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Yes to Yes. Get Derek away from Ortiz and that panel. 


David Ortiz did steroids.


Also, David Ortiz didn’t not do steroids


David Ortiz did indeed didn’t not do steroids.


Don’t do what ~~Donny Don’t~~ David Ortiz does


Steroids were scared traveling through David Ortiz colon.


David Ortiz just took vitamins. Just ask him and Hulk Hogan. They both insisted on vitamins.


He sure did! He literally destroyed a bullpen phone in the Red Sox dugout during a game at Yankee Stadium in a fit of "roid rage". The guy was a walking "steroid machine". He will never be in the Hall of Fame, and neither will A-Rod.


Ortiz is in the hall of fame.....


Aaron Judge


Let's just get the whole 1998 team there already. Bernie goes to enough games to join them.


Say yes Jeter. One step closer to replacing Brian Cashman.


Genuine question. Did he fuck up the Marlins?


They were doing pretty well, and then the new majority owners pulled a Lauria and just wanted to keep the money instead of supporting their rising young team with free agents, that's why Jeter left due to "philosophical differences" or whatever


So the goal is to field the best team possible, right? …right guys??


lol sure


Oh ok. Interesting


That’s a pretty rosy picture you’re painting. Ask Marlins fans and you will get an answer that’s a bit different.


What would they say (genuine question)?


Baseball terrorist that set their organization 20 years. Oh you quirky little Jeets 🤪


I mean depends how u look at it, some of those contracts were goin to expire at different times and if they were committed to keeping that talented outfield it wouldve handcuffed the organization from building around them and eventually they wouldve had to offload those albatross contracts whilst also retaining the salaries which would further prevent a successful rebuild, the problem is they never really got much out of the trades they made for these contracts and they never had the starting pitching depth to begin with so there wasnt much they could begin run off with. Ultimately Jeter didnt have majority say in what happens anyway so thats why he ended up leaving, his hands were tied to every decision that his partner made so its how you look at it, he wanted to build a winning culture but they wanted to make a profitable franchise that always struggled with attendance


Well said


Inside job


No. The ownership is incredibly inept. Their handling of Kim Ng was just as bad as the Jeter situation. As a Yankees fan who lives in south Florida I actually feel for the Marlins fans. The ownership throughout their history has just refused to invest in the on field product. They have had some real talent move through the team and almost everyone that was good got sold when it came time to pay.


Did you live there in 2003? Fuck I hated the World Series


I got two words for you. Avi Garcia.


The Marlins had pitching prospects up the ass, all they needed to do was spend money on bats but the cheap ass owner said no and that’s when Jeter left


He sent Giancarlo at his peak to the Yanks, I don’t think he was there to help Miami


That's because they couldnt afford the salary and Lauria knew it when he signed him. No one would have thought twice about the Miami rebuild under new ownership if it wasn't for Lauria tearing down the team for profit every 3-4 years even worse than Oakland. Like, if someone bought Toronto now no one would be shocked to see them trade Bo and Vlad and start over


Although, if you think about it... That's been Miami's MO for like.. ever


No matter who took over ownership was going to be handcuffed with the Stanton contract. Not Jeter’s fault at all


It's not exactly worked out splendidly for us. So I'm not sure about your theory.


They were hemorrhaging money and needed to unload those contracts.


Unpopular opinion but he is pretty boring as a TV personality.


> In short, Jeter is content with his job and life, and he doesn’t want to commit that much time to calling games — nor does he think of himself as being “interesting” enough to be able to do it for hours a day Apparently he agrees.


That’s partly why he was considered the “perfect Yankee” especially at the time. He was the unique celebrity who could make constant headlines about who he’s dating and still be boring. Zero controversy, zero drama, just banging tens and balling out on the field. He made a career on keeping his mouth shut.


*He made a career on keeping his mouth shut.* A lot of people could learn a lot from that statement. Unfortunately, most don’t know how to


Massive Jeter fan as a baseball player, but man the dude is not meant for TV. Off the field he’s way too serious, which is fine since that’s who he is, but he makes things awkward on TV. Can’t take jokes, doesn’t go much in depth on things, etc.


Counterpoint: maybe he'd be more interesting with dudes he's played with and won championships with, rather than David "I'll get to the bottom of this oh wait I actually did do steroids" Ortiz, and A-Rod. 


Get him and Dubya in the same room again, he seemed to have a sense of humor telling George “don’t bounce it” for his first pitch at Yankee Stadium


Paulie just needs to give him a noogie.


Am I the only one who has watched him on FOX? He is a good fit with Ortiz and A-Rod's goofiness/corniness. He's got a dry humor as well so he's not a complete straight man all the time


I wouldn’t say he’s boring, he’s extremely knowledgeable but he’s not going to joke around like Paulie


I was stunned he took the job in the first place. I'm sure it was a ton of money, but he seemed like the last guy suited to be a TV personality.


He always dreamed about being an owner but he gave up on that after the Miami fiasco. I think he saw how the media part of sport is becoming bigger than the game and is a much cushier job than running a team. It must kill him to see A-rod do better than him at both lol


Love him but he’s pretty boring period lol


He’d be much better in the front office TBH


I would like to hear Derek Jeter’s insights on at bats like Paul O’Neill does, and how David Cone does for pitching. Would be great.


Paulie Jeter and Girardi please


I thought this said Paulie Jeter and Posada and 12 year old me got a raging hard on.




Dumb fuck 


Cool story bro


You are and always have been wrong. Often times you just comment and comment. Filled with $10 words like minutiae. We won’t miss you


I’m here for the long haul. Thx tho


Then why did you delete your comment?


Are we listening to two different broadcasts? David Cone is the best part of that trio


Downvotes for an opinion. Oh well.


To be fair, it was a pretty dumb opinion...


I’ve heard him since year one. Granted he’s gotten better, but was tough in the beginning. To be fair. And as a pitcher, he was key.


I would be cool with Jeter in studio, I think it fits his personality better since he can be measured and have time to put together his thoughts. I just can’t imagine him having the energy for color commentary though.


"I don’t have any interest at this point to do entire games. It’s just a lot of talking and dissecting. I really enjoy what I do now [meaning basic reactions to the games after the fact].” The headline is deceptive here.


Can he run for President instead?


Trump already has a [new running mate](https://www.nydailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2012/10/16/AC3JIKKW5VKWXMVAHDVA7ESJEI.jpg?w=620)


What are this guy’s credentials?


I pretty much enjoy the team that's doing it now. I don't find him to be charismatic at all in his commentary or advertisements.


I'm going to cum


To be honest, I never thought this would have been a gig he would be into. It would be great though to hear some stories from the captain.


I'm loving Girardi. He knows the current players and can dissect as a catcher and manager. I'm in awe that they all have the talent to sit there and analyze complete games and to entertain. I enjoyed the corniness of A Rod, Papi and Jeter, but only in very small doses.


Nothing like hearing monotone commentary for 3 hours.


Dang was really hoping for that Cone/Paulie/Jeter booth 




Did he say YES?


Jeter lives in Miami but I bet Fox pays better.


Derek won’t be allowed to talk about how bad Boone is.


Jeter was a great yankee loved him as El Capitan and all around player. Analysts/announcer he is not. He is boring/awkward and uncomfortable to watch. He was never one to be in the public eye not really sure what changed in the last few years but now hes in every comercial since getting a twitter account.


id prefer him on YES as opposed to in the studio with papi and arod. not because i don’t like them but because i think he doesn’t fit in well with them. jeter is all business while papi and arod like to have fun. their vibes don’t match great


I love our captain but he is boring as hell talking about baseball.


Will he think about coming in ten years? And then when he dicedes not to, make a video they can play on the video board that everyone cheers to at Yankee stadium like every other big event he’s missed since he’s retired?


Replacing O'Neill? YES, please..... and permanently.


worst take of the season


I didn't know this kind of hate existed for Paulie. Why?


Commenter has a bad case of dumbass Edit: to clarify the dumbass


Who, Paulie or the person who said it?


Thanks. The person.


So if there isn't unanimous love for an ex-player, there's a problem? He makes lame jokes and some of us do not care about his kids, his wife, his food choices, his high school prom pictures, or how funny Kay thinks O'Neill is. It's a baseball broadcast, not a fucking family reunion. O'Neill has enough fans who can't stand a single negative word about him. He doesn't need one more.


Every booth has at least obe play by play guy (Kay) and a color guy (Paulie in this example), who can comment on the game or interject to keep things interesting. Some color guys are more into adding that type of flavor to the game. You just seem really angry about it.




O'Neill? Yes, I agree. His schtick in the booth is often moronic.




Damn dude she seems cool. I feel like I could just call her and say what’s up. I should call her


Yeah, I tried that. Just wanted to catch up. She called me back drunk at 2am. She just wanted to talk dirty...


Derek himself said his wife would kill him if they moved again.