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Seema is a real one for that


Hilarious 🤣


Emily might be one the of the saddest loneliest content creators on Instagram. I followed this story like so many in 2020 and lost interest as both Tanya and Emily were acting like overgrown bratty children. I would lurk every once in a while because …. Well I can’t look away and yes I am nosy and somewhat of a legal geek. I would even check out the links Emily posted as every once in a while I thought something was cute. Out of nowhere I get blocked by Emily. Never commented. Never reached out. Just looked at her stories while not following. Keep in mind I do the same with Tanya. It dawned on me how little engagement Emily must have to be able to see who is viewing her story and then to actually go into the profile to validate if the person is following her. Who has that kind of time on their hands ? It’s such obsessive and desperate behavior. Well I still lurk on Tanya but Tanya no longer comments on Emily so I get my updates from the NY State Supreme Court website to scratch my nosy itch when I remember to check. Emily used to get thousands on her lives. Interesting to see how the mighty have fallen but according to the courts Emily has been delaying the progress of the trial and won’t hand over evidence or agree to allow Tanya’s legal team to obtain the evidence from her phone or instagram. Not the picture of someone trying to prove her innocence. Not sure if any of the 89 people who were on her live are in this sub saw but curious what this live was about.


she did the exact same to me! Never followed, ever made any commentary and she blocked me


It was such a compelling feud to me too, mostly bc both of them were deeply deeply insufferable… although I thought Emily was in the wrong, I found her to be slightly more of a relatable human but yeah that was a wild mess to follow / great way to kill time during the pandemic. She blocked me too so I appreciate this update


I watched the entire live. It was about the FF subreddit knowing Emily’s daily activities.


I got blocked by Tanya and I have absolutely no idea why! I used to love to watch the feud unfold lol


Her life is so tragic…. God help that mentally I’ll woman


what's tragic besides the lawsuit?


Her husband family is divided because of her. Her husband doesn’t speak to one of his sibiling and there is a lot of discord there. I feel sad for her in-laws. Besides that i guess parading your sick mother on social media .. she now has a problem with her father and his girlfriend? I guess she wanted her dad to spend the rest of his life caring for her mother… She has only one friend Tara and her sister so yeah thats sad. Also that video from miami? Not normal…


You have a booger


Emily is a full on sociopath. She doesn’t care who she hurts with her lies, as long as it garners her attention… she will say whatever she feels like saying without compunction.


Where did you read that she offered to settle and admit fault? I find this very hard to believe.


New York Supreme Court filings


NYSCEF (electronic filings)


What happened to her snark sub


Love it when influlosers get Reddit rage and tag the NYPD!


She is a liar, I baited her in a dm once to see if she would lie and she immediately lied, I then unfollowed her. I can’t say what I asked but she lied and i knew she lied because I know a mutual. This case would be so easy if she submitted her “thousands of pages of discovery and evidence.” But apparently she doesn’t have shit to submit that’s substantial. She was bored during Covid and wanted more followers, I just feel bad for people who donated to her.


Whatever happened with this feud? I tuned out their babbling after the pandemic and I could go outside again


Tanya is also nuts so this whole fued has been quite the spectacle


Middle seat BC X Emily Gellis was a moment in time. Perhaps she didn’t beg him to marry her like AC did.


Interesting so Tanya wants more $ or what?


No I heard Emily would admit she made everything up but Tanya had to sign an NDA and keep everything sealed. Emily's about to be held accountable for what she did to her and her company!


oh please, like tanya and her company aren’t 🗑️


and l.ike her business wasnt affected by recession and her removing all ads on social and hello, OZEMPIC, MOUNTJARO, etc. her welathy client base decided to take shots instead of 2 scoops of powder 5 times a day in everything they ate. I bought her pwders a few times and the vanilla was terriblr but the vegan one was a nice powder, good texture but way too much fiber, recipes mixed almond flour an dpowder and it could be FARRRRR cheaper to buy fiber pwder from sun warrior and miz with carbquik. recession, glp-1s, removal of ad campaigns for larger brand awareness and clling herself the victim feeling like she was gnag raped was terrible to say. and she supported the bakers circleof bullies. thd was 2020 the word was different, everything was amplified and emtions ran wild. 3 lawsuits is just being vengeful and scapegoating emily bc of ozempic and changing times, tz is a great speaker and educator but she wanted to be joel osteen (who is a major grifter), her ego went out of control and she cannot hear no or wrong. they both could have handled it differently and franjkly, with everything happening, these 2 should grow the f up, be adults, soeak in person, hash it out and dissove the lawsuits. its a shame 2 Jewish women are behaving this way now. 2020 s over and the world is changed. grow up ladies. to both of them.


So Emily would actually admit to having lied all along or she didn’t lie, but will say so in order to settle?


Don’t you feel like Tanya and Emily are basically the same person? They rabidly fight each other in their stories then compete to post about their religion. They should just be friends.


Does anyone know what the new Reddit is? I’d be curious to catch up on this drama a little lol


I used to think Emily was ok- Didn’t get how she thought her sister was so hilarious, but whatever- She blocked me for no reason


Can someone define what's going on here for someone who doesn't care enough to dig?


Ok I was wrong she was not admitting guilt to TZ when she tried to settle, she agreed to turn in the bitches who fed her this BS story and lies about Tanya Zuckerbrot. Emily feels she is innocent because she ran with lies which ultimately destroyed her $40,000,000 company. I stand corrected.


If she said she will claim "guilty," why wouldn't Tanya's legal team just accept that? LIKE MOVE ON! I would do anything in my power to end all of this to move on with my life if I were in the same situation. Go to trial. Go bankrupt. Settle. Perhaps, Tanya wants the "truth" to be out there? It's really not like Emily has that much money so Tanya likely won't see much.