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Given a normal civilized government run by competent educated bureaucrats, not Mullahs who studied the Quran while fingering each other, Iran can be a manufacturing powerhouse. We have such an educated workforce that we can solve any problem and with competition, unleash innovative solutions for our problems and the problems of the world. Look at Japan. It has no natural resources, practically no arable land, not strategic location (ass end of the world), etc. and yet with competent and professional government they became among the world's largest and most important economies.


Japan also greatly benefitted from having its manufacturing almost entirely rebuilt post-war with massive foreign investment. There’s a reason that country and West Germany had miraculous 2nd halves of the 20th century.


I would definitely go for a mixed economy. Keep some critical assets (like NIOC) state-owned, while privatizing others.


What would you do about the water issue?


desalination plants that use nuclear or solar energy.


I would love to see it embrace tourism because I and many others around the world would rejoice in being able to see Persian culture and history up close!


Although Qatar, Turkey and the UAE may be leagues ahead of us in the aviation sector doesn't mean we shouldn't try. We have the oil to make a difference, the heritage to build the region's largest tourism base and the industry to match Europe. All that holds us back from Iran's true potential is the Mullahs incompetence


Hub Nation - a major hub in the region and everything that implies. Iran is 1000 kn closer to Europe and East Asia than Dubai (can dominate transportation); Iran is the gateway to land locked Central Asia (ports, roads, distribution centers); huge capital markets (distributing capital to the region); huge industrial and agricultural base to distribute commodities to the region etc. Iran can literally be the nerve center of the region! And I would go further - Iran can spurn a central Asian union (like eu) uniting the markets of something like 14 countries together (perhaps in partners with Turkey… bringing Turkish and Iranian influenced nations together … all the Stans). I could go on and on - but bottomline - the concept of a Hub Nation sort of captures it.


Tourism, for one. I (foreigner) would be interested in eating my way around the country, learning about eons of cool history, without getting murdered for being a fairy. I think the transport hub idea is also solid, especially if you are able to get some sort of rail setup that goes to eg India. You’d probably get backpackers that way.




subsidence: "Am I a joke to you?"


**اقتصاد یک ایران جدید بر چه چیزی تمرکز خواهد کرد؟** گردشگری، منابع طبیعی مانند نفت، صنایع خدماتی. یا ترکیبی از سه و دیگران. میخواهید چه توافقهای اقتصادی انجام شود، ایا پس از سرنگونی سپاه پاسداران به همکاری با هند ادامه خواهید داد؟ --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


We have so much potential for tourism, kish island for instance can really become the new dubai if there were good investors and no hijab regulations, currently almost every single hotel, park , mall and tourist complex are owned by the Sepah. If you visit kish you can understand the potential


I think your autarky ındustrial programme makes your manufacturing unproductive so my idea with synergic reforms and correlated with goverment dynamics It might be increase productivity also you have not problem with energy and you are in bridge position between India and Europe(except from Türkiye) so this features help to energy hub or supply hub.Tourism of course Iran has big advantages because of their history and natural beauty but you are so close to Türkiye and also Gulf Trade Center and I think like that tourism is the most harmful sector for country It destroys manufacturing and It affect from diplomatic crisis so much