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This is totally insane. I have seen so many videos like this.


Fucking power hungry fucking animals. I would go apeshit and start killing motherf$&@ers. I feel bad for them but so glad not to be there.


What do these women get for doing this? and who was the woman with her hair showing already in the van? WTF.


Those women are hired by the hijab police and get paid. The woman in the van was another one who was arrested by them for not complying with forced hijab.




Try to make an escape? To where? They’re literally grabbing them publicly off of the street


I don't think trying to escape will end well, so that's probably the reason why she didn't try. The woman they took was probably just overwhelmed and froze, right up untill she was about to be put into an enclosed space and then she realised that she really doesn't want to go in that enclosed space with these people and that she is being forced to do just that. They are very normal and common responses to scary and threatening situations.


they're literally police, escaping from police custody is itself an act of felony they're officers of law cooprating is one's best bet so that they might get away with as little punishment as possiable


this is not an illegal kidnapping, the police is legally throwing her in that van and what do you expect her to run from the police, to get another charge?




you can't really do shit running from armed police on foot, they will kill you anyways, maybe even more likely if you are running (and ahem I don't think it is realistic to expect a woman to win over those big guys)


i think you're alien to the subject of ideological brainwashing these "women" view who they arrest as subhuman


Crazy how when an ideology encourages people to look at their opponents as something less than human it enables people to be very cruel.


humans inharently have superiority complexs and when you firmly believe someone is beneath you and there isn't anything detering one from acting cruel, well most of us will do horrendous stuff


It's true. At the end of the day we're animals and our environment mostly affects our behavior on a macro level. That's why when we talk to each other about these ideas, issues, philosophies, etc. on a political and social level we need avoid participating in, or condoning, divisive conversation that encourages people to dehumanize each other.




We need to share these videos as much as possible to non-Iranian mediums or subreddits to show the world how nazi-fied the IR is


Deutsche Große Reich has nothing in common with the Islamic republic .i see your point of view but it's filled with lies of the mainstream propoganda from the enemies of free speech . No, SS is not IRGC , basij is not a copycat of hitl3r jugend and the political system of Reich was not anything similar to modern day Islamic republic . Along the n@z! revolution came a huge wave of industrialisation , a big jump in transportation and communication , a massive decrease of unemployed workers and technological advancements were achieved faster than any other country and they were at the top of all olympic branches and all sports for some years . Not to mention the plans such as ReichsAutobahn in which were so productive they had a big part in decreasing the unemployment rate. And they made one of the most powerful armies in the world for the german people , they re-unified germans all across europe , from czechoslovakia to austria to ruhr to Rhein , they un-did the disgusting versailles treaty successfully and gave the germans their liberty back . Germans did more in pre-war six years than the whole Islamic regime could do in decades. The Islamic regime , had nothing to bring to Iranian people except war , destruction , t3rrorism , economical disaster and constant distress to iranian people and brought nothing but harm to the middle east. They displaced Iranians from being one of the fastest growing economies in the world , from being one the the most well equipped armies of the world trained by the western armies featuring american top of the line jets and best soviet/british tanks to one of the poor countries in the continent and wiping away the hard earned dignity of Iran under Pahlavi dynasty and destroying Iran's image on the international level .


Where do they take these women? Do they hold them for long periods of time?


Often they execute them Edit: For the terrorists, Google Mahsa Amini. They also have laws on the books of brutal lashings for women not covering their heads. Women die from this. A simple internet search shows it. Do your own fucking research and stop defending state sponsored terrorism.


If they aren't executed, than the alternative isn't nice. Guess it is nicer than execution. All this for showing their...gasp...hair. Edit: With all the protesting that goes on in this world you'd think that this would be a shoe in. It would be something that almost everyone in the civilized world could get behind, but all you hear is crickets.


Or rape them. Or both.


I don't think they were defending anyone, just asking what happens. It's okay to ask questions. I'm often led back to reddit for Google searches anyway. Unless you're addressing a larger group, which isn't exactly clear. Hope your day is good.


Source? Trust me bro, right?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Mahsa_Amini She was beaten and died as a result. yeah she had a benign brain tumor removed as a kid but she had been healthy since then.


I was not defending them. Just asking for proof of your claims.


that's not true, obviously. They get a beating and a fine maximum, no one is being executed in Iran for not wearing a hijab


What you're missing there is that the beatings are often so heavy handed that they do result in death.


Sounds like police brutality, not an execution. Still horrible tho


I agree, systematic brutality


If they beat and taser a girl to death it might not be an officially sanctioned execution but the end result is the same. Also beating someone because they don't want to wear a headscarf is fucking disgusting


They shouldn't be arrested in the first place.


definitely, never suggested otherwise


Sorry. I get what you mean.


In worst cases they get beaten and in some SA mostly they have to pay fines to get out.


Another day, another public display of Islamic Republic's douchebaggery against Iranian women. Honestly someone tell me what the fuck is this shit? Every single day hundreds of random Iranian women who are just trying to live their fucking lives are snatched on the streets, get beaten up, have their dignity violated, and for what humanly fathomable reason?! For what fucking reason should any human be treated like this for not wearing a fucking headscarf? And how the fuck is the democratic world tolerating this happening to any human in 2024? How can the rest of the world watch this video and think of it as normal? Why has the world abandoned Iranian women? Where are all the heartbroken UN, US, EU and NATO officials who mourned Raisi's death and held praying sessions for that douche to take action and put a stop to this ongoing absolute insanity of the Islamic regime? And when we say we want the world to bomb the shit out of this disgusting regime, suddenly all the "anti-war" crowd line up to lecture us how bombing the regime is bad and how we are war mongering maniacs. And for those who are going to tell me that Iranians should figure it out themselves, shame on your moral relativism. Why aren't you saying this about other groups that you have assumed as "oppressed"? Why didn't you say this about Europeans in the first and second world war or in Kosovo? Each of these hijab gestapo vans have 2 intelligence officers and 2 armed men on board. And the city is plastered with cameras to spy on people. How can some ordinary citizens defend themselves against these violent armed squads that are backed by all levels of government? Someone tell me how many millions of Iranian women should be violated like this and how many generations of Iranian women should be degraded and humiliated for the world to finally wake up to the reality of this fascist regime and its anti-human ambitions?


I agree. The anti-war individuals fight for human rights (I assume) and they will cry out the moment a western nation has conflict with the Middle East, yet they’re okay with this?


Fuckin trash bags. Too bad the passers by aren't getting involved and overwhelm the thugs and their trash bags.


it is easy to type shit like this but these dumb ass mf are the legal police with big guns... this is so horrible and wrong in so many level


It has happened, I’ve seen at least one video where a mob of men descended on the van and freed the women.




Just a bit of war mongering


“If you want peace, prepare for war”


How the fuck are you supposed to eliminate plague ? By peace ?


Proportional response and patience. Its better to let their own people overthrow them rather than 'liberate' them like we did with Iraq. Do you remember what happened after Iraq? Edit: Nobody remembers???


I didn’t suggest an invasion.


So extrjudicial assassination in another country?


I’m suggesting these people stand up for themselves and stop putting up with this bullshit.


Do you not watch the news? They have been and they've been improspned by the thousands and even executed. I think it was implied by the first comment that we do it.




You do realise that Iran's not the only Muslim country in the world!


I know, same to them. Same to any theocratic state.


Ok Putin




Makes me furious. Hope things change in my lifetime.


Fucking cunts


Worthless regime sympathizers


Kidnapping in broad daylight. Sickening stuff, just horrifying. And that women are the kidnappers is so abominably dystopian, I can’t even


What usually happens to these kidnapped women? Are the majority beaten up and subsequently released? Is it relatively rare for them to be executed? Will they face prison time? Fucking barbaric, dystopian and unbelievable


In worst cases they get beaten and in some SA mostly they have to pay fines to get out.




Sorry I meant SA.


This isn't YouTube, you won't lose any ad money for saying "sexual assault" and people will know what you're talking about.


No but my comment once got removed mentioning it, (not on this sub).


from my understaning, from the IR perspective. this is aking to a parking violation. its a fine you kidnap girl, you get bail money from family, you release girl, you build new road its actual taxation




What a disgusting example of a totally disgusting regime at work! These enforcers and the Mullahs that cause them to do such despicable acts have to go to their hole in the ground, the only 'Paradise' they will ever know. Arm yourselves and take back the country they have stolen from the Iranian people!


I hate the trash bags


How do these people sleep at night


Time for some doxxing for these pigs.


Real life hand maids tale


Fuck religious fairytales.


especially this one in particular


The Iranian regime is a sponsor of terrorism worldwide.


It's interesting how 50 years ago, Iran looked like San Fransisco.


Religion is a waste of fucking time. There are ways to do it humanely but it would be better if we all just left it behind. My only prayer is for people to finally set religion aside and live in reality in peace.


See why we need an armed citizenry?


This is pretty much why I like an armed citizenry. Specially when the armed forces and police obey the order of their chain of command in spite of it contradicting the constitution and will of the people. They may take some of us out but we can take them out because of sheer numbers. The IRGC survives because they are taking us out one at a time and the rest of us just dont seem to notice. Armed forces cannot survive without its citizens. Citizens can survive without the armed forces


Did you forget to change accounts when you replied to yourself?


Exactly. Abolish gun control!


So the guys grabbing her could put her at gunpoint?


The ones grabbing her already have the guns.


No. So she could shoot them in the face before being grabbed, obviously.


Works really well when you’re outnumbered…


Definitely gotta go positive on the ratio and there are lots of risks. What is there to lose though ? This is *no way to live.


**زندگی روزمره و درمان زنان ایرانی در ایران** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Anyone know what this woman is being "arrested" for? Inappropriate hijab again?


These are hijab patrols so yes.


Imagine religion.. Ahh fuck it.


couldn't agree more


This is actually insane we are in 2024 and things like this are happening


the woman who pushed her in did it with so much passion and heat. how much does she get paid?


These women are Aunt Lidiyas. They are mentally ill and think that they are doing the right thing. This is what happens to people when they let religion into their stupid heads.


But the violence. She wanted to push her, she wasn't even apathetic or doing a job, she waited for that moment


Yeah, because she thinks that if you aren’t wearing a trash bag, you are a slut


Trash bags at it again. How can they get around and manhandle women with such ridiculous garbs? It seems like they would get in the way.


Religious pigdogs.


Hope God is real and all the people watching and especially the women in the black things that grabbed here get punished accordingly.


Theese f*ckers will get what's coming to them


Horrible. Hope one day it turns around. Fucking animals


What a delightful religion


Fucking death eaters


Time you guys start burning these vans down.


Liberal White women love the Hijab. It's a woman's "choice" at the end of the day and to be opposed to it is racist patriarchal violence


Conservative white women love the hijab even more, or rather the idea behind it. They actively work to remove the choices of all women everywhere & actively support the patriarchy. They force women to give birth & remove their access to have any autonomy. They are the trash bags in this video though in the US they wear a cross around their neck. Aunt Lydias are everywhere & must be stopped along with their male “masters”.


oMg tHoSe HaIr fOlLicLeS aRe veWy pRoVaCaTiVE


Uncovered hair = haram. Sketchers = alhamdulillah.




Perhaps it's time we realize that we need vigilantes


Black roaches are out


This is why a population should never allow their government to disarm them.


So gross. I’m sure there’s real crime they need to be investigating but they’re arresting women for…showing their hair?


I respect a country that isn't going to let their hoes run wild.




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


Islamic gilead


Or how about just wear the cloth on your head. If that’s how it is in Iran or wherever just follow the rules. They must know the consequences right? Must be mentally ill to risk it.


What a boot licking fool.




Women life freedom




Please pay attention to r/NewIran Social Contract (Rule 1).


“Islam is a great religion”.


Can you blame them? That slut was showing her bangs


Why do men want to solve violence & discrimination against women with violence and discrimination against an entire landmass and all of the many innocents who just want to live their lives in peace and prosperity?


And also to the American men in here proposing violence as a corrective action to the extremist misogyny that occurs in Iran: Where is your outrage for the misogyny that pervades American culture (evidenced predominantly by the persistent failure of passage of the Equal Rights Amendment) and the Talevangelical repression of women's rights as demonstrated most recently by overturn Roe v. Wade? I bet I could get some mighty compelling video evidence of women being denied reproductive freedom in any of the states in which Republicans are governors. NOTE: I do not mean to diminish the importance of the democratic world putting extremist Iran on notice. I would love to see a regime change in every brutally patriarchal country on Earth.


Just remember all religion is like this in someway, we should shame people who still support religion.


GOP be like....no women dancing yo


Make Blinken and JoeBama watch this!


Looks like every liberal run city in the next 10 years.


Funny you say that. When I first saw this video someone said the same thing but used MAGA instead of liberal. Maybe this divide in our society is orchestrated. I bet we have a lot more in common than the things we disagree on.


Very much so. I was raised with very progressive liberal ideologies in San Diego, within a very multicultural environment. After living abroad in Asia for a decade or so, I now live in Red Maga Hat central, middle America. It’s not easy fitting in here, but it does give me a well rounded perspective of the worldview devision. I see the same with Christianity and Homosexuality, both cram their worldview down everyone’s throats.


Let them do their thing. That’s their customs. Has nothing to do with the western world. If they want to change it. Let them.


The thing is, most Iranians WANT to change things. In case you didn't know, they are a dictatorship and the people are kept in check with the use or threat of violence. And anyone who speaks out, well they'll go out like this brave lady did in the video.


>That’s their customs it's not our custom you goose