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This might actually lead to dead soyjacks ![gif](giphy|YmZOBDYBcmWK4)


I personally agree with the meme but this divine comedy meme is rare and valuable therefore I shall steal it in return you may have this https://preview.redd.it/c7ahiippreec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea6c3a939cec00f8dafba7ac3942e6a58a0e24a




I'm gonna print this out and put it on my fridge


















That's Illegal.




What's funny about chuds using this format is the first instance of this I saw in a political context was defending Bernie Sanders




What the fuck is that Pokeball design


A hotep kufi pattern


What is that










“Traditional families just existing!!!” And then it’s a meme of them explicitly saying they’re better than everyone else. The lack of self awareness is actually insane.


50 dollars says this guy doesn't have a family with a Christian tradwife in the middle of nature with 3 little kids. Another 20 dollars says he's using this meme to vent his anger at women for not willing to fulfill this fantasy.


>3 little kids 3 little **SONS**. They might have a girl later, to help with the chores.


I think three sons can get to chorin perfectly fine


Good heavens no, that's the wimmins work! Sure, little Hunter, Gunner, and Stetson can muck out the horse sheds and maybe help with fixin' up the fence posts. But cleanin' and a-cookin' is for the ladies and all their Wimmininin'.


Oh no! Little Jacob god decapitated by the plow! Honey get in bed


Yeah it seems like most horrible memes in this genre are conservative incels thinly masking their sour grapes that women don't want to have sex with them. It's always some kind of attack on them being single/having an education/having a job/liking sex. The attacks on single mothers simply existing are the most obvious, and sourest, of grapes. "See that's what you get for having sex with someone other than me!"


Yeah the whole liking sex thing is a big one. It's not the liking sex part per se it's that hey rage about it so much bc they don't have sex with them. It's even more obvious when many I've met actually love sex and sex work just as much as anyone privately but they're so bitter at not getting any themselves so they rage and act puritan about it in public


These dudes can't want a woman who enjoys an orgasm because they're incapable of making a woman have an orgasm.


No, they do. They constantly fill our inboxes and then instantly call us a whore when we say NO to having sex.


10 bucks says that, if he DOES have a family, he refuses to do any housework and thinks his paycheck is all he needs to contribute to his family (oh, and his guns for a contingency that will never happen).


They almost never do. It's a grift and nothing more. I'm on that side quite a bit and I was involved even more when I was younger. Some actually do have children but they aren't usually the ones posting these memes they're sort of just living their own life not bothering anyone. The majority are ones that don't have wives or girlfriends usually bc they're the type that complains that modern women are "bad" and "ruined" and that they're not "good enough" for them. And complaining an awful lot about OF while many of them are actually super into sex work. It's actually quite a shock when you realize how bs most of it is


Reality is that the whole tradwife thing is just a way lots of young men cope with their insecurity, especially now that rising feminism is combating the idea that women with multiple partners should be shamed. The whole thing is basically a dogwhistle for guys who are scared of women who have sexual experience and they hide it behind "values".


Dude obviously doesn’t have a traditional family because he has enough free time to make shit memes.


One of the things I hate the most about the trad fam posts is how often they perpetuate the idea that yes family good.. but really only if you have male offspring. If you can’t accept the fact that you may never have sons and need to be just as content with that outcome.. then you probably aren’t as family oriented as you think you are.


"I want a trad wife" is just code for "I want to come home from work, sit on the couch, crack a beer and have all my needs maintained by my sla...sorry, wife." Dudes literally want a mom that has sex with them. Grow the fuck up.




The shame is that most men only want it because they're fucking lazy about housework and mommy always did it for them. They're looking for a domestic slave not a partner.


Imo this lifestyle rarely works out even if both parties agree and benefit. It requires a lot of trust and respect from both partners. Partially because finances are tighter, but also because homemaking is both undervalued and underestimated (at least in US culture) Managing a household requires a lot of "invisible" work (scheduling, budgeting, transporting, childrearing, ect.) So it's easy to assume the homemaker is "sitting at home" doing nothing of importance. Which can lead to more "personal servant" expectations that may or may not have been part of the initial agreement (ie "hot meal on the table", massages). In extreme cases, the income earner may use financial (and other) abuse to force the homemaker to obey them. Controversially, the homemaker must have a high degree of self accountability. Since no one is actively checking their work, issues can remain unchecked until they are at catastrophic levels. Homemakers also tend to have extensive access to family (and therefore their partners) information - which can be used for abuse (ie identity theft, snooping/stalking). Even when a homemaker is working in the family unit's best interest, they are perpetually responsible for a wide variety of tasks with little assistance from their partner/others (whether from inavailability or expectation).  TDLR: homemaking is risky af


They’re like Henry the VIII


>but really only if you have male offspring Of course, in these people's mindsa daughter is a woman you can't f*ck, what's she even for?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/E0rEWbgEFp comes to mind


But it worked out so well for China!


'Traditional Family' my brother in Christ if your traditions were born in the last century and a half, they're not traditions. They're a social quirk created by a rapidly industrializing society, that has to find new methods to sell housing


Right-wingers are bullies with a victim complex.


I dont think its just self awareness, I think its also a lack of very very basic intelligence and comprehension


This isn't "just existing", this is "hurr hurr I'm better than you amem bruther"


yeah, this meme makes a straw man then assumes it very neatly


Those in the #tard movement aren't exactly known for their nuanced thinking.


I think it's "#trad", but yours kinda works too.


Do I want to know what a #trad is?


The only trad I need is r/tradclimbing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tradclimbing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tradclimbing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My homemade #9 cam](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12z5s95) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tradclimbing/comments/12z5s95/my_homemade_9_cam/) \#2: [Lame view of a ditch](https://i.redd.it/vofazv2ty56c1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tradclimbing/comments/18hx2tk/lame_view_of_a_ditch/) \#3: [Welcome to Ol’ Kentuck (13a)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/10k683b) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tradclimbing/comments/10k683b/welcome_to_ol_kentuck_13a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Short for traditional, eg: Tradwife for traditional wife, tradcath for traditional catholic.


“You can’t just let us exist!” -Artist making wojack/chad meme featuring imaginary scenarios


This is an electrician I know. Half of his social media presence is just him shitting on everyone who went to college and saying they need to get off their high horse. Like... who doesn't a) know tradesmen make good money, and b) respect them for doing something many of us would just die from attempting. It just comes off as extreme insecurity about his lack of a degree, which he says is worthless paper anyway.


But I AM better than anyone whose lifestyle I disapprove of




I thought she was holding babies 😭


I did too! Then I noticed her baby actually looked more like two lumps 😭 why did they make that part of her dress in a completely different fabric, it looks like a baby blanket.


because it's a blouse under a dress.


Nah. Its an apron. The woman uniform.


So I had three states of thought on that: 1) She's holding a baby in her arms 2) Oh, that's supposed to be boobs? 3) Wait, it's a different fabric pattern and only goes over one shoulder In conclusion I *think* she's holding a baby in a sling, and it's very, very poorly executed. ETA: Wait, now I see a little corner of it on her right shoulder. In conclusion, I'm not sure wtf is going on there. Such weird boobs if they're boobs.




This is mine now.


Lol that's great


This reminds me of Dark Helmet on Spaceballs playing with his dolls.


now draw him mashing their crotches together


I love this




I miss the days when wojak was just a way for people to lament about not having a girlfriend.


Wojak and others used to be used for self-depreciating humour. Now we make memes about how everyone ELSE sucks.


Went mainstream and got ruined


Now it's a way for people without a girlfriend to complain


yep... thats a funny Russian app comment section


It sounds like they're the ones who can't stand single women just existing, but okay.


They literally can’t.


I’m childfree and proud. If they think they are better than me because I don’t want kids, they can. I’d rather have money and free time, simply put.


I have a family and am proud. I'm also proud of people who are childfree. I think it's great that we can choose to live the lives we want. There is so much variation in the paths we choose to take, and I think that's what makes the world beautiful. As long as you're not a wanker, of course.


I am proud of you living the way you want your life to go. Do what you do best!


Ah lovely capitalism, when you're poor you either get enough money to eat or spend that on your kids. And the richer people don't want kids either, because they're all too busy distracting themselves with meaningless luxury.


There is a lot more meaning out there besides having kids.


I didn’t have shit as a kid, so you’re goddamn right I’m indulging in creature comforts and “luxury” in my adulthood. I’m not even rich. What is more “meaningful” about having children than living your life the way you want, anyway?


It's so strange how many people don't know this


> Ah lovely capitalism, when you're poor you either get enough money to eat or spend that on your kids. migrants have kids even if they are poor and they don't die of malnutrition, sometimes you just need to spend on some things an not others > And the richer people don't want kids either, because they're all too busy distracting themselves with meaningless luxury. you are generalizing, there are plenty of rich people who have kids


It’s concerning how easily you can get people to jump onboard right wing nonsense just by framing it as “dae capitalism sucks?!?!” I’m no fan myself, but fucking think about what you’re signing on to.


The irl trad couples I know popped out of high school with the expectations for their adult life consisting of marry, have kids, work, die. None of them went to any secondary school besides maybe a Bible “college” and the only reason they can keep afloat is family money or family jobs. Their only friends are the same equally boring people their age from church. Their only excursions are the same yearly community events the rest of us go to anyways. Their whole ideal always makes me question wtf I would talk to my tradwife about if I had one. I got to have a lot of cool travel and cultural experiences in my twenties, live in a few different parts of the country. My job lets me travel, learn cool new things, meet cool new people. I’d have so much to talk about most days when I come home and she’d just have the same cycle of chores day in and day out to talk about. Whether I have kids or not I can comfortably say I will have lead a far more fulfilling life compared to the trads.


In order to be a good person you have to agree with their narrow vision of what constitutes a good person otherwise they'll say you're the one responsible for corruption of society and whatever else


I am proud of you as well. I am proud if everyone. I’m proud


"But your selfish and egotistical and u don't goll9w christ" But I'm actually happy


>If they think they are better than me because they don’t want kids, they can. Why would they think they're better than you because they don't want kids, if you also don't want kids?


It’s a Nazi dogwhistle


I made a comment about “Hitler particles” on the original post and got a bunch of Nazis sealioning in response


I'm happy that you're happy but the problem is that you're such an asshole about it.


People who are *actually* happy don’t have to do shit like this to feel superior to others. They’re too busy being chill, confident, and enjoying life. This meme obviously came from a place of *deep* resentment and insecurity.




its funny how they think procreating is some incredible feat. any dumbass can produce a boat load of kids. rats and pigeons also procreate, are they also worth worshipping for the ability to spawn a lot of offspring ? being a good parent that raises a healthy well adjusted adult is more incredible imo.


Kinda confirms we’re just dealing with weird trolls who need to touch grass.


“The miracle of life?” What’s so miraculous about doing something that’s literally been done to death?


It’s pretty weird. People brag about the one accomplishment that basically everybody in the world is capable of and use it like some kind of social status. Legit being a functioning person who is proud of who they are is harder, aim for that first.


It's different, you see, Jesus said : [sentence that Jesus never said, and also has absolutely nothing to do with the topic]


I'll take "Conversations conservatives made up in their head to feel superior" for $200, Alex


Jeopardy hosted by Alex Jones. And our categories are; 1776, Black Flags, GRT, Globalists, and Bohemian Grove. The sponsor for this evening is Brain Force Plus, it's definitely not amphetamines...


I’ll take “freakishly large necks” for $200


Reminds .me of that Reddit post about a woman living up North who was visited by a cousin who had never left the South before. Said cousin was shocked there wasn't Yankee Pride or Civil War Victory crap everywhere. "Believe it or not, people outside your bubble don't actually give a shit about your dumb Culture War bullshit."


That’s not even what they’re saying at all, wtf. What we can’t stand is men with traditional families thinking that the choice to have one makes them better than those who don’t choose that.


No one gives a shit if you have a family. It doesn't make you superior, either


Can’t stand memes about the imaginary battles they have inside their heads


Lol, memespeopledontlike is basically Politicalcompassmemes without the squares.


Swiss/Bavarian-style countryside + blonde dude with light eyes + blonde wife holding bible + 3 babies with blonde hair and light eyes + big cross in the background = hmmmmmm


"Can't stand traditional families just existing 😔" he said while presumably filing through a mental catalog of thousands of girls with colored hair, desperate to escape


traditional lifestyle is a bore


If people are happy with it, that's fine. If they're not hurting anyone, everyone is consenting and everyone is safe, people can live how they want to. It's not really my place to judge. Tradwives? Sure. Swingers? Okay. Single life? Sure. Sex clubs? Go for it. Poly? You do you. I just feel like anyone who too aggressively attacks other people's lifestyles is probably insecure as hell. That's what this meme is, just not the way OOP meant it to be.


Every lifestyle is a bore because they all lead to the same thing, death.


Boring is underrated


“Just existing” to him is saying he’s better than everyone? Lol wtf


Unfortunately a lot of conservatives are fooled into thinking that “just existing” isn’t meaningful or deserving of respect unless they can be “better” than others. Realizing that really helped me make sense of a lot of stupid stuff like this.


Wojaks have been played out. Not funny anymore. Giving them flash tones and hair and gimmicks. We should just make rage comics.


None of the people who make these shit-ass memes actually have traditional families. They’re always either 15 years old or 35 and unmarried.


They want to be hated so bad. It's like their lives have no meaning if it isn't in defiance of something.


They’re realizing being a parent is only giving them meaning as much as just being in a family lmao


"Insert pepe playing with wojacks meme here"


The life on the left looks cooler.


I’m a father of three. Wouldn’t trade it for the world. My kids have brought a light to my life I never knew existed and I’m the gooberiest, most affectionate dad you’ve ever met. That doesn’t make me any better or worse than anyone who is childless. We all have our own path. I’m not better than you because I l chose the path of parenthood, and you’re not better than me because you chose the path of not having children. Just live your life without comparing yourself to others people


Is that a deliberate misinterpretation of why the person thinks the meme is bad? Like holy hell, talk about a whoosh.


Welcome to r/memesopdidntlike Full of snowflakes who cannot comprehend humor


That sub isn't humor. This particular post maybe. But that sub has just turned into a misandrist hellhole. I was reading the comments and people were unironically calling for violence against men and these were top comments. People who want violence are just as stupid as these incels/alphas. They both need to get a life


Take a peek at the subreddit this was screen-capped from. It's the new pussypassdenied, full of whiny MGTOW pissbabies and edgelords.


None of these people obsessed with “traditional families” has one. Just like commies it’s all a larp


"I'm better than you because I pretend to have a farm, slave-wife, and kids while I sit in my parents basement!"


Even with her crying on the left in a.. dystopian future? It seems far superior to the right. I'd rather live in reality than be a parrot cuck for religion and fascism.


Oh look another karma farm I don't even know what the situation about at this point, it's just all karma farming off of ideologies.


I’d call it playing dolls with wojaks, but I made my dolls fight off aliens and climb traitorous interdimensional steeps (my dresser). This is just pathetic.


If they were “just existing” you wouldn’t need to justify it with a soyjack meme on reddit to people who don’t exist. Nobody gives a shit


I'm starting to think everyone from this sub has an alt on the others to post the most stupid things to be angry about. This is just a circlejerk Boysarequirky => Opiswrong (with bait headline) => NahOPisright (with easy upvote farms)


Why can't we just normalize letting people live in ways that make them happy. Like, if you actually want to be a tradwife or tradhusb, go ahead. But don't tell me that my way of life is wrong. If I wanna be the crazy cat lady with no man and 16 cats, all adopted from shelters/ the street, leave me be. I won't comment on your 8 unvaxxed kids and you don't comment on why I have 3 cats named Whesker Whiskers. It's a win-win.


Why everyone are so obsessed with family stuff?Like,I remember my family wasn't happy to be together. What's the point of it?


3 things: It's either a fantasy they're following made up by conservatives. They're hoping to get in a position of power and get a do-over by having kids. Or they've just had completely different experiences as you growing up, growing up in a genuinely happy and caring family.


Ah yes existing and thinking you’re better than people are the same thing


Whoever made it should probably focus on said family instead of making memes about others being sad to cope with it.


It's amazing to me how consuming too much media gives conservatives "a persecution complex."


This is more r/terriblefacebookmemes material


At least the comments are roasting OP


Poor men with traditional values "just existing"


They desperately want to be victims despite putting on a persona of someone who is too strong to be a victim. That mentally allows them to make shitty memes where they attack others and then pretend that backlash to their meme is people attacking their existence. Meanwhile the person who made the meme likely is a 23 year old guy who has never been in a relationship.


Brainwashed and undersocialized young white men eat this content like slop and genuinely think their future holds an exceptionally attractive and submissive wife and a progeny of children who will be their idealized successors. It is like a trainwreck moving at the pace of human maturation and the eventual carriages toppling on top of each other are going to be divorce, domestic abuse, suicides, and so many other awful, awful things which come from a person wanting human closeness but being unable to tolerate interpersonal humanity.


You’ve brought up some good points , what happens when the young men that consume this type of content grow up and have children of their own and they find out that kids aren’t perfect? What happens if one of their kids is lackluster in any subject or aspect? I can’t help but think they won’t respond with kindness if their sons especially aren’t up to par with what they think is “traditionally” acceptable.


And, unfortunately, the answer to your question rests in all of the shitty little tik tok jokes about putting up your queer child for adoption, if not the ones about just beating them to death.


Every meme like this puts the trad family in a beautiful house with lots of land out in the countryside. They fucking wish.


Not pictured are the seven girls his wife birthed because he threw them in the trash


They can’t stand single women just existing either https://preview.redd.it/t7cp5gze99ec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67734c20d8585df273936594891dd4038f4a9a73 But nah, it’s just single women who are hateful


Those babies are creepy


Dude, no one cares about your family. Where the fuck is this coming from?


So I’m gonna guess that dudes that post these kinds of memes don’t actually have families.


Conservatives when people have a personal preference on their own life


This shit ain’t even traditional, it was created in the 1950s.


What the fuck is it with trad lifestyle people of all kinds having the worst main character syndrome humanly possible without their bodies eating themselves from the cringe. Are the tHoTs and soy boys malding over people living life in default mode in the room with them at all times?


I will eradicate the traditional family and replace it with something awesome like basketball


What in the actual fuck is this unholy trinity of subreddits? Yall can't talk to each other in the original sub, so you link to another sub, which links to another clapback sub? And it's always the dumbest fuckin teenager memes too. Good grief.


Oh no they're playing dolls with wojacks again




Where’s Mr. Krabs? This guy won his own imaginary argument!


Traditional families are better though


Tell that to the messed up kids who come from “family values” cultures around the world. 


They are right though to be fair.


Seems more like they can't bare to see someone live a different lifestyle


considering moms with kids get taken off a sinking ship before wine aunts, this is objectively true. hahaha


“I would get off a sinking boat before you do, therefore I’m better” ???




I have blocked this annoying ass sub r/memesopdidntlike so many times now. How the hell to stop seeing these 2 annoying ass subreddits that just go back and forth with one another for good?




So they have a problem with people not being acknowledged for who they are, huh? That's just so fuggin rich! XD bro can't think his way out of a paper bag! lmao Like bro, all you have to do to get it is apply your feelings to others that think their existence is being threatened. You're SOOO close to getting it!


I mean r/boysarequirky is a femcel subreddit, riddled with misandry and just hateful rhetoric. I’ve seen memes joking about stereotypes taken as serious sexism in that subreddit, I’ve seen memes with literally no gender context at all be labelled sexist and they hate on all men. They are disgusting


Femcel my ass, they did a poll before and men are the majority users. Just because the make a few mistakes with the memes don’t mean they’re femcels


Oh shitz, not a poll!


I mean, they posted a post the other day and a lot of the members full on stated they hate men, and yea there are male members well done they call them out on their bullshit and get banned, but the fact you fully believe online polls as an accurate description of members of a subreddit is laughable Let me guess…… you’re a member


Why are you lying lol? Yeah bro, all the members said they hated men and the majority man sub banned all the male members. Why the fuck would a poll for that sub be inaccurate? It’s not a remotely large scale sub at all


Real story but I legit saw this one left winger harassing a guy and his family and at first I was going to ignore it but when the left wing guy slapped the shit out of the wife and kicked his son me and about five other guys I didn't know plus the dad were on this asshole. The guy we tackled was screeching about us being phobes and oppressing him despite slapping a man's wife and kicking his kid. Cops showed up I answered questions and I assume he got charged.


What does that have to do with the post?


What was the point of this lie


Shocker the family has a bible It's so clear that sub are just typical conservative bigots


Shocking how every political wojak meme always contains a superiority complex


I’m sorry but this is 100 percent accurate. Kids who come from traditional families have it so easy. My friends and I come from non traditional families and we’ve all had mental health issues and suicidal tendencies. My friends that come from traditional families have never had any struggles or stress. People who say that traditional families suck clearly come from a traditional family and don’t know the struggle of seeing both your parents struggle. They clearly don’t know the struggle of having to constantly turn down fun things with your friends because you’re with the other parent. They clearly don’t know the struggle of your parents constantly screaming at each other. This shit pisses me off


I have a traditional family and my parents constantly scream at eachother, what now. Do you think every traditional family just gets along by default? You don’t think a lot of these broken homes maybe started off as traditional homes?


That’s a great meme lol