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Don’t leave anything in your car you aren’t willing to lose.


Get ready to slow your life down. Moving here from anywhere else is a shock to one's system. It's a very laid back and easy going life here. Will take you at least two years to adjust. I kid you not. It's all good though!


Prepare to wait for customer service 😂 Worth it, overall, at least to me


I must ask: are you an outdoorsy person? If the answer is yes, then you've come to the right place.




yesss half the reason i’m moving out there is for that reason


Its dry and higher elevation. You need to drink extra water to adjust. Bring sunglasses and wear sunscreen if you will be outside for a while ( and are fair skinned) . You likely won't need a heavy winter coat in winter, just a fleece jacket. You'll do fine ☺️


Sun protection regardless of melanin level!


Things move at a different pace here. It takes time for service providers to get back to you, some simply never will. Be ready to move on to a different business if needed. Strangers will talk to you, some have good intentions, some don't. Be friendly but not stupid. Look up what goat heads are and be prepared for some painful encounters with them. They will be in your shoes, bike tires and feet eventually. It's dry here, very, very, dry. Drink tons of water, whatever you normally drink double it. You'll probably want a humidifier for sleeping at least during the winter. Also lotion is your new best friend. Sun protection is vital, doesn't matter if you don't normally burn you probably will here. Get a hat and sunscreen even for the drive across country. The further west you get the more you'll burn in the car. Alcohol hits harder here than lower elevations, be aware of this when you're drinking. You don't want to be drunk and alone in an unfamiliar city, a good time will become a bad time quick.


You absolutely nailed it. Great advice.


Lots of cool stuff to do in the Denver area on your way here. As others have stated, it's very dry and we are at elevation, so it takes some time to adapt. Which part of the city are you planning to live in?




Eat lots of local food- that's the best part of our whole state haha. My favorite spots are La Salita and El Modelo, or El Pinto for something fancier. Look out for the wine festivals too. Lots of fun. Explore the art scene. Lots of shows, art, music, etc around town. CNM & UNM offer lots of classes also. Explore the outdoors. Within 2 or 3 hours we have several mountain ranges with lots of nice hiking etc. Hunting and fishing are also great around the state, if you're into that. And the balloon fiesta!


We have great public libraries with branches all around the city. Library staff are generally very friendly and helpful.


Get Systane eyedrops for dry eyes, and use them at least daily before going outside. Get a humidifer for at least the bedroom overnight, a filtered one; minerals in the water (depending on where you are) will cover everything in dust plus you don't want to breathe mineral dust. Set alarms to remind yourself to drink more water during the day, you will need more than humid Illinois. If you get nosebleeds like I did the first few months, NaSal or other dry nose saline spray will help. You may need to switch shampoos, conditioners, and lotions. If you feel exhausted/tired the first few months, realky push those fluids, not caffeine. It was amazing the difference, when someone told me about this. Once I finally got properly hydrated/adjusted, I no longer need to drink as much. Pinch the back of your hand, to check hydration status.


been here 20 years, no crime has touched our lives in Abq. Drink LOTS of water and use lotion, it’s dry and high in elevation! See Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX and the Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, NM for sure!


Route 66 starts in Chicago right? Why don’t you take that on the way out instead of going through Colorado? There are tons of guidebooks and websites with advice on attractions along the route, places to eat and stay and visit, etc.


that’s not a terrible idea, but Chicago is about two hours out of the way for me. I have a close friend in Colorado who said they would help me out with moving, hence my reason to drive through there. i also just wanna visit Colorado haha. it’s a beautiful state


Ah makes sense. Well you’ll have a good time either way there’s plenty to see in the parts of Colorado that are close to New Mexico. A friend of mine visited great sand dunes recently and liked it a lot; either of the main ways from Colorado to Albuquerque (25 and 285) will take you close enough for a stop.


I’m kind of shocked it hasn’t really come up yet, so I’ll address the elephant in the room. Albuquerque has crime. There’s violent crime but not really random acts of violence against strangers. Generally speaking, if you don’t go looking for trouble you won’t find it. Property crime is more of a concern, but just take some common sense precautions and you’ll probably be fine. Don’t leave valuables in your car. Lock your car and apartment doors. Consider a steering wheel club and possibly a good after-market alarm for your car. With that out of the way, I’ll get to some pros and cons. These are from my perspective as a lifelong resident who genuinely loves it here but also recognizes the city and state are not perfect. Pros: great weather, abundant sunshine, and four distinct seasons. Beautiful landscapes, with everything from sun-baked deserts to dense pine forests to snow-capped mountains. Breathtaking sunsets. Great access to outdoor recreation. Delicious food. New Mexican food is its own cuisine, similar in some ways to but distinct from Mexican, Tex-Mex, Mexi-Cal, etc. And to be clear Albuquerque has many other cuisines available and does a lot of them well, particularly Vietnamese food. It’s actually a pretty great city if you like craft beer and/or local coffee. Rich culture and history. A laid back attitude with generally friendly people. Cons: your favorite bands probably won’t play concerts here. The drivers are admittedly pretty bad. Drive defensively and be prepared for the cars around you to do stupid things. Depending on what field you’re in, the economic opportunities can be limited. And yes, crime. But like I said, just be cautious and you’ll be okay. Welcome to Albuquerque and New Mexico. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!


Have you chosen an area yet?


i already have an apartment lined up a few blocks away from the Rio Grande (east), and near the southern part of the city


That's not specific enough for me to tell you anything useful, but probably a good area.


Don't lmao


Can you please pick up my best friend in Missouri, on your way?! Super thanks! 🙏😂 Edit : I'm in Southern NM and don't know enough about Albuquerque specifically, other than where the Uptown Target and TJs are 🥲 but my dad is from Illinois (North Chicago and Zion), and retired here almost 40 years ago, so I can help with, like... Acclimating 🫠🤷


you think they’d help me carry furniture in? haha


My dad only has one leg these days. Well, one and a half 😂 (above the knee amputee). We're lucky if he can carry himself from one room to another 🤣 Oh... Did you mean my friend 🤦👀🫠? Because there's a strong possibility that could be arranged lolol




Be wary of posting moving to abq any advise posts on reddit. You're about to get bombarded with we get this a million times. Just search it.


Heaven forbid someone try to interact on the internet ;)


I'm totally OK with seeing these posts. I live in New Mexico and I love seeing different suggestions on things to do, avoid, and the such, but I know there are those who tire of these posts.


Move to phoenix instead. Lots of crime and drug usage here. You'll hate it