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I'm learning more about Islam and this is how it looks to me. This is either blasphemy or official Muslim doctrine. Either way he is making dawah impossible or forcing those who do it to lie about Islam, which makes it blasphemy. Am I mistaken in my interpretation?


I'm not an expert on Islam, but after he took over Iran in 1979 when he was confronted why he lied about his intentions for Iran before he was in power, he admited that he lied and said it was a concept called "Taghia". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya


If every sin becomes a non-sin, there's no religion anymore. If lying is allowed it's impossible to know which teachers are telling the truth. My heart goes out to anyone having to live among people like that.


Thank you for your solidarity. >If every sin becomes a non-sin, there's no religion anymore I don't believe in the necessity of religion as a vessel for human morality, so I would put it this way: if a morality system doesn't have any fixed moral principles and takes pride in it too, it can't be called a morality system at all. Khomeini, who was the highest ranking Ayatollah (according to themselves, in terms of religious expertise), even said his followers could abandon the main tenets of their religion (like daily prayers) and drink alcohol (which is prohibited by them), if that would help preserve the theocracy. That's in a nutshell is what we Iranians are suffering from. A system that claims they have the key to "heaven" and are responsible to force us in it by controlling even the smallest aspects of Iranian people's lives, but at the same time its moral "principles" are fluid and can vary based on the opinions of the Grand Ayatollah at any time.


It feels like all religious leaders laugh together at regular people that they obey the lies, and the leaders know the secret that it's all fake. I hope one day to be able to visit your beautiful homeland.


When the Iranian people have control of their country again "being made fun of" will be the least of their concerns.


Wild how this guy conned Iran into making him a supreme ruler.


It’s the result of 500 year of shia clerical class having huge influence within Iran since the start of Saffavid dynasty. Now this specific speech became much more apparent after 1979’s revolution but even before that Khomeini had records of making this sort of statement, but his allies made sure for those speech remain untold.One example is that he was one of the first clerics that issued a Fatwa for killing Ahmad Kasravi since he criticized shia islam. Even if Khomeini didn’t exist another cleric with similar or different ideology from Khomeini’s would have taken his place since a good amount of Iranian were controversial and supported the clerical class.


Yes, but this speech was given after he became the "supreme leader".


Maybe, but his other books that talked about goat fucking were available to the public long before this speech.


Lol. Yeah, can't argue with that. 😄


strong armed doesn't justify the verb he used, literal meaning is smashing in the head with a derogatory tone.


You are right. The term he used in Farsi carries a more violent and dismissive tone.


Fuck this guy. Glad he's dead


Their " Elections " are just favoring the Fascist Regime of Iran.


And the Islamic Republic defines what is against Islam?


More accurately, their "supreme leader", meaning the speaker (now replaced by Khamenei).


Religion: the root of all evil.


**خمینی در این سخنرانی از سال ۱۹۸۱ روشن می کند که "انتخابات" در ایران تحت حکومت تئوکراسی استبدادی جمهوری اسلامی چه معنایی دارد: "اگر رای مردم علیه اسلام تفسیر شود، انها به شدت مسلح به تسلیم خواهند شد." ** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی