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Send me a poke \o/ fellow trans person and free to chat. I primarily use discord though.


I feel you, I've been betrayed and left, and that really fucking sucks, I'm only 19M True love is hard to come by these days, I wish I could've found the right one but they just used me for attention and a place to escape to, I loved them so much and did everything for them, but in the end it turned out they never truly loved me, And went on to the next person... 👋 I'm a virgo ♍ I hope you can find what you're looking for in life I'm still finding myself and figuring where i will go after with this.


Thank you so much


Awwww I’m so sorry ur having such a hard time in life! I believe we go through stuff to make our character stronger and when we pass others on the same road to be able to help them. I hope u find peace within ur soul, I have found if I stay busy and allow small times of pain to leak through and cry it out it helps me feel better little by little cuz I can’t handle too much emotion at once. We weren’t meant to hold it in all by our selves. People do evil things and idk why but they do. I pray and hope all is well for you and u find ur right path in life to go through to help you emotionally and be stable minded from all of ur pain.🙏


This meant a lot. Thank you so much


I’m a cancer and I know way too well about being betrayed. It hurts way too deeply. My wife did it to me and I do not know how to forgive