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After the “satellite wars” (WW3) the US and China were both kinda fucked in a lot of ways, so the UN was given a lot more power to try and fix everything, which grew until the UN became a planetwide federation.


Thank you




My other series (WHAW) *is not* in the same universe as Nature of Predators


Ohhhh thank you,That clears up a lot of things,I was always under the impression that It was but thank you,are there any other stories that you have Written that are in the same universe as this or not? Also will you be continuing your other story beyond the void?


So what is the situation with the nations and the UN in NoP? I think the UN is just acting as a United front for the other species.


The UN handles broader issues and global diplomacy, with more actual power and military prowess than the modern ones. They’re our best foot forward with the aliens. Individual nations still exist. In Chapter 10, Tarva mentioned that several reached out alone, and in Chapter 37, that they wanted their own embassies by country. It’s too much for the Venlil 🤣


Ah makes sense. The actual power and some military prowess means they can do more than just send a sternly worded letter if some nation is doing bad stuff. Yeah that’s why I think the UN is better for interacting with aliens as all the different nations with different cultures, approaches, etc would likely confuse and overwhelm the aliens.


They are not in the Same universe. And humanity just simply won't unite because yes