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1. First, you should play Standard. The only reason I’d suggest Startup is if you were brand new to the game. Since you have cards from the FFG era up through NSG Ashes, I’d suggest just jumping back into Standard. 2. Here’s the list of legal sets in the current NSG [Supported Formats](https://nullsignal.games/players/supported-formats/). From the FFG era, that means: Red Sands, Kitara, Reign & Reverie, Magnum Opus. From the NSG era, that means Magnum Opus Reprint, Ashes cycle. It also incudes System Update 2021, System Gateway, Borealis Cycle, and Liberation cycle, which it sounds like you might not have. 3. Pull the cards that make up System Update 2021 from your existing FFG era collection, instead of buying/printing those cards. There are a few ways to find these cards, but one way is to look on [NetrunnerDB](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/set/su21) 4. To find out what decks have been popular in the meta recently, look at past tournament results on [Always Be Running](https://alwaysberunning.net/results). When tournament participants claim their spots, you can browse the deck lists that they played. It also a good way to get an idea for which sets you may want to buy. You’ll see how FFG cards are getting less and less relevant; by the end of 2024, they’ll al rotate out of standard anyway. That should be enough to keep you busy for now. Join the GLC discord for more discussion, link up with your local scene, and have fun playing! Welcome back!


Hey, thanks for the summary. Is system gateway all new stuff other than hedge fund and sure gamble? Or are there others that I just can't tell because netrunnerdb only shows the system gateway ones?


Other than Sure Gamble and Hedge Fund, System Gateway is all new cards. It’s a fairly essential set in Standard, especially since it contains IDs that are very popular right now.