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Draymond’s career earnings playing basketball $177,883,613. I think he’s right guys, how’s he going to be able to retire?


Definitely underpaid 🤦‍♂️


How’s he going to feed Latrell sprewell’s kids??


177 million should feed a few mouths...Jfc!!!


Haha I got that reference!


They are entitled dip shits


Damn I I was waiting for this Spree reference.. "we make alot of money but we spend a lot money..." .. ... What a dumbass


Well played


Classic. Really more like Latroll Sprewell!


That chock he did on Ruddy Gobert made him think he’s on the UFC roster to think that. Must have forgotten he has made 180M in the NBA.


He can't afford to fix his teeth or dye his beard.. he's down bad


That's basically nothing. An average American would only take 100 lifetimes to earn that much


And if he rides out his contract then retires he will have earned a measly $255,562,184 honestly how could anyone retire on a quarter bil. It’s just simply not possible


If you take 70% out of $255m because of taxes, agent fees and spending, it still leaves $75m on an investment account. Put that in a dividend account and you get $4.5m per year in passive dividend income without having to lift a finger.


Yes and could still live rather lavishly on the interest every month alone. He could also go buy a few McDonalds or other businesses that are easy to run and are cash cows. Like oh no draymond. You can’t buy a new sports car every other month or own 7 houses. You have to just own three houses that are all nicer than anything I could ever comprehend getting for my family. What an utter cunt.


He definitely still could if he had more than 3 braincells about the money, which makes this even more ridiculous


"B-b-but if I punch someone in the face every day, the NBA fines me $50000 per day, which significantly takes away from my income"




Not 0.001%, but 0.1% That would be 50 bucks earning 50k/year! Don’t underestimate his pain! /s


Dudes contract is bigger than all the money ive made in my life. Foh with his nonsense


His aav is more than 99.99% of what entire families will make in their lifetime.


Literally could live comfortably the rest of my life with like .5% of his earnings


But he’s been fined like 1 million dollars… how is his family supposed to eat 🤔


It’s not like it is fully guaranteed or anything like that…..


Even if he only kept 20% of his earnings after all expenses he takes home 35 million by this point of his career. Straight bum talking like that.


Okay let’s humor him. Say they’re paying about half on taxes which is high and then say he’s getting about 2 million a year in fines. Now these numbers are extreme… he’s still left with 64 million dollars. With good money management you can live more comfortably than 95% of people in the world for the rest of his life without ever working a day in his life


99.9% you mean


Absolute clown, almost every day he re-proves it




The best part about this is that he's complaining about fines


Don't the offer financial literacy classes? Not the NBA's fault if people don't take them.


Draymond just saying crazy shit for his podcast 😂😂😂


Need a podcast with Draymid, Perkins & Arenas to see who can say the dumbest shit


Ngl I would love this. There’s nothing more entertaining than people that are both loud and dumb.


Seriously it's all a bunch of shock jock non sense some people have mastered the technique of rage bait online there is no real substance to it and I blame skip Bayless I feel like he is the father of it all


Oh 100% that’s on skip


Hey you forgot pat bev


It be like jersey shore but a basketball podcast


Being stupid with their money is somehow NBA owners' fault.


No he's not.  He genuinely feels like a victim. Pretty bad when the meme is just something you actually said.


Idk what to tell him he needs to stop stomping and punching people and you wont get fined, and just spend your money wisely live a boring lifestyle then get a job in basketball afterwards I swear I would live in a normal house 🤷🏾‍♂️


They don't offer it, it's mandatory during your rookie initiation. I had a few friends in the league though and they don't pay attention in the those classes. Picture any of your friends at age 19. Now picture them with a 3 million dollar signing bonus and an endless supply of butt cheeks and titties, and every car You've ever dreamt of available at your finger tips. That paired with an entire posse of people telling you that you're the next Michael Jordan when you're closer to the next Lenny Cooke. The path to riches is paved with fools.


If people don't take advantages of the money they have, which in this case is massively disproportionate, they generally don't people to blame but themselves. It's a hard knock life and Draymond hasn't felt that in a while.


This is the same energy as people complaining about high school not teaching them anything about money or real life skills. Chances are, unless you went to a high school of 50 students across 9-12, they offered it. I took the class in my high school over 10 years ago. But guess what? Most of the students didn’t bother paying attention and didn’t actually learn and retain any of it. Same with most high schoolers and most classes that don’t immediately pique their interest. At some point you have to make use of the resources offered to you instead of complaining about how it’s rigged against you. Especially when you’ve earned over $150M by your 30s.


They do. I heard JJ Reddick get asked on his podcast how NBA players are going broke after retirement. His answer, “They’re not anymore.” Then he broke down NBA salaries 15 years ago vs NFL salaries vs NBA salaries now, and compared them to average career lengths. Basically showed how it’s near impossible to go broke in today’s NBA.


It's not about the financial literacy classes. It's the same shit wealthy politicians always say. Same shit wealthy businessmen say. "If I want to be in this profession and not be a laughing stock I need to have a private jet. Not that one, the other guy's is bigger, I can't have that. Why is his car nicer than mine? He's gonna make me look B list. Man it sure is such a chore keeping up with this lifestyle, it's too bad I don't get paid enough to save for retirement." They don't know they can just not do it and do the thing they get paid for. Stop spending your money on shit you dont need and you'll have enough for what you do need.


Kawhi Leonard driving his beat up truck from college even after getting a huge contract/winning DPOY because "it still runs fine" is one of my favorites. Also Duncan being spotted at an Old Navy buying jeans after the Spurs won the championship is a good one.


My family keeps telling me “you’re an adult you should get a new car.” Like… why? I just replaced the engine and it was running fine before that. Now I essentially have a new car in an old body. I don’t care that it gets dinged up and if it gets totaled by some asshole I’ll be happy with the check. I’m still an adult, just one with a shitty car and better financial decisions. I bet they talk about how I might not afford it but I’m sitting on half a house in investments


As a tall man that's nowhere near Tim Duncan's height, how the hell is this dude finding pants that fit him at Old Navy


Matt Bonner wearing New Balance and driving an El Camino


He must be planning on being a menace next season 💀 racking up some fines


I am a Warriors fan and even I want Draymond to shut the fuck up.


Thank you. Doing gods work


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Thank you for being a level headed basketball fan.


Being a warriors fan is totally separate from supporting any of Draymonds antics


I’m convinced no one likes draymond at this point. He’s only on tv because everyone hates him. But people love to watch a villain, always hoping for their come uppance.


Draymond has a God damn smooth brain lol.


That might actually be a compliment. Wouldn't be surprised if it's nothing inside that big head of his.


No, Draymond, you are set up to be wealthy after basketball. Just not set up to be smart.


After Tyson Chandler milked that 4 year $52 million contract back in 2015 I don’t even wanna hear it lol.


Soo fucking stupid 😂


This probably the dumbest thing he’s said. If you played 4 years in the nba you should be able to retire off that and not have to do anything else tbh.


Definitely with his contracts some the other bench players don't make as much but Draymond has made enough for generational wealth


Even if you’re a bench guy 4 years in the nba is like 5 million if you’re a full time nba player. So like 3 million after taxes and you’re barely 26 so that’s a great deal


Even if you end up being a bad player in the NBA you can still study the game more and work for a team as assistant coach or something or front office. Just being in the NBA can help you build relationships to get a job in the league


This. The connections they make with teams and staff that if they never see a NBA bench and only get to D league gives them a shot as a staff member on a pro or college team making great pay.


The lack of self-awareness with this take is staggering. Could prove that his brain is smooth af


Draymond’s salary is $25 million per year. What he makes in ONE game is $304,878. His salary for one game is significantly more than my yearly salary, and I make a decent dollar and live comfortably. If he just played 1 game a season throughout his career and invested the money in an S&P, he’d live a very comfortable life and be able to retire young.


There’s like 5 players who get enough fines for it to matter. Green is 3 of them.


Green is 3/5ths of the players according to you


It's a compromise


Guys will anybody PLEASE start thinking of these poor wittle millionaires 🥺🥺 we need to give them more money for weed and bitches for THE JUSTICE OF HUMANITY, Adam Sliver is literally worse than slavery 😤


Are we supposed to feel sorry for you? Wow, all sense of reality has left this man.


somebody kick that idiot in the head maybe his brain starts to work


I’m lost for words.. I don’t know how to accurately convey just how stupid this statement is.


Well if you are stupid like Draymond you probably spent it all on new cars and homes with high property taxes instead of investing it


They make more in 1 day than I make a year, and yet I can save for retirement no problem The entitlement is getting insane with a lot of pro athletes


Fines? How much has the average NBA player been fined during their entire career? Maybe if dude could stop kicking people in the dick and flailing his arms around like a dummy he could knock those fines down a tad.


A dude on a 1 year min makes as much as a “well off” middle class family makes in like 10-20 years lol. Hell even a two way contract makes more than like 99% of people in the usa.


Remember when Draymond got fined $100,000,000 for choking Rudy Gobert? Hes gotta do car commercials to feed his family now.


Poor guy , has no money at all :(


This guys is a fucking idiot.


This dude should thank his lucky star he ended up in GSW with Steph and Klay, otherwise he would be somewhere like Detroit or Washington and his highlights would those fines he complains about.


Draymond really tryna see who could win in a stupid-off between him and Perkins. Poor Skip Bayless lost the belt and is way far behind now


This isnt the 60s man what are you talking about.


Now I’m curious if the NBA has a 401k plan with a match for the players


I think he's just regular stupid, not "repeat brain injury" stupid.


Draymond is on the far end of the spectrum.


*adds this to the top ten list of dumbest things Draymond has ever said*


This fool is gross




"Goddammit, why doesn't the NBA stop me from doing stupid things and wasting my money?" He and Sprewell will have to work together to feed their families, I guess.


Draymond is following the Antonio Brown path of “say outlandish shit to get attention”. The only problem is it’s unlikely he has CTE so at least AB has an excuse.


This guy can fuck off 177 million over his career and counting, but it’s not set up to be wealthy when you’re done? GTFO officially at the top of the list of biggest jerk offs to ever grace the game.


They just wanna blow the money when they have it


I really don’t like to use the r word, but how else do I describe draymond?


Lmfao. The same draymond green who collects ridiculously expensive watches as a hobby? He had a GQ article that said he thinks collecting fine watches is a competition. https://www.gq.com/story/draymond-green-watch-collection-interview Just to clarify these aren’t normal Rolex’s that peasants like us dream of. It’s watches that cost more than most houses.


I see the spirit of Latrell Sprewell still haunts the Warriors facility


Does he know how much non-athletes make?


Maybe don't kick people in the balls and you won't have to pay so many fines


What exactly does he think "wealthy"means?


My job doesn’t pay me the same amount of ridiculous money it paid me while I worked there! I have the same gripe, Draymond!


This is why Draymond is my personal most hated player in the league. He’s a moron, can’t control his emotions, physically violent, and most of the shit that comes out his mouth is ludicrous. He’s a man child.


If you can make as much as this dude and not be set for life, you SUCK at finances.


is this guy regarded?


It’s ALWAYS the ones that’s bad with money that say this shit 😂😂


Draymond Green proving athletes are idiots.


I hate this guy so much.


Draymond is a toddler sometimes


I didn’t hear the quote but if he said wealthy and not *rich. I think I see what he is getting at. 5e idea they’ll give you any amount of money but no investment into wealth (an example of setting you up for wealth would be like after so many bird years you get a fraction percentage of ownership) I don’t think any of us sub 100m lifetime earners will ever sympathize with that, but there is a shockingly polarized ratio of retired players going broke vs becoming wealthy post retirement. And I can’t off the top of my head think of anything the cba or league does to prioritize wealth.


Future republican candidate Draymond Green going to protect America’s real victims. Wealthy people who don’t want to pay taxes.


You know who never worries about NBA fines? Players that shut the fuck up. Draymond cannot count himself among those lucky few.


Dude… wtf is he on about. Their pension alone is above the median income, and they get to make that while retired. Even if they set that pension on fire they can still go get a degree for free. 3 years in the nba and you are set for life. “For someone with three years of service, the minimum pension at age 62 is $56,988 annually. However, players with at least ten years of experience can receive a maximum of $215,000 in pension funds annually. College-Tuition Reimbursement Program: In addition to pension benefits, the NBA introduced a college-tuition reimbursement program for retired players. This program offers up to $33,000 annually for players to pursue higher education.”


Draymond doesn’t understand most jobs fire you for talking shit and you lose all your moneys.


Draymond should really get banned from making podcast, I swear he always says some crazy shit. I mean how is this dude still in the leauge? ( Don't worry Dray Dray, your still my favourite fighter)


With the amount of money these players make, you'd have to be a complete idiot to not be setup for a lavish retirement at the end.


i mean in fairness he might not be talking about himself. he could be talking about those with the smaller contacts and high expectations. problem is as soon as you become a millionaire you start spending like one


Man's just yapping smh


Yea thats how a job works the company wont pay you after leaving, besides the NBA is pretty much is set up for you to be successful later like cmon, the only thing that got dreymond the opportunity to be in TNT is because the NBA what is he bafling about?


Can anyone prove that dray isn't fat, hunchbacked AB?


This man is an idiot. MaTh iS hArD


This can’t be real… how can someone be this stupid?


Draymond is just trying to get LeBertarian to come on his podcast.


https://i.redd.it/u5oos2tfm73d1.gif Tru Dat!


That Broke documentary had people thinking athletes blowing their fortunes is this terrible tragedy. In reality, it just means that maybe they’ll have to get a job and live in a regular home like normies. Big fucking deal. If Draymond can’t resist the temptation to blow all 100+ of his after tax/fines millions, he can sell insurance or something. He’ll be fine. Also they get pensions.


It's the culture of the league that is not set-up for success post-NBA; not the league itself. If I made 177 mil in a span of a decade I would be set for life; but that is mostly due to not having expectations of spending wealth and keeping up with the jones'.


When you sell your soul for zeroes on a bank balance there's gonna be a catch.


Read a book.


Sounds like Sprewell 20 yrs ago…


Please tell me this is a fake quote jfc


The way he said it sounds dumb but he's not completely wrong. Just ask Delonte West


Always side with the workers, never the owners. He’s right.


Eat a million bags of dicks. Draymond. You’re more than welcome to resign and come teach with me if you want a… well-paying job?


Latrell Sprewell nods in agreement.


What a fucking idiot. Only response to this comment. Look him in the eyes and let Chris Broussard address him with the proper adjective


What’s Cte?? He’s crying about making max contract


Chronic Testicle Evisceration?


[Like Latrell, he’s got a family to feed](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVS2plgL2YI/?igsh=MTU3d2tpYXFzeDg4cw==)


Such a pussy , blame the NBA for losing your shit and getting fined


If Draymond is crowning himself the “new media”, I’d be better off letting the Barbershop dictate my sports news and opinions. Even a guy like Draymond with a long list of fines, will barely feel that loss. They slap you on the wrist with splash in the pan fines.


plays for a team in california, complains about taxes lol


Get this clown off tv. A disgrace


Yes yes Adam Silver controls taxes


Tell me you’re fiscally irresponsible without telling me


First case of CTE being contagious.


Here are some advice for ALL professional athletes: 1. Live on 250K a year. 2. Put the rest away into SAVINGS. 3. Don't invest in ANYTHING, but if they do, put it towards something VERY SAFE i.e. index fund or AAA Bond. There are so many predators out there trying to get them to invest in some harebrained scheme ideas that end up biting them in the ass later. 4. Get a vasectomy and bank your sperm in a sperm bank so that you control when you want to have children. 5. Hire a professional "No"-man whom you can refer to if anyone asks you for money.


I hate this guy so so much.


CTE implies there was anything to damage in the first place.


Niggas always complaining


He is such a POS. I have never disliked a player more.


It's not CTE, it's his IQ of 3


I've never heard something more absurd.


It’s sad how often this happens. ESPN did a 30 for 30 on the percentage of athletes that go broke after retirement. It’s over 50% 5 years post retirement in the NBA. The NFL is even worse. The main reason is they are not educated on fiscal responsibility. They blow their money buying homes and cars for their friends and family, bad investments etc.


Any NBA players bitching about the pay/tax should be slapped. Go cry me a river only earning 100+ mil, boohoo poor Drayman Fines are self-inflicted so what is he on about? Most of the antics should be assault charges


Bro if **YOU’RE** not set up well, what does that make the rest of us?


Wow. If you’re ever feeling stupid just read this.


200+million -50% = 100million - 15% = 85 million. 85 million is generational wealth in this economy, his parents taken care of, he is taken care of, and his kids are taken care of, and if you are real smart, his kids kids taken care of


Wow Draymond is lucky pro basketball exists or he'd just be another ranting, crazy, homeless fella


As a Warriors fan and also a fan of Draymond’s basketball game this man’s mouth is uncontrollable….why he gotta say dumb ass shit like that?


Dude is a piece of work


Been one of the biggest Draymond defenders, but he keeps getting harder and harder to defend


He sounds like a teacher at a public school 😂


I love how everyone is being so reactionary instead of seeking to understand what Draymond is actually saying. How many players are in the NBA in total? Outside of the superstars and stars, how many of these players remain in the NBA more than 4-5 years and make huge amounts of money that allow them to maintain wealth? Yes, Draymond HIMSELF makes hundreds of millions of dollars. Does the average NBA player make anywhere CLOSE to that, especially after this new CBA? Obviously not. Y'all need to stop being so fuckin dense, man.


This is peak delusion. How anyone thats earnt his salary let those words come out of their mouth is wild.


If anybody else did some of the antics he pulls on the court, they’d be in front of a judge


Shut up and dribble.


Almost all nba players who play in the NBA nowadays will have made more money than 99% of people in the U.S. by the time they retire. If they can’t be setup for life after the nba with that kind of money than that means that in the future no one will have enough to retire if $177M isn’t enough for some NBA player. Yeah right get that shit tf outta here🤣


Let's start a go fund me. Poor guy


Maybe they should stay in school and get a degree in wealth management. Any athlete that makes that kind of money and can’t set up multiple generations to have some money, you dumb AF.


What an asshole. I'm about done with sports bunch of cry babies.he probably makes more in a week even after taxes and his agent fees than most fans make in a year


Only in the NBA can you be the one doing the punching, kicking and choking and yet be the one who ends up suffering from CTE. Thanks for inspiring us to a new level Dray.


I hate him so much. The hate for him grows each day.


Bro is a power bottom playing with an inflated rubber and getting paid for it.


A fuckin clown paid like a king. I can’t wait to see how this room temperature iq moron loses the $178 million he’s made so far.


Even taxed at 90% and fined 1% of your net worth each time they'd still be set up to be wealthy. This just shows entitlement, greed, and zero financial literacy


Why are they giving this clown a mic?


What a joke. Most people can’t comprehend the amount of money he’s going to make in his line time. Let alone his actual playing career.


Oh boo hoo I have lots of money and no one to teach me how to manage it. If only there were people out there that could advise me on how to deal with this issue


OK well first of all you earn $25 MILLION dollars a year, you're fine even with fines but to then blame the NBA for fining you and losing money is next level stupid. You do realise that's YOUR fault Draymond? And not the NBA?


Fuck draymond. What job is…


If you make 5M a year for 5 years, which is roughly a 1st rd pick and his options, you have 25M. Most people make less than that their entire lives and are called middle class


NBA players, the most oppressed people


The average American makes what…$52k/yr? And this a$$hole is talking about his job isn’t set up for retirement…fck Dray.


Same bro. Can't believe my job doesn't keep me financially secure after I quit. Capitalism sucks.


it’s almost as if every person working a job (without generational wealth or a pseudo-monopoly to fall back on) needs to budget according to their spending habits 🤯🤯🤯




Draymond is the worse face of the nba possible - the more he talks the more dumb and or evil stuff he says


Pssshhh Draymond is obviously right, those are peasant wages