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Dudes were really in here saying he wouldn't get 18-20m a year. 35m per. Goodness.


I guess that makes them right no? šŸ˜‚


...from a certain point of view


From my point of view the Jedi are evil


Daniel LaRusso was the villain


A religious order that takes children away from their parents at a young age to train them to fight. What could go wrong?




They are right. Heā€™s getting 18-20m per year after taxes.


Less than that, heā€™s in Canada.


Lmfao this made me laugh but itā€™s also true


Lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


From us


I was on this team, but I was saying he wouldn't get 18-20 a year from us. That much on a backup PG is insane. Happy for him though.


Man from all the rumors about the new TV deal, I imagine salary cap is about to go up like crazy. 35m per might not even feel like a ton anymore. Ya'll remember when OKC traded James Harden away because they didn't want to pay him and then the salary cap blew up? I get the feeling that the cap is about to explode even harder within the next year or two.


League put a limit on it because of the last TV right deal that made the cap balloon which led to the warriors being able to sign KD & keep all them other guys. It can only go up 10% annually, but even still by the 2028-29 season it should be between $200M - $210M. About $65M more than it is rn. So yeah even OGā€™s contract towards the end is only gunna be like 23% of the cap which is great for the Knicks. Contracts about to be looming crazy out here


Quickley is so fun to watch. Needs to work on his playmaking, but he is a walking bucket with infinite range. His defence is insanely good too.Ā 


With Toronto, he had 6.8 assists per game, a 29.5 AST% to a 10.1 turnover %. For comparison, Brunson had 6.7 ast/gm, AST% of 33.5, and turnover % of 9.1. IQ did that with about a 10% lower usage percentage too. So yeah, he needs to work on playmaking in the sense that all players need to try to improve every year, but no way Toronto is concerned about that kinda play.


Some ppl figure 28-30M but dang this is high


I remember going back and forth with someone who said he was getting 4/80 MAX


hey if u truly believe deep down in ur heart that hes worth that much then god bless ur soul.


Probably the same people who said OG wasn't getting 40m per year. They're clueless yet entitled to an opinion


This is why we traded him. Retaining a backup PG at that clip wouldā€™ve been absolutely braindead, even as great and young as IQ is. Once Brunson showed himself to be a star in 2023, it was a no-brainer to trade IQ and getting OG out of it is just the icing on the cake. Big things ahead for Quick and now heā€™s got his deserved bag


Especially when we see how neatly Deuce filled Quickley's role


Deuceā€™s development was - if not the thing - a huge factor in why they were comfortable trading a fan favorite near star-level pg. They knew an offer like that was out there somewhere, and there was no chance they could keep him. I hope he does great in his career, because he was never going to be the lead option on a team with Jalen Brunson doing what he is doing.


Facts, plus RJ returning home for a young team is something they can sell while figuring out who and how to maximize Scottie/IQ/him on one timeline. Thought it was a win for everyone involved when it happened, just didn't know how the rest of the Spida package would play out, sheesh.


On a really good contract too, his 13 mil extension over the next 3 years kicks in 24-25, who knows how much more he could improve. We could be seeing a perennial 6th MOTY or All-Star in the making.


I donā€™t think deuce was a good Pg, he was a good player but not a god Pg. But having Anunoby locked up far outweighs that


big win for the raptors too. he averaged 21/8/6 on 40% 3PT shooting post all-star break. legitimate all-star when the Raptors become a top-3 team in the east again.


With those contracts and $270 for Barnes, it's going to be hard to add talent to get to top 3 in the east.


Iā€™m pretty sure Barrett will not be apart of their next contending roster so thatā€™s helpful


Always suspicious when playerā€™s numbers take a leap when theyā€™re on bad teams playing pressure-free basketball


Pump the breaks a bit lol


well said


I absolutely love Quickley, and was really sad to see him go. But wow, 35 per year is pretty insane. Brunsonā€™s contract becomes more and more laughable every day


I actually feel bad for Brunson like fuck, as a Knicks fan Iā€™d love if he took the smaller extension so we could have more cap flexibility but as a Brunson fan I hope he holds out till next year to get the absolute BAG especially given how smaller guards tend to age whichever contract he takes will probably be his big pay day ā€¦


Ironically Brunson likely makes more money in the long term with this pay cut because it could lead to a ring. Winning a championship in NYC basically locks in a boatload of $$$ down the road from endorsements, future max contracts, etc.


I got him as a lock for mvp next year, especially if it looks like weā€™re championship bound, itā€™s too good of a feel good story for the media getting the gang back together and best believe heā€™ll be balling out of his mind with his bros. Weā€™re also gonna obliterate the opposing 1 through 4 on defence given how switchable our team is, imagine a lineup with Hart Bridges and OG all at once. Hopefully we can get IHart back or else a good C replacement and weā€™ll be set imo


We need strong defense on the perimeter bc Brunson will be targeted and there are bigs out there that can still give iHart/Mitch a tough go. No doubt weā€™re going to be stronger defensively but our defensive versatility will be bonkers with different line ups we can run with.


He's getting the max no matter whatĀ  He also gets the endorsements no matter whatĀ  People here always overestimate how much these guys make from ancillary revenue streamsĀ 


He actually can make more money no matter what taking the extension early because it means the next one comes sooner with bigger raises. Itā€™s just a risk he would be taking of getting hurt or something and not getting the second deal.


Don't feel too bad. He would have got half of what we gave him from Dallas and now he's set up to get the super max. I'm sure Dallas wouldn't have considered that either! It's a win to me!


Heā€™s not super max eligible.


I stand corrected then. My bad, then weā€™d still pay him more when you consider his current contract along with the max he can get as is.


If he takes his extension this summer itā€™s 4/$156M, or he could hit free agency next summer & re sign with the Knicks for 5/$270M


We gave Brunson more than he would have got in Dallas and also gave him the ball as our number one, giving him a path to crazy future earnings he would not have otherwise had. I understand your point though, lotta guys making more than him that aren't as good. I wonder if our Nova boys are all going to take less to stay together?


I could see Josh Mikal and Dvo all taking pay cuts to make it work because they might miss out on like an extra 5 mil a year each. But there is no way Brunson is gonna give up 120 mil, heā€™d almost be doubling his salary


Brunson wants a ring, heā€™s not as concerned about $$. He knows if he wins a ring in NY he will make billions


Who cares about a billion dollars when he already will never have to buy himself a beer again




Heā€™s fine heā€™s getting the New York endorsements lmao


100 mil ainā€™t nothing to lmao at


So happy for him. Get that bag.


Good for him, glad we didnā€™t have to pay that lol


Word lolll


Forreal Iā€™ll take paying OG $7 mill more a year than IQ for sure, ESPECIALLY when you consider that we got off RJā€™s contract in favor of essentially mikal bridges in that spot and hopefully we replace bojans cap hit with Hartenstein


Getting rid of RJ really was key there. IQ is a monster, and I think he's gonna be a star, but OG is a better fit with the team right now. I'm sure in 5 years, we'll all be talking about how cool it was when IQ was here, but if we win a chip, it's all worth it.


IQ at 35 means OG was definitely worth 42.5. Doesnā€™t seem like an overpay at all


It also means signing iHart for 18m is a pipe dream lol




Sigh... Seems like the going rate for any starting caliber talent these days is 25-45 mil while stars are getting 50 mil plus.


aw fuck you're right


I love iHart (truly) but to be 100% honest I don't think he's irreplaceable.


Possibly true, but he already has great chemistry with his team. If we're in win now mode, every bit matters.


You need other teams to offer the 10-12th best center $23 million


Fuck you!!! Noooooooooo!


For sure! These players are getting paid ! šŸ˜±


Yea knicks were never gonna give him that, good for him


Jesus, just like we were forced to give og a bag. Raptors were also in a similar situation. Good for him


What I donā€™t understand is would you rather pay like $65 million to rj and iq with Barnes contract coming up or just keep OG at 42? Like what is Toronto smoking?


We arenā€™t in the position like you guys are to pay a mainly defensive player $40M+ bc we arenā€™t a win now team. For you guys itā€™s totally worth it cuz yā€™all are going all in & your core is like entirely 26-29 year olds. For us it would just limit our cap space.


Og is older than both rj and iq, and it was time for the raptors to capitalize when the value of og was at an all time high.


I also donā€™t think OG was going to re-sign with Toronto, heā€™s too good to be on a partially rebuilding team when multiple contenders would be willing to give him close to the max.


Og wasn't settling on 42 to stay in tor. He took less w us




Get that bag lil homie


Quick šŸ’ŖšŸ½


No fuckin way thatā€™d be coming from New York. Itā€™s technically fair. Itā€™s like paying Lou Will a lot of Money. Itā€™s fine. Not preferred. Good for Quick! Lou Will getting dudes paiiiiid.


Except Quicks a starter now making starter money which is what he wanted all along. By the end of next season heā€™ll have started more game than Lou Will did in like 17 years in the league. Still donā€™t know if quick a legit starting PG for a team thatā€™s tryna really win, hope he is, but rn I still feel like his best fit is 6th man Lou Will roll. But that idea is out the window when you give someone $175M lol


I just mean itā€™s like the Clippers having paid 175$ Mil over 5 for all Lou Will did. So itā€™s basically fair. I think theyā€™re pretty comparable. Quick is obviously bigger but a bit worse.


I think weā€™re both saying the same thing lol. Idk if heā€™s worse tho. For where they both are/were in their careers in year 4 Iā€™d say quick is ahead of the curve


Just not seeing the same Man. Lou Will was a Man and the Man. Quick a bit Knox-y in the Face. A bit chucklefuck. Uncool. Really good though. I doubt it ever stylistically looks as ill as Lou. No Drake Song coming. Donā€™t think heā€™s as Clutch either.


Go IQ go IQ GOOOO!!! Get that bag. (But Iā€™m glad we arenā€™t the ones paying it - or rather, glad we arenā€™t watching some other team paying it while rolling out RJ next to Randle again instead of OG). To think Bridges is more than ten million less than IQ for the next two years is crazy.


Raptors are really paying 120m for Scottie + IQ + RJ fucking yikes


all very young players with a lot of room to improve. except maybe RJ, but what he provides fits into that team well. i can see scottie and IQ being rlly rlly good


RJ has been the best player on the floor for them as soon as he touched down in Toronto. Look at his stats.


Yeah he really had a great half a season with the raptors. If he keeps that up his contract is very reasonable.


And that's the issue. If RJ is your best player, you ain't going far


Idk manā€¦ this was the first first time RJ looked like a legit superstar on 55% fg 22ppg and thatā€™s on 32 games not a fuckin Knicks 3 game streak. RJ looks different


For real. RJ is not a good defender and that matters nowadays.


Yeah Iā€™m honestly not worried about the RJ contract bc we use him strikingly differently than he was used in NY. He wonā€™t shoot 55% again but I do think heā€™s gonna keep developing with us. Also he seems motivated playing at home.


The system and the fit is just better. I was a doubter I didnā€™t like him here thought he would fall flat on his face in Toronto. But I was wrong, lets see next year


The problem is I could also see them being just ok and they will get paid combined 120 regardless. There are def franchises in worse positions thoughĀ 


Iā€™ll take my Nova Knicks for like 30 million less


well yeah.. obviously lol. i think its not going to be 30 million less when ppl start getting paid but id take the nova knicks over any roster in the league rn so idc


Thats....not so bad really.


Get that bag IQ! Hope we get to match up in the playoffs


And THIS is the reason why he had to be traded. Couldnā€™t afford him unfortunately


Glad for him but definitely glad weā€™re not paying, thatā€™s massive


You love to see it


Awesome deal, happy for him, but I donā€™t wanna hear a single Raps fan talk about ā€œwinning the tradeā€ or us ā€œoverpaying for OG.ā€ Yall got RJ and Quick making a combined 65 mil a year, letā€™s just call it a win-win.


Definitely a win win for everyone


Good for quick!


Todayā€™s vibes forecast: Immaculate Love to see IQ and the Knicks both succeeding, even if separately


I couldnā€™t be happier for IQ.Ā  That being said, I canā€™t wrap my mind around the fact that we were in a long-term pact with RJ, would possibly be in a situation where we would be giving IQ a lucrative contract to be a backup, and had Grimes stuck in rotation purgatory with a pending extension coming up.Ā  Leon turned that into two All-NBA defenders and as good a wing duo to counter Tatum/Brown while keeping a core of Brunson, Randle, Mitch, Hart, and Divincenzo. Absolutely brilliant.Ā 


Really canā€™t be understated what Leon has done for this franchise in such a short amount of time. Took us from legit poverty, a team that had won 17 & 21 games the two years before he took over, to three 40+ win seasons in four years, one of which was a 50+ win team & the 2nd seed in the playoffs, back to back 2nd round appearances, & now the team with the pre season 3rd betting favorite to win the chip. Unreal. And on top of that he built a fun ass team to root for that the city absolutely loves. Great time to be a Knick fan. Shoutout Leon man


Iā€™m happy heā€™s getting paid but Iā€™m also happy we arenā€™t paying him that lol. Weā€™ll call it a win/win.


Not only did we improve our squad, we really traded him and RJ to the best spots for their career


WOW! Good for you IQ, he deserves it and I still think the world of this guy


Seeing all these contracts just makes me laugh thinking about how much we got hassled when Brunson originally signed with us. Iā€™m super happy for IQ though, he gets to lead a team and now getting a fat bag šŸ¾


wish him and RJ the best other than when they play us.


So RJ and Quick for nearly $300M or OG (and Precious.?) for just over $200M? We got the players we needed and actually saved cash. That is crazy. (No shade at RJ and Quick, I still love and root for them, just admiring King Leonā€™s work).


Toronto also traded for a pg and drafted a pg. Guess they really needed pgs.


This easily justifies OGs deal, in case anyone was still concerned


Really puts into perspective the OG contract for us. All of a sudden that deal looks like a bargain.


Not bad for a D+ draft pick.


My son gets a bag. Besides when we play you, hope you kill it šŸ«”


Proud of bro! Love quick so much


Happy for him!


HIMmanuel deserves that shit


Shoutout my guy IQ. Became one of my favorite Knicks the last decade. Became a helluva player.


Much love to IQ glad he got the bag but we have Deuce doing 80% of what he did for 10% of the money


Happy for IQ to get that bag, but that being said, good lord šŸ¤’


Happy for Quick - hope he makes the leap in Toronto (as long as itā€™s not against us)


R-really? Heā€™s worth that?


IQ got paid. Get that bread my guy šŸ’ŖšŸ¼




Get your paper booboo


NBA players show the power of collective bargaining. Justin Jefferson, arguably the best WR in the NFL, just signed a deal that maxes out at $25M less than what IQ is guaranteed.


NFL players get nearly half of the revenue from the biggest league in US sports, but their rosters are like 4x the size of NBA rosters. All this says to me is that they have way more people to split their piece of the pie with, not that they don't have a good revenue split.


It's crazy that 100% of the talent makes less than 50% of the revenue


I guess the same suspects that were offering big money for OG had interest in IQ. He's my favorite former Knick, hope he shows he's worth it.


Happy for him


Congrats! Go make us proud! Also can I hold a dollar?


i get its different situations, but og and mikal are now making about as much as iq and rj


Am I crazy or does this make OG signing for 7 more look like great value


Jfc NBA players are so overpaid.


I disagree, compared to the value they bring, they're underpaid. It's crazy that people who play a game and simply put a ball into a hoop make millions, but they bring in millions if not billions of dollars for their organizations. The amount of money they make their team's owners is beyond imaginable, they earned every penny they make.


The Treadmill Raptors


Good for him. I really miss him on the squad and glad he's doing well.


35 mill a year for a guy who can't even score in double digits when games actually matter. GG Raps.


This makes me feel a lot better about OGā€™s contract.


Good for him!!! This makes signing OG for 212 million not even look that bad. Players are getting paid šŸ˜±


People still mad at what we gave OG now?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Raptor fans šŸ¤šŸ¾ Knicks fans Being happy a fan favourite got paid while simultaneously being happy we werenā€™t the team paying them.


I don't even understand why this is an issue for New Yorkers. He's in Toronto. Whatever Toronto pays him. I hope it translates into American money. Other than that we don't give a damn about quickly or Barrett no more. They don't play here but enjoy yourselves! Fellas get all you can


No issue, we are all happy for him. He was a fan favorite around here so we kinda care


Now thatā€™s an overpay lol


Quick is going to be a good starting point guard, and that's what they get paid. Shout out to him


Shame heā€™s not here. He was a good Knick & gave us his all, and did it with class. Happy dude got his money. Heā€™ll always be in good standing with me any time comes back to MSG.


Good for him. And trading him was the right choice for us.


Wow. Holy moly. Get the cheddar IQ, but Iā€™m glad it isnā€™t the Knicks paying that.


Get that bag man, once a Knicks always a Knick! Heā€™ll torch us next season I bet šŸ˜­


I think heā€™s worth it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø good for him happy heā€™s getting paid


Holy crap


Wow, big time money. Happy for him!


Man I thought we'd be paying RJ & IQ 50-55m, this puts them at around $65m.


Great for him!


Letā€™s go!!! So happy for him.


Good for IQ


lol this is insane


Leon Rose wheeling and dealing ! Is quicklyā€™s contract bad or good? Because he gets paid more than Brunson and brunsons contract was a bad one. /s


Letā€™s go Quickley. Get that bag.


Hello rich people? Quick will be joining you shortly


Good for him!


Get that fucking bag IQ, all love to him.


BAG for IQ and since it's not coming from us I couldn't be happier for him.


good dude. hard worker. good for him.


So how much is that for Q and RJ a year?


61m/yr and RJ has 2 more years after this one.


More than I'd want to pay, for sure. Happy for those guys, but we made the right move.


shoutouts to IQ


We had to get rid of him. So happy for iq and Leon you are a god


It's crazy to think that Brunson is about to take less total money than that. If Jalen signs the extension this offseason he gets 4/156


Wow he got almost 10 more per year than RJ and an extra year.


Good for him, damn


Get that bag , young man.


FUCK YEAH. He's got a long career ahead of him he's gonna be a fantastic player


Good for him! šŸ«¶šŸ½


Get that bag quick


Good for him.


Still one of my favorite players of all time, well deserved


Good for him! The money is just jaw dropping!! When I was a kid the only people with 100 million were titans of industry. Maybe some old money types. Not sure how I feel about it... I guess it is probably good. Spread it around!!


I'm glad for IQ but this is the reason we had to trade him out or lose out on him for nothing. With RJ , IQ and Barnes salary i don't see the Raptors being able to retool that franchise to be better, they basically are needing IQ and RJ to become borderline all-star , which they might, it's a risk


Happy for him. Much respect to IQ.




Iā€™m a yuge IQ fan but this is ridiculous. Good for him. Not upset about it. AT ALL. Just a crazy overpay. Barnes got overpaid too. Toronto gonna be ass for a while


Good for him.


Poverty franchise just committed almost half a billion to Barnes and IQ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Trading IQ and RJ for OG was a master move. Don't have to pay these crazy salaries for ok-ish players and get a championship piece for the same salary.


I mean they are good players šŸ”„


Good for Quickley!


Good for Quick. I hope he kills it and also plays very well in every close loss to the Knicks šŸ‘šŸ»


Good for quick Get ur bag young man


Bullet dodged.


Good for IQ. Glad he got the bag. Miss him, obviously. Would love to have him as a Backup Ball Handler. Not sure if that's something Bridges will be able to do or if we'll need to pick up someone in FA.


Love him, thrilled for him, more thrilled we aren't paying that price for him. Makes the trade for OG even better in hindsight, much love though, once a Knick always a Knick šŸ«¶


Whew! Get that bag, IQ. Much deserved.


Salary cap is increasing. Paying your starting PG 20% of the cap isn't outlandish and if Quick takes another leap, or at least plays like he showed he could last season (21-6-8 on 44/39/84 post all-star break) then this could be a good value contract by the end. Darius Garland is being paid almost $5 mil more to put up virtually the same numbers. A little bit of Raptors fan cope, but I do love him on the team and we are never in the running for big name PG's in free agency. Dennis Schrƶder was our big starting PG signing last season and look how that turned out.


Good for him. He is a team player