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Honestly though, if they love Texas so much why tf did they move here?


Texans love* Texas. *terms and conditions may apply


where is that flag from?


They love Texas so much so they want to infect other states with Texas, like a virus.


They didn't. It's a vacation home.


not very smart by them... screams "come back and rob me in the offseason"


This. Almost no Texan house in Cloudcroft or Ruidoso is an actual "home." The vast majority are vacation homes.


If they love Texas so much why do they vacation here? Or do their mistresses just need abortions?


Ouch ! Nice


70% of the homes near me in southern Colorado have Texas stars on them. If it's so great why did you leave? Oh, because it's a rental.


Where's your complaint about the Californians that do exactly the same thing....and are just as obnoxious.






Texan here from the panhandle. I've lived here for 10 years, I have a NM flag in my garage :)


Will they pick you?


Texan here, its getting more and more overcrowded by numerous people moving here. I bailed out


Because the government sucks




No skiing in texas


I love New Mexico but I moved to Texas lol you don’t have to hate where you’re from to move. There’s a million different circumstances that can lead someone to move.


If God hadnt intended Texans to ski.....he'd never had created Ruidoso....(with Cloudcroft close by).


Do you say the same thing about all the El Tres flying in ABQ? Just curious.


That's kinda the joke. I don't genuinely give a shit about either. Can the same be said of conservative (i.e. Texan) types?


People from the Texas panhandle like Oklahoma and New Mexico because they are more undeveleoped and less regulated than Texas, which is a very large state with a very large bureaucracy that is dominated by the big cities like Houston, Dallas, Ft Worth, San Antonio and Austin. For me, going to New Mexico is like going back to the old days when there was less government interference in your life and things were more old-fashioned. In other words, sometimes you like to go to a backwards backwater to chill rather than a modern hustling bustling area.


Yep same for Californians


we love it so much we want more of it


Their favorite saying here is “don’t California my a Texas”. Maybe you need some “don’t Texas my New Mexico”


Oh have you not heard why New Mexico is so windy? It’s because Texas sucks and Arizona blows. That’s what I always heard in my family…


Masterful that needs to be a bumper sticker


Love that!


Take my upvote




To be fair most of our wind and cold fronts come from Canada and our great flat plains do nothing to mitigate it 😅


I've actually heard this before and Texans on the Red River FB page went nuts 😂


I need this now


Best bumper sticker I’ve seen was a Texas flag ish that said “if Texas is so great, go home — the lone star hate” was on a Subaru Outback at the climbing gym in ABQ


The one star on the flag is a review


I just don’t understand it. I have nothing against TX really, but I don’t understand flying a different state’s flag in the state that you’re in. Didn’t you choose to be in this state?


There's an economic element at play in the case of the Texas flag flying in New Mexico. New Mexico is a poor state with lower real estate prices relative to the rest of the nation. Those prices are out of reach for a lot of New Mexicans already, and they are only rising as out of starts arrive with full pockets to snatch real estate. I'm painting with a broad brush but no one can deny that a healthy slice of Texan transplants fit this profile. tl;dr – New Mexicans see a Texas flag on a poarch and they see a carpetbagger


That’s been a trend since 2019


*1970 Fifa


This. I’ve lived in a few states, and I’ve always had a NM flag—INSIDE my house. I feel like it’s weird to publicly fly a flag for a place you’re not.


I lived in Minnesota for thirty years, and never saw a single, solitary Minnesota flag flying by anyone's house, ever. Not one. That said, when they recently changed the Minnesota flag, everyone lost their mind like it was something they always held sacred.


Spot on!


Lots of people have a ton of pride in their roots. Some people express that with state flags, others do it with sports teams; but it's pretty common to be proud of where you came from. Figure that, and a for a ton of people, relocating to another state isn't entirely, or even mostly, a decision of free will. Economics (both push and pull, both good and bad), family, climate, disasters, legislation; there are a ton of reasons why people might choose to live somewhere, but actually would prefer to be (back) someplace else. Couple those together, and I can totally wrap my head around why someone might want to fly another state's flag where they're currently living.


I don’t think that’s the case for these people, but still, I’d choose to fly the new state’s flag if I was moving there for a better quality of life. I’d appreciate the opportunities and resources my new state gave me. I moved from somewhere else but I’ve done everything in my power to rep NM and identify as a New Mexican first


Lots of people move for reasons besides seeking a better quality of life; for many a move is actually a step downward. It's like I said in my last comment, it's not necessarily a willful choice. If it is, and someone can basically pick wherever they want to go, and then still chooses to fly another state's flag, I'd agree with you, that's a bit odd. But the thing is, not everyone gets that choice and their hand is largely forced. Just as an example, I know some people that feel trapped in the state they needed to move to whom have said almost word for word "I'm out of here as soon as the family member I'm taking care of dies". Some others are in the process of relocating out of the house they've lived in for over 30 years because of a job loss and a decline in health, and they can't afford to live in their home anymore. Others have lost their home in a disaster, and couldn't afford to rebuild where they are. I've personally been gentrified out of 2 cities, and would absolutely love to have those back to how they used to be. I don't think anything like that what's going on with the people in OP's post either, but for some at least it certainly is.


You know I really agree with you. That’s exactly why so many fly the rainbow flag!


It's kind of a different reason for that, but yep lots of people also will fly flags showing they're proud of who they are now, or in solidarity for others.


I personally don't understand flags.


That’s where the hecklers at Santa Fe pride were from.


I graduated from Cloudcroft. It’s always felt that way haha. Only people the cops pulled over beside us kids messing around, were Texans.


Texans always insist on being the worst stereotypes of themselves, it’s hilarious.


Texans are the Americans of America is how I always describe it. 


The way a lot of Texans act would be funny if they were a lot more self aware. As a child of Texan/New Mexican parents, it’s saddening, if not sickening.


Texas is so proud of their Google review that they put it on their flag, in their state motto and even on their football team.


Even the Houston Texans couldn’t resist the lone star rating.


flol I've never heard this one


We need a border wall (with Texas) until we figure out what's going on and we need to get Greg Abbott to pay for it


Didn't Texas start working on one and the feds took it down?


On the NM border? I remember Texas putting traps or some ugly ass containers on the MX border and they got taken down Course, I wouldn't put it past the Texans government to confuse Mexico with New Mexico so anything is possible I guess








They are also worse drivers somehow




Marfa and Cloudcroft are nowhere near similar in landscape or weather.


Or anything really. Cloudcroft is not known for its art scene.


marfa is less than 5000 feet. cloudcroft is almost 9 thousand


When I travel out of state, I always tell people that we’re not all a bunch of obnoxious, bigoted, narrow minded assholes in Texas. Then, Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, or Ken Paxton come on national television and say something really obnoxious and stupid.


Some mother fuckas always trying to ice skate up hill. Blade




I’ve seen other state flags hung up when I lived in different states, I don’t think it’s that deep 


Proud native Texan here, New Mexico is my second favorite state and I’ve spent less than two weeks there total. And I lived in Oklahoma for seven years if that tells you anything. I don’t get bent out of shape when I see a New Mexico license plate or flag. I just go “cool New Mexico” and go on with my life. 🤷🏻‍♂️


New Mexico never launched an ethnic cleansing campaign targeting Texans. Texas has invaded New Mexico multiple times with the explicit intent to bring slavery and ethnically cleanse the Hispanic and Native population.


How many NM flags would you see a day in Oklahoma? Here in Ruidoso, I see the texas flag and the lone star way, *way* more than the NM, and a lot of people here in Lincoln Co fly a lot of NM flags. Texas flags everywhere. You're in NM. Not only that, but there's a history between NM and texas. There was a small army that came to capture Santa Fe and they got lost and captured themselves. Look up Elfigo Baca, he had a gunfight for days against about 50 texas cowboys because he arrested one of them. Here in Lincoln Co, look up the Horrel bros, the Selman Gang, the Tularosa Ditch Wars in Otero Co, there's more. Most of the time when texans came, it was bad news. But that *is* in the past, and you have to understand why we still give texans the side eye. There's history between us.


Truthfully, you can’t blame them for leaving.


Good point


I'm going to start flying a Chiliean flag to just confuse everybody.


I live on the stateline, so I proudly hang both a NM and TX flag on my recumbent trike. Learned to love the Panhandle. But stay away from the 35 corridor at all costs.


The veil of darkness shrouds your state, beware of their (Texan) migration. 🤣😂😁




Well, like they would say about Californians moving to Texas...."so long as you don't bring your politics with you." Don't bring your politics with you, Texans. New Mexico doesn't want a backward theocracy.


I can only imagine the hell that would happen if a California flag was flown in a Texas neighborhood.


yes, that is plain rude. If TX is so great, stay there.




Na, they bring their money, and don't require welfare or free phones and health care. Your comparison of how you treat Texans and Californians is pretty ironic, since you're not ok with people saying the same about actual illegals from any other country.


I always see NM as the balance between the very conservative Texas and the very liberal Cali.. I do see it leaning one way or the other sometimes tbh, I do hope we can keep the balance. Any other state flag will not be tolerated 😤😂 Edit: had to correct the spelling on state may to state lol


Damn illegal migrants from Texas.


As a Texan eyeing NM as my future home, this is weird. I grew up in Colorado but can't imagine flying their flag here. Texflex I guess


Is there a way to know out which businesses in Cloudcroft are Texan-owned and which aren't? I'd rather support New Mexican businesses.


Oddly enough all the businesses in Cloudcroft are located in New Mexico and patronizing any of them helps the New Mexico economy and sends taxes to the New Mexico government.


Ryan Bingham is a famous country music singer from New Mexico. Watched his concert filmed in New Braunfels TX on Amazon Prime and on stage was a huge New Mexico flag. I really don't think the Texans enjoying his show gave 2 shits what flag was displayed. They're proud of their roots and fly their home state flag. Big deal.


For fun, maybe ask them what brought them to your fine state?


Unless you know how to speak Texan, I heard it helps if you just ask them really slowly so they understand our language.


We need to build a wall!


I stopped visiting Cloudcroft for this reason. "Highest place in Texas" my giddy aunt.


Born and raised in Dallas, moved to NM in 2001, and I honestly feel the same way. Ugh.


Youre a new Mexican now


Aw, thank you!


Y’all would’ve apparently lost your collective shit if you saw my New Mexican state flag when it was flying in Montana lmao maybe people are just proud of where they’re from??


I’d just like to say that if ever I was to live outside of New Mexico, I would do something similar. Whether it’s a flag or a ristra maybe even a Zia symbol wall hanging. I would like to show some pride for my home state. I understand loathing Texas as a political entity. But when one’s own abhorrence extends to individuals just trying to lead their lives it’s really quite tasteless. I am appalled at some of the responses in this thread. I understand that hating Texas is a popular sentiment here, but this ain’t it.


Thank you, I really thought I was the only one who was thinking the same


No problem hoss, I’ll always stand for what’s right.


Texas has invaded New Mexico multiple times, they still deny New Mexican sovereignty and the Texas national guard put illegal border fences on the New Mexico border. It’s not just home state pride, there is history behind that flag.


Rookie move to fly another state flag… just weird… if you have a residence, you should be on the Home Team.


That looks like my uncles house >.>


I'd take it seriously.


Welcome to Colorado


That is the flag of the nation of Chile.


Ski Texas!


I bought a shirt that says "Ski Lubbock". It cracks me up.


number that pass through socorro is insane, some of the least considerate people


Heard and seen a lot of support from El Paso supporting Ruidoso’s fire situation and y’all are hating on them. Smh


You think these people are El Pasoans? Or Texans that hate everything about New Mexico culture except the cool temperatures?


El Paso ain't Texas.


Go look around in red river💀 shit is practically part of texas lmao


This subs infatuation with TX is downright scary.


Honestly you’re right, I would go over and have a talk and say this isn’t the south. It’s the southwest.


I visit Cloudcroft every year from Austin. I try not to be "one of those Texans." Every year I'm reminded why I want to eventually move here. I like Texas but my heart is in New Mexico. It's also a hell of a lot more free: legalized marijuana, beer can be bought on Sunday, no draconian laws regarding abortion, way more public land to enjoy and explore.


My only beef with Texas dates back to slavery, violent right wingers always making things harder for us. Latest is their abortion ban, overwhelming our clinics and fossil fuel execs buying our politician to extract oil from our soil.


Texas or p.r.


Texans & Californians have been the largest demographic migrating to NM last 3-5 years. As unfortunate as it is, it’s the nature of the beast.


Ive been going to the DFW area for many years and I’ve never run into any Texan that disrespects NM like New Mexicans disrespect Texas. I like visiting Texas and I don’t understand why there is so much hatred toward Texans.


I never knew this was a thing until reddit. My life has been split between both states for over a decade.


It's a classic case of little brother syndrome. They surpass us in every way except for cultural uniqueness and pretty land. The people on here think it's some sort of competition and if Texas is winning, it must be because they invaded centuries ago. Also, it's DEFINITELY because of their current politics vs ours, which couldn't be more opposite.


There's a long history of texas trying to take over and/or run things. Long history, since the 16-1700s.


It's because you only visit, you don't have to live next to them. Or worse, some of us grew up in Texas. We know them intimately, you just see the public face.


You could go to any state and probably find a flag from a different state flying high somewhere. I’m from Texas and have lived in New Mexico for 9 years now. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of where you’re from. In fact, I just went back to north Texas to visit my family, and proudly wore the New Mexico related hat I have most places I went. I’d argue the redundancy of Zia stickers all over vehicles (stickers, badges, etc..) or Texans driving around with the state silhouette all over their vehicles is more annoying than this. I also see a lot of food trucks out hear flying the Mexican flag, but I never hear anyone complain about that. Lol. But with all that said, I do hate the pompous Texas people I do run in to out here. 😂


It's new mexico not new texas


Cry harder dude. It’s a fucking flag.


We mine as well make Ruidoso and cloudcroft a part of texas


The hell you say. In the 70s-80s (?) they wanted to rename Ruidoso "little texas", it got shot down pretty fast. Ain't no way, Jose.


Obviously a joke....


Yeah, I took it that way. Just wanted to pass on a little bit of regional history.


This sub is hilarious. Thanks Reddit for the recommendation.


Pretty soon we are all going to be speaking Texan.


A friend once said in jest, "if God had wanted Texans to ski he would have given them a mountain." And the response was, "Of course God wanted Texans to ski, he gave them New Mexico." :-/


Dying to leave Texas but still show pride in being Texan is the most Texas thing ever.


I moved here from Texas about a month ago and honestly I dont miss it at all.


For work? Anyone ever think about that? I moved to San Diego for a job a flew an NM flag….not to mention I’d bet most of you would do the same if you moved for one reason or another.


No, *I* personally wouldn't fly the NM flag outside if I lived in a different state. I would fly it *inside*, not even on a window, on a wall. I feel like I would be disrespecting the state I was in by flying anothers state flag under my American flag.


I fly my NM flag in SD specifically to disrespect this wretched state. That's also why those Texans are flying theirs in NM.


lol sorry you feel that way. Weird.


*"Wierd"?* Why?


I really don’t believe you spent the time to count specific types of flags while driving through Cloudcroft.


Rather Texans than Californians


The only people that don't like this are transplants overcompensating for not being natives. We go to Texas every other weekend and don't think anything of it when Texans come here for the weekend. There's no rivalry


New Mexican for generations. We've *always* told texans to stay in their lane, stop trying to take what is ours, stop trying to tell us what to do. Still, to this day. And you're always saying: "transplants this, transplants that", it's not just that transplants that you don't look eye-to-eye with, most NM OGs don't have your point of views, either.


You think I'm Texan? My family has been here for 150 years. If you had your current views when you were born 70 years ago you'd be considered a lunatic. I'd be considered normal. My area still has those views, and honestly most of the people around you in Ruidoso have similar too. You are a minority. If you think I'm bad, you should talk to other 70 year olds around here who have no idea what reddit even is. I'm considered liberal to them. That's why we only see opinions like yours on this site cause the rest of your generation doesn't know how to post here.


I was gonna write a big ol' reply on my NM ancestors and our political views, lot of history, going back to the 1680s. But its not worth it, you're in your own little world. I'll just be wasting my time. Like I said in another comment: "Just go away already".


Born and raised new Mexican and no no we do not there's absolutely a rivalry the only thing texans and new Mexicans agree on is probably the cowboys


Where is this all happening? People in Cruces go to El Paso all the time for fun. It's a normal part of life here and you all seem really weird for hating Texans so much


Everywhere but cruces apparently and likely cuz there is jack and or shit to do in cruces


It's cause El Paso is culturally New Mexican, and used to be a part of us until the US government took it and gave it to Texas


Cruces is the second largest city in the state and there all kinds of stuff to do. Cruces is great


Where do you live in NM? For ABQ and SF there is a _lot_ of rivalry/hostility towards TX


And down here in Las Cruces all of our COVID vaccines were taken by Texans driving up just for that purpose, and we struggle with that for every resource we have freely accessible, here.


Well they definitely couldn't get it in texas




I always find it ironic when people who don’t like borders suddenly want borders for themselves. As the husband of a Hispanic woman we laugh a lot about that. Even more we laugh when immigrants commit crimes and yall just ignore it because “migrant”. My wife’s mother spent $12,000 in the early 80’s on lawyer fees and federal fees to get here, and got no benefits, and now it’s just free with $10K a month. We know this because her nephew is illegal and gets a reloaded debit card and cell phone every month. No court date until 2031.


A lot of these mountain towns would cease to exist without Texas money flowing in…especially Cloudcroft and Ruidoso. 




You are correct. I for one love us being underdeveloped because it keeps people from moving here, but we really need to do something about this sub


Agreed 100%


Just the type of people on Reddit. The rest of us are not that way.


Why does it bother people. I moved from Texas to Santa Fe last year. It seems that folks these days they choose minute things to complain on the internet about. Live a life of love and compassion. There is no substance and all is perception and the time we have spent on earth however brief it is should be filled with joy and gratitude. Life well. Namaste.


Sir, this is the New Mexico subreddit. Where people hate outsiders... Unless you've broken the law and entered our country illegally and are leaching off of taxpayers. Then you're all good!


As a Texan, I wouldn’t be too butthurt but would take issue with the New Mexico flag being flown. Y’all can bring your food here any time, though.




Yea from California or Washington not Texas. We don’t need any more southerners 🥸