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Lmao the Bobby hart post


Bengals sub been toasting our guys we should send them Ogletree and Solder next


Ogletree isn’t bad though?


He's not worth his contract, but he's not bad either. He's a very up and down player. He isn't consistent enough for what he's making, but it's not like we would become a better football team if he wasn't on the field next week. Literally the same thing applies to Solder. Both of these guys are overpaid, inconsistent, unreliable, but at the end of the day we've had a lot worse at those positions over the years and our team would get worse if we were starting the guys on our bench.


At all...I think he’s one of the few bright spots


So, you know how a woman will have a piece of shit husband who beats her, treats her like a dog, cheats on her all the time, and then brings her a flower and she's gushing about how good he is to her? Like, stereotypical abusive relationship in the movies? We've been beaten so badly as a fanbase for so long you just called Ogletree at $10 million a bright spot on this team.


Im looking at him the same way I look at Jenkins....Good players on a horrible defense,you put a few halfway decent players around them and they do good things.....they showed us when the defense is good its usually one of those two that balls out and has a good game....thats not an anomaly


IMO good players show out no matter what, Jenkins getting beat in multiple games multiple times and ogletree not being able to tackle in some games and not being able to defend the pass almost ever makes them bad players. I just think they should be the good players that we praise while young rookies are the ones who need good players around them to ball out


Ogletree has been a phenomenal tackler. Idk what games you're watching.


Let’s be real here, is there any aspect of ogletrees game that you can call phenomenal? Mayo and Connelly are great run stuffers, olgetrees is worse but he’s phenomenal? Can’t drink the kool aid because it’s fits the narrative


What are you talking about? I said his tackling? He has had some great stops. He's a good tackler. Probably one of our best. He just isn't great at coverage.


Hahaha Trubisky throws the ball right to him and he’s a bright spot. Dude is a slow coverage LB.


He read the play well and got up pretty high to pluck the ball out of the air. If you want to insult him, don't use one of his better plays of the year to do so. That wasn't an INT of opportunity like so many last year, that was a legitimately good play.


He's not good. And certainly not worth his price.


Downvoted for honesty. He’s been bad. Last year he was bad. The year before that he was bad. He’s bad.


Idk I can think of more than a few times Ogletree had a big play including a touchdown or 2 and multiple interceptions. Consider that while remembering our defense is TRASH.


He’s had a couple of picks. Great let’s highlight what went right on maybe 2% of his total snaps. But let’s disregard how bad he was in the run game. Or how he’s a liability in pass defence. He’s ok with zone. Late round pick and Undrafted guys were taking his playing time early on but hey the guy had a two pick game last year so his stats look good right? But let’s ignore the fact he has allowed a completion percentage of almost 80 percent. He only looks decent because we are so bad. We haven’t had a linebacker since Pierce.


I'd argue since Michael Boley.


He was ok.


Sad part was he lead the team in interceptions last year. This year I think Shurmur broke the all time record of blowing games.


Can verify these statements are true. Ogletree is SLOWWWW


He can’t cover anyone.


It's payback for Marshall Newhouse.


Nate Solder is the new Ereck Flowers


So true. And it hurts so bad.


Please don't. I hate it when my two favorite teams exchange bad players. Bobby Hart is only good for King of the Hill memes.


We're pretty fucked with their contracts for the next 2 years if we can't trade them. If we can create great units around them, I do think each of them is more than capable when not asked to do too much. We'll see though. I feel like both guys have just been resting on their laurels.


We can cut Jenkins next year and save 11.25 million next year and that puts at least with 70+ million in cap space


Definitely stealing that insult for future use, lol.


[Looks like he actually is one though lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/bengals/comments/dnapuj/bobby_hart_is_an_antivaxxer/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


>Great, now he's probably going to give the rest of the Oline a super strain of the measles or whooping cough and we'll get even worse fucking lmao


Oh shit. I don't have enough face or palm to properly facepalm this.




Disappointed to not see any Flowers hate here, then remembered that WAS fans suddenly think he's hit his prime bc the rest of their line is so god awful


From what I've seen he hasn't been awful which is a pretty big step up for him


He is also playing in the interior which is helping him because his biggest problem was having to work the edge on pass protection.


his footwork is an abomination and guard footwork is simply less complex than tackle footwork.


I mean most failed high pick tackles slide inside when they are losing it. I'm surprised we went to the Flowers well for as long butting our head at making him a tackle.


do you remember when Flowers tried to stop a man by extending his leg in what looked like a pitiful 37% effort roundhouse? i do.


Yeah wasn't it on like the 10th snap overall of our 2018 season? Edit: which was against the Jaguars and then *they signed him when he got cut*


Yet somehow we are worse


The Raiders are the only team here who is better than us...


I meant record wise we are worse than we were last year


Oh yeah we fucking suck


Look on the bright side. I mean literally. Just stare into the sun. If you do that long enough you won’t have to watch the Giants anymore.




Why u wait til night time to say this?


I came as quickly as possible. Just like always.


So you disappoint us as much as this team. ^^^^I'mjkIluvu


best advice I have ever seen on this sub


It's weird having 50 million in payroll in Cleveland or on the bench doesn't improve a team...very weird....


I mean we are definitely worse. There were quite a few close games last year where if a few things went our way we were an 7-9 win team. You could argue we at times were better than a 5 win team. This year is not even close, we're lucky to have 2 wins and should have 1, we've regressed so far on defense it's crazy.


To be fair we are also a lot younger and cheaper (on defense) than last year




Dude. It’s talent. We’re thin and green. Like a young leaf of spinach. Wispy.


Coaching develops guys too. Just have to pray he doesn't ruin Daniel Jones.


LMAO I told Raiders fans on Twitter that Curtis Riley was trash when they signed him, and I got called a hater.


Those would be stupid Raiders fans but he is only playing due to injuries. He shouldn't be on the field so much and he got all but benched from week 2 to week 12. At a certain point a body is a body, though.


Not with Riley, you may as well play with 10 because it’s the same shit with that guy


Well, that's comedy. Hopefully our team stops being as bad as all their garbage cast-offs.


Searched Bobby Hart on the Bengals sub. So many golden posts lol


Besides Linval Joseph what ex-Giants have done well on another team?


Phillip Rivers


Well said find person. Gave me a chuckle as I sit here miserable eating dinner.




He was killing it with Donald Glover at Jada Pinkett Smith's strip club too.


Amukamara is good.


(Current) Devon Kennard Romeo Okwara Snacks Harrison hasn't been terrible Eli Apple hasn't been terrible Darian Thompson has started a few games for the Cowboys


Oh wow I thought DT was out of the nfl


Lions D is garbage and letting Snacks go last year was the perfect time.


Linval Joseph with the Vikings


JPP was producing for TB before he got in that car accident. Kurt Warner took AZ to the Super Bowl but I'm not sure if that counts


I was fuckin pissed when we let him walk and every time I hear his name I get upset


Cowboys fans don't like him.


Lenard and Okwara have been performing for the lions, Amoukamara was a starting CB on the best defense of last season. Apple is better on the Saints than he was with us as well. Psi was decent for the Falcons back in the day considering he left late in his career, JPP was a little more useful for the Buccs than he was when he left us especially considering his situation. Jack shit at safety or linebacker tho


Last year Okwara did well. This year he's on pace for 1 sack.


The Bengals paying BW Webb was one of the biggest head scratchers of the offseason.


Our guys aren't doing much better to be honest


Amazing to me that teams even picked up these guys. I swear, every year we have guys on D who wouldn’t even be backups on any other team


The number of (especially defensive) starters that left the giants to never even sign on another team is preposterous


Who else remembers getting shat on by washington fans when we told them that Collins has a lot weaknesses to his game?


Good content


Ahh yes Bobby Hart the self-proclaimed best tackle in the league.


Good lord BW Webb was terrible. Worst DB we may have ever had


Olivier Vernon. Where is he? ....*on the injured list*


Man, I'm not going to revel in the hate for Giants players. LC21 is a dick, sure, but he gave us some great years. BW Webb, Riley and Hart tried as hard as they could, I believe. Fuck jno though, that dude can eat a dick for life.




Josh Norman


No posts related to Ereck Flowers? I’m surprised.


I still have bad dreams about that draft; the Skins grab the guy we really wanted, then we grab Flowers so the Rams are forced to settle for Todd Gurley...


Have the skins cut Flowers yet?


I guess, as Giants fans, we are more understanding with what's going on...and NOT toxic! :)


I really think Bobby Hart is the worst football player I have ever watched. He was so much worse than flowers, the only difference was he was a 7th round pick lol so people just didn't pick on him as much




Ok but landon is still a G


A G at missed tackles


He’s even better at blowing coverages


A g at laying the wood


In Madden for sure


875 Gs/game