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You know, I would have less of a problem with these stupid things if when I have to pay one, the bill didn’t go to fucking Arizona


Makes you wonder...where does the bill to replace the stolen copper go?


I bet it's not Arizona


You actually pay them? Lol


Legit ?....What happens if you don't? Seriously it's tied to your license plate right? There's really no repercussions from not paying? Have one sitting next to me right now and genuinely have no idea what happens if I don't pay.


There’s no repercussions *if you get rid of that license plate and get a new one.* If you keep that plate that the ticket is attached to then the scanner van will eventually find you parked on the street somewhere at some point and they will boot your car. Then you will have to pay your outstanding ticket fines to get the boot off. But you can avoid all that by getting rid of that plate now.


Ah thanks makes sense. But what about the new plate cost? The ticket is $75. Is a new plate less than that?


Pretty sure a new plate is less than that, but I am not sure by how much. Call ABC Title and ask them how much it costs to replace a lost or stolen plate (and definitely go there and not to the DMV—ABC Title is a bit more expensive, but SO much quicker and, ya know, time is money)


10-4 thx.


About 40 bucks


Just go to court and say it wasn't you. These red light tickets are a SCAM.


Yes they are a scam, but you will not get anywhere by claiming it wasn’t you. Stop giving people useless advice.


Yes, instead claim you saw/thought the light was orange(yellow). It’s all heresay at that point, even if it was obviously not green.


Or you call a dude and pay 100 for the boot to get removed. Ahem


Yeah, you could do that, although some people have said that they will just charge you more for damaging/losing the boot. I’ve never tried it myself, so I don’t know how that works, but I would prefer to avoid getting a boot in the first place if possible (and it is possible by getting a new plate).


Gotta find you again


Maybe a one stop shop. Boot removal and plate obscuring cover blocks out scanners


No the won't lol. Just go to court and say it wasn't you. I've had buku of these tickets I never paid and still haven't gotten booted.


Dude it happens to people all the time. It has happened to people in this sub and they’ve posted about it here. A friend of mine actually lost his whole car because he couldn’t afford to pay the fines to get the boot off and it got impounded. Like that’s great that the scanner van hasn’t found you yet, but it definitely does drive around all over the city scanning the plates of vehicles that are parked on the street and putting boots on cars whenever a plate shows up in their system as having unpaid camera ticket fines. Keep playing your luck if you want, but don’t tell people that won’t happen. Also, they don’t care if it wasn’t you driving. The ticket goes to the owner of the vehicle and that is who they hold responsible.


Call a crackhead


Yes, hi, can y’all vandalize traffic cameras instead of our critically necessary flood control infrastructure? Thanks


So you rather crackheads dig tunnels?


Senator Kennedy would be so proud!


Save a Kia steal a camera


Kias are just yearning to be free


Cant keep a good Kia down


They are just experimenting with polyownery


It’s my turn with the Kia next mom


Now that the Kia boys have revealed that they only get $50-100 per car, I wonder if they would consider the scrap market. I mean what’s 5.5 lbs of copper worth at the scrap yard?? 50 bucks ? Tops ??


Honest to God, I'm surprised these haven't been vandalized/torn down yet, considering all the other crime that happens in this city


Every time I pass one of the cars I'm astounded someone hasn't taken a tire iron to them.


And the good ideas continue


Even just a quick blast of black spray paint over the cameras. Wouldn’t take long…..just sayin


Guessing bc the lovely people who vandalize/steal don't have registered vehicles/license plates??? There's probably not a lot of resell value in a stolen traffic camera.


That’s one way to eliminate photo enforcement cameras. Death by meth head.


Pretty sure that’s how I’m gonna go out too


Smiles toothlessly


I believe the kids call this “good trouble”


Chaotic Good


[The Greater Good](https://media0.giphy.com/media/aKZij6fdoGtOw/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952o20pszijnf8yztxqknxpq2r58axsif8lwe9m9u7x&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Better than stealing my bike off the front porch


It’s actually good for traffic laws to be enforced


It is, I agree. But the camera program is no bueno, for all the reasons which we’ve already covered endlessly in this sub.


Such as “I might get a ticket when I break the law, and I don’t want a ticket”


My household has received 2 camera tickets over a decade of living here in 4 intersecting school zones - one for 24mph at 4:45pm, one at 23mph at 2:30pm.


Right and I’m guessing these are areas with speed limits of 20 either during school hours or “when schoolchildren are present”. I mean 23 in a school zone at 2:30pm most definitely sounds illegal to me. Most likely at 4:45 too, bc lots of kids stay after school for sports, etc Is your complaint that you should have been able to speed through the school zone bc it’s not like you were speeding *that* much?


23 in a school zone at 230 does not sound illegal to me as the cameras start 245. Add on the fact that the traffic court is so over listed with these equally fraudulent claims that you can’t fight the bs unless it’s 2 years later, and yeah the cams are bull shit


It literally is illegal my guy Speed limit is 20


Starting at 2:45 it is. Until then it’s 35/25 depending ok if it’s a divided or undivided street


First off - not all schools are on the same schedule. There’s not a universal rule of “only starting at 2:45” Second, many school zones are just school zone speeds for the entire school day. Guess what if you got a ticket, it’s bc you were going faster than the legal speed. This person isn’t even arguing that they weren’t. Look below - their argument is that they should be allowed to speed in the school zone as long as it’s not what they personally think is *too* fast.


My dude, there is a 10% margin of error on a car speedometer as well as the camera speedometer. 23 in a school zone is within tolerance.


First of all, weird that you are just making up this “10% tolerance” thing. Who told you that? Do you think if ur going 70 that maybe ur going 63? Do you think all cars have this same 10% tolerance lol Ur car is actually perfectly capable of telling you how fast you are going. Second - Do you guys know what the definition of “limit” is? It doesn’t mean “it’s 20 so I must drive exactly 20” That is supposed to be the *max* speed. So if you think ur car has a “10% tolerance” - go a little slower! This isn’t that hard guys. It’s a fucking school zone incredible that everybody in here is coming in with these stories of “bullshit” tickets they got, and all just readily admitting that they were in fact speeding in a school zone. This is why we need the cameras! I mean of all places ur gonna complain about getting a ticket for speeding…


More like "I got a ticket for driving 24 mph for two seconds in an unmarked school zone over Christmas break, but I wasn't informed until it arrived in the mail 26 days later." Cameras do fuck-all to make traffic safer, and actually have been shown to increase collisions (vs no cameras). They only exist to generate income.


This is an absolute, 100% lie. The mountains of evidence shows us that the cameras not only make people drive slower, but reduce accidents AND deaths. I’m sorry that you were speeding in a school zone and got a ticket. The fact that it came to you later in the mail is an absolute travesty, possible a war crime **EDIT:** really is incredible the utter drivel nonsense people will spout on the topic. “The cameras increase collisions” lol what the absolute fuck are you talking about


This “ghostfaceschiller” guy doesn’t even drive and he lives in Chicago lmao. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about in regard to local school zone speeds or times, or what people are getting ticketed for here in New Orleans.


No, more like because the cameras give you tickets for bs frequently that an actual cop would never.


The biggest problem I have with the camera program is the fact that it's sending most of the penalty money out of state. That should go towards fixing potholes or something.


Yes, but the bonus is that the city gets some money without having to do anything else.


Really - my understanding is that they only give you tickets when you have broken the law (either speeding, or running red lights, both of which are dangerous to other citizens and yourself). And yes, I agree cops frequently don’t enforce traffic laws. It’s a major problem which these help solve.


When school zone speed cameras give you a ticket when school is not even in session, is that not bs? When the camera gives you a ticket for “running a red” because the nose of your car was a couple inches over the line while stopped before turning right, is that not also bs? When they shortened the yellow light times to cause more people to run reds, thereby raking in more tickets, is that not (dangerous) bs? I could go on, but the camera program was set up in the spirit of maximizing profits not minimizing danger.


“But what about these things I just made up??” Those things don’t actually happen. There was a town who shortened the reaction time in regard to yellow lights and people freaked out about it but they actually were still only ticketing people who ran the red light. They were just being stricter about it (good). They certainly don’t give you a ticket “bc your nose was a couple inches over the line before turning red”. That’s made up out of whole cloth. (Although btw being over the line is illegal, and doing that while turning on red is one of the most dangerous things to the lives of pedestrians.) And they don’t give you tickets in a school zone for going below the regular speed limit but above the school hours speed limit if it’s not a school day. Mostly bc you’re not breaking the law then. There is no ticketable offense. Although I’m sure you’ve seen people try to *claim* that happened to them. They just happened to leave out the fact that they were going over the regular speed limit as well when they got caught. Regardless - even if these things did exist (they don’t), the solution would be to fix those issues with the otherwise extremely positive program. Not go rip cameras down or argue against their existence lol. But again I want to stress that these things are made up. People are just mad that they might get in trouble for breaking the law in their cars, which they are used to being able to do with impunity.


Oh lol, I thought you were arguing in good faith but I see now that you are not. Cool cool, have a good one.


Cooked his ass 🤣😂




Buddy you are the one telling literal lies. I’m sorry the idea of getting a ticket when you break the law makes you so mad that you feel the need to say “what about all these things that didn’t happen to me but I’m sure must happen to others” in an effort to argue against a program that we know saves lives and punishes dangerous drivers.




No it’s true actually. People love to lie about this stuff bc they hate getting tickets and especially hate admitting that it was actually their own fault. Although most of the time they aren’t even lying about something that happened to them. They are just saying “well this kind of thing happens” without evidence or experience that it actually does. Like “well it hasn’t happened to me but I feel like I definitely heard that that happened to someone”


For someone who listens to Wu tang. You really suck


I do it for the children, as they say. Bc cars are the #1 killer of children over the last decade. But also bc I think it sucks to just let people break the law and endanger others just bc they own a car. I actually think people doing that are shitty and I’d like them to stop. And we know that these cameras make people drive less dangerously, and we know they save lives. I’m sorry you think that sucks so bad. That’s a really weird take.


Lmao. Let’s hang flyers everywhere.


This needs to spread beyond Reddit. They don’t follow this.. gotta spread this info down Claiborne and the tent city on Tchoup.


look at all the avatar-less accounts coming out of the woodwork to argue in favor of the cameras


Sport shooting


Got used to them overseas. There would be signs up warning to slow down, or you would get a ticket via mail. We never got popped, but a smarmy jackass coworker did. He tried to get the command (USN) to fight it. They refused.


yo copper is huge rn. big big demand for cooper rn. use it for tons of things. invest in copper apes, invest in copper. this reads like a wall street bets post now


Idk why y’all like to normalize dangerous driving. Car crashes are the number 2 cause of death in children and the United States just passed Russia to have the most per capita traffic fatalities of any developed nation. This shit is a serious issue and y’all just pretend it’s ok.


New Orleans is a lawless land if you haven’t noticed


Cuz…..mah free-dumb


what use do you possibly think a traffic camera has for 5.5 pounds of copper Are there massive electric motors in there that I’m unaware of? Or the world’s least efficient heatsink? Personally I actually think it’s good to enforce the law. Especially people participating in the activity which is the #1 killer of children over the last decade.


Damn and there i went thinkin it was gun violence


It has been over the last ~2 years. But cars have been #1 every year before that, and are # 2 since guns become #1. So over the last decade cars are #1 Meanwhile… many people in the comments here livid at me for saying the cameras are good bc they are pissed they got a ticket for speeding in a school zone. Living, breathing examples of exactly why we need the cameras. People literally think it’s their legal right to speed through a school zone if they want.


It's actually not gun violence tho. The source of that false claim is a CDC study that excludes infants under the age of 1 and includes 18 and 19 year olds as "children". So yeah, it's not gun violence unless you consider the above as accurate. https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/firearms/firearm-research-findings.html


Not even this study says it is "gun violence", and it calls people aged 18 and 19 "teens", not "children". How you can know for sure that this one source is why the gun violence claim is made is what has me curious, here.


It's the exact study most anti-gunners use when they state the number one killer of children in the US are firearms.


Is their point completely gone if it's number two or three instead?


There's not, lol. Maybe an ounce or two. Mostly on the PCB. And whatever small wires are in there. But don't tell the crackheads.


I would prefer people didn’t rip down these cameras which make the streets safer and literally save lives. So let’s not try to tell them there’s 5 lbs of copper in there to begin with.


Do you do this routine at parties?


No I do it when other people bring up the idea of ripping down traffic cameras online tho


Be genuine. Those things don't make streets safer. I've yet to meet anyone who has ever paid a ticket from one of these cameras. They just throw them in the trash without ever seeing any consequences for doing so. No one sees this crap and thinks "oh let me slow down for this unenforceable spam mail." There are better ways to make streets safer, and this isn't one of them.


This isn’t anecdotal, we have years of evidence across many states on the efficacy of these cameras and the data is crystal clear - when the cameras are installed collisions, deaths and injuries all go down. It’s honestly pretty silly that people want to try and pretend that isn’t the obvious outcome anyway. But regardless, that is the factual reality of them.


“But I wanna go FAST!! 🤪”


No they don’t, they’re in a questionable area legally, are essentially an extortion racket and do absolutely nothing to keep people from speeding, running lights or stealing cars




Which would only be $15. If there were 5 pounds. Which there's not.


This post is so wrong... but damn, that sure is a lot of copper


Yea...slow down


Yeah, cuz getting ticketed for going 24 in a 20 school zone, where there isn't a single child to be seen, makes total sense. Sure, lets make it a two hour window twice a day for the fuck of it, even though school doesn't get out for 4 hours added up


Some will ticket when kids are not in school. I got one on a Saturday for going a few over 35mph. Oh well, plate was stolen so ordered a new one.


Thank you


You never kill the child that you see.


Agreed or just accept the consequences of your actions. It took me too long to embrace that sometimes when you get reprimanded, you should accept the consequences and move on. There’s no reason to get defensive or aggressive when something doesn’t go your way or when you knowingly break the rules.


Where are there speed cameras? I only know of those photo enforcement cars that are parked on Tchoup and Magazine every day


This guy probably has about 50 speeding tickets that he doesn’t know about


They are literally all over the city. Giant ugly towers, how can you miss them?


I rarely drive in town, guess I just haven't been looking for em


Huh???? There’s like 50 of them through out the city.


Waze will tell you


Broadway has a couple, and S. Carrollton also has a few. The only time I’ve ever gotten a ticket was from a cam on S. Carollton/Spruce area and that was 2 years ago. Somehow I’m still paranoid


If you put road spikes on roads with cameras you can save hundreds of drivers today.




Joke’s still on you. Arizona produces about 60% of all U.S. copper.


For real - what can happen to you if you don’t pay these? My “friend” got one in the mail recently they haven’t paid (allegedly) and they told me they are starting to get paranoid.


Nothing happens. There’s no legal obligation to pay these because they are issued by a third party company, not an officer of the law. Lafayette used to have these until an official spoke up and told everyone it was a scam that you don’t have to pay. All cameras disappeared shortly after.


This is not entirely true. What is true is that it is not considered a "moving violation" because an officer didn't pull YOU over and verify you were the driver. That means it won't count against you for things like insurance and such, but it does not mean that "nothing will happen" if you don't pay. Nor does it change facts: The cameras recording someone going 60 in a 45 still caught that car going about 60 in a 45 mile per hour zone.


Nothing happens. Lol


Imagining a scene with someone holding a pole lopper behind their back, and blankly looking off to the distance, whistling, lifting it into position as a cop’s like “don’t do it, don’t do it” Snap “Goddammit”


I believe the Louisiana Legislature recently advanced a bill that would require them to photograph the actual driver of the vehicle and not just the plate, which may put them out of business. It's much harder to get an identifiable photo from a moving vehicle day or night. We'll see if it passes. They will get no credit from me. It took them 25 years to realize that inanimate objects like cars cannot commit crimes. Only the human operating it can break the law. If that is the standard they want to keep, then we should blame the guns for mass shootings and not just the shooter. Lord knows that will never happen.


That's basically a twenty dollar bill hanging there!








Local crack heads will steal your vehicle first in order to steal the copper. Just saying…


The hatred of speed cameras is way over the top in this city, and it really does seem to be based on the personal experience of people driving faster than the speed limit as a way of life. And no, I don't mean you drive slightly over 20 in a school zone. I mean you literally think "objects in mirror are losing" like you're playing a video game when you drive. It has the same energy as "speed up if you see someone trying to merge so they can't get ahead of you"


Nah. For me it’s Earhart and Carrollton, which I get tickets at all the time for stopping barely past the line. Or going right on red when there’s no sign that says you can’t.


Yeah that one is obnoxiously overzealous, but considering the number of cars I have seen literally turning left when that is not allowed no matter where you're coming from, and cars running the red light at that specific intersection, and the huge number of cars ACTUALLY speeding through that intersection, among other dangerous activities taken by motorists, I really do think people can adjust their behavior to adapt to its sensitivity here. I turn right on red at that very intersection 5 times a week and I have not ever gotten a ticket from it. It probably wouldn't take much to figure out why you're triggering it and adjust.


Don’t encourage wire theft. They’re already stealing it out of the streetlights. Jackass.