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You’re right, they’ve turned it around. They bludgeoned the worst team in the league now they’re going to soar. 10 to 1, they split this series!!!


Just watched the condensed game. Holy moly! I fell asleep at the very top of the 9th and missed all the late action.


Let’s just do half as well every game from now on!


I’m a Gleyber turbo doomer, but honestly it was great seeing a smile on his face again


Special thanks to Stroman, he was in everyone's face when the team was lethargic, even when he was taken out and walking up and down the dugout shouting like a mad man! That changed the whole attitude of the team.


Exactly what they needed.






Excellent win now let’s strike while the iron is hot and make the trade that will truly cement our World Series run Aaron Boone and Michael Kay to Tampa Bay for Kevin Cash and Dewayne Staats


Somebody check my math, but... I'm pretty sure it's just vibes that win the World Series


Yes, yes it is what I want


Everyone having a love affair with Stroman after he was a massive douche today. He got lucky as fuck we won this game, if not, his true colors were shining bright. Guy is a massve asshole that wears out welcome fast when they are losing


He’s also the first to back his teammates up. When Holmes blew a save and failed to secure the win for Stroman and the Yanks, Stro went on his social media account after the game to call Holmes the best closer in the game and he’s happy to have him on the team and he loved the team. He needs to be better at this of course, the on field stuff can’t happen again. But in the dugout telling them they need to play with more intensity, that’s fine. You have to get your point across and you’re probably not going to light a fire under the team the Boone way which is the “good dad” way. Boone is in there like a friendly school counselor. He isn’t igniting anything. Somebody had to do it. What names did you call him when he said this after a Clay blown save/loss. “Clay Holmes is the best closer in baseball. Thankful to have him down there in the ninth for us day in and day out. Truly love this squad. It’s a pleasure to show up and compete daily with my brothers. Grateful for the home crowd. Energy always on a million. On to the next!…”


Yeah he's all happy when things are going good as they were when Holmes blew that save. He showed his true colors when things were going bad for him on the mound and the team. He was all happy and apologetic after the game because we came back to win that game but that act will get tiring quick.. which is why nobody wanted him this past off season


Thank God he let his freak flag fly. It’s what you want.


Go away


You really are just one miserable fuck, aren't you? Seek help.


Energy at today's game was crazy <3


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I2NJKTv06hE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I2NJKTv06hE) How the team reacted towards Torre's HR. (wholesome)


This team sorely needed someone like Marcus Stroman. LFG


The Yankees batted in 16 runs today, which is amazing and wins 100% of games regardless of pitching. How about that pitching? They gave up 5 runs tonight in a park that isn’t especially hitter-friendly. Not a great number, but at least it’s competitive. Hope to see them put out more competitive pitching performances going forward.




Correct. I made an oopsie, confusing it with the score of last Thursday’s misfortune of a game against the Orioles.


I hope Stroman’s vibe rubs off on Rodon


That was fun as hell, let’s do it again tomorrow


So Stroman gets a pass for being honest about being a douche bag about not getting a DP turned when it was impossible? Good to know


It was not impossible, Gleyber pivoted a very casual throw because the runner was slow and it cost them. Torres problem ( among many ), is he doesn’t understand the importance of the situation. His running gaffe in the seventh, cost them a run in a close game at the time and he’s grinning from ear to ear when the safe call was overturned.




Big win, I’ve been a doomer lately but hopefully this is the game that sparks a bounce back




Also they totally did this for me guys, yesterday the 28th was my bday. You’re welcome 🤓


Vladdy’s pimp walk meant nothing 😂 so much for your house bro  I didn’t recognize him without his hair though!!! Why did he cut it?


He wants to go to NY


Yeah I’m not a fan of that chubby cry baby but he looks way cooler with the dreads.


He looked like an overweight reggae has been




That was a tune up game. Offense is about to click.


That's Suzyn, baseball


We're so barrack


Good win please keep it going 


Stroman should Be calling out the team every night 


Its wild to me how some users here ONLY post when the team is playing like shit and we are losing. As soon as we win or are playing well its crickets from them. I'm sure you recognize this trend and know the user names. I cant imagine being that kind of fan. Whats the point?


A fan should be both critical and complimentary depending how the team is trending. Are you critical when your team has obvious holes and they consistently ignore those flaws and go with same players day in and day out? Or are your rose colored glasses on all the time?


i’m kinda that way. most of the time when we’re winning i don’t really think to go on reddit


Yeah I do my fair share of dooming but how do you never post after wins


It’s funny bc I’ve been the exact opposite only showing up when the team wins 😭😭 this place and any form of Yankee media becomes such a rotten cesspool I refuse to go near it. I blocked Talkin Yanks and other outlets and only left Hoch for updates. It’s been so refreshing.


I cant say i blame you at all. The takes here have been end of the world nuclear, just relentless whining and dog-shit takes. Obviously we were playing like absolute shit, but man, some people are just rabidly unhinged.


I told someone today that this team was going to win more games than the 2023 team and they were pushing back like I was an idiot lol


Honestly think the shit I was reading on twitter was way worse. I barely use twitter, I only really use it for sports highlights and updates across all 3 major sports but it was a nightmare there too bc the Yankees *”content creators”* love feeding off of misery for clicks. So I just blocked everything, especially anything Jomboy Media related. It’s been a hapless, miserable stretch but god damn I’ve seen a lot of shit that’s straight up sick in the head.


Great Win today!Hopefully we will start winning more than losing. I saw a fire in this team today. Something they have not shown in weeks. Go Yankees


I cant even imagine. I know better than to go near twitter or get super involved like that. Sounds like the absolute worst of the worst people. Glad you blocked it all for your sanity.


It sucks bc I love this sub and Yankee fans in general. I’ve been very regular here for a handful of years but when it reaches radioactive levels it’s just way too much to handle on top of watching really bad baseball. Glad the typical suspects like Savages in the Box don’t come in during wins. I cannot read anymore of their word salad.


Thankfully they blocked me or got banned or something. Haven't seen those high IQ takes in a long time. But yeah, its fun normally being here and bullshitting with fans, but when people make every single game feel like a life or death situation it drains the life out of you.


Needed that.




His dad was one of the best all around hitters in that generation. That’s a shit take


How tf is his dad overrated lol. He had a great career and is in the hall of fame.


I’d argue his WAR totals underrate him


Such an awful take. His dad was not overrated at all.


?? I don’t care , he was a Yankee killer. This is a Yankee thread.


So he was overrated because he played well against the Yankees? Top tier logic.


Watching Boone's postgame interview trying to hold back a big smile when asked about Stroman going off like that.


Let’s see Torres get red hot so we can dump him at the deadline


Gleyber is my favorite player, I can not express how happy I am that this was his first game back after being benched. 2-4 with a homer and 3 RBI, is just about as good as I could have hoped for


Stroman had an ok start to his outing but flamed out come the 5th inning. Lost command of the zone and let up too many runners to get out of the 5th. One can make the argument that double play by Gleyber should have been made. I didn't see it that way but I admired the fire Stroman showed in the dugout. An intensity this team needed with the stretch they have been on. It would prove to be effective as they would go on to score SIXTEEN runs on the night on EIGHTEEN hits (16 runs being a new season high). Notable ones include the Soto 3-run HR to take the lead and the Gleyber 2-run HR (which he needed badly with how he's performed of late/this season). The lineup produced 6 XBH (including DJLM's first), went 9-12 with RISP, and only had 3 LOB. Six hitters had multi-hit nights, including Judge and Jahmai with 3 hits apiece (a first for Jahmai). Every starter and Oswaldo got a hit, totaling 10 Yankees with hits. Shoutout to Tonkin and Trevino for keeping the game close with the out at home and the K to end the 5th inning. Yankees needed a game like tonight with how much has gone wrong over this two week period. Nestor tomorrow for a chance at a series lead.


let's hope Gleyber gets hot now


When Gleyber is hitting this lineup is unstoppable


Now go win tomorrow


Finally a doom-free post game. Great win, hopefully Stro’s outburst like Judge’s ejection is a good sign of things to come. Good night


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


Yesterday I was preaching about how the team not having leadership was leading to lack of motivation and inspiration which is why they fall flat. Stroman comes in tonight and starts with intensity and telling the players to man-up. Suddenly they scored 16 runs. Coincidence? I think not. The players need leadership to keep the motivated. Boone is a weak man. Judge is a HoF player but I don't know how much of a leader he is. He seems too passive and agreeable. He needs to step up and lead.


Boone is a yes man for front office 


I can see your argument with Boone but couldn’t disagree more with your opinion on Judge. He’s always composed and it seems like a lot of player’s gravitate towards his positive energy and demeanor. I obviously couldn’t hear what he told Stroman in the dugout after the bad inning, but it seemed like he really struck a chord and that’s extremely difficult to do when someone is fired up. Judge is a true leader and it goes far beyond the C on his chest.


The season is long and there are ups and downs. One game good or bad is ultimately just 1 of 162, but I’m trying to think of a Yankee game like this in any recent memory that COULD be such a positive turning point.  Some wanted to call the season a bust (I have teetered on that thought tbh) and others I think want to be a little bit too rose colored in their view. This team has a lot of flaws and while I didn’t expect a 105+ win pace to continue, the last few weeks have really shattered the illusion to me that this team is a favorite to win the World Series. We can go on and on about how the playoffs are a crapshoot and all that, but all of us as fans and the players too wanted this season to be different, and it felt exactly like 2022 all over again for a while. Tomorrow could suck and we could be right back there, but I hope that this was actually a breakthrough game where they hit bottom, the frustration blew up, and then a home run brought the smiles back and now we start rolling again. I hope this was the sea change game for Gleyber and maybe DJ, and that we can start to see the offense click, because however you wanna split it, we can’t have a lineup consisting of two players and win a WS.


You wanted the season to be over because of a bad week or so? Fucking hell, come on. Some of you Yankees fans are absurd. Yes they have had a bad few games but they have the talent to turn it around. Baseball is one of those sports that when it’s good it’s good but when it gets going bad, it’s hard to turn around. Unfortunately, Cole is usually that guy to stop it but he’s in spring training mode.


He’s clearly not “usually the guy that stops it” because whether you want to deny it or not, nobody “stopped it” in 2022 or 2023. We were a bad team in the second half of 2022 and barely .500 last year. A good couple of months (with wins mainly against non-AL East teams) followed by a three week stretch where good teams completely embarrassed us doesn’t erase a fanbase’s frustration that we’ve been an underwhelming team across multiple seasons and haven’t made a World Series appearance in 15 years.


The boys did amazing tonight. I hope they can keep this momentum up.


seeing judge with a higher batting average than soto is insane


Yeah lets hope than soto can turn it around, but this is really a testament to how insane judge has been, dude has just been on a run like no other, we might never see a hitter as complete as him, and having soto hit in front of him, always guarantees he has a runner on base




Stroman did the right thing.


Hopefully Nestor can take his form from Yankee stadium into the road game tomorrow


After rewatching the turn it was a relatively smooth turn by gley. He just is always nonchalant Cano style so str0 yelled at him. But the reason vlad beat it out was volpe did that unnecessary hop and didn't shovel it til after he landed. Watch the replay on jomboy there was no need to leave your feet even charging in like that, but I'm drunk and high so i


Yeah I think that DP was going to be hard regardless but I don’t think there is much Gley can do to speed that up


Yeah here's the angle I was referencing https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8x65tLOApM/?igsh=MTUwdHVodGhsdjNzMQ== No need for volpe to leave the ground and in that spot he should have Ozzie smith flipped it mid air for urgency


Where all the doomers at?


All still jerking off about Stroman yelling at Torres


A pathetic bunch.


DJ getting his double on a change up at the top of the zone and gleyber getting his homer on a fastball 3 inches off the plate were great to see. Love the intensity from Stro, it's the other side of the coin of all the swagger. You can't have one without the other, and its exactly the type of energy we have lacked in recent years. They know they are the best team in baseball, they just have to play like it


Very happy to hear in Gleyber’s postgame that he is feeling focused and not putting too much pressure on himself If he can relax and let the game come to him I think he’ll be much better going forward


He’s always had a focus issue, and I think the contract looming over his head this season has really messed him up. Dude needs more mental fortitude.


He spends a little too much time relaxing.


[Stroman confirming he was upset at the speed that the double play was turned](https://x.com/YESNetwork/status/1806885409231647122?t=kxrpua3lSyScRjqskENDfQ&s=19)


He had every right to be upset. Gleyber is notoriously slow on the relay to first.


Good for him to verify his willingness to have and display his standards.


Oh Raiders hat!


That was certainly a much needed feel-good win!


Bro I hope stro yells at these muthafuckas every game


The Rangers might be sellers at the deadline 👀 


Tonkin did a great job


Nah not the Yankees playing Kendrick in the locker room 😂


Something I noticed was the Judge ejection happened right as the Kendrick/Drake feud was happening in real time. My personal belief is he was just as amped as the rest of us


**4-5-6 Hitters:** 6-14, 7 RBIs Exactly what this offense needs to do given how much Soto and Judge will be on base.


Performances like this is what takes us from a good offense to a great one


It was probably pure coincidence but funny how the team came alive after Stro went off. Torres became a hitter we haven't seen in a while.


I missed the game, what inning did he go off I want to go back and watch it.


Top of the 5th


We need the all star break. Our pen needs rest and our Starters need rest. Any Yankee pitcher in the all star game needs to say.. nah but thanks. The arms are tired. We finally went off tonight on offense again. But Stroman didn't even go 5. Pitchers arms are done. We started off amazing, and starters went 5-6+ (till 10 days ago). Idk if it is conditioning or what, but they all need a break. And Cole just needs his break in, but he needs a pen behind him.


Well, the pain from attending yesterday’s game has been wiped out by attending today’s, so I guess this means I’ll attend the next two


Stro sounds like a stand up dude, glad hes a Yankee.


Does anyone have a clip of their pitcher falling??! 🤣


It was so funny


Honestly, some see it as a negative thing, but props to Stroman for voicing his frustration, without it being a detriment to the team. Sometimes it takes a little shove to get things going.


Well we know Boone isn’t going to rip Gleyber. I’m a Gleyber fan but even I want to strangle him when he just loses focus and costs our pitchers another pitch.


He looked more pissed at himself than anything especially when it happened live. I appreciate him greatly.


Yeah, it looked like he was pissed at himself, but also maybe at Gleyber for not turning the double play. It’s really a sign that he’s trying to not just earn a paycheck and go on his way. He looks like he cares.


It’s definitely a combo of the two and I welcome it. Team was playing with heavy emotion and fire for most of the year till this stretch, need someone to get them back into that mood. Vocal leaders are important. During this horrid stretch we’ve won both Stro starts. He’s a good charm.


When did he do that do you have a clip?




[that's my captain.](https://x.com/talkinyanks/status/1806851353022513528?s=46)


I hope this is the Girardi getting ejected in 2009 moment.


And the Cervelli home run


LOVE a Cervelli mention


He was so pumped up after all that, and I think it was his first homerun if I remember right.


This blowout was very much appreciated and relieving


Most important win of the season so far. Yeah it's "only" the struggling BJs (who did ass blast us last night). And it's only 1 game. BUt after 2 weeks of awful baseball, the Yanks really needed this. Everyone in the starting lineup got a hit, and everyone except Volpe got an RBI. DJ finally got an XBH this season. I didn't actually watch the game (only followed GDT and gameday), but I heard Torres even sprinted on a groundout. The only real blemishes in this game? Stroman didn't ahve his best stuff, and our pitchers hit several batters again. Not cool to hit batters even unintentionally, especially since we made a big fuss about the orioles hitting Judge a few weeks ago. And yeah one of the HBP was Springer and I don't like him, but that doesn't matter. Either way, winning is addicting, and losing is contagious.


We’re so back. Really hope they use this game and momentum to go on a huge run. Love seeing Verdugo, Gleyber and even DJ having great games


Monkeys off backs- all of them


Idc how u crybaby fans feel. Absolutely love what Stroman did. Somebody had to call it out and publicly sometimes is the best way. The bats looked the best they did all season, keep pushing!


I agree completely. I much prefer an intemperate but actually human outburst than Boone’s toxic positivity and passivity.


It gotta be like that sometimes. Being a competitive and watching your teammate be the opposite, can be very frustrating!


Who is crying about it? I only saw one dumb ass say it before but that's all.


I was getting downvoted and u/voncornhole2 told me “Stro only embarrassed himself” lol


He did. He was our worst player on the field today and the offense didn't produce until his negative energy was removed from the game edit: Stroman is apologizing on Twitter for losing his cool, but keep making things up about who looked silly there


0/10 trolling.


Stroman being the spirit animal they needed. He continues to impress the shit out of me. D1 colleges won’t even sniff a pitcher who’s under 6ft, but this little magician - a Lionel Messi of pitching - milks every MPH possible out of his 5’7” frame. He’s got style. He has character. And now he’s shown that he’s got that ____ in him - and he can share it with others.


The Yankees have hit a new low. The season is over. You want to call me a doo- oh wait hold on


lmao I love this


Stro should def get the game ball, yelling at the entire team to show some intensity seemed to do the trick, Torres finally contributed and DJ finally got an extra base hit. All around it was nice to finally seem some life out of this team again


For many years I’ve longed to hear those words


Scoring 16 runs and winning this game by 11 is nothing short of shocking after the first five innings and the last few weeks of play. What were the odds?! Hopefully this gets the team back on track.


If you had put $100 on 16 Yankees runs at the start of the 4th inning you could probably retire


Been really nice to see Thorpe settling into the league and doing good.


If we could post images in this sub I’d post the South Park screenshot where Randy is covered in spooky ghost plasma


What happened to the photo and gif post game threads?


Semen. We’re all covered in a week’s worth of semen. There’s no shame in that.


Blue baseballs?




No it wasn’t me! It was a spooky ghost!


O’s still just barely ahead of us. Let’s hope we keep this going folks


World Series Champs 2024!


All 10 yankees that went up to the plate today got a Statcast Hard Hit (95+ MPH). Wonder how often that has happened


This was our World Series. /s


1-0 after Stroman rage towards his team.


Every time Vlad showboats versus the Yankees, it ends in hilarity.


The jacket thing gives me hives from cringe 


lol had to leave my TV at the bottom of the 4th, I missed all the fun.


DJ still managed to be sub .200 but let's keep on starting him! Hopefully this sends the team back on a good win streak.


Need to dfa him 


Man nothing like having a great day off, and then watching your team get a nice much needed win. Today was a good day


Finally I get positive updates this week! Let's keep this rolling!


Anyone have video of the blue jays pitcher falling down in the 9th?




Thank you 🙏


I saw it live. I was crying


What a strange thing to make you upset. I’m sure the pitcher is fine. He stayed in the game even. 


Oh. I meant I was crying of laughter


I know I wouldn’t stay in after that…


This win should bring our magic number to make the playoffs down to 64... Probably... Maybe... I'm not a mathmagician


This reminds me of the Brewers game early in the year, hopefully it ignites something and the pitching settles down! That 9th inning was blissful.


Someone needs to piss in Stroman’s Cheerio’s everyday from here on out.


Damn that felt good. You could see the collective sigh of relief and tension go away in the dugout. Let’s get back to rollin boys


Needed this game just to save the vibes, things were so low after the 5th


They have timed their comeback for my trip to Toronto this weekend! So nice of them!


Stroman is a dog lmao He got fired up after not getting that double play


Only thing that would have made this better is if Stroman had got the win.


We needed a game like this. Badly.


What a game, we needed that one. I'm happy for Gleyber


[WE FINALLY WON A GAME!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLAZvwUkjl8) WE HAVE SUFFERED FOR FAR TOO LONG!


Yankees are so back


This game brought me immense joy


I approve this message


Going to watch the highlights for the next couple of hours


I’m sure the Doomers are happy they get a night off after being so overworked the past 2 weeks


Nah they are here celebrating


Turning point of the game should have been Stroman getting mad




It's about goddamn time 


Hopefully today breaks Soto out of his slump too, he has been hitting below the Mendoza line over the 13 game skid. Him hitting like himself again would be wonderful


Funny enough he has a 140 WRC+ over these last 13 just crazy


tbf his OBP was still in the .400 range during that stretch, can’t complain too much about a guy who draws 1-3 walks every game even when he’s slumping


Yup, he scored a bunch of runs during that period too


I mean you can only complain so much, even when Soto slumps he still will be an asset because he has an insanely good eye. Same with Judge early this year Still the offense is much better when he is also able to make great contact and not just walk.


Man we needed that. So badly.


Have we considered batting Jones leadoff and moving everyone else down? Because when he starts an inning with a single we score all of the runs


Volpe is just way more reliable to actually get on base. But Jones has been performing ngl.


You took me way more seriously than I did


Goddamn, poor jays. We unleashed all of our rage combined towards them tonight


Oh wait we won?! Fuck I was a few innings behind here