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Wild and fun theory but the Venlil where part of the federation when they found the Arxur. The second reason could be true but would be insane


The only source for that is literally the federation itself, no one in universe has yet checked the Axur records (which are likely also twisted but in a different directions so at least offers some counterpoint). The same Federation sho has already been shown to blatantly lie about it's own history and not be above cultural genocide and erasure of a entire species historical record to fit their narrative.


If the Farsul and Kolshians had that level of biotechnological know-how, the Arxur would have been wiped out with a bio-weapon centuries ago. Fun theory, but . . . Naw


There are two ways to live with more gravity. One is to bulk up like mad, to carry mass through sheer muscle power. The other is the opposite approach, to weigh less for gravity to pull upon. Remember, in the first encounter Noah picked up the fainted Venlil who would be left to die to exposure. If they weighed as much as a adult human would on Earth, Noah couldn't lift them for any real distance seeing his own mass would mean he was lifting the equivalant of three people at the time. For having no nose. Having a sense of smell makes sense on a planet with a nighttime period. Finding food when vision fails can be life-saving. On Venlil Prime, where the wind only blows from the Nighttime to the Daytime side, scents would only be relevant if the wind was at times variable. It isn't. It would make much more sense on a tidally locked planet for all life to develop a sense to detect temperature at a distance. Because wondering into an area of cold or heat is not something that alters in a time of day. Certain foods grow at certain temperatures, which have no season, or do Venlil hunt prey. Venlil use hearing and Vision as defensive adaptations. It's never night there for scent to truly be necessary for tracking or detection.


Thank you so much for mentioning the weight/gravity thing, everytime I see the opinion that Venlil would be super strong and dense AF I have to stop myself from text-ranting. Just because Humans did it doesn't mean it's a rule, even on Earth


Think Birds. They evolved to be super light for the volume of their bodies so to fly. Hollow bones, air sacs, the works. All to cheat gravity's pull.


Exactly this, also the average animal size on our planet is something approaching a mouse, because of all the insects on Earth, so humans are even more an oddity, bipedal, plantigrade, high up on the size bell-curve. We weird AF even for our own planet!


Also our sense of smell is pretty bad compared to most hunters because we don't need it to detect prey, we just need to determine whether meat is rotten. Seed-eating birds on the other hand have nothing compared to us.


“Whole herds would be lost from carbon monoxide pools” - I get what you mean my dude but we humans can’t smell carbon monoxide. A lot of deadly gases are odorless and the naturally occurring ones aren’t the largest of threats.


This is an interesting alternative to my "They arent native to their homeworld theory" i kinda like the reason 2, them being literally manufactured to be as innocent and adorable yet also fodderable and gullible sounds so in line with the Core Fed species antics that it hurts Also Canonically duck-like reproductive organs???? What does that even mean?


That was a joke by paladin he said directly it wasn’t to be taken seriously


Unfortunately people take anything I say seriously, but that was 100% a joke 🤣


Lmao, ~~thank god~~ of all the things to get an official reply too


Of all the posts ive made this is the one where senpai notices me? It's like going to the grocer in your jammies and meeting your boss's boss.


So I assume that their dicks aren’t actually corkscrews and their anatomy will remain a mystery until your discretion?


[Cork opener duck, but gets the idea across](https://www.athomeinthecountry.com/item-images/duck-corkscrew/46-1362065535--1200--1200.jpg)


Is this one of those Patreon only things, Ive never heard of this before and its terrifying


No it was a joke by paladin


IIRC, someone on the discord asked SP15 about the dick shape, and he gave a sort of vague answer that confirmed it to be true.


He said he would say duck if people wouldn’t latch on to it


For your sanity, don't look it up on e621.


You can't tell me what to do. :P Edit: strangely more adorable floof pics than anything else... Found exactly 0 ducklil.


Less a order, than a plea to avoid the Cthulhu of avian penises.


Oh dear... No... This was no innocent curiosity. I knew what I was seeking... I already am lost in the spiral...


The duck penis thing isnt canon. At all.


This one aged REALLY well, jeez.


Fuckin right?! Almost worried SP took the idea from this post


The gravity on venlow Prime is not twice that of Earth it was specifically stated that it is only slightly higher than Earth like 1.2 or 1.3 G it's not that big a deal and also the venlil are very light and very small


You have to understand that this story is not accurate scientifically at all examples being antimatter bombs at all. Lasers being effective weapons at all. And to tidally locked Planet at any range from the local star ever evolving life the title forces between the hot and cold side would cause constant 200 mph hurricanes and lightning storms that would immediately destroy all life that tried to enter the area but it's okay the story is about the characters not the science so Overlook it


Looks like matpat rewrote the fnaf timeliness one too many times...