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Had a patient’s family member threaten to slap the shit out of me while I was trying to treat her. People suck.


"You got this then? You sound like you got this. Here."


I'm a nurse, too. You slap me? That's a felony in this state. And I will DEFINITELY press charges. So bring it, bitch.


Shoulda told em to stfu before u slap em back lol


That’s not going to help


it's nice to dream


Let’s treat each other better. We all have struggles whatever the case may be. Please.


We all have struggles, but there is a difference between behaving negatively because you struggle to shoulder what you're dealing with and threatening to assault healthcare workers trying to help your child. There is a line and while it's all subjective, I really question if doing nothing is the appropriate response since the fact they already feel empowered to say/do these things is concerning... you can assert yourself, protect your boundaries, and hold people accountable without matching energy or stooping to lows yourself regardless of if you have the desire to do so.


I’m speaking in general. But go ahead and be part of the problem


Except the OP wasn't speaking in general and fuck that; if someone hits me I'm going to defend myself. Don't start nothing and there won't be nothing🤷🏻‍♀️


I am


doing absolutely nothing at all is also contributing to the problem and allowing people to feel they can get away with saying/doing those things! hope this helps!


You must not work in healthcare.


Who would’ve thought treating humans better, without mention of specifications, would get downvoted to shit. This city is beyond fucked


Have you been verbally, physically and emotionally assaulted at your job? If you have, then you can have an opinion. If not, please don’t speak on this matter anymore.


It always helps when dealing with poachers!


I noticed oschner has signs up about not allowing their staff to be threatened


I can guarantee the same folks that have the nerve to treat a health professional that way are probably the same folks who treat people who handle their food like shit. If you believe in karma I can guarantee it’s gonna come back around on them.


Let them do it. Get that felony charge


Walking home from the Saenger last night down Esplanade and I was walking behind a guy who I realized had a gun in his hand. He stopped in front of a house gate and just stood there and I walked past not making eye contact. I think he had other things on his mind than me though luckily


You kept walking?!?!? I think the moment I see a gun I’m doing a 180 in the opposite direction


"minding your own business" is not the worst reflex to have in that situation. Turning around is a reaction that could be perceived, and then your back is to the person and you still aren't home.


the new orleans way. ✋


I was also off my ass walking home from a Flaming Lips concert so I didn't really have the quick thinking skills to avoid said situation. It really is "if I get mugged I get mugged"


I don’t want to be sensationalist. And I don’t know you. But I imagine there’s people in your orbit that would be bummed out if you died or were murdered.     “If I get mugged I get mugged” is absolutely, without qualification a TERRIBLE perspective.  If you have the opportunity to avoid it by seeing a GUN or getting a weird vibe etc. you should use that information.  You are just tossing situational awareness as a core human constituency. If you care for your loved ones, if you don’t cross the street during traffic, if you don’t play Russian roulette with loaded pistols, then you shouldn’t espouse this perspective.   This kind of perspective is exactly HOW you wind up getting mugged. Even the way you casually talk about being mugged tells me you really have no idea. You’re telling me you maybe have the opportunity to avoid a mugging but just say fuck it’s?!  Do you know how many people are beaten to death in a mugging? Shot to death? Love their lives afterword in horrible ptsd? Missing an eye? Stabbed??!  You need to change your perspective on this asap, especially if you live in New Orleans!    This is a psychotic, cavalier, likely cry for help response to this situation and or risk assessment for future events.   Please, please, think of your ability to critically think in these situations and what such lack of care could wind up meaning for your life and those who live and live around you. Mind blowing. Jesus.


Probably a woman beater, likely a child beater, and will be in jail or dead in no time. The type of people to react like this to minor inconvenience must be absolute bonkers in the confines of their own home.


This isn't nearly acknowledged enough.


You mean at all?


You ain’t wrong but the problem is that it’s a self-perpetuating cycle. Without the right resources, there’s too good a chance that the kids he beats will pick up right where he left off. And the battered women left to raise them won’t be emotionally stable enough to break the cycle.


Hopefully, he will be dead soon and we won't have to worry about him as he is useless to society anyway


The problem is they let these same people who are repeat offenders out all the time. Often times they commit even more crimes while waiting trail.


yeah, I had some fuggin guy point a gun at me and threat to shoot me and my dog the other day...


Do you want to create a new John Wick story because, this is how you create a new John Wick story.


Was it a cop?


Dumbest comment award!


Congratulations! You did it!


You won!


Had a guy pull a gun on me while trying to merge into traffic on Claiborne and then follow me for a few blocks. Realized his kids were in his back seat. Made me think about how they charged those parents of the mass shooting a while back. Maybe they should start charging the parents here.


It’s odd they charge the parents of the mass shooter but they never go after the parent of the teen gang bangers who shoot people every night on the street


I swear to you in my local area there was a shooting at a community college and it was never labeled as a “school shooting” and it was only ever described as “gang related activity”.


In my old state they had 2 school shootings, it only depends on who the shooter is to determine what it’s labeled. You never hear anything about protect the kids when they get shot in a drive by shooting


….except it’s not. There are so many insinuating circumstances and contextual factors that are a) unknown and b) highly improbable to be the same. Namely, the Crumbley parents were told, explicitly, at an in-person emergency meeting, the DAY of the shooting, that their son needed immediate mental health intervention, that he was drawing violent images and words with GUNS, and (unknown to school admin) that the parents themselves had bought their SON the GUN he, at that moment, had in his backpack + ammo AND brought him to the shooting range. So no. Your comment is a red herring, and illogical.


That’s because it’s theater.


That shit happens all the time now. On I10, someone cuts me off, I honk, they flash gun. They all think they’re gangsters.


Yep and then somebody on this sub tells me I'm making shit up about rise in crime.


That is crazy, I hope you had a way to identify the person (car plates) so you can go to the police. That person needs to go to jail.


Who actually does this


Considering this was in Jefferson Parish, JPSO would definitely go find them. Brandishing is a crime.


Louisiana just passed a law that allows anybody (Besides “prohibited persons”) over 18 to carry a handgun concealed (without a permit). Prohibited persons is Lowkey vague AND they just allow private sales anyway. Goes into effect this summer. Good luck yall Edit: y’all mad as hell because I think that not requiring training and a permit for responsible gun ownership is a bad thing… trifling. Invest in shit that matters and has been statistically proven to reduce gun violence - housing, infrastructure, food, etc - if you’re so mad about gun violence.


"Prohibited person" means a person convicted of a felony or a domestic violence misdemeanor.


Yep! But as one of our state legislators put it, “at 18 they may not have even gotten their first felony”.




With this new law you can.


Not trying to come at you but do you really think this person cares about the law? I would venture to say that this person is already breaking the law by possessing a firearm because no law-abiding citizen would brandish a gun over a non-life-threatening situation. Not trying to get into a debate. Just stating that I don't see how this new law will make a difference either way on crime.


I mean half of the point of laws is so people will believe in them and act accordingly, the other half is if they don't they go to jail. Breaks down when no one cares about the laws AND the police can't be bothered to enforce them.


If we make murder a crime, then only criminals will be able to commit murder.


The only thing that stops a bad murderer is a good murderer


If you don't have a law, you can't enforce it.


SCOTUS says that police don’t have to know the law to arrest you, don’t have a duty to protect you, and don’t have to tell you the truth. Just spitting facts. I have no respect for state sanctioned armed thugs.


I hate the whole "criminals won't follow the law" argument. By that logic we should just scrap all laws. No.


In this case however, law abiding citizens should have the right to protect themselves...


Happy Cake Day 🎂




Yes we should. We have been trying to legislate morality for ages. It doesn’t work.


Oh I wasn’t implying that at all. I was explaining that this issue will get worse as the deregulation of guns will create a flood of weapons.


... and that person was responding that the people who would/will make this "get worse" don't care about the *current* regulation on guns. There will not be a *new* "flood" of felons picking up firearms *because they already have them*.


My perspective kinda goes as such: more untrained guns on the street = more gun violence = more traumatized people getting guns without training = more gun violence etc. The law doesn’t require permits or training. I don’t suspect an untrained individual at 18 to have good common sense of when/where to utilize self defense. I suspect an uptick in gun violence, and that usually leads to people buying more guns etc. I’d be fine with this if they were investing in SNAP, TANF, housing, infrastructure of green spaces, mental health resources etc. I don’t think guns could ever go away in this country. I do think, however, having untrained gun owners walking around won’t do much good.


Not necessarily true. Making guns easier to get and carry means more people, INCLUDING PREVIOUSLY CONVICTED FELONS, will get guns when they did not previously have any (newsflash, you don't need guns to commit many felonies). EDIT: Since apparently SOMEONE misunderstood a certain part of this: When I said some previously convicted felons did not previously have any guns: Felonies include so many possible crimes that the majority of them are not committed with firearms or relating to firearms. Thus, a large number of felons probably don't "already have" guns, since the felony they committed wasn't about guns in the first place. Somehow this was turned into "Felons can't have guns, no way no how", when what I was responding to was the idea that "felons already illegally have guns, otherwise they wouldn't be felons."


Oh god. This is what your DSFA misunderstood? >**the people who would/will make this "get worse"** Those people. *Those* felons. The felons you have to worry about having firearms. They don't care about what the law says about open carry. Not all felons. A non-aggravated felon isn't going magically acquire a gun because they're a felon. No. But the ones who are told, for a good reason, not to carry a gun? that want to carry a gun? They're going to carry a gun, regardless of what this law says. It isn't going to get harder or easier for a violent offender to acquire a gun.


The problem gets worse because people are people and you're only applying bad human behavior to malicious intent of previous felons, when the reality is things will get worse just from the fact that most people are dumb and do dumb things even more if they think it is legal to do a dumb thing. This includes dumb misinterpretation of the law, such as "nothing happens if you get a camera ticket, just ignore it" (this is only an example of people getting and spreading bad information/misinterpretation, try not to get stuck on it). That is what makes things worse. Mass amounts of people acting even worse. To wit, you keep saying open carry, and I bet a lot of people are actually thinking this new law legalized open carry. I hope you're not thinking that too.


Read what I quoted. That I bolded. The word I used. Was it "felon?" *Noooo*? Was it ***person***\*?\* So then why would you insist I'm only talking about *felons*? Hey. Maybe you should try some of that "not get stuck on it," huh? People don't need to misinterpret a law to do a dumb thing. And the people who are going to be doing those dumb things? the one's your betting against? They really aren't even as up to date on laws as you you are. They are the guy in OP's example. They really don't care what the law says. They're going to pull a gun on you for taking too long in a gas station. They aren't going to suddenly go "Oh. Well. Now *that's* legal. Phew. Before I was so afraid..." Those are the people making the city worse. Not the 22 year old who's been paying for a permit for years now who saves a couple of bucks.


Good luck with all the new headaches you're going to have to deal with as a police officer because of this law. Remember to either pretend it isn't happening or blame it on something else when it starts.


What new headaches? I've spent the last 6 hours explaining how this isn't going to change a whole lot of much.


There's nothing in that law that says convicted felons get a pass to carry now or get obsvolved of their previous legal standing. They are still disavowed from possessing a firearm. So if they are caught with a firearm *they're still in violation of a law,* ***so why would they care what a new law says?***


That's like saying a person who steals has already violated the law, so they might as well murder too.


How? A person is convicted of a felony they are not allowed to own a gun. If a person convicted of a felony wants to open carry ... they really aren't concerned with the law already.


The idea of not being allowed to own a gun is a state law. If you do not already know the myriad of ways the law is written so that felons can STILL **legally** own guns, despite the law supposedly being "felons can't own guns", then I don't know what to tell you. Read more? Study some course case history on the subject?


"I'mma tell the **police officer** about there are a 'myriad' of ways that illegal people don't report things properly and that makes them legal. Yep. That'll work." Bruh. Just lemme know which of your cousins says he can still legally own a gun and I'll come out and pay 'em a visit. Won't even tell 'em it was you. Felons own guns illegally. Felons are not going to look at this new law and say "Oh, finally. I can be a law abiding citizen again. It will make guns so much more easy to obtain. Via osmosis, of course."


Lmao. Create a flood of weapons? How naive and or purposely ignorant are you?


Deregulation? It just says that you don't have to have CC license. That doesn't make it easier to get guns. It means that you don't have to have a CC license. As a survivor of a suicide victim I don't like guns, it's to much power for any random person to have, but this is gaslighting a bit


Please don’t use gaslighting in that manner. It takes away when victims experience it. Deregulation of CC licenses increasing ease of access to getting a handgun is a SPECIFIC argument for this bill. Mike Johnson (who sponsored SB1) argued that the fees and time associated with getting a permit is stopping people from lawfully obtaining a handgun as it is a barrier. And, as we know, once there’s guns around things happen. Suicide is more likely if there’s a gun in the home. Homicide is 5x more likely in domestic violence situations. Guns are stolen. Guns are lost. Guns can move hands as LA doesn’t require cops to confiscate or report guns that have the VIN scraped off.


People like that are 100 percent of the reason I train and carry. To defend myself or innocent people. Just glad I’m not going to have to pay a fee to exercise my rights now.


I’m all for responsible gun ownership! I don’t think eliminating guns is good or even feasible at this point. I just worry when they remove requirements for training and gun safety courses, people who are untrained will be making life and death decisions.


Mostly death decisions


Prohibited persons is any felon, drig user etc


This is wild bc the same people that voted for this and are going to get pissed if you try to take their guns away are also the ones lamenting about how dangerous the city has gotten so they had to move their family out.


I was delivering in New Orleans about a month ago. This dude walks into the store with a AK or I don't really know guns but it was a big gun and he just was carrying it under his arm... Crazy


That doesn’t go into effect until July 1st (like that even matters in this city)


> Prohibited persons is Lowkey vague The laws regarding who is a prohibited person are not vague at all and pretty well defined on both the federal and state levels. Also the majority of US states have constitutional carry in place already.


Somewhat. There’s a lot of digging you have to do on domestic violence. Some states, for example, allow for non convicted DV abusers to be forced to turn in their weaponry. But after conviction yes they cannot obtain a weapon. There’s also some variation in the state on psychiatric diagnoses or violent offenses, stating that you can get your record expunged etc. I just think it’s a lot of complicated shit tbh. Maybe I’m stupid. But I do know that it’s not a solution. Could be neutral, could be bad. What we truly need is extensive reforms to housing, childcare, and mental health (specifically for impulse disorders, depression, and PTSD) as well as regulations on guns (i. E. Being forced to report if your gun is lost or stolen).


A father?


That bad guys who don’t obey laws are already carrying. This at least levels the playing fields for us


It's pathetic that you're trying to blame New Orleans' growing crime rate and violence on a law that hasn't even taken effect yet. Oh, or is it that you're now trying to blame a Republican for the failure of the 50-plus years of Democrats running New Orleans?


I didn’t say that. I’m saying that there is no relief coming from this legislation.


You did imply that. And this legislation or no legislation will change criminals and psychopaths doing criminal things. Which part of that do you not understand? Which part confounds you? Which part of laws don't prevent crime, they provide a vehicle to punish those who commit crimes and only that.


We unfortunately live in a reactionary country. There’s public health policies that are recommended to reduce crime, and studies on it (tho the studies are rather limited due to the Dickey amendment).


Studies are like statistics, you make them be whatever you want to be... and most are BS. Why? Because people are going to act and say certain things when they are being studied to either purposely agree with the study or purposely disagree with the studies. So it's all pure BS. Once again NYC and Kalifornistan are two glowing examples of your childish ideas failing miserably and doing the exact opposite of what "studies" have said.


Actually I looked at your profile and I don’t think you live in the real world. I’m not gonna explain confidence intervals and counter questions to someone obsessed with incest.


Oh and everyone lives in a reactionary country. If there isn't a problem to be fixed 99% of the world isn't going to spend money to fix it.


And let's break down your naivety and ignorance... do you really think a criminal cares about a law? And anyone over 18 has been allowed to carry in public for decades Sparky and in their vehicles since your vehicle is an extension of your home. Prohibited persons is not "vague" it's quite specific actually. Prohibited means anyone that cannot legally purchase a firearm whether due to a felony record or not being a citizen.


I explained above about the vagueness. I don’t think criminals care about the law. I just believe that this isn’t a solution. Could be neutral, could be bad. But investing and legislation should focus on things that reduce crime in general, like mental health services, food, housing, etc.


Do you pay attention to anything that goes on outside your own little personal bubble? California has tried this and their crime rates have skyrocketed. NYC has tried this and their crime rates have skyrocketed. All they've succeeded in doing is wasting tax payer money, closed businesses that create jobs and created more crime. Yeah thats a good call. How about doing some actual research before you vomit your BS.


I’m currently doing a policy advisory paper for my Masters of Social Work on this subject lmao. I do want to affirm that yes, you are correct. Restricting guns has a variable effect based on the locality. The data is rather mixed on gun control. However, the data is *not* mixed on preventative measures such as investing in impoverished people. It is always a significantly negative relationship where more investment = less crime and violence. So, I think it should be free but required that you train and reup your training regularly. I also believe that we should focus more on preventative policy than reactionary policy that has mixed results.


Oh? The data isn't mixed on preventative measures such as investing in impoverished people? Then why are NYC and Kalifornistan drowning in impoverished and homeless people? Welfare and Government assistance was supposed to wipe out poverty and bring everyone up.... all it did was increase poverty. Studies told them it would.100% work. It did the opposite. This is the real world kiddo, this isn't a though experiment in a classroom. Study the real work chump instead of other people's BS hypotheticals


This law didn't change anything for criminals and "prohibited persons". They were already carrying anyway. This law was to loosen up things for law abiding citizens who weren't carrying because they didn't have a permit and weren't allowed to carry.


Yeah and I can definitely see the reasoning for this! I just get uncomfortable with the idea that untrained citizens will be able to enforce the law in ways that don’t lead to unnecessary deaths and injuries. I think training should be free and mandatory.


Well it's not about law enforcement. It's about personal protection. And the criminals haven't had the safety training either.


Yeah, but throwing one hissing cat next to another hissing cat is a recipe for disaster.


I'd rather be able to hiss like the cat beside me than not. Anything that puts law abiding innocent people on more of an equal footing to the evil people is a positive to me. Letting criminals maintain an advantage isn't a win.


So in reality we all should just start sending more free cash to the hood to stop gun violence when there’s already enough cash being spent. Here’s an idea, actually learn something in school, get a job and quit blaming everyone else


Currently chilling at work, waiting on if people call me with a mental health crisis. I just get really irritated that the folks that aren’t going and dealing with gun violence, mental health disorders, abuse, neglect, trauma etc daily are the ones telling me that I don’t know anything. Like god forbid a social worker have an opinion on reducing gun violence when he goes into homes with people with guns to their head weekly.


I was about to say, not like he did anything illegal. He was just showing you a gun.


I mean he did do something fuckin crazy and irresponsible but illegal? Maybe not.


Brandishing is a crime, guy putting his kid in the car is not posing a threat so no need to brandish a weapon


Depends on dat CAWP but I agree it is a crime


Brandishing is not illegal by name in the state but I am almost certain that showing someone you have a gun in a situation like this would be a crime under this law.  https://legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=97460 Specifically > When the handgun is being carried, brandished, or displayed under circumstances that create a reasonable apprehension on the part of members of the public or a law enforcement official that a crime is being committed or is about to be committed


It was a joke.


He should do stand up comedy.


I can’t believe people would honestly do this stuff to someone with a TODDLER


r/TechTony Did you want to talk to the store about seeing if this person/vehicle could be identified with camera footage?


Brandishing is illegal in our fine state, and if you had called JPSO (or actually racetrack on lapaclo would be Gretna PD even better) they will actually show up and handle business. Should have made a mental note of the persons physical characteristics and license plate if applicable, driven to a safe location and called. Racetrack has cameras they can access. This ass hole deserves punishment for doing that and is definitely not responsible enough to own a firearm if he has to wave it around at a mild inconvenience.


this right here


The day I moved outta nola about 2yrs ago now this same thing happened to me at the same place! some guy got into a screaming match with cashier over a pack of beer he was adamant on walking out with without paying for. A few people made some remarks about how he was acting, myself included, and as he walks out the door he waves his gun around in the air. Never heard a whole building stfu so fast cause I’m sure we all knew he was insane enough to use it


Fk him Bitch gonna catch some lead with his games


Sorry that happened to you, this is not a normal thing to happen in a city and shouldn't be normalized as regular crime. This is a very deep-rooted, cultural issue that cannot be fixed through more policing or legislation. At least not within our lifetime New Orleans is currently on life support. Get out while your house still has value


So you’re saying there’s a chance I could afford to buy in a few years?


Beautiful ocean front property


Legit priced out a barge a few years ago. 


Nah, New Orleans is just returning to how it was pre-katrina. The murder rate right now is about on par with what it was in the early 2000s and significantly below what it was in the 90s. People that didn't grow up here forget that this city has been called the murder capital *for a longggg time.* Hopefully the rents go down to match.


The city had a lot more going for it at that time though.


Such as? Not being argumentative. I grew up in the Irish Channel, and i can tell you in the 90's, it did NOT have much going for it.


I guess I'd have to defer to someone more prepared to defend the argument than myself, but tangible things would be 40% more people, more big business, and more money flowing through its economy. I suppose you could argue that it's better off without certain parts of that missing population. The intangible would be its reputation as a major, cultural and historical city along with the might to back up those claims. The Internet gave the world's tourists a lot more options and information and I think New Orleans is not the destination it once was. I feel like it once was a world renown city, and it's fallen in prominence. There's probably some data to back that up. It was absolutely more vibrant, international, and populated pre-K.


Unpopular opinion but based in facts fo sho


Someone gets it.


Oh, cut the hysterics. I've lived in three other cities in the last 10 years and they all have their own people claiming they're "on life support" or something similarly doomy. I've been here for six years, my wife's a native, neither of us have ever seen anything worse than a bike theft.


If your wife has lived in the city her whole life and seen nothing worse than bike theft, she either has a charmed life or doesn’t get out much. I’m a homebody and I’ve still managed to see some shooting and car window smashing.


So because you’ve never seen anything more than a bike theft nothing worse occurs? Or you just don’t care that worse things occur because you don’t personally witness them or feel their effects?


Sorry, then you're just delusional. Louisiana ranks in last by most metrics.


... I get the feeling that if you'd've just you'd just left off those last 12 words this thing wouldn't have half the down votes.


the community here is suffering big time


I don’t give a shit how much you’re suffering — you don’t get to flash a gun at a baby. What the ever-loving fuck.


Obviously not certain, but I thought their comment was more along the lines of "we're losing our community here" rather than excusing this behavior


the fundamental cause of suffering is ignorance….


I think it's a combination of ignorance and denial.


But, Isn’t denial ignorance?


No. Denial is a coping mechanism at best, at worst it is gaslighting? Though denial may interact with or inform ignorance, they are not the same thing.


Million bucks you can't back that up with any sort of peer reviewed study. Dumbest statement on the internet today, congrats. Edit, fixed a word


How would you do a study on ignorance?


Be certain you already know what the results would be while being wildly wrong without explicitly knowing you're wrong.


That's Dunning–Kruger.


You're doing a good job being a study on ignorance.


Brandishing a weapon is a felony. Next time you see this get the cars license number and call the police. Maybe they will respond


A shit day of work later trying to get gas afterwards and I see this. Good thing I procrastinated and scrolled on Reddit before it got shittier. It's always something around here istg. But thank you OP, hope you're safe and sound!!!


Some guy in a car followed me on my run the other day waving a crow bar around


Oh my god I’m so sorry that happened and I’m glad you are physically okay. Can’t recommend enough to go to some therapy sessions if you have access because that is traumatizing and worth processing with professional help


Was there a good guy with a gun anywhere around? /s


I had a mother f***** flash his gun while I was sitting on my front stoop in uptown New Orleans right off of Magazine and Napoleon.


Thankfully you're ok! I have a one year old and I'm constantly worried about this


Someone in a pooh shiesty mask and a stolen Kia flashed a pistol at me when I was driving to work one morning. Police never came, and I saw the same dude on the news committing armed robbery the next day. Fun times.


Just had an old white dude come into Mr. B’s hollering about “homeless n-words” outside telling us we needed to DO SOMETHING, promptly kicked out. wtf man.


I had a group of guys flash then tuck away what looked like a gun and yelled at me to get out of the car. I had my gun and when they saw it they ran away fast. In hindsight it might not have been a gun. Still. This shit is bananas.




Probably a bb gun


Horrifying. I’m sorry. That’s traumatic.


I once honked at a guy because I legitimately didn’t think he saw me when merging into the lane I was in. It wasn’t aggressive, it was just “yo I’m here and you might crash into me”. He pulled up to me and hung his gun out the window and stared right into my face.


Not sure how to say this in a way that wont get downvoted into oblivion but ill try having perhaps more life experiences with this type of behavior than most. First let me say that i dont condone that kind of behavior in any way. That doesn't mean I dont understand how this person got to a place where they feel like they need to carry a gun, and that letting people know that is the only way they feel any sense of respect that in the world. And to not let a natural aversion to differences in class, education, or race, influence our ability to see others as people with valid life experiences. Strangely this person despite their distasteful choice of implied ability to harm others by this account broke no laws in the State of Louisiana where Open Carry is legal and soon to be permitless concealed carry. Which means weapons can be carried and shown off in public just the same as any wanna be miltia bro would do to force their 2 nd amendment "rights" in our faces. Personally I find both versions of showing off equally concerning and as sign of someone reaching out and dealing with some sort of personal truama or psychological needs not being met. Im not sure what the answer in this situation is but my strategy thats been quite effective for me growing up here is to show respect to others in a way that doesn't reinforce the notion that society is against them and cause them to reach for a weapon.


>Strangely this person despite their distasteful choice of implied ability to harm others by this account broke no laws in the State of Louisiana [Brandishing is still a crime, even with our current and soon-to-be concealed and open carry laws.](https://legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=97460) (Well, not actually brandishing because of our odd legal system, but roughly the equivalent of brandishing in most states.)


> *2) When the handgun is being carried, brandished, or displayed under circumstances that create a reasonable apprehension on the part of members of the public or a law enforcement official that a crime is being committed or is about to be committed.* So… - Flashes pistol in waistband telling you to hurry up and get your kid in the car cause he “got places to be”, brandishing. - Pistol pokes out from underneath a person’s shirt when they bend down to tie their shoe, not brandishing.


Correct, which is how brandishing works in most states. It's more than just showing a gun. It's generally showing a gun with some sort of intent to intimidate/scare/influence someone. Which is why open carry states can still have brandishing laws.


intent matters >Pistol pokes out from underneath a person’s shirt when they bend down to tie their shoe, not brandishing. of course it wouldnt be


Yeah, that’s all fair, but I was just trying to put my kid in my car and asked him to please wait a second. I think it’s a bit beyond to flash a gun at me, but I’ll try to remember the social and personal impact of poverty next time?


Are you really responding to someone saying a man flashed a gun at a parent and their child for not getting their BABY into the car fast enough by emphasizing he is “not less valid” because of the life experiences you’ve assumed he’s had? You have no idea what either of these men’s race, socioeconomic status or education are, but you’re empathizing with the person who threatened them in response to a terrified parent’s post? And falsely claiming he hasn’t broken the law (which even if he hadn’t, wouldn’t have made it any less awful). That’s… presumptuous and condescending at best and straight up ignorant at worst.


I'm all for putting myself in someone else's shoes and trying to figure out the "why" so we can make changes, BUT this is wild. If someone has to flash a gun at a random person at a gas station to feel respected then maybe they shouldn't feel respected... Fear doesn't equate to respect anyway. Dude needs serious therapy.


My dude is trying to sound intellectual by explaining the impact of shit OP didn’t even bring up. Bravo. I needed a good shit post today.


Brandishing a gun is illegal anywhere without it being for self defense.


How you say so much and yet so little? take a stance bro I'm not both siding some guy getting shot for strapping in his toddler


I mean.. OP could have killed this guy and it wouldnt have even went to trial. lol. He kinda deserved it for threatening someone with a gun.


Man shut up




Worked all day on that witty insight, didja?


Go through the projects and start confiscating weapons. If there's a verifiable permit, fine. Otherwise, fuck you, the gun's ours. And hey assholes... Stop leaving your fucking guns in your cars!


You don’t need a permit to own a gun. Also I’m sure people would be in an uproar when you violate their rights for rummaging through their houses just bc they are poor and cannot get out of the projects


The Patriot Act allows for warrantless searches if there's probable cause. But I'm sure there's a warrant for someone in almost every house.


So, you believe in the 2A and the 4A, eh???


They're amendments so they can be amended again.


Here in Texas, flashing a gun is how people say "Howdie"




I agree with this, but are you implying that black people like having guns pointed at them at gas stations? Honestly, I imagined the dude with the gun was white and OP was black.


I’ll ignore the dumb sentiment that both of y’all share, but logically speaking, most violent crime in this city is black on black, so the most likely scenario (statistically speaking) is that both OP and the offender are black. Not that this has to be the case because OP didn’t clarify, probably because it doesn’t matter what race anyone is in this situation. Also, OP’s profile reveals that they are in fact white.