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If you want to write something, you should. Worst that happens is it fizzles out; who cares about the naysayers? All writers start somewhere! 🙏


There are plenty of children who need special care after being returned from the Arxur farms! As for skills, you don’t have to worry. Just commit word crimes as the rest of us criminals cheer you on!


Don’t worry about skills. That comes with practice. Write it, re-read and proof read it, see if you can improve it, post it, ask for constructive criticism, take it in and compare your work to others work and see how others do things differently. Everyone here at r/NatureofPredators wants to see what you have to offer and at least myself want nothing more than to help you strengthen your writing skill! So please don’t be intimidated. If check my profile I’ve written one very very short story and another that is two posts long, that I could have done better on. Now I’m plotting out two more stories and looking forward to it! Even if I forget a scene or two or miswrite and planets name, people won’t be upset. Look forward to seeing you join us fanfic writers!


I will be actually! Just not for a while. But hey, WRITE IT DOWN. No one STARTS skilled. Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.


If you have trouble planning out a story or fleshing out an idea, like I do with fanfics, you could make a miniseries with less than ten chapters. Then focus on improving those few chapters. This will make writing less overwhelming, for me at least.


Feel free to read mine, I literally have soliders giving venlil kids piggyback rides, and Venlil infant twins in my last story, but I am but one, showing that humans can kick ass, and be charming and kind too. But I believe CornSquashBeans's story about adopting an Arxur is also fairly heartwarming also. Recipe For Disaster is nice usually, but this week is evil for some reason. But let's see what ya got, Dizzy. Looking forwards to reading it.






Go for it, even if you burn out halfway and don't complete it you'll still have done something creative which is more than a lot of us can say.




Aww that sounds adorable! You should absolutely do it!


Do it! The worst that can happen is it sucks, but you'll learn from that


I will read the heck out of that, please write it!


dew it


If you want to sharpen your skills a bit before posting, check out the discord - there's channels for both fanfics and writers, lots of folks would be willing and able to give you feedback or advice.


just do it.💪 so what if the story is not perfect ? so far the people here have been respectful and helpful in their criticism.


Go for it. I'd also like to see a story about the Venlil bar owner's adoption of a human.