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They don't get the irony here of their Western privilege allowing them to act this way while they support oppressing those in their home country.


Do you really think those people do not know what they are doing?


This is the result of Khomeinis revolution, some oligarchs daughter, without hijab, in a western (kafir) country, flaunting their participation in a faux election. The people will not forgive these ahrimanic spawn of mut'ah.




Good work guys!


I don't get why they do this behavior proudly. Like bitch just look down and do your nasty thing.


The UK is a breeding ground for these parasites. They should all be considered a terrorist organization and banned. Never should be allowed to vote.


Send that to Mr. Wilders, I thought he was going to do something against them.


Yeah Geert will sort them out.


Wilders is pretty clear: end immigration totally. Sure he is against Islam which is good but we secular Iranians get thrown in the mix too. Is that what we want? I never understand this Wilders love from Iranians especially when there are clear right wing alternatives to vote for who actually keep the interest of us Iranians in mind. Such as Ulysse Ellian (who is Iranian) or Ruben Brekelmans (who has contacts with diaspora). Why not promote them? Probably because you never heard of them which is understandable. But I tell you these MPs are preferable compared to Wilders.


True I know little about Wilders or Dutch politics. In the UK we pro-British Iranians are quite well respected, but I don't know what it's like there.


Well we are a pretty small minority in the Netherlands. Some people consider us as just any foreigners and some respect us more compared to other groups. Regarding Wilders, I haven't heard him once comment on us Iranians as some sort of exception among the foreigners. And this is expected if you know Wilders' ideology. That is why I am surprised people praise him and vote for him when there are obvious alternatives that have us Iranians in mind.


**به احتمال زیاد فرزندان حرامزاده اعضای سپاه پاسداران در هلند** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Outsider seeking to learn: I've seen a number of these videos and am trying to understand, is the criticism over specific individuals voting or over all options for the diaspora to vote?


All options




Because all options are khamenei’s pawns


Thank you for explaining. I live outside my own country but always still vote in the elections, but our candidates are more freely nominated. Is the diaspora who is opposed to Khamenei boycotting the vote all together? Or only those who support Khamenei are eligible to vote somehow?


No problem! Technically anyone in diaspora can vote as long as you have citizenship, but most of course boycott


Well, we need to make this face famous in Netherlands


Why are the women on the regimes side always ugly and the women fighting for freedom the beautiful ones? I think the prerequisite is that you got to look like shit to join the shit team.


they're inbred


So pretty people can't be evil 🤡🤌