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Stop getting affected by things u shouldn't .


This app lacks people like you. Truly monumental advice.






Knees weak, arms heavy Mom's spagetti


M&M spotted!


There is vomit on her sweater 🤮🤮


This exactly this gonna be the turning point for you. Now you've to choose if you'll take this heartache as your driving force to be the better version of yourself or just sit there and cry feeling sorry for yourself. Cry as much as you can now let it go for once and all start fresh from tomorrow aba ta kei ni bachena ni k ko aas ma basne? Be strong you'll get over this felling of hell. Better days are ahead!


I needed this. You don't know how much it means to me!


These are just some genuine words that I can do least to help you ease your feelings. From a fellow girl-friend to another, we need to stand tall and confident surpassing the toxicity all around us. I know and trust me passing days are the best painkiller. Be productive also simultaneously address your feelings, don't ignore them and make them the fuel to go get that success!


It's understandable but unnecessary.


reminded when i saw my ex with other boy. The sky fell over my head. I couldnt comprehend what just happened to younger me. I punched my wall. I couldnt cry. I couldnt shar either to anyone else cause I didnt know how because the feeling was so unbearable at that time but tell you what you’re gonna rock the world. I am here sleeping aside soon to be my wife listening her breathing and typing this comment. It may be difficult to see at the end of tunnel but trust me once the days goes past and then you start looking outside the window you’ll be amazed with so much nice persons out there who would compliment you positevly.


Don't be in relationships if you don't have the ability to let go.


womp womp


Timi ma sanga date gara hisab barabar😀


[Best video of the art of letting go by Vikas Divyakirti Sir. ](https://youtu.be/fbgKj0myUOk)


Time heals. More power to you. <3




I know what heartbreak feels like, it is the worst feeling you feel crushed and unable to think what is happening because everytime you do your heart is heavy and feel like crying. But I have some good news for you, it won't last forever! You will get over that feeling, not 100% but enough to move on. You will meet new people and your heart will be filled with new hopes. That's the thing about love, it will make you feel blissed but also have the risk to crush you from the inside. It doesn't mean we shouldn't risk falling in love now do we?


Be successful in life and make him regret.


This is when they want to become successful kicks into their head . As he got girl you are boy less, but as the boy in your life if any comes it cannot hurt him like it hurt you, you seem to be the one who wants real payback . So finally the go to get is would be by totally focusing on you and only you


It's true that overcoming after someone's death is rather easy then having to see them alive and not have a feel of it . Deep down you never let the feelings go, feels illegal to be with someone else. We don't wanna feel the permanent dent and rather choose digging pot holes every now and then. But trust me when I say this, once you accept that hole, that sorrowness and accept that there is nothing that can glue things back together. You feel empty for a while but will give you a will to seek paths. It's a long way process. It still hurts but just decreases the intensity of it, day by day to the point it goes negligable.


Character development arc Your heart will ache for a long time Though I advise you to heal from this and take your time doing that I understand how you feel worthless and easily replaceable it makes you feel like you're not good enough Your trauma will stem from these feelings But know that I wasn't your fault. It was a lack of willingness to work to fix problems you had in your relationship from the other partner He chose the easy way out to cheat on you. You did your best You deserve a long good rest So that you can love once again (if you so choose to love )


Prople who worry when it's not necessary, worry more then necessary!


I dunno how to put it, it is not even an advice… just a fact: YOU’LL GET OVER IT.




Cannon event


Hope you get over your ex soon. When the same happened to me, it took me almost three months to get back to my older self. And those three months were so rough. But at the end of it all, I realized ki if I meant alot to her she would not have treated me the way that she did. I started appreciating other people in my life especially my family and friends who helped me through the rough time. Aani last ma self-love and self-respect. I did a couple of things in those three months that I wish I had not done. Aani I was filled with so much regret ki I had to get rid of that, so I started caring for me more. Hope this helps you even if just a little bit. Remember that you are enough!


Bro, I had similar experience like you like 10 to 11 years ago . When I think about it, I feel Stupid testo kt ko lagi pani ma crazy bhayeko chya. After few time it will be okay. Dw just trying to engage in hobbies or do what you enjoy most. For me it was motorcycles. I loved motorcycles a lot I learn how engines works mechanically and brakes. How learn to How maintain and fix it. And so on. When I rode the bike it gave me happiness. Met friend and found another girl as well 😹 but broke up after some time and life goes on.


Talk to another, just a loyal guy, who can support you at you worst, he was just a bullshit. Leave him




cringe world


Aba k garxau vai? Tauko futauxau? accept gara ani move on.


baini ho mula


Move on gara bro tf


Suck a nigha d in front of your ex this will heal you


im a nigha


it will pass, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt.


Babe i’m sorry she was friend of a friend.


K vanna khojya yo post le? Ex lesbian raixa vanya ho?


haina muji buddhi xaina? ex vanexi kti matra hunxa? kta hudeina?


Ehh ahh yrr 👍💀


-1000 aura


Same thing happened to me few days ago. It wasn't even real. It was just a DREAM.


It mean to be like this haina ra


You should have moved on....yeh toh Hona hi tha right? Sooner or later he would have got partner . . Don't worry let the emotions flow ....it will go on it's own


it means you still want him but why? you should try finding a better one than him


No need to worry .. Just convince ur ex for three sum..💀


Welcome to the gym my guy, squats rack are on the left.. free weights over in the corner.... 💪


Man if it's that hard for you to accept the fact that your ex was able to move on before you (idk if he was too quick with it, idc) you either KYS or be stoic enough to accept what life brings to your fate and move on, you cannot predict the weather but you can anticipate.


I saw that my ex saw me with a new girl !! I just want you to know that she is my work colleague !! Still I am not coming back to you hai !!


Bhulideu ex lai. Ma, xu ni


And there is me crying when I see my crush with other guys


Propose a threesome.


Kti haru lai ni yesto huncha ra? I


You're simply a failure who can't forget your past instead you should be looking into your future


Depends on how many days it has been since you guys broke up... but if he has moved on then so should you... don't let such things affect you ..and if it's not been much and still he got a girl ..then you should be happy...good riddance yk...so just focus on whatever you were doing...be happy... not easy as said..but what choice do you have? Except for trying to better yourself and being happy..so do that


Get a life yar ... Don't live in Disneyland.. world is harsh ..just get on with such things..u will see him tomorrow, the day afterwards so will u keep on crying or live your life ...


Let him see us both together


If it doesn't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it. Get over it. You're mature now




Why is this group filled with pre teenagers


weedy yei ko lagi baneko ho!


part of life... we all are someone's X-Men or X-Women


May i know what was the reason of your guys breaking up?


I felt the same, when I knew he is crushing over other girl just after we broke up and started saying he will treat her right but he never did to me.. I still feel depressed talking about it and remembering it all I did was loved him alot,cared about him . Stay strong!! Focus on yourself,health,career .be much more better.. He only wishes to get a girl like you again!! <3


Listen to "mero ex ko xammaa". That will cheer u up


Cant let go why love people nowadays r too soft when u love u know u either get it all or u will have to let go if cant be ready for the consequences do not love at this age focus on ur career


I felt the same when Miller got caught near the rope or when Gulsan fell short by few inches. Same emotion, different story. It's normal, It happens; gotta find better problems to worry about.


Aba tapai strong hunu parxa


Become toxic


i lwokey gotta pee


Hehe you'll laugh remembering this moment some years later. Sad huna payencha but don't let that affect you. Voli bata thick Huncha. Chill..


I deserve it haha


Don't worry about the things you don't have control over and focus about what you can control and it's you.


Ex ho yr dgaf.. enjoy your life time heals everything dw.. you have alot of chores to do.. make ur parents proud of you and don't forget KARMA is looking towards us so leave it to KARMA and enjoy your life sis


This was inevitable I mean the thing you saw . But what you feel is avoidable. Practice neti neti meditation


[feel the lyrics ](https://youtu.be/fJ9rUzIMcZQ?si=H2dhCIIunERMoWll)


Get over it miss..Royera farkine wala xaina, progressive bana🤷‍♂️ [Listen to this..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHNNMj5bNQw&ab_channel=T-Series)