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Skylar White wasn’t even a villain? She was pretty crappy, I personally don’t like most of the crap she does, but it’s not comparable to running an insane meth ring and killing tonnes of people. Imo the disproportionate amount of hate she gets seems to almost always come from a place of misogyny. Edit: queue everyone replying not getting the point and completely ignoring the context


Skylar smoked cigarettes in the car with her baby in the back seat. She also didn't immediately turn Walt in when she found out he was the biggest meth manufacturer in America, as any normal spouse with two children to look after would do. Instead she put them in harm's way and kept them there. Not only that but she started covering for her meth manufacturing husband to her family (actively keeping Hank from the truth makes her an accessory). But people are mad that she cheated because "☕ women" You know who was the good guy the whole time? Flynn.


people treat her character as if she was worse than Walter because she is a woman. They were both villain protagonists or Skylar was a supporting villain protagonist. The point is that they’re both shit people


The story is literally set up for you to root for Walt and scenes like "she smokes in the car with her baby and tells a woman who sees to go fuck herself" are designed to get you to not like her. For more on the topic, I suggest the book "Save the Cat". It's a book about writing and how to get your audience to feel the way you want them to feel.


at no point in any of my rewatches did I root for Walt. And after watching it a good number of times I think he’s pathetic. It varies on your perspective regardless of how it was written. I personally didn’t think that her smoking was as bad as Walt manufacturing meth and putting his family in danger and getting people killed, eventually attempting to become a kingpin. Some people see those scenes and think she is worse than Walt, which is what the person in the og post was saying.


So you've just never seen... like *a heist movie?*


They don’t really compare. I haven’t seen any with as much nuance as a 5 season show with hour long episodes.


That is very true, i think it's interesting how an audience can accept unethical actions from someone we've identified as the main character Like if we compare the ethics of the actions done by Skylar to those done by Walt in a vacuum it is easy to say that he is more of an immoral actor than Skylar, but Walt is the protagonist so we as an audience have infinitely more grace for him


that's actually wrong. Vince gilligant said he wrote Walt as the bad guy and was shocked that people rooted so deeply for him, and even more shocked at the hatred for skylar


Not many writers try and make you root against the protagonist. Did he say this in the first few seasons or when Walt did his villain arc in the later seasons?


Plus I really don’t think this scenes were set up specifically to get you to root for Walt. Maybe that’s the unintended outcome but it definitely makes you question her morals and begins to outline her character development as she eventually succumbs to supporting Walt


While it's true a lot of people do that because she's a woman, it's also pretty true that an even larger group of people have also been tricked into believing Walter is the good guy of the story, just because he's the protagonist. So everytime he had a conflict with Skyler, he was literally the rightful one for a ton of people whereas Skyler was the shitbag of the argument for them. But yeah, it's true a ton of people are misogynistic scum with three neurons and zero media comprehension.


As I said, she was crappy. She didn’t kill people, though. She wasn’t THE villain. Honestly, Walter was, but that’s a whole other thing. She was less of a villain than that guy who’s name I don’t remember right now


She was an antagonist to Walt's protagonist. You're supposed to dislike her, for narrative reasons.


It's like pirates of the Caribbean. The British are technically the good guys but you're supposed to be on the bad guy's side.


Well, historically, the british kinda created the whole pirate problem. Because the hired a bunch of privateers to sink french and spanish ships for money, and seige coastal forts or whatever. And then they stopped paying them. So the privateers realized they could just keep doing what they were doing, but keep the money they got from the ships they raided.


Huh, wow. In all seriousness I appreciate the expanding on that. I was just going off of what my history teacher told me in middle school. 😂


They were all villains at one point or another, that's the cornerstone of the show.








Everybody do the flop


Satire is when woman bad




Here it is without ifunny water mark https://preview.redd.it/rzh0v79mqr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7dbb5011b80d7572010ddfef1bb055f62fdec5d


Honestly I think the watermark adds a little bit of that "overused and overshared" character to the image


Fair enough


people who unironically think either barbie or ken are the villain probably only saw "im just ken" and never even bothered to watch the movie like cmon man the whole point of the movie is that both barbies and kens had warped perceptions of the world and seeing Earth is what made everyone spiral


only one turned the other group into slaves tho 🙈 edit: am i WRONG lmao


The movie ends with kens going back to being second class citizens though.


Not quite, the end of the movie is a satirical allusion to the situation women were in after they gained the right to vote, where things were still unequal but their weren't legal barriers to women being able to do things like vote or hold public office, they just had to start from the bottom and work their way up just like the Kens have to at the end of the Barbie movie. Society is still unequal but it's closer to the unequal society in the modern real world as opposed to the start of the movie where Barbieland was closer to pre-feminist society because the disenfranchised sex was legally oppressed.


No it doesn’t. It ends with everyone agreeing that neither side is beholden to the other and that both the Barbies and the Kens need to be respected and heard for a truly equal society. The Ken’s are given positions in whatever Barbieland’s version of the congress was, but it’s not an even split yet on account of the Kens having just enslaved the Barbies.


They are not given any positions in their congress at the end. Have you even watched the movie?


Yes they literally are what are you talking about? President Barbie literally says they can have lower positions and work their way up. Did you even watch the movie?


This is equivalent to when Russian Empire freed serfs but forced them to work to pay their freedom debt in the same miserable conditions. Or to how USA freed Slaves but passed black codes in South. Just giving people opportunity when they are at such obvious disadvantage is not equality. You are literally advocating in favor of Jim Crow democrats right now.


Except neither the slaves or the serfs had just overthrown and enslaved the rest of the population…. It would be more like if the slaves banded together to overthrow the governing body that enslaved them and allowed them a smaller position within the new government that they could gradually expand if they’re able to prove that they don’t intend to enslave anyone again. And they also weren’t forcing them to “pay their freedom debt”. The whole point of that scene in the end was to establish that neither the Kens or the Barbies are beholden to the other and are free to live as they choose. This is not even remotely comparable to Jim Crow because there are no laws established that are designed to make Kens second class citizens. They are completely equal to and independent from the Barbies in all ways except they aren’t being given equal power in government due to the fact that they just enslaved the Barbies. They’re still given power and a voice in government and can work their way up once they’ve proven that they don’t intend to literally enslave anyone anymore. Literally no part of your analogy works or is accurate to what actually happens in the movie. It was just unhinged rambling. It’s pretty clear that you just want to hate the movie (one you evidently haven’t even watched) and formed a narrative with duck tape and thumbtacks to justify that hate. This is what happens when you get all your opinions from YouTube and 4Chan.


Are they trying to say that Jerry the mouse is a woman?


Jerry is a trans icon




Since when?


Since ooop decided he was a woman.


if response posting continues on this sub we'll eventually start talking about oooooooooooooooooooooooooooop


TIL Jerry is a girl


Tweety Bird's female too apparently. tho i wouldnt be surprised if op just thought feminine=bad


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry\_Mouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Mouse) Jerry mouse is male


it would have been much more accurate to put walter as "the real villain" for breaking bad. especially because that's the entire point of the show.


People unironically just hate Skylar.


Mae and Skyler aren't even villains, let alone Barbie


They finally learn actual satire. Of course they'll point it out everywhere. If only they had standards for jokes and not laugh at literally every joke no matter if it's good or not


It's also not EVEN fucking satire Jesus christ they're talking about MOVIES FOR CHRIST SAKE THERE IS NO SATIRICAL POINT MADE AT ALL IN THIS MEME


The Planet of the Apes one kinda makes sense though, although it's silly to say that Proximus isn't also a villain. But Mae >! floods the kingdom, killing plenty of innocent apes, and is endeavoring to restore human supremacy after Raka died for her. !< She's at least morally grey, and is set up for a more antagonistic role in future movies (or for an arc of accepting the apes).


she’s gonna be the next big villain and the only one belonging here. fuck that monkey hating bitch.


ok but literally how is barbie the villain of the story? i’m trying to come up with some bs that could argue for it but i literally can’t. the whole point of the movie is that everyone is a victim of the patriarchy, ken included.


The barbies are supposed to be the metaphor for the patriarchy


well the whole movie sorta is, but how is the main character barbie the villain? is john patriarchy in the room with us? /s




He’s right about Jerry being a villain, Tom’s just a cat trying to do his job, Jerry’s just an asshole


Tom fucks with Jerry so he doesnt get replaced with a cat that would actually try to kill him


His job is to kill Jerry, I don’t think being an asshole in return is enough to suddenly make him villainous.


I’m pretty sure, lorewise, they are buddies. Tom has to pretend to try to kill him, otherwise he’s “failing his job” and gets replaced by a cat that will actually decimate Jerry. I don’t think Tom genuinely wants to kill Jerry. There were a lot of episodes that end with them being best buds or allies.


Jerry's a dude


The Tom & Jerry one is true though


No the fuck it isn’t dumbass tom and jerry are friends tom only beats up on jerry so that he doesn’t get kicked out and replaced with a cat that actually wants to kill jerry you dumbass get some media literacy


That depends on what era of Tom & Jerry you're watching. In the some, particularly the earlier series they definitely were not friends and were equally antagonistic towards each other


Yup. This guy wants to act all smart when it comes to Tom and Jerry just because he heard a theory, when there are different incarnations of Tom and Jerry that act differently to each other. He is no true Tom and Jerry fan, he is a faker!


Buddy I named my first son tom and jerry


First name Tom last name Jerry? Middle name and? What an odd name.


No his first name is tom and jerry


Tom and Jerry Von Doofenschmirtz


That’s literally just a theory. A CARTOON THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!




its not even true lmao skylar was sometimes petty but walter is 100% the villian and jerry was not the villian, tom was also an asshole at times


Neither Barbie or Ken were villains, they were just misunderstood 😔


It's not funny. But I don't think it's problematic either


Most of these aren’t even true (I can’t speak for *Planet of the Apes*, but Gus and Ken were both villains. Tom and Sylvester are really more like halves of their respective comedy duos, but that doesn’t change the fact that they regularly try to kill their respective counterparts.


I don’t think Ken was really a villain, so much as a victim of a broken system poorly wielding newfound power.


It’s just the woman every time




Kens were second class citizens before the movie. And at the end of the movie they go back to being second class citizens. Barbie has learned nothing about equality and is more concerned about visiting a gynecologist.


It’s not that they were second class citizens, they thought their only purpose was to stand by a Barbie and they learned that wasn’t true, which… is quite literally said. Barbie no longer wanted to be plastic, she wanted to be what she considered a real woman.


Kens didn't have any political representation. They revolted to become the ones in charge. Then barbie returns and it's only barbies in the government once again. No lessons learned.


They could now go for political representation is the thing, they weren’t sure that was a Ken’s role. And if they don’t go for it after knowing it’s an option, I don’t think you can put all the blame on Barbie, can you? I don’t think they should give their roles up to Ken because Ken had an awakening, Ken should go for these roles on HIS OWN.


They got that nice “Three Fifths Compromise” treatment lmao


I'm merely suggesting that they should have at least ONE Ken in the government. But nope - they are second class citizens at the end with absolutely no representation in government. Would it be fair if we in real life banned all people with green eyes from participating in government and gave them "self-discovery" to make up for it?


They were never banned though. So yeah I feel self discovery makes up for alot of this tbh. And Ken didn't just want Representation... I mean I don't think representation requires enslaving anyone who goes against that. A large majority of the movie is quite literally him just being upset his role is to be with Barbie and Barbie doesn't want him.


They outright say at the end of movie that there would be no kens in barbie congress.


But didn't they say they could be judges? I don't remember exact quotes but idk. Going from being arm candy to a judge sounds great lol


Would it be fair in IRL if, say, people with blond hair could only be judges but not congressmen? Is that equality by your definition?


Nobody is saying that satire automatically means it's funny to everyone. Everything is funny to someone because comedy is 100% subjective.


I understand jerry being the villain because jerry is a pest and living rent free but tweety bird is granny's actual pet


I Will agree on Tom and Jerry, always did since childhood 😡😤


Nobody👏🏼said👏🏼it 👏🏼is👏🏼but👏🏼if👏🏼your👏🏼issue👏🏼is 👏🏼just👏🏼that👏🏼it👏🏼isn’t👏🏼funny👏🏼why👏🏼are 👏🏼you👏🏼so👏🏼bothered?


Because the 3/5 of the “joke” is “female character bad.” Something attempting to be satirical does not absolve it of negative messaging.


The problem isn't about it being funny or not, it's about getting on your high horse and accusing oop of whatever bigotry you think he has. Not funny? Don't laugh.


The meme was made by a misogynist…


Yeah... That's what i am talking about


Yeah... That's what i am talking about