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Yes, people shouldn't stop there and be happy about some lip services only.


Yeah my sister told me after the 3 men where executed, people we not gonna post on instagram story as a protest. I’m sorry but that is the most counterproductive thing I’ve ever heard.


It's useless anyways, they won't get resurrected, and no one in the west cares, they are all hypocrites.


okay they're hypocrites but realistically what do you expect them to do?


Maybe arm the protesters like they did in 1979


What should they do in your opinion?


If they can put together even 1% of the media parade they put together in the 1970s to defame the Shah 24/7 that would be great.


**راست?????** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


If western leaders are afraid of not doing business with the regime because it'll pivot harder towards China and Russia (which it has already done anyway), then what they need to do is work with the opposition in the diaspora to strategize a meaningful way to wrest Iran out of the mullah's hands and establish it as a neutral beachhead in the middle east that doesn't act as either pro-west or pro-east. That way we can have a country in the middle east that's reducing and diffusing tensions and actually helping global security instead of all these stupid games that are getting a lot of people killed.


Hey I agree with Hamed, nice


Yeah he's right, they're just doing it to ease their conscience or whatever, western officials are useless NPCs, especially leftists, only useful people are mostly like charlie weimers.


Why bring the Left into it? No one loves offering up “thoughts and prayers” more than right-wing politicians. Also “leftist” doesn’t even mean anything. At absolute best it means “people further left than me” and in most cases it’s just a straw man for “people I don’t like”.


We have right wing people talking about all this, but leftist label them as Nazis or islamophobic.


Except any people on the right who talk about Iran - at least in America - aren't doing so in good faith or out of genuine compassion; they're just trying to score political points. Ultimately, this isn't a right vs. left issue. The fact is that the ENTIRE WEST - no matter where it falls on the political spectrum - doesn't give a flying fuck about us. They give their "thoughts and prayers" all while working with the regime behind the scenes, and there's nothing that can change that, unfortunately. EDIT - Fixed some issues with wording.


Yeah there’s a reason for that. Also please note that both of those terms actually mean something.




Burning quran is a freedom of expression, besides islamophobia is just a fancy term used by islamists to stop any and every valid criticism against islam


Yes 🙌


Leftists doesn’t have the same definition in every country. Leftist in Iran are actually religious and got along wonderfully in the 1979 revolution. MEK for example.




International leftism is such a broad term, it’s like saying you like icecream even though there is thousands of flavors. Every capitalistic country I know has given its people more right to freedom of speech than all other communist country combined. I have seen countless documentaries, books and commentary against capitalism in the biggest capitalist country in the world and no one has been to prison, tortured or killed for it… what are you even talking about? The MEK was founded on 5 September 1965 by leftist Iranian students affiliated with the Freedom Movement of Iran to oppose the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The fact that it came from a “leftist” and eventually became cult like is very telling in itself….




if you think western Europe is right wing then you need some reeducation on the political compass.




Tell me you don't know anything about politics without telling me you don't know anything about politics.


Again, you can be left without being totalitarian far left. Shocking, I'm sure.


How so? Dutch government is right wing, Belgian government is mixed, British government is conservative, French government I would say mixed too, maybe even leaning to the right. German isn't right wing. All in all I don't that warrants enough to say that there is "reeducation" needed if you think Western Europe is right wing. But of course the matter always depends on the country individually.


Look at their policies, not their labels. Europe as a whole is very liberal and socialist, even with "conservative" parties in power.


Liberal and socialist -within European political discourse- are opposites to eachother. In contrast to the American discourse, liberal is considered right wing. I don't understand how they can be both at the same time, if that is what you meant. And what makes these conservative parties either liberal or socialist in your view?


High taxation funding a wide array of expensive social welfare programs, small private sector, heavy emphasis on equality of outcome as opposed to equality of opportunity. The extent varies by country to country and there may be some exceptions.


I would say perhaps all of the things you mention are true, but only in comparasion with the United States which I feel -though could be wrong of course- is the lens from which you view things when saying "if you think western Europe is right wing then you need some reeducation on the political compass." Because within European context itself many of the countries I already mentioned have as of this moment a right wing government, or at least a government which leans to the right. These government's policies, even with the things you mentioned, are considered right wing within the countries themselves.


Well it's simply an academic point of view, political science is a thing. Social welfare is not a right-wing policy, doesn't matter if you are in the US or on the moon. That doesn't change. I suspect it's the opposite, you may be viewing things from a European lens in which all of these social programs are taken for granted that you dismiss the fact that they are indeed leftist policies in origin and nature.


That social welfare is originally promoted by the left is true. In some western European countries this social welfare is constantly reformed, changed and often lessened too, for example when a right wing government is in power. Also the mere fact social welfare, exists does not in my opinion warrant the notion that a country cannot have a right wing government in the first place. I do think whether a country's government could be considered right or left wing, depends on the context of the country itself, or perhaps regional context.


They're all leftists flooding Europe with illegal immigrants 😂




They didn't cause the conflicts dude, mostly it's done by USA and not Europe, besides they lure them here by not controlling the borders and giving them money and housing.


What should they do in your opinion?


Just shut up would, so Iranians would realize that those people won't help you, the west helped to topple the shah and the only one who stood loyal to him was Sadat, if the West is involved it becomes like Afghanistan or Iraq.


That's a naive take. Do you want awareness of the problem or not? You're literally blaming the people who support your cause, and praising the people in 'the west' who support the type of shit the regime is doing. You greatly misunderstand how people see this in the west and who's actually fighting for what


Well after months (actually years) of the IR torturing and killing normal citizens in the worst way possible, the UN slaps Iranian people in the face by appointing Iran's UN ambassador Ali Bahraini to the chair of the UN Human Rights Council. How disgusting is that? They say all the right stuff when it comes to human rights and the protest, but they do the exact opposite in action…


Sure, that sucks, but you're implying that that's somehow the fault of people speaking up? Who is 'they'? You're talking about different people and different things as if they were one in the same.


I’m taking about the leaders of “free world” who speak about freedom but don’t support it for others. Those who would still do deals with the IR for oil.


It’s hilarious you think right wingers would help at all.


https://twitter.com/DamonMaghsoudi/status/1605084721016209411 Joe Biden is on video telling an Iranian woman @0:23: Quote: "Ok, I know they don't represent you. But **they'll have** a nuclear weapon **that they'll represent**". What will it take before the coin drops for Iranians that the IR occupied Iran is exactly what almost all the relevant powers want. Biden is using future tense, he's an oracle of the future. They **will** have "a" nuclear weapon. They **will** represent it. Sounds like they are waiting for that moment. And until then, I guess the Oracle of WH has spoken. This is someone's long running script. We're the captive audiance.