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The nod gives me so much confidence in all his ABs


I love the nod when he takes a strike, he's like "ok I seen the pitch, let's see you throw it again"


It would be so obnoxious if he wasn’t so good, but the fact that even in ABs he loses he still looks in control of each pitch is crazy. Truly a generational player


Feels like every AB he’s down 0-2 or 1-2 and it just does not fucking matter.


And he plays in every game. Didn't miss one game all of last year played 162. Hasn't missed or rested this year that's underrated


It’s infectious. Granted McKenzie had zero control today and had a lot of uncompetitive pitches but they’ve embodied the pass the baton mindset. Stanton been working counts, that’s how you know it’s infectious lol


This is the underrated aspect. The quality of AB’s this year has been way up in my opinion. Just need to get judge cooking. If Soto and judge can both get hot together you have the toughest two out combo in baseball.


Soto, Judge, and Stanton. Then you got a stew going.


I cannot express enough how wild it is that Judge and Soto is a duo and how terrifying that is for everyone. For reference, both of them are 2nd and 3rd in the league in Walks and they both have more Walks than strikeouts. They both have two of the best eyes in the game. They are at worst top 5 hitters in the game. This is all with Judge not going on that Judgian streak yet! This lineup already has a full on identity already bc of those two and everyone follows suit. Volpe at leadoff makes it even more deadly. No matter how much McKenzie helped us today, it is **not normal** seeing a pitcher dish out 6 walks in 4 innings bc they take such amazing ABs. It’s a small sample size but what I love the most is how replicable and successful the ideal process can be. Its so much fun to watch man


Rizzo is no slouch either. He may project as average offensively but he’s playing an offense oriented position. His 2-strike approach really adds a nice contrast in strikeout/contact rate compared to some of the other guys in the lineup like Judge and Soto who have a tendency to get caught looking a little more. It’s always great when you can layer a variety of different threats within a lineup so the offense isn’t a one trick pony.


The bottom half of the lineup has contributed a lot so far. I appreciate that Cabrera’s batted ball profile indicates he has been lucky, but the results still count. His BABIP will come down at some point, but he has made important adjustments. He is hitting more to the opposite field, and has improved in most categories over his pretty successful rookie season. Volpe has exceeded all reasonable expectations.


I imagined in my head he would look exactly like he does but assumed what I was imagining would not be reality, but here we are.


I love the way he nods and smiles knowingly when a pitcher gets a good strike by him. I believe he’s a man with a plan.


This right here. It's like he's performing rocket surgery every at bat.


That he’s THIS good & only 24 is damn near mind boggling. I know that Jones & Dominguez are on their way at some point, but I’m totally ready to back up the Brinks truck for Soto.


Dominguez, Jones, Soto left to right as Judge transitions to 1B/DH


To borrow from the late, great Mils Lane… I’ll allow it!


My favored ref from celebrity death match


My favorite boxing ref & one if my favorite tv judges to boot. LOL


Soto is definitely transitioning before Judge but yeah


I doubt it, Judge is a big dude and they’re gonna want to get him out of outfield to preserve him


Yeah but Judge has historically graded out as an excellent fielder while Soto not so much


I disagree, Soto can hide in tiny RF, Judge already has experience at 1B when he was younger. It will be easier for him to transition the. Soto learning a new position on the fly. Plus like I said Judge is older and has more of an injury history.


I’m not advocating for either to go to 1st base I want Soto at DH, Judge in right, and a legit first basemen


You’re asking for too much if you want Judge to play OF into his mid/late 30s


If Judge’s body can’t handle it then sure but objectively Judge in right is a better team than Soto in right


It’s MILES harder to play 1st then it is outfield. That’s why throughout the history of baseball terrible fielders end up in the outfield. If you think Soto is a negative defender in the outfield just wait till you see him trying to field a screamer down the line off a lefty like Sho or pick a ball in the dirt. Judge was a first basemen through high school and during college so him moving to first as he ages like Harper did makes sense.


You seem to fundamentally misunderstand what I’m saying Soto should DH and we should get a legit 1st baseman. Judge is a better defender so he should play outfield more often






Did you reply to right person because that’s what I said?


My bad you were talking to yourself, I didn't realize that. Most of the time people don't respond to their own comment. That's... a weird thing to do. But hey, you do you!


Yeah didn’t respond to myself. You realize people delete comments right?


[Are you not DarthLuke84? Who responded to DarthLuke84?](https://i.imgur.com/8ce9LQi.png) You should see a doctor about your multiple personalities.




Where would Stanton be placed?


Let’s be honest, he’s playing well now but there’s no guarantee it keeps up or he stays healthy. I’m not too worried about himthough, maybe he DHs a little, maybe he becomes a part time player or maybe the Yankees release him


I mean if he keeps this up why would they cut him? Granted not great numbers but still pretty good. And health is the biggest factor. Judge may be the one to go to left field, cause right field is easier for Soto, assuming he stays. A lot depends on Rizzo and Stanton. If they both put up solid numbers I don’t see why they’re both not returning next season. They may wanna decline the option for Rizzo and just shift Judge to first next season. Or keep him around and just have Judge slowly transition to first and then in 2 years make that full time switch, once Jones is ready. It’s still just April, so it’s obviously way too early to tell It’ll be a good problem to have if Stanton stays healthy and is productive


Here I was getting excited thinking he was like 26. He's still a baby omg


I know, right? 🤣


His body language in the opening series vs Houston was electrifying but tbh I’m glad he tones down the shuffling and the engaging with the pitcher between pitches and seems to reserve it for when the moment calls for it


He’ll still let the umpires know what he thinks of every call 😂


I don’t think the shuffling is a flashy move. They said on one of the broadcasts that he does it to remind himself of something (I forget what they said lol). But it’s not just a showboat move. It’s for a reason and for his own concentration. That’s why he doesn’t do it all the time.


It’s to stay low and to keep his hip back/centered. That’s why he hits his hip too


Ah Okok. Thanks. Makes sense


I love when he shuffles to Zack Greinke lol


Tbh, I kind of miss his iconic shuffling, but also recognize he's maturing as a player, too. He's still bringing some personality that our lineup as been seriously lacking, and for that I'm thankful, but his talent is undeniable, too. He's flavor that kicks, and when he makes watching him fun, it just makes the whole experience better, imo.


It looks like he's in control of every single at bat, even when he doesn't get a hit


Nope, I remember watching him with the Nats and their ride to World Series champs. This man has been electrifying to watch since he was brought up. Just wasted in San Diego somehow.


As a Nats fan first and a Yankees fan second, I’m so glad he’s back on the East coast and not playing for a rival


Yes. It’s hard to fully appreciate a player unless you watch them play day in and day out in my opinion. Juan Soto perfectly exemplifies what being a Yankee is about and being a great baseball player.


How a player will handle the New York spotlight is always the big question when a player joins the Yankees. I don't think we've seen someone revel in it quite like this since... David Wells? Reggie?


the streets wont forget 2022 matt carpenter


God Carp was absolutely electrifying for a few months there. 


That was an absolute magic carpet ride. So much fun.


Yes. It brings me back to the days of watching Griffey Jr. play. We made the trek to old Yankee Stadium almost every time the Mariners came to town just to see Griffey play. Can’t wait to head to the stadium this year to watch Soto. He’s a must see.


Griffey was always fun to watch, but he genuinely took his game to the next level against the Yankees.  Man really held a grudge from his childhood. 


Feels even crazier that he won a WS 5 years ago and was a standout player even then..


And he’s *checks notes* 25… I know everyone here knows that; I know that was your point. But it still doesn’t feel real. We need to break out the blank check


I love Judge. But to me this guy is next level. I never would have thought that if I didn’t see it with my own eyes.


I audibly gasp everytime he strikes out because its actually shocking


He's the best hitter in baseball. He might be the most complete, all-around hitter since Miguel Cabrera at his peak 10 years ago. You just know he's never overmatched in any at-bat against any pitcher. He's a complete master of the strike zone.


He's more like peak Votto. They have really similar batting style and mastery of the strike zone.


100%. I say it every time he’s at bat. He’s just so fucking good and I really didn’t get it from just reading the stats or seeing a highlight. Every pitch is an important pitch to him. He’s locked in and he’s looking to be productive however possible. Bloop single? Cool. Walk? Cool. Home run? Cool. He’s a pure baseball player and the game needs more of them.


He's earning every dollar he's going to make, and I hope it's from us.


For sure. Every AB I feel like he’s going to either get a hit or walk.


lol yes


I moved to San Diego in 2020 and watched his time with the padres on tv and in person at petco and even I didn’t appreciate him as much as I do now. Maybe that’s mostly on me but I don’t know—I think maybe he got lost in the padres lineup with machado and tatis. Something is kind of off with the padres unfortunately since I’ve started watching them at least. Yankees this season seem so cohesive and much more of a solid unit. Very fun to watch.


When I saw him do his thing during the 2019 postseason, I prayed we would get him someday. It’s been an absolute treat getting to watch him. This season will definitely be a record for me as far as games watched


The swagger is infectious. And he more than backs it up. This team needed a serious jolt and Soto gave it to them and then some.


Yes, now I can't imagine him not on the Yankees. We are getting truly spoiled this year. I also cannot wait for Judge to catch fire.


Yes. Yes, he is.


The last Yankee I can remember that was this intrinsically exciting in the box was Soriano. Yes Judge is a great hitter, but Soto just has that air of anything can happen at any moment. I hope we decide to pay him...


He is made for New York


His attitude and his energy is a joy to watch. Can’t help but think he’s found his home.




He’s one of the most animated players i’ve ever seen watching baseball. Period. 😂


Living in DC he’s been my favorite player in baseball since the beginning of 2019. So incredibly happy to see him in pinstripes.


Yes. I mean, no offense but I didn’t keep up with him as much as any other player not on the Yankees over the years. I knew he was good, but his presence is something I’ve never seen👀😳🙌🏽


I never realized how much of a fight he puts up, every single pitch, every single at bat. He’s an absolute monster.


I couldn’t be more content, he’s electric




Even when he’s slumping he will still get on base from walks


He is the ball of energy and zest the yankees desparately needed. I hope he stays for life


Is this what getting Reggie Jackson felt like, for our old timer fans?


I’ve been wondering if this is what the ‘98 team felt like


No, '98 was different. Especially with Mo in the pen and that rotation.


If we're in the dog days of summer and the Yankees are winning games without you having to think about it, that's ’98.


Yeah. If they didn't hit with men on base, if they didn't get the hold and the save, it was a real head scratcher. 'Wait, what just happened? That was really weird. Oh well. We're going to win tomorrow.'


Blank check


Was at the games today and he was waving to us Yankees fans. Hillarious. Each plate appearance is like a game within a game. So disciplined. Fun to watch.


he's going to get so much money. I was definitely one of the people who was panicked and wanted Snell but goddamn I am glad we didn't. Soto is going to get obscene $. Deserves every penny too.


He needs to drop Boras ASAP like Monty


Boras isn’t fumbling this one


I watched him on the Padres go 2nd deck in Yankee stadium last year; since then I knew I would cherish every second of him if he was in pinstripes. But even so far it’s better than I expected


I'm also loving him pandering to yankee fans too, with the quotes and fun stuff like the cleats. (to be clear, I don't mean pandering in a negative way. i do believe it's genuine)


Yes. Even knowing how great he was before he came here. It's just different when you watch him every day.


He's got an eye like DiMaggio; give him a Blank check. 🕹️


I never realized how entertaining an at bat could be, even without a positive outcome, until I saw a Juan Soto at bat. Just watching his command of the strike zone is entertaining.


yeah. I never thought a walk could be entertaining


yes. I just hope he has a realistic number in his head. his rejection of 420 million worries me. not saying he ain't worth 500 mil I just hope it ain't more than that


He's worth whatever he wants.


I feel like his is worth 35 million to 40 million a year, the Nats offered him 29 million a year, so he knew he could get more because of his age and being so good at such a young age.




Oh no, I’ve been a Soto fan for a while now even before his Yankees debut. The dude just has swagger. He can talk the talk and walk the walk.


Dude's a generational hitter. Of course he's fun to watch.


Feels like he’s more in the spotlight than when he was in San Diego. I’m lovin it.




I think part of it is also that he’s in a heater. I’ve watched him sort of regularly since his last Washington year and the highs of the highs are electric.


Yes! When we started hot in 2022 I had a feeling it was fools gold and the injury bus would hit is, but something about him has me actually excited and all in


He’s worth the fee. Pay him !!


Yes. more fun and even a bit awe-inspiring. We’ve had our sluggers, and they are fun, but the Yankees have sorely needed a guy who gets on base and racks up RBIs like Juan Soto. Still love Judge, Stanton, and Rizzo, but Soto, Volpe, Cabrera, and Verdugo are nothing less than transformative for the Yankees.






I don’t care about the shuffle or any of that, I just love watching his natural ability. The guy just holds the keys to baseball and it’s awesome to watch.


I know WAR is supposed to quantify a player's positive effect on a team, but Soto seems to bring more than the numbers would suggest. He's been a positive hitting influence for other teammates. He annoys a pitcher even in making an out and gets in their head. That has to help the other batters around him. I'm not sure if WAR actually accounts for that. This year's additions of Dugie, Stro, and Soto really helped to make this roster feel like a team.


He seems to love being a Yankee.


Didn't like him at all before this year. 10 games in as a Yankee I already love this guy. Never did such a quick reversal on a player before


Honestly same


Yes. I thought that we got scammed and paid for an overpriced rental, but I am happy to be wrong so far.




Best overall hitter I have ever seen and I have been watching closely since mid 90's. Has the discipline and art of hitting like a Boggs or Gwynn but hits for power.


I was just thinking this yesterday. The number of quality at bats I've seen from Soto in the first 15 or so games is greater than the total number of quality at bats I saw from this entire team all of last year.


I thought he was going to be a jerk because Padres, but he’s a teriffic player and seems like a solid team mate. And he looks good in pinstripes!


Well yeah I think he's just so fun to watch cuz he's a fuckin warrior out there every moment. It's not like Aaron Hicks pouting after every ground-out or too timid to go sprint for a fly ball that might go over your head. This is pure balls to the wall, I'm better than you baseball and I love it so much


He would fit well in with the 90s dynasty team with his approach. It has spread to his teammates too


one crazy thing about watching him has been how it feels like some umpires respect his zone, like his reputation precedes him and they know that if he’s taking a borderline pitch, it’s probably a ball. i don’t have a specific example for this, so just vibes, but there have been multiple times where i’ve had that thought after seeing him take a close one.


Generational, in all aspects. More fun than Tim Anderson, better than Mike Trout, he’s like Ted Williams with Latin flair.


Will be sad to see him go this fall.


Honestly im not really a baseball fan, just a Yankee fan. Havent watched a full non Yankee game since the Cubs WS. So I had obviously heard of him, seen highlights. Oh my god hes so fun. His energy. Even his dumb plays (getting doubled up today) he still shoves over Naylor and makes it fun.


This is no different than when he was with the Nationals.


And he’s only 20 years old


He started the year on fire, so obviously it's been crazy fun to watch. He's incredible. But let's not fool ourselves, he's not actually *this* good. It's still early April, he will cool off. He's not going to hit .360 all year. Right now everything is great. But the way he carries himself will be less endearing when he's in slump. As will how much forgiveness he gets in the field and on the bases. Right now we're in the honeymoon phase where everything is perfect.


This isn't a honeymoon phase. It's just what watching an elite hitter is like.


I love having Soto but idk if I'd describe him as fun to watch lol. He's a really good hitter, but not very flashy.


w h a t




If he doesn't have exciting presence at the plate, who does?


I guess nobody? I don't think I'd describe what he or anyone else does at the plate as "exciting".


This might be the coldest take in the replies 😂. His confidence is all the flash he needs. The shuffle is flash. The nods, talking to the ump, the shakes, hitting his hip. It’s all flash and flare


To each their own. I think I'd need to be pretty drunk before I thought a player talking to the umpire was fun and flashy.


As a padre fan I can confirm that Soto is That Guy