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Well dang.. I didn't know LB 1092 was signed into law, but looks like it was approved by the Governor April 16, 2024. Of course it was cow-pie Dave Murman who pushed it from out near Hastings.


Pondering the long term implications and the first that comes to mind is going forward, if there's a data breach any accounts, their history, IP-ish locations will be positively tied to an ID. Something that previously would have been more anonymized. Would suck if the senators who drafted this were bitten with the realization after the fact.


That's a dog whistle I can get behind.


But once the data is breached, they can buy a copy of the breach and use it as ammo against their political opponents. The first time there is a breach, expect a HUGE wave of blackmail emails just like what happened when AM got breached.


More great ideas from the party of limited government. Who's the nanny state now?


Same as it has always been. Ain't shit change but dates and names.


What happens when a kid takes a picture of their parents drivers license to upload?


As if any thought went into this legislation.


It'll probably be similar to Texas, where the sites just said "nah, screw that." And blocked access


Kids are more familiar with technology. They'll download a free VPN faster than you can pull out your driver's license. Also only compliant sites comply with these laws. All the unregulated ones will still be freely available. Pornhub for example requires 2257 anti trafficking and age verification documents on all the actors in their content. Federal compliance. So you can't access that. Less legal sites with barely moderated content uploaded by who knows don't know or care, why should they black out your state? NC just did this, waiting on the data breach and panic the will surely follow.


I pay fur a vpn anyways I guess I’m just now from Colorado. Seriously though did this pass? Cause they just built a casino a mile away.


I guess it did, the popup says Nebraska will lose access on July 15th


So they're yanking the plug on Nebraska, eh. Fuck.


I'm so fucking sick of the GOP and them meddling in people's lives.


💯 Apparently Nebraska isn't a free state anymore...


Short terms: VPNs are cheap (Not that the GOP hasn't tried to block those too) Long term: I'm voting more and more blue the older I get. Hopefully Nebraska in general (and the nation) learns that same lesson.


Anyone got good recommendations for VPNs?


/r/VPN has a pinned post with a comparison sheet


I picked one up in 2016 for obvious reasons... And have tried a few. Really, just pick a decently reviewed one that has third party verification that your data is not recorded.


I use Mullvad when I'm doing vpn stuff


Proton VPN is solid, free or paid. And they don't spy either.


I've use Private Internet Access for over a decade and have had no problems with it. I've heard good things about Mullvad and Proton VPN as well.


I grabbed Private Internet Access on some several year deal (ended up being something like $2/month) and am happy with it.


I already traded my Netflix and Disney+ subscriptions for a yearly subscription to express VPN to download my shows from BitTorrent. So definitely getting my money's worth there.


Is this something very new? I was on ye olde hub the other day and all it asked was if I was 18.


Saw it for the first time last night.


I just hopped on the hub on my phone and sure enough I got the pop-up.


I've been expecting it for a while and am not shocked. Fucking hate it here but I'm too damn poor to move elsewhere.


The ones outlawing things are the ones doing those things. I hate government


Not to think you are a liar or anything but I went to check this out on my phone because I hadn't heard anything about this before now and yep sure does tells me that in 32 days I got to start showing my ID..


Regulating morality does absolutely nothing to. If they somehow think this will make porn consumers reexamine themselves and discover a chaste life they are more deluded than the teetotallers were with liquor in 1919. Meanwhile homeowners insurance is doubled, there’s no housing, brain drain, excessive property taxes, and an utter lack of leadership in this state. Nebraska is pretty but it’s not for everyone. Especially anyone who wants to be in the 21st century.


PS - same owner, multiple sites, including the ones you’ve heard of.


Say it with me VPN


I know, I am just irritated about it that now we are lumped in with the bible belt


We really need to impeach Pillen holy shit...


So we're literally trying to legislate morality now? Jfc... ...anyone know of any need for airplane mechanics in germany?


If it transfers to military aircraft experience, i would bet dollars to donuts somewhere in the region has some civilian positions open to support Ukrainian war effort wrenching on parts. 


I've got my a&p (airplane mechanic) and ncatt (avionics) certificates, so if it flies I can work on it inside or out and nose to tail.


If you're seriously thinking about it and have the ability/freedom to do it, you should look into it. Even if it's a temp gig for 6 months or a year to feel it out and have an adventure. The thing about Germany though... All things aside, they do everything by mail and by paper. The visas can be tricky... The best transitional visa would be to apply for work visa.  Must have a concrete job offer from an employer.  Must have a skill/degree/certification equivalent to a German degree/certification/skill Must have residence within 2 weeks of entering and register it.  Must have health insurance Must have clean record.  Must have proof of financial stability to support yourself during interim.  But they have freelance visas, job seeker visas and extended tourist visa (if you really want to fly by the seat of your pants)  All requirements are basically the same but it's just the time frames that vary slightly. The most vital thing is having a residence registered and a concrete job offer from a German employer (that doesn't/won't somehow displace German workers).  I think your skillset would absolutely have a slot in the region open to help the war effort.  Czechia, Germany, Poland, and even safer parts of a Ukraine (note that the whole country can be in the red at any time.) those could all be options and you could teach English part time for extra scratch in a few as well. 


I wouldn't have the slightest clue where to look for work though. The u.s. sites most a&p's rely on aren't too great with European offerings.


Yeah, it's have to be a networking thing most likely. Join forums or subs and ask around about it. I know Poland for sure offers English language teaching jobs, just thinking of how to get a toe in the door, in the region. You don't have to speak polish. (though... In my experience as a traveler in Poland for a day who does not speak polish, let's just say it wasn't a positive experience.) I think if you were to take something like that up though, it'd be a very different context and better experience. In all honesty.... Check the Ukraine subs.. There are some heavy initiatives beginning as part of the journey to joining the EU that include increasing English language education in the country as a whole. If you're able to network and be an available candidate for both English + aircraft mechanic.... That's two skills that are highly valuable and certainly niche enough to at least be a prospect. But, obviously, this is not 100% safe. It's a country at war.


The lobby interviews candidates before giving them money. The lobby controls the agenda.


We need to get people lying to these lobbies. Get elected and just dunk on them the whole time. I’d definitely do exactly what Devos and the Focus in the Family want. Vote for me and find out!


What sites?


'Batin ones.


Now where else am I gonna get wax worms?


Oh, those disgusting porno sites. I mean there's so many of them, though. Which ones?


All of them. It's a law not a firewall.


DVDs are back on the menu, boys!


And so is fish, if you know what I mean!


Fish? In this economy?!


I don't know what you mean, I only eat ass.


In this economy?


Purity wars lets them gather data they can use or exploit later, and allows them to virtue signal to family farmer bob that they are "doing something". Tax reform, on the other hand, is likely to hit corporate farmer Jim in the pocketbook. Farmer Jim doesn't donate to election campaigns of politicians that cost him money.


Short term - Get a a VPN Long term - leave this garbage ass state. Take your money and family elsewhere


All fun and games until you mess with this! It’s on now MF.


Won't this cause problems for art websites and LGBTQ assistance websites? Even reddit. I'm subbed to a lot of NSFW subreddits.


Reading through the text of the bill. Reddit it depends on what portion of it is NSFW. Bill specifies more than a third as the threshold. Art websites are meant to be exempted from the bill >The material taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors However, one persons art is another persons porn, so depending on how this shakes out, it could certainly have a chilling effect. A lot of sites might ban access just to not worry about being sued. You can win the case, but lose overall because of court costs. LGBTQ assistance? I don't think those should be affected, but I'll admit its possible. Right Karen with the right Judge could end up with a ruling that all those topics are 18+ even to talk about, although again, should be protected by above verbage of the bill.




Haikusbot delete


What hub?


The horni one


Ah. Never mind :)


Sweet summer child


What? How did you know what month my birthday is in... ;)


Brother you’re terminally online. Listen the majority of voters don’t use the hub. They don’t look at it. Most don’t care that you have to pull out your license. And if you do your kind of cringe 


Majority of voters? Not using pornhub? What do you suppose is the most searched for item on the Internet? So you're very likely wrong there, likely lying so we won't dig into your browser history Most don't care? That's an issue. It's slowly giving more and more control to the government. You don't care because it scores you points with your pastor, but imagine if another party was in power and you needed to put in your ID to establish a database of whatever they thought was impure? Conservative news sites, shopping for guns, churches, or anything else. It may not affect everyone's habits now but it is establishing a precedent of control. Then one day you'll wake up and the US has a China -esque social credit system and we'll still call ourselves "land of the free!"


Most voters are gen x to boomers. I don’t doubt people use online porn but I doubt people will make porn Id laws a major voting issue. And again most people online habits are already monitored just By companies. 


So because a company does it, we should give this power to the government. What kind of logic is that? You're just defending it because it scores you points with your pastor, but if the state can restrict you from looking at tits, how is that different from China restricting you from looking up democracy? Either way, the government has no business dictating what you can view in private


I have had to kick out boomers from openly watching porn in a breakfast diner…..








The government controlling what legal information and content you are allowed to view?








Who's forcing you to get an abortion?




Fuck em!


Well now I want to know what he said.





