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Kyrie was 25 years old when he left LeBron. That’s the age most players are entering there prime years. Not everyone is content to be 2nd fiddle on their own team. Add to that LeBron wasn’t signing a long term extension with the Cavs. He feared getting stuck with a bottom tier team like the beginning of his career. Kyrie took a chance with the Celtics to be the guy on his own team, he failed. He tried to be a 2nd/3rd piece on a poorly managed Nets team, he failed. Now that he’s 32 at the end of his prime, he knows the limit of his ability he’s happy to play an important part of team led by a generational talent like Luka and managed by a player friendly leader like Cuban. Not to mention he plays in a state with no state income tax.


All of that is true, but also add in the fact that when you play 2nd fiddle to LeBron, you're in a much bigger spotlight and under a lot more scrutiny. And then most of your media sessions will be questions about LeBron. With Luka, the spotlight isn't as big. He doesn't have nearly as much mainstream media attention. And when you play with LeBron and lose, you will get most of the blame. Now if Kyrie loses, it's because Dallas lost, not "LeBron's supporting cast lost".


Yeah. DAL media isn’t asking Kyrie stupid ass questions like “Do you look at Luka like a father figure” 😂 I can still picture Kyrie’s response when they asked him if Bron was his father figure in CLE 😂😭💀


Kyrie: “What? Oh he’s a great father. I thought you meant a great father to HIM. I interpreted that completely wrong.” Reporter: “Yeah so… in what ways has he played a parental role to you?” Kyrie, paraphrased: “Oh so you… you actually are asking this dumbass question lmaoooo. Bitch I have a dad, Lebron is a great leader though”


For the controversial/stupid opinions that Kyrie has sometimes, he really does try to keep his emotions in check. But you could just see how dumbfounded he was in that moment. If I was an owner of a small team, like CLE for example, I wouldn’t let reporters like that near my damn stars 😂


Because having some stupid opinions doesn’t make you a bad person. His emotional intelligence has always been high.


The owners, staff, teammates and fans in Cleveland, Boston and especially New Jersey would disagree with your assessment of his high EQ. He is literally the poster child for someone who lacks the introspection on how his actions fits or could be perceived by others around him. His response towards Covid and other controversial beliefs was only about himself. That's self awareness, an aspect of EQ but hardly the only aspect.


I don’t know man he’s starting to look pretty correct in refusing the vaccines


Lebron is 7 years older than Kyrie lol it was such a dumb question


Could have easily been framed as big brother or mentor but the reporter had to be a complete idiot about it


Has all the indicators of being this pet theory the reporter had been holding onto for MONTHS and when they finally got the opportunity to get their Fanon verified, it blew up in their face. 🤣🤣


This. This is what probably was in her head.


I get single parent homes are a thing in the black community as well, but it came off to me like the reporter didn't do a lick of researcher and just assumed Kyrie grew up without a father figure lmao


Same age difference between Kyrie and Luka. Assuming no one is gonna ask Luka that question about Kyrie lol


Holy shit that would be hilarious


I think he’s happy that Luka is the daddy of so many nba players. Good to have siblings like Booker around


Kyries face when the reporter doubled down lmaooo


Luka has enough children.


Yeah, Booker isn't going to start sharing toys with any newcomers, they're going to have to bring their own


The only father son combo in the nba is luka and booker.


Would be so funny if a mavs reporter asked Luka this about kyrie


They asked him was Lebron a father figure. Kyrie has a father. Plus with LBJ u get blame when u lose and no credit for wins


Right, no one says kyrie and ray allen saved lebron legacy


That’s a debate within basketball..but making everything so one player centric that the media loses the Forrest for the trees and forgets he has a father..media likes him now but what’s so different? He pretty much the same aloof dude but with a dude media adores..they liked him too until he left the last player that was universally loved


Plus Luka is probably just more chill across the board.


Bron seems pretty stiff to play second fiddle to


I’m sure it was fustrating in Kyries perspective when Lebron got all the praise from the media in wins , then blame was dispersed around his supporting cast in losses.


Yes but how has lebron been a father figure to kyrie??


It helps a lot more that Kyrie is older than Luka. LeBron was not only better, but had 8 years more experience in the NBA and had already won championships and made 5 finals. In this case, Luka is the better player, but Kyrie has the experience of being a champion, deep playoff runs (3 finals), and can act as a leader without having to force it, which is what I think he was trying to do in Boston. He also just seemed bitter in general in Boston and Brooklyn, amongst all the controversy surrounding his career. Luka also clearly appreciates Kyrie a lot, often putting his play above his own, even though they both know Luka is better. Just a very good team dynamic.


No state income tax so he can have tens of millions instead of tens of millions


Yeah, everybody overreacts to the state income tax thing. How many free agents go to San Antonio and Orlando? How many go to the Lakers, Clippers, Knicks and Nets? A player is rarely making their free agent decision based *solely* on the bottom line. They were gonna go to Miami anyway cuz Pat Riley is a genius and Miami is a fun city. The no state income tax part is just a cherry on top


Texas fucks you with other taxes it’s crazy


Yeah. Property taxes are astronomical.


It isn’t even second fiddle, I still remeber how mad Kyrie was when they asked how much of a father figure Lebron was to him. Lebron is like 6 years older than him. That’s how you are treated when you play with Lebron. I could see that rubbing someone the wrong way.


Kyrie has said in recent interviews he came from a place of needing to mature and Dallas has given him that space. Or something along the lines of growing up more in a supportive environment


He realized the earth is flat by burning incense


It’s also the age where your frontal lobe becomes fully developed and kyries third eye opened


Yeah plus none of us in Texas judge him for being an anti-vax, flat earther. For better or for worse we just see him as an amazing basketball player.


Because he’s now the father figure


but who will replace the big brother role held by KD?


I have one father


KD what a waste of talent. If only he was strong in the head


Kevin is smart and a good player idgaf what anyone says


Any time I see something about KD, I always wonder what’s up with him. All that talent and such weird ass choices.


Kyrie Irving is Devin Booker grandfather


Does that mean Luka can say that word?


I came here to say this. That reporter asking that question was legitimately when everything changed for kyrie. 


Kyrie with Lebron = mid 20's Kyrie with Luca = 32 and falling down hurts now


I think it has more to do with Kyrie thinking Luka is a certified bucket. He has said in the past that when he joined forces with KD, it was the first time he trusted someone else to take the last shot besides himself. Kyrie’s a Kobe guy. He respects guys with a bag


Y'all acting like LeBron is your average superstar


and Lebron wasn't?


He tried being the man and it brought too much stress and scrutiny. Also, as huge as Luka's shadow is, it is nothing compared to the shadow of LeBron at his prime - LeBron had 4 MVPs and 5 Finals appearances when he rejoined Cleveland, was alone at the top as the best player in the NBA, and was also trying his hand at coaching and being a GM in his spare time. I can understand why Kyrie thought his shine would never be truly appreciated while he played alongside James.


Lmao a "gm in his spare time" oh you talking about LeGM?


Wild that Kyrie actually confirmed the LeGM allegations, James's reaction whether good or bad must've been priceless


Lebron was probably thinking “wtf does he know?? 😂” Cause that’s exactly the case, there’s nothing in that convo for kyrie to confirm cause he has nothing to do with it




Lebrawn Gms


He def seems to have matured even though he still says some headass shit off the court. Overall he seems like his heart is in the right place. Also I don’t know that he’s second fiddle so much as them being a duo.


>He def seems to have matured even though he still says some headass shit off the court Whoa, really? What has he said recently?


I was wondering the same. I was hoping he had let go of the flat earth theory at least lol


Seems like he's on the good pills now. Leveled off from being a kook


Maybe. I get the sense he might have just learned not to speak to soon but he probably still holds some weird stances/beliefs


Absolutely but he seems focused and not causing a distraction to the rest of the team. That's big.


Def true. Good to see him stop dicking around. He lost like what. 2, 3 seasons of his prime?


I like to think they told him there's two paths he can finish on and it's largely his choice. He could be remembered as A. 2nd best guard of his era with maybe a couple rings and a couple more all star appearances B. LeBron's racist Flat Earther teammate


He grew up. Also… let’s not forget that Kyrie was brought in and lead to believe he was THE GUY. Then they immediately bring Bron back and Bron’s like “hold my jock strap boi” anyone would’ve been salty about it if we’re being honest. Add in he was very young, I think he handled it pretty well all things considered.


Brought in? You mean drafted 1st while neimg the consensus number 1 pick?


Imagine being 25 hitting the shot to seal the first win in history for the franchise that drafted you, only for everyone to say "Lebron's block set that up beautifully" whenever that chip is brought up.


Nobody with a brain would be mad to have Lebron come in and carry their ass to a championship.


That's not Kyrie tho, he put in work and earned his ring


Kyrie was not carried.


not carried but neither one would have won that championship without the other


That's practically all of Lebron's rings tho. Always had one dude taking a massive pay cut. If anything id say that year in Cleveland was the best one for his legacy.




He’s coming to the end of his career & understands that being selfish isn’t going to help him win & he’s part of a winning organization and they’re having fun. No need to mess up a good thing.


I dont' think he was ever selfish. At least not on the court. I think he just wanted things done HIS way, and now he's found out HIS way doesn't always yield results. Especially not in the West! Also, I think he realized his rep was making him unemployable and giving him a Rajon Rondo vibe, and that Dallas might be his last chance to get that max he was looking for.






he literally requested a trade to the lakers too lol


Guys!!! People can grow up and be more mature??? Impossible. Nobody can ever change.


On Reddit you are ageless!


Luka isn’t a soft narcissist like LeBron.


You misspelled “world-class.” It doesn’t begin with an “s”.


He doesn’t see himself as a clear second fiddle to Luka, he views them as equals and Luka often echoes that sentiment, even if reality shows that Luka is the number one of the team


Yeah, Luka's smart enough to keep his mouth shut and be humble about the situation/inflate Kyrie lol. He knows he needs Kyrie (and others) to win, so he's cool with giving others the praise. I think that's the big difference between him and LeBron -- Lebron genuinely sees himself as the GOAT and tends to blame others when things don't go his way. He understands PR, so he'll take part of the blame, but it never feels quite genuine (and in his defense, his team's losses are rarely due to him). Luka, on the other hand, rarely takes all of the credit for winning, and is quick to say things like "We won that one because of PJ's defense", and it always feels like genuine recognition.


Kyrie saves the mavs constantly in the 4th quarter throughout the season. I think luka genuinely thinks hes the batman in some ways. Not just being humble.


Honestly it feels like Luka and Kyrie are actually friends and just enjoy playing together.


He's matured.


[Kyrie has apologized to LeBron for his immaturity before. This is simply Kyrie growing as a man and a leader, like hopefully we all do throughout our lives.](https://youtu.be/TP__Hh1nPZ8?si=JaPfHaWwVB28IFQd)


I think Kyrie was just annoyed with the media constantly inflating lebron. They asked Kyrie if LeBron played a father role to him lmao. When they win it’s “look Lebron carried these bums to a title.” When they lose its “Lebron doesn’t have enough help”. Why be Robin when I can leave Gotham, go to another city and be Batman ?


I mean it’s not just second fiddle. They were straight up calling LeBron his FATHER.




He realized he wasn’t that guy


Because Luka isn’t trying to be his dad


Luka seems like such a homie compared to the dude walking around with the chosen one tattoo


He also realized he doesn’t have the talent to be the number 1 guy on a championship team. Age is a huge factor to. He was in the peak of his prime when he left Cleveland which makes sense. He’s a star talent, and he doesn’t want to waste his prime talent year being a second option. Now that he’s beginning to age, it’s not as much of an issue


There’s a good reason that isn’t obvious. When he was with lebron, he was at the edge of the earth and it imbalanced him. Now that he’s in Dallas, he is closer to the center of the flat earth which grounds him more.


Remember he did a lot of work for that chip, and got almost zero to none recognition for it, Lebron was hugging all the glory.


LeBron is 1 of the greatest ball players of all time. With that said he’s unlike the other greats because Bron will whine about replay centers, step on the toes of the franchise front office instead of just being an influence to their decisions, and he creates an uncomfortable environment for his teammates. Luka on the other hand, actually accepted blame for his team’s loss at the post game presser this last series and allows Mavs front office to do their job.


He got older, and let's be honest, he eats it up when people elude to the fact that he's the elder sage. Its how he wants everyone to think of him.


Easy. Luka is cool and likeable. Bron is uncool and unlikeable.


Luka doesn't treat him like #2.. and Luka acknowledges when he doesn't play well unlike lebron


Cause lebrons a massive doichebag obviously


Older and wiser?


LeGM is an asshole. Luka is a teddy bear. Kyrie feels his voice is heard and he is given importance.


I don’t think there’s a second fiddle in NBA history quite like that of LeBron James’. With his all time great abilities, the Decision and the subsequent media circus around it and everything that followed, and the incredibly scrutiny of his legacy in terms of winning rings and comparing him to MJ it made it so everything about his teams, and the whole league at one point, was solely about him. If they lost LeBron needed more help, if they won LeBron was the top 5 reasons why. 2011 he took way more blame but that was an outlier. I think with Luka the shadow is not even close to as large. He’s a young unproven guy of unimaginable talent that doesn’t have nearly as big a profile in the league or in the world as LeBron had. Almost nobody else ever has, outside of MJ, maybe Kobe and Shaq, maybe a handful of others. Kyrie and Luka are on much more of a level playing field, even if Luka is still the face of the Mavs, and one of the young faces of the league.


Maybe LeBron isn't that nice to play with


Apart from obvious maturing, Luka probably has a way better personality, without Bron's God complex


Luka just lets Kyrie play. He doesn't try to take the spotlight or control the team.


That’s cause Durcant and LeBalco are the toxic ones lol


at the time lebron was set to be a free agent at the end of the season and it was pretty obvious he wasn't coming back to cleveland. it was also pretty obvious that the cavs would win the east just to get washed by golden state again. there was no point in kyrie toughing it out just to lose in the finals, watch lebron leave and be stuck there with kevin love. cavs won 19 games the season after lebron left, i don't think kyrie alone makes them a playoff team or even a .500 team. kyrie got so much shit for this at the time but he simply refused to be an npc for lebron. took a minute but it worked out.


I think this entire post (Tweet) fundamentally misunderstands Kyrie Irving and pretty much any sports star that doesn’t have a serious media machine that contends with the major networks. In an environment when you’re a clear top player and growing, you don’t need anyone casting you as a second fiddle, or speculating when and how you’re going to grow as the prodigy of another man only 6-7 years older than you as if he’s your daddy. Yeah, you can learn some things from Lebron and he was statistically a better player at the time, but Kyrie has been a master student of any all NBA players for all time and Lebron isn’t necessarily the best of all of them in all ways he want(ed) to be. All of that narrative and casting by the media pisses him off, and it would piss any of you off if the same thing was done to you in your professional field — for those who actually have a passion for doing well and growing in it. I know it would piss me off. Just because there are many I’ve learned from in my field, at no point should any of them have been considered my father figure. In the NBA I can only think LeBron has such a machine to spin or counter-spin narratives that take hold on major networks. All other players are just individuals who mostly speak for themselves, and strike deals internally through their agents. Most players pretty much try to ignore the media, let those tales weave themselves and fizzle out because it’s a separate money making industry, but it is unfortunate when that BS impacts their real work. This is surely what came to bubble over when Kyrie called the media “pawns.” He was frustrated; he wasn’t mature and didn’t choose his words carefully; but he absolutely was correct. The difference with Luka is no one is suggesting Luka needs to or is teaching Kyrie anything. Or that either one is in the shadow of the other. They are both (all) contributing members to a team, and statistical rankings don’t need to manifest some hierarchy that the media can treat one as more humanly individual and independent than the other. Notice when Kyrie talks about far smaller role players on the team, he’s talking them up and is about mentality setting energy not “I need to teach them.” It’s really tough to compare this to his mentality and the reality in Boston, because I’m sure the public story wasn’t complete and he probably had some level of legit issue that wasn’t being addressed.


He definitely matured. I believe after what happened in Boston he quickly realized how foolish he had been, and when he came to Dallas, he knew there was no denying that it was Luka's team and he was brought in to help him win.


Kyrie wanted to be Batman, left to try to be Batman, failed, realized he’s Robin, and has finally accepted his role.


Funny how there is a decade of growth and tenure you conveniently forgot to mention


growing up is realise Kyrie wasn't a Fan of Lebron's personality and the administration of the team. That's the truth "second fiddle" it's the way we all want to see.


He’s kinda at a different point in his career now. And when Lebron came back it was kyries team while Lebron was gone and now he’s back and the #1 is now the #2, I bet his pride was hurt a little bit.


same, maturity.


he grew...


Lebron is a dickhead who takes all the credit, Luka is a good teammate who defers the credit to his teammates.


Tbh I saw the Maverick/Luka situation drastically different. LeBron plays buddy buddy but at the end of the day, it comes off as he isn't willing to play second fiddle personality wise. He expects the attention and the ultimate say so into anything about the team Luka comes off very secure to have a 50/50 partner based on who's better for a situation. But that just says a lot about the Mavs management down. It's just about ball to them


Everyone talking about how Kyrie has matured which is true.  It could also be that Luka is better at sharing the spotlight and endearing teammates to him than Lebron.


Low key I think Lebron is not a great teammate/leader. I think for stars like Kyrie he is fine but he wears on role players who are not former stars because of how he responds to them adversity. There are a lot of guys who play with lebron and then go on to play just as good or better without him because they’re in more supportive environments or situations where their mistakes aren’t under his scrutiny (e.g. KCP, Malik Beasley, Malik Monk, Josh Hart, Alex Caruso). I could be reading this wrong but I’ve seen Lebron passive-aggressively berate, show up and undermine non-star players and I think it’s known and why he has never been a free-agent magnet. Nobody is taking a discount to chase a ring and “play with the king”. I think it’s 100% possible to have come from a tough life, live up to some crazy high expectations, achieve the peaks of success for your field and still be a jerk to go to work with. Kyrie might not have liked going to work with Lebron everyday.


Kyrie is better than Luka is the difference


Kyrie has since said he was immature then and understands what Lebron was to him when he was younger


Yeah, he flamed out early in the playoffs every year and realized he wasn’t the man.


I think Kyrie didn't want his reputation to be great under LeBron then when he left he was a team killer. The Celtics stint for two years didn't work out, then he goes to Brooklyn and blows up the team effectively and then finally his first year in Dallas the team gets worse upon his arrival (not all his fault but it did happen). He got a 2+1 deal with Dallas so they took care of him on a solid contract and he was able to just focus on basketball and it has helped his reputation and got him back to a Conference Finals up 1-0


I do not think Brooklyn was exclusively Kyrie's fault. KD didn't want to be there either, Kyrie or no Kyrie.


He regretted it pretty quickly after. He got beat as the 1a guy so he wanted to undo what he'd done. Props to someone learning from their mistakes and changing what they do in order to rectify it


He's on his last chance after the weirdo anti-vax, flat earth, anti-jew, pro Hitler stuff holy shit while i was typing that out I wondered why anyone wants to be around him lol


It's now being said that he's ALWAYS played "second fiddle" because he's a guy that can probably score WHENEVER HE WANTS but instead, we've noticed he tends to do it whenever he's needed.


I feel like he was okay with it. But after they won the chip, he wanted to prove himself


Bc he wanted to be the guy, failed at it, and is now back understanding he needs to be the number 2 He matured, basically


The don’t call him Uncle Drew for nothing


He realized he couldn’t win as the best player on a team. And honestly he grew up and realized how much he wanted to win like he did in Cleveland and that being a better teammate was the answer


People can change


He wanted to do a thing, it failed, he tried a diff version of it, it failed, he came back down to earth, learned, grew, and realized that his place in all this, the #2 who helps carry a #1 and steps up in their place once in a while. A perfectly respectable and potentially wildly successful role for a player like him. What he did wasn't bad, it's just how he did it and how he acted that turned people off.


I’m guessing it’s the delivery that’s different


Even Kyrie realized he had some serious damage control to do for his reputation when he arrived in Dallas. Kudos to him for working at it and coming in older and wiser and really lifting that team.


They’re both Jewish.


He’s not REALLY the second fiddle. Other than last night he has been the closer for the Mavs the whole year.


He’s grown and matured. lol


Cuz Kyrie learned he ain't the leader he thought he was


You have to be ignorant to think this way about him.


His type is PAWG


I also think it is probably just different playing with Luka than it is Lebron. Lebron seems more of an authoritative teammate and serious where Luka seems more chill and relaxed. Not knocking Lebron at all. I would just imagine a different team atmosphere.


I honestly think he didn't like the way LeBron tried to control his playing style. Him and Luka don't tell each other how to play but just work together.


The age kyrie was then is the age Luka And the age bron was then is the age Kyrie is now 🤔


[He didn’t wanna play with you no more](https://youtu.be/CdiZABe2eC0?si=LVEPwfAAGOjDQUUf)


He came to his senses... in one way


All of you are wrong, it is entirely because that one reporter asked Kyrie if Lebron was a father figure.






Bro got humbled at Boston, and then humbled further at the Nets. People acting like the Mav’s werent his last ditch shot to stay in “star” status


this paved the path to him getting a max


Who else saw Nick Wright get triggered by this meme on first things first


LeBlame gets rid of coaches and players whom he blames for not winning! ⛹️


Luka isn't as big of a flopper.


He even mentioned it, he was immature and if he had his mindset back then he would’ve stayed.


Ppl grow


I’m more interested how the dude went from an absolute fucking but in Brooklyn to a namaste mf in Dallas


Lebron is a hoe


Lebron fucked kyrie’s gurl on a boat during a team party. That soured the relationship and he requested a trade.


He is hated now.. so he matured up.


Probably not the main reason why but I’m sure Luka is a much more down to earth, humble, and likable guy than Lebron


Older, different part of his career, too busy adjusting his tinfoil hats to put pressure on himself being the guy.


He has no choice


He's a different guy now. Also it's likely pressure being second with LeBron because if you look at the perception of the finals and his tenure with the Cavs the narrative is" LEBRON JAMES CARRIED THIS TEAM ON HIS BACK! THE BEST TO EVER DO IT" and so on. I'm not here to debate if that's accurate or not in anyone's opinion, but being a player in your prime who was also instrumental in that victory I can imagine it weighs on you.


Maybe Luka isn't as much a ball hog. Maybe he feels more free to score when he feels like it.


Maturity point blank!


Kyrie’s problem was never that he was the second option. His problem was that no matter what he did his success was always seen as an extension of Lebron’s. He could lead a game in scoring or make the winning plays and the narrative would still be that Lebron carried him. He didn’t have to be “the guy”, just not the best of the JAGs Lebron was “stuck” with in Cleveland. Basically he was tired of being Robin but he’s fine with being Nightwing.


Age and Maturity. He’s finally grown into the leader he could have been before. Kai has always been a 1 of 1 ball handler and finisher. He just got in his own way and seemed stubborn at times. He’s just grown up.


Luka is just classier seeming than Lebron idk what it is???


He matured!!!


He realized he wasnt good enough to be that guy and would only succeed as a second fiddle




Lebron was a much more complete player than Luka and has much more command and control of the entire court which kyrie should have had a problem with and now kyrie isn’t playing second fiddle- Luka is a young guy he is trying to get to be his best - It’s the cycle of life - Lebron was trying to push kyrie but kyrie didn’t feel like he needed it - Luka doesn’t feel that way - he knows he is not as good as he could be


He’s been humbled since.


Didn’t Kyrie say years ago that he was wrong about all this?


Lebrons extra, by design or just society it is what it is. Luka just more basic.


LeBron is cheesy, I can't imagine haven't to deal with him all day, Luka is Kula. Also don't think it's a second fiddle it's a 1-2 punch.


This dude matured like a mushy apple


That’s exactly it.


Luka doesn't take all the praise.




He matured, and being in Brooklyn I think showed him that not being the #1 option is good/an ok thing. To paraphrase Shawshank “Kyrie Irving crawled through a river of his own shit, and came out understanding on the other side”. He even admitted it was dumb of him to leave Cleveland.


I totally agree then he was young and considered really good in the league and wanted a team of his own now I feel like he matured and realized that he can’t have his own team by him self if he wants to win


Luka’s not a showboat. It’s easier to work with folks who are baddass yet humble.


Real recognize real


He’s racist