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Highest OBP other than Judge, Soto, and a guy with 26 AB. Typical ‘It needs to change. I don’t care if the alternative is worse’ take.


Volpe and Stanton single-handedly beat the O’s not too long ago


Kirschner is a hack it’s incredible he got the job for the athletic. No journalistic prowess at all. Swear to god all I see from him is hot take garbage that appeals to doomers and people who secretly hate the team.


I miss Lindsey Adler


Every. Single. Day.


I let my Athletic subscription lapse when she left, and they thought they could replace her with Kuty and Kirschner.


Glad others think this. Guy is looking for a hot take more than anything. I've seen more than one tweet from him with wrong info/stats in a rush to get out some bs take


Yeah, but his OBP in June was 256. And recently, he’s been chasing way out of the zone again.


Lol your post aged well


Coming back a week later to pick fights with a thread full of people after the Yankees beat Boston is peak loser behavior. Edit: > Active in r/Walmart, r/nyyankees Well, now, I almost feel bad


To be so wrong and everyone bash the reporter...defending a .310 on base leadoff hitter.   Looks like everyone including you were completely wrong and had the very stupid take...not the reporter


It’s not like we really have better options unless you want to move Soto and Judge out of their spots.


True enough, though I would not be mad about batting Soto and Judge 1 and 2.


Can we ban this guys tweets. He's annoying and I'm sick of seeing his lame ass photo


Agreed. This dude just annoys the shit out of me


I mean, who else are they going to bat leadoff? Volpe has been struggling lately, but his whole season so far has been defined by being streaky. When he gets hot again, they'll start scoring more runs consistently.


I forgot who said it, but one baseball show suggested hitting DJ lead off again to get him going. hitting in front of Soto and Judge would have DJ seeing a lot of pitches in the zone and could spark him. Also moving Volpe off the lead off spot allows him to use his SB ability better. right now you don’t really want to risk Volpe running and getting thrown out with 2 elite hitter behind him. his speed plays better in the middle or lower part of the line up where he can wreak havoc on the base paths and lengthen the lineup.


This guy makes me miss Lindsey Adler so much more.


True. This guy is a shit writer that feeds on the Twitter crowd to react to his garbage.


Volpe’s season has been good. Not great. Not bad. More than decent. Big improvement over last year. He’s not the problem.


I like Volpe, but offensively he’s having a pretty bad season. his overall numbers look solid but that’s because during his 21 game hit streak he was slugging .550 with a .927 OPS. if you look at the 50-60 games before and after that hit streak you’ll see his numbers are way below average. since his streak he’s slugging .320 with a .590 OPS. Volpe is still learning and his future is bright but this season looking like another sub par offensive year.


Ignoring 21 games is insane bro


why is 21 games more important than the 62 other games where he’s a sub par hitter? i’m literally taking the bigger sample size. ignoring 62 games is insane bro


That’s why you look at the full season. My guess is if you take out his worst 21 game stretch, magically he looks a lot better


his full season numbers aren’t great either. out of the 22 qualified SS he ranks 15th in SLG, 15th in wOBA, 16th in xwOBA, and 13th in wRC+ on the year. he’s also ranked 13th in BB% and K%. being in the bottom half of stats across the board isn’t a good offensive season. and that’s just comparing him against other SS, I’m not even comparing him to the league as a whole with Judge, Soto, Ohtani, etc.


Even with those 21 games included, he's 16th of 22 qualified shortstops by OPS. Bottom 27% is not good.


exactly. I like Volpe and he does a lot of other things very well but he’s currently having a bad offensive season. I don’t understand why we can’t just call a spade a spade. and for the record I think Volpe is gonna get better. he’s only like what 22? I’m sure the hitting will catch up, but right now he’s below average offensively.


Because baseball is a streaky sport where a player can be working for a couple weeks and then go cold for the next few. Yes volpe is in a skid right now, if I were to take out his most recent 21 games to justify why he’s a good batter wouldn’t that be stupid? So let’s just look at what’s out there, he’s a league average bat with incredible defense. He has reformed his swing from last year and has been getting on base through hits since pitchers are attacking him while he’s in front of Soto and Judge. In the meanwhile let’s just hope he gets it working again and has another nice stretch soon.


> Because baseball is a streaky sport that’s my exact point…in a game full of streaks, why should we place an emphasis on 21 games when we literally have 1.5 years worth of stats that tell a different story. in math/statistics it’s normal practice to remove an outlier from calculations. every mlb hitter will slump and even have a bad month but not every hitter will have a 21 game hit streak. the hit streak is the outlier in this equation. and for the record I’m not anti-Volpe. In my original comment I said his future is bright, it’s just that *this* year he is hitting sub par.


In math/statistics it is not normal practice to hand select a quarter of your sample to remove simply because the player performed well lmfao.


it’s not hand selecting tho. no one is saying let me exclude this game and that game. it’s excluding outliers results via a standard formula. also even if you take Volpe’s full season stats you’ll see his numbers aren’t great either. out of the 22 qualified SS he ranks 15th in SLG, 15th in wOBA, 16th in xwOBA, and 13th in wRC+ on the year. he’s also ranked 13th in BB% and K%. being in the bottom half of stats across the board isn’t a good offensive season


Kirschner had an article last week listing trade deadline proposal ideas for the Yanks that would have been embarrassing for a WFAN caller, let alone someone that gets paid to cover the team. Suggesting we trade guys like Pereira, Peraza, and Oswaldo in order to get some of the top deadline targets like Tanner Scott and Jack Flaherty. Idk how the athletic went from Adler to him


Lol honestly that sounds like one of those posts like “Andujar, Florial, Deivi Garcia, and Clint Frazier are untouchable. It would be so stupid to trade them.” If he said something like Dominguez, Augustin, and Jones, that would’ve been crazy. And I see Pereira’s AAA numbers, he’s doing very well. I’m not making a bold prediction that he’s not going to pan out. I’m just saying us Yankee fans seem to always get into this “don’t touch this player, that player, and that player” every 3-4 years and end up empty handed with aforementioned players being DFA’ed. There’s a good possibility that 1 or more of these players will turn into another Yankee fan punchline 5 years from now. We are not going to win the WS with the current pitching issues we have. They will need to be addressed and we may have to give up some “valuable” minor league pieces for it.


Pereira is out for the season, Peraza has been injured and bad, and Oswaldo is at best a utility bench player. You’re going to have to give something up that other teams actually want to get value in return.


I know this isn’t going to go over well with some on the sub but his savant page is a little concerning. Doesn’t get good quality contact, bat is pretty slow. I just don’t know if his offensive ceiling is that high. With that being said I don’t think he really needs to be. If he can just get on base to set up Soto and Judge that’s good enough for me. Lately he hasn’t really been doing that.


It's a long season, it's his 2nd year Savant can suck my dirty balls




Simple, there are more RBI opportunities for Soto and Judge by having someone bat in front of them.




I’m just saying that if you want to know the justification, that’s it. If you want a more numeric explanation then you can see that the players with three most PAs with runners on for us are Judge (184), Verdugo (161) and then Soto (146). Although a lot of that for Judge and Verdugo is Soto getting on ahead of them still you see that Soto gets more PA with runners on by virtue of having Volpe ahead of him. I also wouldn’t worry too much about Volpe leaving runners on because he is our 3rd best hitter with runners on. He is hitting .296/.369/.504 (148 wRC+) in 132 PA with runners on base


Almost singlehandedly responsible for me canceling my subscription. I see not much has changed.


Ben Rice leadoff szn


I mean I agree to an extent, just like Verdugo shouldn’t be behind Judge right now. I think struggling players should be moved until they can figure it out. Volpe’s job is to get on base, he did that earlier this season, but he’s no longer doing that. So he needs a change in the lineup order. Treat every player the same. Gleyber has been struggling mightily all year before the last 3 games, and Boone placed him in the lineup accordingly. Last year he was a much better hitter and was higher up in the order. DJ is struggling and his order in the lineup is appropriate for his current struggles. When he’s hot he’s a top of the lineup guy. It’s just common sense. I don’t see anything wrong with what Kirschner is saying. He doesn’t need to provide details and say “Volpe has been good all year, except June. He should be moved down until he can get it together again.” He’s just talking about what’s going on right now, and he’s right. Volpe is just not getting the job done at this moment. It’s very simple stuff and it isn’t personal. You have to work with that you have, who’s more likely to get the job done *right now*.


Twitter is such an amazing invention, you get to know whether someone is stupid in an instant rather than before you had to hear them out first to be able to tell


Well yeah you want Judge and Soto getting more.


I think Volpe is hitting a wall, he's played every game, I think the day off tomorrow and the upcoming break will be awesome for him.


Since when are we dooming about Volpe's career? He's had a couple rough games


At the plate, its more than a couple games.


This is a ridiculous take. The leadoff hitter sets the stage for the power guys to get multi-run HR and RBI opportunities. Volpe has been clutch, reduced his strikeout rate, and can bunt for a hit pretty much whenever he wants. He might be slumping now but he’s the guy.


Are people seriously freaking out over a week struggle for Volpe? Judge struggled for the first month and is now having a better season than 2022. Slumps happen, Volpe is a good player he will figure it out and hitting in front of Soto and Judge will get him better pitches to hit


His June OBP has been .256. It’s been more than a week. I think if his July is similar you move him out of that leadoff spot.


Well May already happened, but honestly who else would you have lead off? Verdugo has been struggling, DJ is DJ, I don’t think you’d want Wells or Grisham leading off. Maybe Gleyber because he’s been getting kind of hot but he’s not a lead off hitter (and he would be better to move to the cleanup). Your only other choice is Ben Rice who’s no guarantee he’ll keep it up


Fixed, meant to say July. Soto can leadoff with judge in the 2 spot.


He only looks bad because Ruth and Gehrig bat behind him this is normal


We definitely are at that point. Soto-Judge 1-2


So Judge can hit a maximum 2-run HR instead of 3-run HR in the first inning? And in later innings when the lineup turns over it’ll be Cabrera-Grisham-Soto then Judge? No thanks.


Judge hit 2nd for most of his career


He's on pace for 154 RBI.


Pfff that’s not even a 1 rbi/game rate. What a scrub


Grisham isn’t that far behind in OBP since Volpe moved up to leadoff


Maximum home run in the first inning doesn’t matter. How often does that actually happen. You want your best hitters getting the most PAs, balanced with getting your best hitters to the plate with runners on base. If Volpe doesn’t start getting on base more he can’t stay in that spot.


What a complete dick. This lineup has so many problems that aren't 1-2-3. Open your eyes, jackass.


lol who’s the alternative DJ? Dugo? Now I will say Volpe’s speed is wasted because you can’t steal with Soto and Judge behind you


Has Volpe been an elite leadoff hitter? No. You look at the numbers and that's not been the case. Has Volpe been a BETTER leadoff hitter than in 2023? 100% Yes. His new swing has allowed him to hit for a better average and to different parts of the field. I'd rather have this Volpe than last year's. He's the least of our problems. Source: [Volpe's Splits Batting Leadoff (2023 vs 2024)](https://www.fangraphs.com/players/anthony-volpe/27647/splits?position=SS&season=0&split=11.1)


I’m probably lower on Volpe’s bat than many here, but I still like him first. Even if you could convince me that it’s suboptimal for winning games now, Volpe is young and has clear potential so it makes sense to give him a lot of opportunity to develop.


If there were another obvious option. Yes but right now, is anyone looking like a leadoff hitter? Beyond judge and Soto of course


People really defending a leadoff hitter with a .323 on base?  As the season goes on it won't go up only down.   How low before this take is reasonable for fans here?    When it's. 300 is it a good take?  How about .290?  Cuz that's where he's trending down to those numbers 


He is very swing happy. Won't take long for the league to find out they don't actually have to throw strikes to him to get him out.


This thread is so perfect.   All the fans here were wrong and nobody of course came back to admit it.  TThis guy was correct and the Yankees took Volpe out of leadoff a few days after this.  You guys are hilarious.  Reading all the posts here now knowing what happened is funny


Volpe should’ve been batting eighth or ninth before the slump. Not utilizing his speed on the base paths because of Soto & Judge is negligent! Boone & Cashman have no feel for the game and just govern their decisions solely on numbers. No wonder these clowns haven’t won together


I’m generally a Yankees doomer but this is an awful take. Just a month ago volpe had among the best hitting- and on-base-streaks in the league. His performance has only been a weaker (but still solid) for a month! Barely a slump. Volpe has proven he can adjust and grow, let’s give him a minute to do that before jumping to conclusions


Well in a vacuum obviously you don’t want a league average hitter with a pretty mediocre OBP leading off. Unfortunately, this team’s leadoff options are either him or Verdugo if they don’t want Soto or Judge to do it. Everyone else are worse than Volpe, even Stanton has a pretty disgusting OBP. This lineup is dogshit beyond comprehension, another 0-4 from Volpe and Stanton will be the only above average hitter other than Soto and Judge.


Why are you talking about a guy that won't even be in the lineup until August?


Whether or not I include Stanton, this lineup is still utter dogshit


Another overhyped Yankee prospect

