and I do it so he knows it’s bad not so he is scared of me. I never yell at him in an anger.


That poor baby. I want to hold the kitten and protect her, sweet little guy doesn’t deserve that…hopefully this woman stops having pets and never has children.


The one time my cat did that to my father is because he kicked her. Cats do that when they hate you. Obviously I moved out with my cat shortly after; do to unrelated reasons but that was also a consideration.


To me it’s concerning how upset she is and that she posted this?? Like yes it’s fustrating but let’s have accidents. The anger seems so disproportionate. As for the “and I have no backup sheets”. Like girl. You have a laundry machine. You have a house with multiple rooms. Just do laundry?? Just sleep in your couch. You’re gonna be ok.


It’s scary that THIS is what she felt comfortable POSTING. That poor cat. I don’t even want to think about how she treats him off camera


this is horrifying and speaks volumes about this persons stability and unhappiness (no idea who she is hahaha)


I am a cat lady through and through so this type of shit really bothers me. I waited until I was 25 to adopt a cat because I wanted to be the most responsible and best owner possible. I now have two babies that I rescued from the shelter/the street and never once have they peed outside of their box. If you are cleaning it properly and taking them to the vet regularly, that really shouldn't be happening! If they are having issues with using the litterbox take them to the vet! Yelling, screaming or hitting your pets is actually disgusting behavior and you should literally be tarred and feathered!


It is SO minor in the grand scheme of her being an animal abuser, but I had posted about her sexual and bizarre Snapchat cover photos and got copyrighted and a Reddit warning. I hope you don’t but please let me know if the same happens to you here


She has copyrighted almost everything on her snark page & on other snark pages (LAinfluencer). We think she is trying to scrub the internet of her travesties in time for the TV show pilot she’s shooting next month.


She went to Paige Lorenze school of image management


This boils my fucking blood.