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Rhonda is such a lil bitch. Fuck him for not signing the left lane. It's bad enough we have Nazis here - we don't need slow a-oles clogging up i-4 and I-75


Sounds like he’s one of the AH left lane drivers. None of us would be surprised. Baffled why he hates stormwater mitigation so much.


Storm water is woke.


Those damn woke floods.


And those pesky woke hurricanes.


I mean...how dare they vere off of the sharpie path.


Damn spaghetti model.


One of the Dead’s best album, “Woke of the flood”.


It’s a lot easier to look good to the uninformed when he comes to save the day after big floods with federal dollars


Fed disaster money


Rhonda 🤣😂🤣 i’m dead




😂🤣 this will never not be hilarious Ron and his gogo boots


I liked the version where someone extended them into thigh high hooker boots.


We’re going to have to keep tailgating and getting into fights with these super sensitive Latinos in Florida… oh well


His comment about it providing the police yet another reason to pull over drivers and the murkiness of legality during rush hour traffic (leading to less people utilizing the left lane out of fear) is reasonable to me. Florida drivers are some of the dumbest in the country.


And I-95 and the turnpike


What a moron. We need the left lane law and it was nearly unanimously passed. Ugh.


Dam he’s such a fukn pussy….


Damn conflicted on this one slow mf in the left lane is a special place in hell … but also not a fan of police state


It would at least improve traffic flow and emergency services, as seen in 8 other states. Was passed almost unanimously by both parties in our republican supermajority state. Police can pull you over for a dozen nonsense things already if they feel like it.


Right or wrong with the thought process? But DeSantis worried the bill would lead to drivers being pulled over and fined for driving in the left lane even if they are not impeding traffic flow. “In addition, the bill could potentially increase congestion in Florida’s urban areas as drivers may decide to not utilize the furthest left-hand lane at all for fear of being ticketed,” DeSantis wrote in his veto letter.


Yeah I'm confused. Why did he mention urban areas when the bill mentioned roadways upwards of 65mph? Like a highway? What urban area has more than two lanes with a speed limit of 65mph or more?


Have you seen social media for the past few months. Plenty been making posts, comments, videos, whatever about how it's illegal to be in the left lane now in Florida. Not once have I seen these people mention the speed limit. There would've definitely been a misunderstanding. It's a silly law regardless tho. Despite how normal it is to go above the speed limit it is against the law. Someone going the speed limit in the left lane but not passing shouldn't be pulled over because passing them would require breaking the law by exceeding the speed limit. Now I guess there's someone out there going 45mph in the left lane on a 65mph road but I've never seen it and there's already a law to deal with that. Always see someone trying to pass someone already exceeding the speed limit. Everyone should be ticketed there if they're going to be letter of the law with it.


I think he means 408, i4 highways, etc that are frequently blocked up.


I agree with all 3 being veto'd personally. While I hate people who don't treat the left lane as the fast lane / passing lane, laws codifying it have led to nothing but worse traffic and crazy ass ticketing everywhere else. Best left as a code of behavior than giving cops unabated authority to pull over and ticket anyone in a left lane. 2nd bill is ridiculous. Yeah support our boys for sure but you definitely should have to meet the academic merits of everyone else. Don't really have an opinion on 3 tbh


Same here. It’s all well and good to say eight states have a left lane bill—what states? What is their traffic like? If everyone driving I-95 at rush hour in South Florida was forced out of the left lane except to pass, putting thousands of extra cars into the other lanes, it would be a nightmare. And it already is Mad Max, especially through Broward and Miami Dade.


I am from a state and lived in another where this law exists. It did not lead to more traffic or crazy ass ticketing. I will agree on the point about the cops but we already have laws that allow them to do that. (The noise ordinance one where if they hear your music from 20 feet away or whatever without any proof, which is all that law does since if it was truly about noise, we would be banning glass packs/other mods to make your car louder and Harley’s).


To be fair, the highway cops here don’t ever pull anyone over, unless they’re a headstrong asshole. You have to be cruising for a bruising to be pulled over by an interstate cop in Florida. So in all reality, this left lane ban would have been a joke, if they don’t enforce speed limit to 10 over or above (I’ve never experienced what it actually takes to get their attention), then why should you expect them to police lane violations? They don’t police much beyond what’s unsafe, which in some ways is nice, but in other ways is unsettling because you never actually know if they give a shit or not.


Usually don’t agree with DeSantis on anything but I think these were good vetos.


I’m sorry but I don’t really disagree with any of these vetoes. The driving ban would be very hard to enforce and just gives cops yet another reason to pull people over. I typically drive 10-14 over so slow people in the left lane piss me off but this just seems unnecessary. I’m pretty sure there is already a law about impeding traffic that could be used. I’m a veteran but I don’t think that makes me the most qualified for a graduate program. I don’t agree they should get a pass on a test to determine if they’re qualified for the program. I’m guessing Congress pushed this through to gain points with a veterans group. I don’t know anything about the last one. He says he’s concerned it would increase rates for people in that county. If that’s true it makes sense to veto it.


To be fair there is never law enforcement out and about to enforce this law.


What we need is speed cameras actually enforcing the speed limit. Then this ridiculous left lane conversation wouldn't even be happening. People really think this rule applies on roads all the way down to 35 miles an hour. I'm tired of getting tailgated when my left turn is coming up. Why even have a speed limit if we only enforce it once in a blue moon???


Speed cameras are a nightmare, they are everywhere in Brazil and you have to drive in constant fear. One little mistake and you get a speeding ticket. It's a money machine meant to take away money from the people and feed the system. Speed limit to me should be enforced depending on the traffic. If everyone is doing 10mph then 50mph is dangerous. Same for the other way around. And cameras could never see that, unless we start using AI, which is not likely to happen anytime soon.


You must be old and unadventureful. Speed limit should be 80. All vehicle manufacturers make vehicles that go 130 mph+. Why?