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This happens to me! I found my body was so used to being awake that it took a good week of LO sleeping well for me to be able to as well.


Could be a few reasons why you're having trouble sleeping, despite your baby's improved sleep patterns. It's possible that your body has simply gotten used to the interrupted sleep schedule you've been on for the past few months. It can take time for our sleep cycles to readjust, even when the external factors (like a crying baby) have changed. Another possibility is that you're experiencing some residual stress or anxiety related to your baby's sleep. Even though she's sleeping better now, your mind may still be in "alert mode," making it difficult to relax and fall asleep. It's also worth considering your sleep hygiene habits. Are you avoiding screens and stimulating activities before bed? Are you creating a calm, cool, and dark environment in your bedroom? These small changes can make a difference in the quality of sleep. One thing that's helped me tremendously is using personalized guided meditation. I chat with a website about a specific issue I'm facing, and it generates an audio guided meditation based on the chat. For concrete problems, it works unexpectedly well. For the bigger issues, I'm still working on it. The 'deconstruct' and 'reframe' meditation techniques have been game-changers for me in terms of seeing a problem from a new perspective and wiring it to a different emotional response. If you try the personalized guided meditations, I suggest setting the meditation background sound to alpha waves (it's helped ease me into sleep when I meditate 20 minutes before bed).