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We’re probably picking up both options. Sims to be our 3rd big. Jeffries to use in the Mikal trade. We will have enough space for I-Hart regardless as long as we are not hard capped at the first apron.


Using Jeffries in the trade is pointless. If we include him we’re still hard capped at the first apron.


It’s not pointless. It just doesn’t get you there on its own. Jeffries + signing one of our second round picks to a deal slightly higher than the minimum is enough to avoid being hard capped which is the scenario Fred Katz discussed on his pod yesterday.


Can't we put Sims in a deal - since he is on rookie deal and not a vet min?


He counts as a minimum contract apparently due to how much he makes.


Ah okay thanks.


Don't think that's true, if you send more than you receive in a trade you are not hard capped at the First Apron


Sims is trash, knick would be better off finding a vet for the minimum then holding onto sims


I wouldn't call him trash but a vet big might be a good idea.


Three plus years in the league, and the only thing he can still do is just jump, at a certain point knick fans need to let go of these sentimental feelings for bad players, did it with guys like frank for years


Yeah the Knicks can do better.


Why does this picture look like the AI version of Jericho Sims?


Sims and Toppin were both picked up. Everyone else was declined including Precious.


Jacob been killin it in the G League, not bad to keep him


Declining Sims actually costs us cap space since the vet min is above his option


Which then could be used to send to nets in the trade and putting us back in the second aprons since he was considered a minimum contract before


No, they’re both minimum $ contracts. The big thing for the Knicks is figuring out how to avoid being hard capped at the first apron once the Bridges deal is finalized. These two have no bearing on that


Would it be accurate to say that if BKLYN takes back more salary, that might be why we had to include extra draft capital to avoid being hard capped, so in essence the Makil trade can help us retain ihart? Is that a too much of a stretch?


Been waiting for an update on this one. I think it's obvious the team declines Jeffries, but very curious what happens with Sims.


We’re keeping sims. His contract is partially guaranteed it would cost us more total to release him and sign someone else


Gotcha, well then I expect Sims to stay!


Then what part of this is an option?


We have the option to fully guarantee his contract which I expect them to do


2024-25: Club Option/partial-guaranteed: (exercised 6/29/24) $651,180 guaranteed, $1,302,359 guaranteed later of 7/16/24 or 10 days after last day of 2024 moratorium, fully guaranteed later of 8/16/24 or 45 days after last day of 2024 moratorium Declining the option only saves $1.3M against the cap


I think they might actually pick up Jeffries' option and then include him in the trade to brooklyn for cap reasons


Why would Brooklyn agree to this?


Toss in an extra second rounder BK isn't doing anything with their cap space anyway.


It helps facilitate the trade


They're going to let 2nd round unguaranteed contracts who will be playing for a tanking team get in the way of receiving 5 unprotected first round picks? Yeah I don't see it. They will do it.


I don’t understand, we can still back out of the mikal trade? I thought that was a done deal


It's been agreed to in principle and nowhere have I seen that the trade was finalized unless I missed that update. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1805782619382063592


Oh wow I had no idea, this seems crazy to have all this media on a trade that hasn’t even officially happened


Paul George is now a free agent.


The only way we could possibly sign Paul George is for the 12 mill aav mle


I could see him taking 25 million since he’s not getting much more


You’re bugging. He’s gonna get double that.


Bro he declined 48.7 so 50 mill is not happening.


You usually decline because you’re expecting to get offered more; like what we just saw happen w og


Lebron declined he’s not going to get more than what he had on the table


Yes, yes he is.


You think Lebron is going to get more than 51.4 million a season. Seriously?


Yes, he is.


Let me ask you a question…why would any star player opt out if they thought they were gonna get less….


Bro what the fuck is you babbling on about?!?


They like Simms so I think he is staying as a third string big which for that role you could do worse. As far as Jefferies I think they will attempt to include him in the Bridges deal to avoid being hardcapped at the first apron. If they can add Jefferies to the Bridges deal they should be able to give I-Hart the largest offer they can give him. All this apron stuff and cap rules are hard to figure out, Knicks hopefully have top men on this.


We literally have the best salary cap analyst in the league .


So top men?


Yes I believe so , I’ve heard multiple times that they are as good as it gets . TBH I don’t know who came in and said we have to get Leon , Wes , the scouts and analysts . Because they literally are elite . Makes me wonder who we were hiring before and the nepotism that was there to hire Basura caca poopoo people


I have heard the same thing about the Knicks cap people. I think the Scott Perry hire was the start of getting competent people in the bb ops of the team. Perry’s resume wasn’t impeccable but he was a key executive in the Pistons 03-08 run and then went to Seattle where he was a key assistant to Presti for their last season where a lot of their success was set up. He did have less a stellar run in his second Detroit run and his Orlando run was mixed. Many people raved about his acumen in Orlando but the on court result weren’t there. But Perry was seen as a respectable hire and someone from outside the Dolan sphere that was an “adult” in the room. It was a refreshing turn of events once Phil was gone that the team in house had a competent basketball mind to work things out. Perry laid a very solid foundation for Leon to build off of. They didn’t panic after “losing out” on Kyrie and KD. They signed Julius to a 2+1 and then a bunch of 1+1 players to keep the cap flexibility going. They flipped Morris for a pick and just went through a prudent rebuilding season. When Leon took over as president he was handed a team that had a ton of cap flexibility, two first round picks in the upcoming 2020 draft, mostly young players, and two future Mavs picks in their back pocket. Leon was the first Knicks president to inherit a solid rebuilding foundation.


Now that they’re not keeping Precious they have to pick up Sims, right?


Need to stop focusing on or worrying if/how the knicks can offer Ihart the max. If he'll take it the Knicks will figure it out. The issue is if he'll take it which none of us know.


The Knicks should let him go ! S/t


Who do you get dirt cheap to be a 3rd option center if we keep Ihart? You need someone cause you can't trust Mitch to fall awkwardly so many times and not end up hurt. Who the guy to fill the role that gets zero minutes and is supposed to perform at a high level after months of sitting on the bench?



