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Bro you just 19M stop stressing about you can’t earn. At 19 i wanted to become pro esports player lmao paxi I develop skilled ani I am 22 rn earning good amount you stressing out too much. Always remember that every one has there own time zone so your time will come


Csgo ?


Csgo, pubg , mlbb and valorant I was good at these games


At 30 rn still dreaming to be guge in esorts. Have engineering job on the side to feed myself lol


Hope you become brother which game are you into?


Dota mostly


You're only 19. Be focused on your academics, complete your degree, work on your skills. Ani ta paisa chapchhau bro timle. don't worry.


I wouldn't be surprised, If some 12 years kid post here about having depression.


Hey, it sounds like you're going through a tough time right now. It's completely normal to have moments of doubt and frustration, especially when comparing yourself to others. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different, and success looks different for each person. Even I felt I would be ever able to do anything, but time had different plans for me. Your dedication to studying cybersecurity shows your commitment to your goals, and that's something to be proud of. It's okay to feel overwhelmed at times, but try not to be too hard on yourself. Remember, your worth is not defined by your current financial situation or by comparing yourself to others. Have you considered talking to your parents about how you're feeling? Sometimes, opening up about our struggles can help alleviate some of the pressure we put on ourselves. And don't forget, it's never too late to explore other passions or interests if cybersecurity no longer feels like the right path for you. Take some time to reflect on what truly makes you happy and fulfilled, and don't be afraid to make changes if needed. Your parents love you for who you are, not just for what you achieve.




I was 25/26 when I started earning properly. Stop stressing you got heaps of time


Stay strong buddy


Just think about all that you have learned and did up until this point in life. Now think about how much more life you have got left and how much more you will learn and do, you have got a long way to go my dude, don't stop learning, hustle doesn't stop it never does.


I agree with a lot of things others are saying esp by user "BlackCoffieee" (you are still young, you have time, don't worry etc.), but I want to add an important message. It's OK to feel this way. Your feelings are valid, and I understand where you're coming from. I've felt similar emotions in the past (not necessarily about earnings, but other aspects of life). However, the most important thing I want to tell you is this: please don't compare your life or your progress with others. Everyone has their own pace. You are not in competition with anyone. You don't need to be where another 18, 19, or 20-year-old is. Forge your own path. One of the toughest aspects of our Nepali society is the constant comparison, from many aspects - "falana ko chhora le yeti marks lyayo", "falana ko chhori america gayo", "falana le yeti kamaauchha" etc. etc. And so we psychologically fall into the same trap. Believe me, that's not how the world works. I know of many friends who were "ahead of me" when we were 19, and now are not doing so well (I'm 40, just turned, but please don't call me uncle lol, j/k), and many others who didn't seem like would amount to much, but are VERY VERY successful now. So, again, please don't compare where your journey with others. If you must compare, then you must also look at those your age who are struggling more than you are. You will find that you are doing just fine. Most importantly, keep creating your own journey, i.e. continue focusing on what you're passionate about, and success will follow. I could go on, but I think everything that I want to say is summarized for you in this spoken word song, if you haven't heard before. It helped me a lot during my teens and 20s. I hope it helps you too: Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQlJ3vOp6nI P.S. - If you need someone to talk to, ask questions about anything in life you can PM me. All the best. P.P.S. - I just went through some of your other posts, and I noticed you're struggling with self-confidence. It sounds like you might benefit from having a mentor. Again, feel free to contact me, or I can connect you with others who can help/guide you as well.


Whatever you are feeling right now is just because you're comparing yourself to others too much -- quite common at your age, or even much older ages. You're beating yourself up too much over it. If it was me, I'd try some meditation, mindfulness, yoga and the likes. Some spirituality thrown in, if that's in your comfort zone. Because honestly, the "shame" and "guilt" you are describing are irrational and illogical for someone at your stage/age/situation in life. Everyone is different. Everyone has their own skills and talents. Everyone has their own pace.


Yo post ko title chai mero life ko summary ho.


That's normal You have that feeling in such age Change That feeling To I can do it Be Courageous And another effective advice:- Practice Mediation


Tait yar bro timro dai didi le 4 yrs ma kamaune timle 1 barsa ma kamauxau paxi, low feel na gara, enjoy your teenage days, work on yourself...


First of all, you have to understand that you are not alone with this point of view, and it's quite normal to experience doubts or frustrations at the very beginning of such a journey. I see much of my younger self in you, and I can guarantee you're on the right track. Here is why: when one is 19, they are already in deep thinking and venture into the world of cyber protection, which I only started seriously getting into at 29. Yeah, those are great books to be reading; those are going to serve you well later in life. The knowledge and skills that you are acquiring now will put you way ahead of very many others by the time you are my age. Trust me, every effort you make now will pay off in a way you couldn't even think of now. I know it's a hefty financial stress on you, particularly in the scenario of certifications. It can be discouraging, but do not let this define your worth or future; ways come in the form of scholarships, grants, and, nowadays, even bug bounty programs to support your journey. In particular, bug bounties are a great way to earn while you learn—excellent opportunities to apply your skills in real-world scenarios. Remember, everyone's journey is unique. Comparing yourself with your siblings and friends will only take away the happiness and satisfaction you deserve to feel for yourself. Show that you can be disciplined and driven to succeed, as you are studying and following your passion for cybersecurity—just as you are at the gym. These are attributes held very high and will carry you far in life. Being off financially and feeling you contribute nothing is tough, but your parents see your potential and believe in you. They sponsored your education because they thought it could improve your future. What you are doing now is just a foundation for what will be outstanding achievements in your life. Do not take all the moments you had with photography and videography as having been in vain. Those virtually turned out to be significant experiences that impacted your life and will keep being beneficial in some way or another. Cybersecurity is a broad discipline; the wider your skills, the better off you will be. Finally, do not fail to seek guidance or help as necessary. Whether in securing avenues for certification funding, suggestions on further bug bounty hunting, or just plain old talking your mind out, help is always at hand. You could reach out to me personally for more personalized guidance. You are doing great, and I believe in your potential. Move on, never give up, and remember that every small step from now is a giant leap toward your dream. Be strong; keep going. You've got this.


Enjoy your time with your family, you never know you might not see them for many years. Stay calm and even if anything does not work out, believe on yourself and this belief can change your life.


Do EC certs, do CEH first, and finish your degree. Fact is, this will open the door and earn a good starting base salary. Cyber is a hard nail field. You've very young, focus on your things, not others. Happy learning!


Your learning to walk, soon you will run. Your doing so much more productive things. At 19, porn, games, movies and weekend binge drinking was what i was doing. Good luck. Chill, your doing great.


1stly good things takes time. 2ndly don't think negativity be optimistic, If u yourself will say bad things about yourself then other people they will point you more. Change yourself try to better than yesterday seek for positivity. Prepare yourself to change. Don't care how miserable you are rn but make sure u end up being a good kind human being. Make sure 10 year after you will be proud of your hardwork and strong move and thankyou for doing that . Make yourself proud and do it for yourself, you matter , your happiness matters. And everytime ppl won't be there to motivate you, you will need to discipline yourself.


The fact that ur 19 and already feel the pressure to contribute financially to your family says all about the situation you are currently in. I understand and empathize your situation. Here is my advice: Some things need to be tackled at their face value. You are currently only pursuing undergraduate degree. It will take 3-4 years of complete focus.Spend time perfecting your craft, the market will reward you accordingly. Next 3-4 years is not the time to think about making money, but spending time in studying. Remember you will be better equipped in the marketplace with a solid degree and lots of project experience. Also EC council does not have good reputation and recognition. You are better off with other accreditation. Good luck


30 barsa pani na bachne hoki k ho plan 😂


this… yo ta halka enjoy non stress moment ho halka umer pugesi morni bela samma kaam garni ho… 25 tira ho yesto tension garnu




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Welcome to the GANG.


Scholarships aren't supposed to require application fees. Sounds like a scam


Damn feeling all that in 19? Chill for a while and talk to your parents how they feel about you. Maybe you are overthinking snd they are happy about you doing so much right now


Bro stop it if u want money just ask for it I cannot go on cry g about how stupid your life is just because u are no millionaire like they show on the internet If you really want money they just drop shop it's quick cash you can use the profit from there to go further into the online trading schemes if u want any financial advise feel free to reach out trust me I ve pulled myself through and I am only18


Chill tf down 19 y/o. You are doing good enough.


sometimes I do feel the same. Mero sathy korea ma xa and she earns 1lakh per month, ani arko sathy ko afnai pasal xa. +2 paxi sabaile afno passion ra earning source khojisake and me just goofing around. I just feel dumb and frustrated. Timle ta +2 paxi college pani join garexau maile ta tyo pani garina. I am just going with the flow of life. But you should be happy that you didn't do something that caused your parents to lose their hard earned money. I just hate myself and regret why i have to be so stupid. That thing will always suffocates me, my worst nightmare, just want to disappear.


Tait jabo 19 ko umer ma ke ko tanab ho


You are 19 and already thinking about all the issues. Don’t waste your time bud. Enjoy while you can. You can worry about all these issues when you turn 30.


You are 19 and already thinking about all the issues. Don’t waste your time bud. Enjoy while you can. You can worry about all these issues when you turn 30.


I got into wrong group man (Unemployed 23yo)


Aye bsdk chup Yaar hawa Kura garchan bros 19 and want to earn 6 figures 🤣 bro patience Hala na bhaihalxa ni stay consistent


Bro ur literally 19 which means you are in your learning phase. Now is the time you work really hard to gain knowledge so that all of thia pays off in the future. You dont have to get a job right now but you should try to develop your skills and knowledge to make sure when you do start working you will be of value. Right now just work on yourself, develop connections, hit the gym and overall take care of yourself. Many people at this age are just playing all day so the fact that you are serious about wanting to get a job and start earning itself is great. Dont think negatively, you will make your parents proud one day just dont rush it. Just believe, be consistent and stay strong.


I was 25 when i started earning properly,i am 29 now. All those friends and siblings who started earning early along with my relatives , used to make fun of me. But Now what they earn in a year or two , i earn in a month (not bragging). Everyone got their own path so take your time and dnt get too much stressed out. Just believe in yourself and keep grinding. You time will definitely come.


If anybody feels like a disgrace to their family or whatever,please do read Ramana Maharishi ,Nishargadutta Maharaj’sbooks.If you really want to make your family proud or yourself .Information is all in the internet for you,but the wisdom is within.They say


It seems like you are not thinking realistically. May be learn more about how to get jobs and what it takes to get jobs. Also I dont think you genuinely feel like a loser, because apparently you are doing good things like ,you have good academics, go to gym, read self help books etc but you still feel like a loser. My guess is you are an ambitious person. And if that's the case, here's my advice. What you want, what you desire is secondary. But your actions, are what's important. Also realize that connections play a huge role in success, because it creates opportunities. Build them from early on.


Bro don't give up just keep on going you have a lot of things to do and still young.(I'm even younger than you😅)