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Today I learned Australia gets snow. There must be some sort of man eating yeti hiding in that shit somewhere.


TIL Australia has Alps.




I just realised this entire post is talking about Australia lmao


My Austrian mother met my Australian father skiing in Australia 🤣


Our mountain range is the fifth longest in the world. It is pretty much the only one we have though.


And it's named also the Alps?


It’s called the Great Dividing Range. It divides one side of the range from the other side of the range. It’s middling.


There are the Australian Alps (mostly known as the Snowy Mountains) and the Victorian Alps




I'm Aussie and TIL that alpine super-floof dingos are real. Damn. How TF did I not know that?! That's it. I'm off to Thredbo.


Thredbo? C'mon you guys are making this all up, there is no snow in Australia


Deadset, you fly to Canberra and stay there or Queanbeyan, then you drive or get a coach through Cooma and up to Jindabyne. You can then get to Thredbo or Perisher from there. I have friends that live in Binalong and Jugiong, so we meet at my parents farm near Murrumbateman before heading up. Seriously though, autocorrect hates most of our place names lol


My partner is a Brit. She spends half her time convinced I'm making shit up just to tease her, when it's actually less than a quarter, at most.


please record yourself reading this and share it. The world needs to hear it


I'll do you one better, [this is the original verision](https://youtu.be/1OZWi-mTkNU?si=J-DFeT2YIQJLeznQ) of I've Been Everywhere, it was originally all aussie place names and adapted to suit other countries. You might need to look up the lyrics to follow it though lol


You’ve obviously never heard of Tasmania …


Sure, but it’s gotta be hella hot because devils live there /s


Nah. Tasmania is a story Melburnians tell their kids to make them behave.




Yowies. Definitely real.


We actually get more snow coverage than Switzerland or Sweden or whichever one it is.


Tally-ho 👍🏾


Aaaah, I was wondering how I knew that.


We have [ski resorts](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1VG0bfmN5XTJNgkhlxWoKyU4ChRu9ulOLGatGHWSELTLC4x7DdJn-jeHG&s=10) here


That’s so obviously Photoshopped AI with extra CGI, but there is a Wikipedia article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Alps


AI from a 4 year old article? Righto


Whoops forgot the /s


Thought maybe it was a joke but thought hey maybe some people are in a lot of disbelief that it snows enough for ski resorts lol


I live in Canberra and during winter can hike in the snow on the Stockyard Spur to Mt Gingera trail a short drive from the city. It’s a lot of fun.


Odds are the snow is venomous.


There are quite a few podcasts about all the missing persons in the High Country.


Australian Alps?? Google: "This snowfall is so heavy that Australian Alps, located near the capital city of Canberra, receives more snow than the Swiss Alps in the winter months!" 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Ahhhh kind of. By area. Certainly not total snowfall amount.


Australia has many dif eco systems. It’s a huge country and continent, with rainforests, desert, mountains, forests, etc. beautiful beaches to snowy mountains to swamp like lands with salt water crocodiles. Amazing place with such fresh seafood and produce to boot


Which is wild because they’re not even half the max elevation of the Swiss alps


Small correction, it's not a "species of dingo", as dingo is one species nation wide (and perhaps even just a subspecies of other dogs, but that's debated) They're amazing though and the way they are persecuted across the country is awful. Having an apex predator that can suppress feral foxes and cats would be hugely beneficial to our unique animal diversity.


You eat one baby and suddenly nobody wants you around smh


That’s not even the problem, it’s people blaming them for livestock deaths. The same thing happened to the Thylacine and the resulting mass hunt made them extinct.


Thylacene- was that the stripey dog-beast.?


Yes the Tasmanian tiger.


Some don't even consider Dingos to be their own subspecies.


I live in an area with lots of coyotes. What happens is this: Rodent population grows in suburbs(rabbits, rats/mice, etc). The coyotes move in and clear out the pests. Yay! right? kinda... Now the coyotes are here and running out of food. So neighborhood pets become their next meal. Then they slowly migrate to other areas. Rinse and repeat. Coyotes will snatch your pet off the leash. This cycle can happen across a couple years. I imagine these dingoes are very similar. I understand that it's sad when animals are run out of an area, but at the end of the day the safety of humans and human companions is way more important. Also, foxes serve the same role here and are less likely to interact with humans. Foxes can co-exist in suburban environments and will eat cats and small dogs for sure but I think we would all prefer a solitary fox to a pack of dingoes.


Or maybe you just shouldn't live there. You encroached on their territory, not the other way around. Edit: for those wondering, the deleted comment was talking about culling an entire species because they ... *checks notes* ... live there.


Exactly this. In fact I think you and I should head back to sub Saharan Africa and roam the savannah as nature intended, atoning for the colonial greed of our earliest land grabbing primate ancestors.


I wish you had said this in a harsher tone. I don't think people get it.


This is so fucking dumb to say. Basically what you're saying is humans should off themselves. Get a grip. edit: someone is downvoting all my comments. You have serious issues, stranger.


Don't live there = off yourself?? Talk about dumb things to say. You need to get a grip.


I think you're inebriated and not thinking properly.


Foxes are an out of control invasive species in Australia with a population of 1.5+ million that kill 500 million animals a year. It's not 1 solitary fox compared to a pack of dingos.


I’ve lived around coyotes in the suburbs for 20 years, keep your cats and dogs indoors or on a proper leash (not those awful retractable ones—your dog/cat should be within your reach at all times while outdoors) and they aren’t a problem.


You're 100% wrong. Snatching animals off a leash has nothing to do with the type of leash. It has everything to do with the element of surprise and the fact that its a wild animal that knows how to hunt. Seems very silly to say they aren't a problem if you've lived around them for 20 years. You should be well aware that they are a serious problem? Are you lying? edit to add: when their outside food source dwindles, they will attack smaller children and even adults if they are desperate enough.


Attacks on people are very rare. If you see a coyote getting close, and your leash is short enough to pick up your small dog or cat, or keep them close to you if a large dog, your pet will be safe, because again, it’s very unlikely coyotes will attack an adult human. If you think retractable leashes aren’t awful for more than just that reason you’re delusional, your vet will say they’re awful, your trainer will say they’re awful. I’ve lived around both western (in California) and larger eastern (in Indiana) coyotes, in suburban and rural settings, they’re not serious problems. Where are you that they’re such a problem? I agree the public has started to get too comfortable around them and lead to habituation which is a big problem, but public awareness and hazing are an easy fix.


Looks like a foxyote


It’s a ShibaWolf.


That face is a lean shiba, the legs are a wooly Jindo, and the huge paws are pure wolf. For added insult, someone took off with its tail! I really want to look at this animal's jaws and tooth count to see how real this "dingo" is!!


You sound like you want to pet it.


The YouTube channel, The Farm, has a dingo. The dog behaviorist dad has spent about a year trying to integrate a dingo into his large, harmonious pack. The integration is not going well. All that to say, I had a red sesame Shiba, and I keep seeing flashes of my Chiana's breed-specific behavior in dingos. I have no interest in petting dingos, but I can see so much of that side of the world's canine population in the blender mix that is a dingo.


A Cox!


It's fascinating how their feral nature seems to have reclaimed some wolf-like features on their physical appearance, making them seem more intimidating. In a similar manner to Pigs and Wild Boar (although Pigs are never 100% domestic and will revert with remarkable speed). It contrasts with coyotes, who often end up smaller than certain dog breeds and effectively seem a few steps out from domesticity due to contact with people, while these dingoes are effectively dogs that became wild once again, and are therefore more threatening to people.


Dingos are a bit more than feral dogs if you look at their jaw bones, brain size to skull size, and flexibility in their wrist joints. They also have the predator interaction programming (like a wolf) versus the domestic dogs looking at human eyes.


TIL Australia has snow. What sort of super deadly snow spider or snow snake lurks there, I wonder.


Ask and you shall receive: https://cdn.mtbullercdn.com.au/assets/environment/2016_enviro_brochures/alpine_snakes.pdf https://amp.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/which-snakes-would-bite-a-hiker-in-the-winter-20150619-ghscjo.html https://amp.9news.com.au/article/6052438c-4c8a-404b-b036-056b03529916


Oh god damnit.


omg the licorice all sorts spider is fucking adorable




Story/source: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/13077292


thats a good boy


Wandi the Alpine dingo pup who was dropped in a backyard by an eagle! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-11-01/alpine-dingo-dropped-by-eagle-into-victorian-yard/11657972


I would trust him with my baby


Amazing creatures ❤️ It is a shame some people view them as vermin and want to see them extinct.


It looks like my shibas


It’s not the Australian alpine dingo. It’s the Australian alpine dingo mate


no tail?


TIL Australia has Alps?


Rip doge, he was 18. This would be him after going to the gym.




A guided walk with the resident Alpine dingoes at Mt Baw Baw Alpine resort is on my bucket list!


So beautiful!


That is such a beautiful dog and it looks almost exactly like a dog my neighbors had when I was younger.


Shiba Inu that goes to the gym.


What a beautiful animal!!!!


Fascinating, thank you!


He’s good looking for a dingo!


I sense a kindred doggie spirit that man can't destroy, says Coyote.


Stop killing all the /r/wolves and apparently dingos assholes


Wait Australia has Alps, where?




The year is 2024, yet we are still surrounded by ignorant people who insist on sharing their opinions in spite of not being able to conduct a basic Google search.


Maybe the dingo ate your baby


The dingo did, in fact, eat the baby, and her mother spent years in jail despite being innocent


A friend had a pet black alpine dingo.


My doggo deserves one of these as a pet.