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I have a success story fighting DHL: 1. File a complaint about his behavior and attitude 2.Keep ordering packages even if he refuses to deliver (in my case I had 3-4 rejected parcels) 3. Keep filing a complaint for every single rejection - to build up the history and to confirm your story 4. Ask DHL support to open a case, get the case id, call them to get updates about it. Most of the drivers are not working for DHL directly, they work for a small companies providing drivers to them. Once the case was open and all my complaints about rejected parcels have been attached to it - next day the man from that company was standing in front of me asking what’s happened and asking about the details. Driver apologized and we never had issues since then. It took me 2 weeks to get it done, but I didn’t care if it takes a month, I wanted to get that driver to understand that this is not how things are working here.


great story, thx 4 taking the time to type all the tips👍


Thanks for sharing these steps! Did you find it best to file the complaint via email or is there a specific way to file a complaint? Their website is difficult to find a complaint section (of course this was probably designed this way on purpose).


Some other things I did: - my rejected parcels was from Amazon, so right after he scanned it as “rejected” I was ordering it again and again, so I have rejections every other day. I knew he’d not deliver it, I just needed more proof - I also contacted Amazon and played dumb asking them to contact DHL as well to understand what is going on and that driver behavior is a pattern - as was mentioned by other person here in this thread - it’s about quantity, the more complaints the driver gets the faster the feedback will be


https://www.dhlecommerce.nl/nl/consument/support#chat Ask for the case number right away and put each new complaint on the same case number to build up a file.


Thank you!


Only by calling them, they don’t have email address for complaints (dhl parcel). Be patient, if you see that the person on support doesn’t want to help or doesn’t do much for you besides general answers - hang up and call again to get someone else on the line. It’s not a fast and pleasant journey, but I wish more people would do this and do not give up on the first complaint.


But how do you file a complain? I once had a very tiresome experience with then and I asked them how do I fail a complaint or speak to a manger, and they told me that there's no process for that.




This. Worst customer care in history. Edit: typo


OP is not their customer. If it was my will, I would never accept DPD as delivery service. Yet here they are, appointed by the seller. Edit: And then it seems like a good idea to complain about every delivery to a seller, if it is possible.


Funny how I used to share your opinion, but in the last year, reliability of dpd has increased; as one of the few they occasionally come upstairs (flat) to deliver to my actual front door. Their arrival time estimate is also accurate and within 1 or 2 hours, not the kind of "we may or may not arrive between 8:14 and 22:14". DHL is currently in second place; they place packages in the elevator and send it up for me. Postnl is currently the worst, they barely throw the packable in the entrance hall. You have to go all the way downstairs, and better fast because otherwise they get stolen from the building...


DPD is for sure the WORST. Got a message saying my package had been delivered at my address. I was like that's weird I didnt hear my doorbell ring, so I walk downstairs and I don't see a note in my mailbox either. Huh. Called them, they needed time to investigate. Next day I receive an email with a picture attached that they left the parcel "at my door" .. at the door in my case is on the street since my frontdoor opens straight onto the street (city life). But wait, I take a closer look at the picture, it's not even my door. They left my package on the fucking street at someone else's door. And their customer service isn't any better, receiving an email saying "Dear XXX" .. didn't even bother to put my name in the basic email template 🥲 (Parcel was lost forever btw)


>DPD is for sure the WORST. True for me as well. Several times I got the notice 'not at home' But the dropoff point are 15 or 20 KM away. First and second time, I was - ok, could have missed him ... But after 5 times in a month, I checked my doorcam. They just drove by, and 10 minutes later 'you were not at home' Because we speak about htis, some of my neigbours had the same issue, we created a videoclip, and included them with the missed you mails. For now, it's going OK'ish ... DPD delivers .... mostly. But if we get a track&trace, I generally change it to the closest dropoff at my workplace, so I get it in my own time


DPD is by far, without contest, the worst. We had to get our petfood delivered by them. The place had no store to pick it up from. But they used DPD. The store was in the same city as we were at the time. One of the DPD package drop offs was sort of near us. These fools did not even attempt to deliver anything. One of us was always working home, so we would track these characters. They failed to deliver anything to us 9 times in a row. He would literally drive through our street, and not stop. Presumably bcs it was a heavy pack always. When we called their customer service, they would be extremely rude. When they had actually misplaced another package and couldn't find it. Basically, the lady on the phone asked where we had the audacity to complain and she just hung up the phone. Back then i still had a FB account and thought i'd check their FB out. My lord... Just filled with horror stories, and they could not care less. When we now see DPD delivers, we go to a different store and e-mail this one we recommend them to use a different one.


I feel it is so dependent on your neighbourhood. Here in Haarlem, in my street post nl is really good. DHL is the worst. Guess we just want to pay not enough for service... Probably the people working there cannot handle it. Often (DHL especially) just drive by and state we were not at home, while we are waiting...


I don’t know about the situation in the Netherlands. But whenever a German store sends with DPD I just give them a DHL Packstation address. The seller must send it via DHL then. If it’s optional I always choose the cheapest delivery service, but give them a DHL Packstation address. Never had to pay the extra cost for DHL this way.


DPD can't even find my damn province. Or even the next one over. I live in Twente and they delivered it at a pickup point in North Brabant. Twice!


I can't upvote this enough. To be honest I had bad experience with every major company: DHL, UPS, PostNL...at this point I don't think anyone cares...


DPD is best. UPS PostNL, mixed but generally ok. DHL is cancer


Best one in my experience is Fedex. Not had any problems so far. Current PostNL and DHL daytime are good, but it’s crap if they are off. DHL evening never bothers to deliver. All the other ones are dependent on drivers.


I've had huge problems with FedEx and the way they charge taxes. they overcharged me about 1000 eur more than the Douane invoiced for. I paid the original invoice which they never recorded then tried to collect on the second invoice calculated by the Douane. It took months of fighting and I only got around 500 eur back, and they tried to get debt collectors on the amount THEY SENT BACK. Of course having more than two brain cells the debt collectors forwarded it back to FedEx after a call. Since TNT got integrated into FedEx, service has been awful, and over the months I watched as customer support representatives lost any power to do anything other than just repeatedly tell customers to email the admin email address which either never responds or takes 4 weeks. but oh well, at least it's fast and cheap.


Try Turkish Airlines


Turkish Airlines seriously is not too far from the John Mulaney bit about Delta airlines. Haven't been accused of murder YET


As someone who used to work at dhl: absolutely not true, but hey since i am against the general narrative i assume this will get downvoted. Just like any company the more complaints a driver gets, the sooner he gets fired. And trust me i speak out of experience when i say this. Complaining at the seller can help as well since the seller in return will complain to the account manager Edit: just because i said i would get downvoted it doesnt mean you are obligated to upvote xd i swear i didnt use reverse psychology


I also work at DHL (though a very different part of it), DHL is massively anal about reviews and anything else they can measure. It is very much like you said - usually anyway.




More like: they're barred from helping. They do not have the ability to choose to help you. I did have a similar one, though PostNL: a chunky box full of VR equipment as a christmas gift for the GF. Just to be safe, since it's expensive, I opted to have it sent to a Pakketpunt. Suddenly I get a message saying it has been delivered to me, at my house. Obviously, no. I was home. It was the days of Covid, I was not legally allowed to leave my home without reason, and was working from home. And... it was destined for a pakketpunt. I go there, they don't have it. They tell me PostNL didn't even show up today. Huh. Next day, I check again with them, and PostNL had showed up, but no package for me. I now registered a complaint - via the seller, since that's what you're supposed to do. After christmas is already over, Alternate gets back to me to say they've asked PostNL for information. Nothing happens. I ask again. They ask again. This goes on for two months until I start getting... angry... and pointing out that I paid not only to "own the VR kit", but also to actually receive it, and I'm unlikely to shop with them anymore. Near the end of February, them apparently still not having heard anything from PostNL, they decide to just reimburse the cost. (Well, they offered to ship again, but they didn't have the stuff in stock, so... Yay.) DHL does similar stupidity. So many times I've been sent a notification saying "delivered to me". Ok. But no. I was home, I have received nothing. Nothing is at the door. No note in the mailbox. Nothing. I contact the helpdesk online and they just say "yeah, it was delivered to \*DIFFERENT ADRESS THAN MINE\*". With no way for me to know me, being home at time of delivery, should have gone three or four houses left or right to get a package that was supposed to get sent to my adress, not someone else's. I don't necessarily blame the delivery workers themselves, but there's generally something rotten in how delivery companies have cut costs to the point that they're not able to do their job.


DHL story sounds familiar. I was at home, so were my neighbors, I even saw the DHL van. All of a sudden, I get a message saying it's delivered. So I checked the front door, no package. Half hour later, I was about to contact DHL, my neighbor is at my front door with a package: it was delivered to them? No, the delivery guy left it in their backyard, inside a small storage. I was happy, because my package got delivered anyway. Later that day, I decided to fill in a complaint anyway because this is just stupid. Putting it somewhere on someone else's property, which would probably take more time than just ring my doorbell, isn't how this should be, right?


Yeah the biggest problem here is the way they pay the drivers: not per hour but per parcel delivered. These are in a lot of cases ZZP drivers mind you so they earn quite a lot. They generally don't have the incentive to deliver all parcels at the customers' house, but instead they rather dump them at the servicepoint. This incentive adds some rotten apples but definitely doesnt apply to the majority. From my experience these kind of scenarios are a vast minority but... when you sort 100.000+ parcels a day even 1% can feel a lot with it potentially happening several times to the same person. If i would order 10 items and I am mostly part of the 1% or even less it would feel more like 90% to me


It’s getting worse with those drivers and if they don’t want to do the work they are hired for they should do something else. Complaining doesn’t help. They don’t give a shit. I’ve got 3 cameras installed that they can’t avoid and get the message they couldn’t deliver each time.


I’m a DHL servicepoint myself and I’ve been getting complaints since DHL started working with sub-contractors. Regular DHL employees usually do their jobs, but the subs are paid per package instead of an hourly wage. Because of this they have a lot more packages per day, which is why they want to work as fast as possible, so barely any waiting at the door, packages being left at the door and rough handling of packages. And, I’m sorry to say, these subs barely speak Dutch so communication can be difficult. I think they get 16ct per package or something. In december a driver had 400 packages to deliver. That’s just 64 euros. And they have 1 minute per stop. Doesn’t matter if it’s an address on street level or 5 stories up.


Yeah exactly my point, though regarding the prices i heard different stories from drivers. Maybe it's different for non dutch drivers


To be honest I would be incredibly frustrated and biased after that experience as well, but I can assure you that they are way too reliant on the process of the logistics system and they did as much as they could. If I had no experience at DHL and/or the logistics sector I would agree with you. The only thing I would say they (customer service) definitely fucked up is instantly believing the picture of the driver. But then again it's the driver's word against yours unless it's obvious the housenumber is wrong.


But in this case: complaining at which seller? OP is not the buyer. OP is a bystander, held hostage by the (very weird) dutch custom of randomly yeeting packages to neighbors all the time just because the actual customer decided to not be available. If the recipient is not home, bring it to a pickup point and just... let the recipient pick it up there. This would solve so many if these problems (without falling into the american "funsies" of just randomly leaving stuff on the porch...)


First of all: I was talking about in general, not in this specific situation. However, OP mentioned about potentially not receiving THEIR OWN packages as a result of this interaction Second: You are allowed to find it a weird custom or thing in Netherlands, but hey it just is normal here. In lots of cases drivers actually bring it to a servicepoint because they don't have time to wait for the neighbors to open the door and they don't get paid by the hour. So they actually got an incentive to dump everything at a servicepoint. Lastly: Do you use words like "hostage holding" to make it seem more dramatic?


I won't go into detail, but I had an issue with one of my packages. I required some flexibility and DHL went over and above to NOT provide flexibility. I mean the actions they took against what I've asked were more than doing me 'a favour'. Anyway, after a tiresome exchange and a negative outcome for me I asked to speak to a supervisor/ a customer service manager and they absolutely told me I can't do that and there's nothing I can do. I don't think it's a good company if they don't value their customers tbh.


I am sorry for the bad experience you had with the company and I hope it won't happen again but I need to play devil's advocate here: Welcome to any big company. I have worked for customer service at many different (big) companies and I can tell you with certainty that there is barely any difference between them. You either happen to be one of the customers that coincidentally have a good experience and have been helped or you don't. 90% of these anecdotal examples (my own included) are nothing more than just anecdotes and are either lucky or unlucky. It obviously also depends on how much the customer service is even capable to help you. Oh and asking for the manager only works in the retail and restaurant sector here (as far as I know)


>Oh and asking for the manager only works in the retail and restaurant sector here (as far as I know) This is good to know! Is there any other process in place if I feel I wasn't helped by customer service? Thank you for your response. It's always good to exchange points of views and I see what you mean. Sometimes it's just bad luck.


If it's the case of you buying a product (which it usually is) always go to the seller and pressure them. The bigger they are, the more pressure they will give dhl or any other company for that matter. The department i used to work for was the contact for businesses so trust me i know :p. But that also means i mostly have experience with that side and less (or none) with the customer service side.


I really believe it is a regional thing. Our current crews ( DHL, PostNL and DPD ) are performing good, might even say DHL and PostNL are fantastic. DPD is hit and miss, now its good / ok'ish But DHL and PostNL are 'regular' faces, the same 3 or 4 guys ringing our doorbell most daily. We try to cooperate, and be at home if there is a delivery, and when not, it goes to our local dropoff.. Both DHL and PostNL got some money around NewYears, so they might be biased too ;) *The postNL dude even brings cat-treats for our cat ...*


Haha yeah it can really be a regional thing and depend on the drivers. A lot of dhl drivers in certain areas are also quite seasoned ones so you will experience these kind of chill situations. Tho in places like for example amsterdam it's less common


Sad but true


Your pickup point option is the way to go with DHL. I have the mydhlparcel app and if i'm not absolutely 100% sure i'll be home the entire day of the scheduled delivery - not just the delivery window, as that will change last minute - I have it rerouted to a pickup point nearby. Luckily i have 2 within a 5 minute walking distance.


They'll still manage to fuck that up too from time to time though


Yeah, except if it's full, and then if you are home next day you cannot adjust it again and they'll try to redeliver it to the pickup point. I've had it happen to me that I had two packages and they only put one in the pick-up point, it took another 5 days for my other package to finally be delivered to another pick-up point much farther away. Normally I'm very patient but this was a Nintendo switch and at some point the deliver and trace seemed to be lost altogether. I very much disliked the idea of a 300+ euros piece of hardware driving around


Last year they managed to deliver it to a completely different street (and not one of two that are easily confused with my actual street). Of course I just had to give permission to put it at the door since I was supposed to have a few meetings (work from home). They were cancelled so I worked in the living room waiting for the delivery. Was so confused when I got the message that it had been delivered. Called right away, but the delivery driver insisted that he had delivered it correctly. I even checked out the other two streets where my shit occasionally gets delivered. Nothing. Next day the delivery driver admitted that he had delivered it to some other street. Of course the package wasn't there anymore (apartment complex next to an elevator). Hope someone was happy with their stolen cat nets.. Delivery driver did come to my house to apologize btw. Also tried to get the package back but obviously nobody in that apartment complex admitted to stealing it. When the webshop sent me a new package I did not give permission to deliver it to my door btw. Cats were happy when they were finally allowed into the backyard without constant supervision!


One of my pickup points always marks all packages as delivered even though its still at the pickup point


I have never had 's good experience with DHL or their service :( These days I select another carrier even if they are more expensive or order stuff at shops that don't use DHL.


DHL quality varies per region. The same for PostNL. I send my orders through both and I can get complaints from either of them. PostNL can be much, much worse in certain areas or times of the year.


I have great experience with them. I had to talk to them daily for my company (a coffee brand by those fuckers at Nestlé) to figure out who'd pay for our lost orders. Very nice guy, Tim, not his money, not my money, we had a great relationship!


You probably dealt with DHL Express instead of DHL Parcel Entirely different, parcel is shit and usually for B2C or even C2C shipments. Express is way more often for B2B or maybe B2C for expensive or proper stuff


I guess you had a special arrangement? They have a pretty strict compensation scheme for the company I work for..


Complain to the company thats shipping.


deer repeat illegal melodic light placid vase file advise marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DHL doesn’t take complaints. It’s not worth your effort. Just report lost or deserted packages to the seller as not delivered. It’s their responsibility, not yours. It’s their choice to go with DHL, so don’t let them make their problem yours.


Nor sure where you live but DHL literally doesnt work where I live in Amsterdam. Me and my partner have issues every single time we’re trying to send or receive parcels. The worst yet was a 40 min bikeride, on a vanmoof mind you, to get the parcels, i live just outside the ring and had to bike across town even tho i have multiple service points around me. Another time it was a 30min car drive, and i dont have a car. Support couldnt do anything and recommended i make friends with someone who has a car that could drive to get it. XXL Nutrition was kind enough to send a new parcel which arrived at my door the next day and let the first parcel be returned. Another time they were unable to deliver a parcel to Ijburg, i live in west. It took three attempts of back and forth between sending and having it returned to the sender due to “something going wrong” in the sorting facility, and they did not reimburse any costs. I have no words for how bad they are. I really dont understand how its even possible


I never deal with DHL (or any other parcel company). Won't even bother with calling them. I just complain to the seller because I'm a customer of the seller, and the seller is customer of the parcel service. Let them sort it out.


Honestly i kind of feel like taking it in my own hands as much as possible and starting with the company who touched the parcel most recently seems like the lowest hanging fruit most of the time and if that doesnt work (which it never does) i contact the seller as in the case with XXL


Thing is, you're not the customer of the parcel company. The seller is. So the parcel company is basically completely free to ignore you because you're "literally, who the fuck are you?" to them. That's why their front facing customer service is always utter bullshit. Because they literally don't have to care about the general population. They just have to provide enough of a service that sellers keep giving them money. So the only way to "hurt" parcel companies is by having enough sellers complain to them.


That makes sense, thanks for elaborating


dhl delivered a package to my house for my housemate then i got a message saying they couldnt deliver mine to my house because i wasnt home


I had this happen to me December 4/5 years ago, I noticed the driver couldn’t be bothered to deliver to different floors and would try to place them at my appartement as a pickup place. And I got stuck with packages from people picking them up 1/2 weeks later since they were on vacation or whatever. I learned to no longer accept packages from anyone except my direct neighbors.


DHL delivery sucks. Only outsucked by their customer service.


They get paid per package delivered. They don't care any more about whatever is inside it, or what they do with it, as long as they deliver it as fast as possible, every package is money. I don't even care for DHL any more. They literally drop the package by the door, ring and walk away immediately. Had one guy too lazy to walk around a bush, so he just said "can you catch?" And before I could respond the fucker threw my new PC component through the air. I caught it, but also caught it on my camera, sent that shit to their support email and they replied that action would be taken. But screw DHL and their godawful payment system.


This is true. I have a DHL servicepoint in my store for 16 years now. Rarely had any troubles, until corona hit. Since then the number of packages increased a lot and so did the pressure on the couriers (from every delivery service). That’s when DHL started using sub contractors that get paid less than regular DHL employees and the complaints started rolling in. These guys barely speak Dutch, packaged are thrown around and they don’t follow DHL guidelines like picking up packages at my servicepoint at a certain time.


Email them


I had this an was on the phone with customer service gave the license plate number, etc. They don’t care. They say they aren’t responsible as all are independent contractors.


Nevertheless, worth a try.


Dont accept any packages from DHL anymore. If the driver is an asshole then then can try again tomorrow


I mean...sure, but ultimately, DHL doesn't care, it's your neighbours who suffer.


Yeah and if they even care a bit about you they will also complain to DHL. And then they cant get around it


Never accept any package again from that dude.


Last time I had DHL deliver my package in Rotterdam, the delivery guy didn't even bother leaving the elevator. He just landed a 7m throw at my front door. The shipping companies don't give a fuck about anything. You hate them, but you will still pay for their services. You can't do anything about how they treat you, because no serious court will take on a breach of a 4€ contract. In Poland some delivery guys keep record of all the people that ever annoyed them and automatically reroute their packages. I'd assume it's same here. Some brilliant guy in Poland started a company that operates package pickup machines. They are the cheapest and most convienient form of delivery. The drivers just drop off the packages at the machines, so the delivery is quick and efficient, and the customer has 3 days to pick it up whenever he likes best. I have 3 of those machines within 400 meters from my house in Warsaw. I don't get it why there is nothing like this in western Europe.


they are less commen here. but they are showing up at places. a pba are they called. u can send and recieve packages from there for a max off 3 days


Theyre all over Germany, fool.


Parcel lockers are all over Europe (I personally used them in London, Madrid and Sweden, and see them just about everywhere) and certainly aren't a Polish invention.


Maybe they are not a polish invention, but I've never witnessed a large-scale network of them anywhere outside Poland. In the NL, there are some by DHL, but there is just too little of them. I don't have a single one in the vicinity. Actually, the only one I've seen here is at Beurs metro station in Rotterdam.


I already commented but what you can also do is order a 25kg product every single day until he delivers it to you. It still has to be sorted and put in his bus. If he delivers it to a pick up point just leave it there. He will have to return it in a week. Do it with Klarna as well. That way you never spend a single bit of money. Klarna gets auto refunded when the product has been returned. I guarantee you that after a little while he will just give up.


Since 25kg is over the legal limit a courier from DHL eCommerce is allowed to handle he can refuse to deliver that and get paid for it every single day.


That's not true. DHL delivers up to 30kg. I know this because my cat sand is 28 and gets delivered by them every month.


I work there and it recently changed to 23kg. 20kg for private shipping. 30kg for express. If your 28kg package gets delivered it’s probably because it comes from a location that both has express and eCommerce and the courier does not care that it is too heavy.


Oh, thanks for the heads up!


I stop taking packages for my neighbors. Especially the new neighbors. I have never been happier since. As for me, I have the packages dropped at a big DHL service point nearby. In my past experience, taking packages for neighbors have been only but bad experience for me. From the rude neighbor knocking door and ringing bell at 23:00, a neighbor that just always delivers to my house all the time and never once said thank you, to the neighbor that rejects my packages even though I always take theirs. It is messy. I know I have bad neighbors but not getting their packages makes me happier.


I live in an appartment complex and have become the go to doorbell to ring for any packages. It happens two or three times a week now. Why would you order if you're not going to be home that day. I have never understood. Anyway, I have taken to buzzing the delivery guy in and telling them to just leave it on their doorstep. If it gets stolen, not my fault. If it continues i think i'll resort to not even buzzing them in anymore.


Why you ask? Simple. Because there are you there. My neighbors keep doing this until one day I say F off I am not gonna do your packages. And there are way less postman that comes to my address to deliver their goodies. At a time I even put a note: not taking neighbors post here. Go to the next door.


As a DHL delivery driver i’ve found out that 90% of neighbours are going on holiday that day. He heard it for the 10th time that day and it pissed him off. No excuse for his behaviour obviously. I wouldn’t do anything with it unless he actually refuses to deliver your packages which i doubt he will. He loses his ‘service point’ aswell then.


Find out where the nearest sub-distribution center is. It's usually local maybe in an industrial area. They might not have an actual front entrance and desk so you might need to just walk in a back door, or the loading area. Go there and (be a Karen, sorry) ask for the manager and tell him the complaint. I have done this before. A package wasnt delivered that I really needed urgently and it also wasnt delivered at the pickup point. I went to the sub-distribution center, talked to the shift-manager, he went in the back rummaging though some roll-cages for 5 minutes and came back with my package. Point is, some people are dicks and some are willing to help people out.


Definitely something i would do if i worked in a centre like that, definitely something i want to do in my job right now but don't have the authority to do


I think you should inform your neighbors to send the parcels at a pickup point. Do you have Skype? You can call a landline phone with a cheaper price I think


You're a receiver of packages, right? Complaints will do exactly nothing, because you never were in a business relationship with DHL in the first place. The only thing you can do is to ask someone who sent you packages to complain on your behalf.


Honestly it's easier to just have your stuff delivered to the pick up point. I've had more hassle with "missed delivery" issues when I was clearly home and waiting on packages.


Scum of the earth


Besides the "independent contracter" excuse, DHL also sometimes likes to point out that the person who sends the parcel is their customer, not the person who receives it. Depending on where you ordered your package from, it might help to let them know and ask them to file a complaint with DHL.


I believe that when you have their app installed, they'll ask you to rate your experience after each delivery. Ofcourse you can also track your packages, and choose to have them delivered at a pickup point. I would choose the latter with almost every delivery service, whenever that option is available. All that said, I've had good and bad experiences with PostNL, DPD, DHL and others. Either way, it's all up to the people who work for them, and the companies have very little control there as nobody seems to want these jobs (perhaps because we all want our packages delivered for free and the CEO really wants to satisfy the shareholders😝).


DPD and DHL will make me stop buying stuff from webstores if they don't have other options for delivery.


> I believe that when you have their app installed, they'll ask you to rate your experience after each delivery When you press the button for not being satisfied, you get redirected to their chat, which makes me believe their review button doesn't store my satisfaction score. This is DHL by the way.


I used their online chat to notify the same order had been noted as refused five times in a row (tho we are a shop and it was during opening hours).. They said it would go as a complaint for the street as the same happens for other traders. Next time it actually materialised. And the time after that.. (just wanted to be sure it wasn't a fluke). In general they are to be avoided..


I quit taking packages a long time ago and i get all my packages send straight to a pick up point.


They seem to be improving, but I wouldn't worry about what the driver says. He's just angry, die any various reason. You should ask be fine having things delivered to your house. I do think a formal complaint can't hurt


DHL is one of the worst firms active in the Netherlands. They constantly place my packages at the door immediately after ringing the bell. Then they walk off. They don't know if you are home or not. They don't care about the price either. I have had multiple pacckages of €300 or more put in front of the door and then they walk off. I contacted customer service about this several times but they don't care. So if you don't immediately come grab it, someone can just take a €300 package with them.


Everyone must know that these drivers (including myself) are badly underpaid when it comes to the physicality of the job. You get just above minimum wage. And what you get paid is based off the number of packages delivered per hour. Not a fixed hourly rate of pay. Also, I've worked in retail many years but never had worse treatment from customers. Next time you see a dhl driver leave your package down and go, just remember it is because they are trying to keep up with the time pressure and just trying to make a living to pay bills.


That is not unsurprising, that's probably why more and more firms choose DHL instead of Post NL. The pay system does set the wrong incentives system though. Because now drivers are rewarded for being rushed and drive through streets at high speed, which is not necessarily what a customer would call 'good service'.


We are not told the price of your package, we also dont even know what the package is, since its 1 out of 200 packages that day, And also, out of interest, has any of your packages ever been stolen?


Even if you aren't told what's in there and what the price is, in some cases I assume you can infer this right? If you see a box with 'Lenovo' on it for instance, and it has a square shape as if a laptop fits in, then you could assume it is an expensive laptop right? Thankfully I have never gotten anything stolen. My issue is that suppose I get a message that a package arrives between 15:00 - 18:00, and the package actually arives at 15:30. But then I leave my house shortly before that at 15:25, and then I get back 60m later. The issue is that the package would then be in front of the door for everyone to see for 55 minutes. Because I am always there, I never lost anything, but I assume that if you are gone sometimes, you can easily get something stolen.


He got defensive? He got offensive. Simply send an email to DHL. With details of the driver, car license plate and what he said. And ask if this is normal DHL policy. If not, ask what they will do about this.


vase deserted ten square childlike late ring deer fuzzy wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't see how that can make him the worst of the worst. The garbage truck is a company of the gemeente, so probably have a green light to go down, a DHL driver however can face fines from handhaving and even the politie for breaking instructions of the road, for trying to make a days work ( which I have seen). If there is an omleiding all year long that is something you should communicate to your local dhl hub so they can send your parcels to a service point instead, because to me it sounds like that is the only solution, instead of breaking the laws of the road.


swim stupendous nose outgoing gaze many sloppy expansion price psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


File a complaint against this guy and the rest will be dealt with by DHL. Honestly, there's lots of people looking forward to working as a postman. Him getting fired won't affect DHL in any way. There's always a lot of people working. Some people seriously need to keep it together. It's understandable that you have a tough job but that doesn't give you the excuse to behave in such a way.


I made like a dozen complaints about something. I live on the second floor, one day I actually walked downstairs and outside to say something to the delivery guy. He grabbed my throat and threatened to kill me. I went to the police and filed another complaint to DHL. I still see the driver in my area delivering packages. DHL is absolute SHIT. They don’t care. Numerous complaints nothing gets done, this attack was a “special case” complaint yet he’s back to work. So wtf. Avoid DHL and if possible order to a pick up point. Worthless piece of shit company.


Contact them via X if other means do not work. https://twitter.com/DHLNL


They'll just tell you to contact live chat or customer service through phone, since they only answer "algemene vragen" through social media now. Source: I've tried multiple times.


That's why, if live chat or customer service fails, contact them on X until there is a solution. Companies hate public negative attention.


>That's why, if live chat or customer service fails, contact them on X until there is a solution. Companies hate public negative attention. I rarely post on social media. But when I do I tag and fully name and shame with pictures/screenshots. And one time even video where I filmed the delivery driver not even getting out of his van and marking "not at home". Companies indeed really hate public negative attention, especially with proof.


Sounds like the guy who used to do my route. I think he’s just taking his sh*t out in you. Bark more than bite, etc. Try and take down the license. Catch him doing illegal stuff with parking etc.


That seems like a lot more effort than just filing a complaint. Also, they have exemptions to certain traffic rules, so it may not be illegal anyway. But yeah, I think he was just frustrated and will deliver OPs packages just fine. Still not how he should have reacted and definitely worth a complaint.


In my case it was multiple times and a package withheld. OP said this wasn’t their first encounter with this person.


That's shitty and also incredibly stupid of that person. I always think people wouldn't be so stupid to risk their job, but I've been proven wrong more than once. And still I find it hard to believe that level of stupidity exists. Yeah, I see OP says he is a total punk, but not sure what that means? Like is he not doing his job right, or just being incredibly rude? The latter is not enough reason to get rid of him, unless he is threatening or intimidating people. I also would advise OP to file a complaint now, tell that he threatened not to deliver packages, so if it happens they already have something on file.


Please enlighten us about these exemptions...


I don't know the complete scope for DHL, but think along the line of allowed to drive on bicycle lanes, stop within 9 meters of a bend, park within paid parking zone for amount of time, drive without seatbelt at low speeds. Stuff like that. So catching them doing illegal parking just may not be illegal for them.


I would expect they can request some exemptions but they are not going to get more than they really need. There should be no need to drive on cycle lanes for package delivery in most cities, for instance


It is tied to the vehicle, not the driver. Also it is very common to have to stop on bicycle lanes or pedestrian zones in many cities. More and more neighbourhoods are built to exclude cars, or make it more difficult for them to enter certain parts compared to bicycles. But even if it isn't so, the vehicle may not be tied to one route and run into situations outside the city where they need to use an exemption to be able to reach a certain place. And of course they won't get more than they need, the whole point is that they only get exemptions to make doing their job possible. These may very well be more than you think though, especially regarding parking/stopping to unload as the person I responded to initially mentioned. Also, having an exemption doesn't mean drivers can't park like total dickheads, because some definitely do. Luckily they usually are gone rather quick. Do want to add that DHL likely has these exemptions for their own vehicles, but I'm guessing subcontractors have to get their own. But again, not working at DHL, so I'm not sure what they have exactly.


I did not realize it's this common, but it makes sense. You'd probably still often be able to find some illegal actions though, I am sure they do not get exemptions for speed and state of their vehicle 🙂


Oh for sure, speeding gets you a fine like everyone else. And even the exemptions like parking in paid parking zone are all in relation to the work. So they may be limited to 15 min. for example. They can't park and go fun shopping or have lunch somewhere. But yeah, some drivers act like they own the road and are above all rules. They give the whole business a bad name unfortunately.


I understand the stress and appreciate the hard work, but I don't like some of their driving 🤷


Pick-up points are the only way to go in The Netherlands. it's not even a question.


This is the way


The only service that is reasonable (which is already strongly worded) is done by PostNL. The rest is just garbage and should be avoided.


Everyone must know that these drivers (including myself) are badly underpaid when it comes to the physicality of the job. You get just above minimum wage. And what you get paid is based off the number of packages delivered per hour. Not a fixed hourly rate of pay. Also, I've worked in retail many years but never had worse treatment from customers. Next time you see a dhl driver leave your package down and go, just remember it is because they are trying to keep up with the time pressure and just trying to make a living to pay bills.


> Next time you see a dhl driver leave your package down and go, just remember it is because they are trying to keep up with the time pressure and just trying to make a living to pay bills. Fuck no, their problems are not my problems, if the pay and/or pressure is so bad, go find a different job. Don't make it my problem.


Privileged much


> Privileged much Ah yes, the answer to give when you don't have an actual answer to give.


My answer is you must be too privileged to realise that not just everyone can just go 'get a new job'. Atleast you have shown your colours as a customer.


Still, that's not my problem. If I put in as much effort in my job as my DHL driver does delivering, I'd also be without a job and would have a hard time finding a new one as my now former employer would tell everyone I don't do shit. You telling everyone to accept and live with it just so the poor DHL delivery guy doesn't lose his job is a part of the problem we're having with them. If you want to settle for "meh", go for it, see how far you'll get in life. > Atleast you have shown your colours as a customer. I am not a customer, I am a recipient. I would never do business with DHL voluntarily.


Bad pay does not mean you don't have to do your job though. And if the pay is so bad, why not find a different job?


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


https://www.dhlexpress.nl/nl/contact Email them, they are pretty responsive. For me it worked


This is almost certainly not about DHL Express but just plain old DHL. Those two are mostly independently run entities. DHL Express doesn't do this shit (they charge a fortune for the luxury to actually deliver your parcel as promised, though).


Just pick it up from point nearby its convenient.


I refuse to buy from any shop that uses DHL. That's the only way to get to them.


The trick is to not answer the door


I would like to see mine DHL driver going around and cannot bring my package for 3 days now...


I've never once had a good experience with DHL - both as a shipper and a receiver.


Complain on Facebook, usually they reply


You file a complaint with the company where you purchased your product. They are able to make an official complaint to DHL. Especially if it happens more often. You also very often get gift cards and stuff from it.


Switch to another courier !


Why is it always DHL? The others are fine but DHL is always the lazy fucks. and always throw package. my friend even lost a dyson vacuum to them (chargeback through credit card)


The only time I succesfully managed to fight the DHL was after I filed a police report because the DHL thug destroyed my mailbox and I had video evidence of him doing so. There is no point fighting with the DHL customer service. They wouldn't budge until I showed them a police report with video evidence and threatened to take them to small claims court for the damages.


if it makes you feel better, a dhl driver almost ran me down whilst i was crossing the street and then flipped ME off. they must be mega-stressed.


They do not charge 1 euro per minute. It is 1 euro per call. Just dont drop the line ;)


Well then the problem is on the company DHL for the system they have in place to pay the drivers, and not the driver, he is just trying to make a living and pay bills like the rest of us.


Not so easy for everyone to just go find a new job


Get a camera doorbell


Keep ordering. In fact, order some cheap bullshit for the sake of your case.


I live in an apartment building where the usual way of delivering is “throw everything in the main hall and hope for the best” with DHL being the worst offender. Even had packages from the next building in the street in our hall multiple times. Complaining did not result in anything improving.