• By -


I hope everyone is staying well hydrated and taking care of themselves! Have a good week everyone!


Trying not to burst into flames...


Ain't that the truth. I haven't even made the kids walk the past 2 days due to how hot it's been.


here in NYC and I've been keeping my window wide open and just laughed at the realization that I DO have an air conditioner. May need to crank that bad boy up tomorrow (don't know why I've been suffering in all this heat for last couple of days - and I hear it will get HOTTER!


It is winter here in the southern hemisphere, so very easy to stay hydrated. In Adelaide today it got to 16C, warm enough for a light jacket.


I'm thinking about moving to the southern hemisphere and I know re-learning which months correspond to which weather is going to be a weird experience!


I'm doing well indeed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


It’s been almost 100 everyday in Chicago. Brutal week to be blue collar


When I realized I don't get hangry, I get thangry my life changed for the better. Keeping me hydrated is no joke ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Thanks CapN’ 🧑‍✈️


Yess, it's sooo hot!!!


This weekend is going to be even hotter.


It’s sooooo hot! My kids pool feels like a mini hot tub and it’s just a kiddy pool! Way to warm, please all remember to drink water!


The only good thing is that it's not humid today. But it's 99°, so it's not great either.


I feel like I’m melting. My kids don’t wanna go outside so I know it’s too hot.. but yes thank God in heaven for no humidity today with this heat. Otherwise the air conditioning couldn’t keep up!


welcome, everyone! ![img](emote|t5_2r656|32197)


Good day everyone! Well, I went to my first job interview in years for an office job ( totally new job for me) yesterday. I feel it went well. I will see what happens when I get that phone call.


Good luck! Hope you get good news


Thanks, I'm still looking at jobs too:)


Hello Reddit users of the world! I’ve decided to finally try and post on Reddit. I hope to find communities I can make online friends! Does anyone have any plans for the weekend?😊


A question for anyone who ways to answer: what is something that made you laugh on Reddit in that past week? (In keeping with the nature of this community, keep it family friendly- rated G.)


Nothing in the week past (I didn’t do much casual redditing) but today I realised [I need to go to Japan](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingCute/s/1wUZB89NBI). Is there a word for when you’re laughing like a maniac and going ‘awwww’ at the same time because that’s what I did when I saw that picture!


Probably something on r/cats, some silly pose a lil fuzzballs was doing, or a cat caught in a sneeze... You?


This is going to sound stiff centered, i'm gonna post or comment something funny on Reddit, it has to actually make me laugh when I run across it or while I'm writing it out. I posted something in a *very* zany sub that I pop into once in a blue moon. I visit because I know a bunch of the regulars from when we were all in a much older, even **crazier** sub that no longer exists. [This cracked me up, so I had to share it with the lunatics.](https://imgur.com/a/XAuFVOi)


Greetings All! Super excited to be here and (lol after like a year plus) finally finding a subreddit that will help me go from newbe to redditor (I hope!). In keeping with the theme: One of my favorite youtube videos that I stumbled across this week was a discussion on [The Future of Quantum Computing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lum6rdKr4To&list=TLGGQVgc9Jd0zUcxOTA2MjAyNA) - hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson and including Michio Kuku - and some comedians (to keep it light!). But don't worry folks - I have a variety of tastes and been finding subreddit communities that support this variety like r/Columbo and r/ChatGPT and r/whyfiles ....Anyone else wanna share what they are in to?


Good morning and hello to you all :D I'm also new here, and I hope you are all doing well ![img](emote|t5_2r656|13103),


welcome! ![img](emote|t5_2r656|32197)


Thank you :D




How has your day been? 😊


like always, excellent!


June 18th has been designated [International Picnic Day](https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness-days-calendar/international-picnic-day-2024/) so this week, I’m going to ask you what is your number one food item for a group picnic, along with the most unusual thing you’d take along. For me, it’s got to be cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches (on granary bread) and real glass wine glasses because I hate plastic cups.


I can only pick one food item! How to choose... right now I guess I choose a chicken salad sandwich stuffed really full because I am now rather hungry. But carrot cake is up there. Unusual.. I don't know that I would take anything unusual. I might sit on a picnic rug in the garden and take the cats on leads but I wouldn't actually be able to picnic with them without losing my lunch.


Carrot cake is sooooooo good in picnics.


It's sooooo good at any time! My fav :)


When we go on family self-catering holidays I always get the one from [Costco](https://www.reddit.com/r/caloriecount/comments/1cvpcf0/anyone_know_how_much_calories_are_in_a_slice_of/) to take with us because it is awesome.


If there is a grill, burgers & bratwurst, including Impossible/Beyond imitation versions. Most unusual thing, folding recliner lawn chairs. After I stuff my face, few forces on earth will stop NAPTIME.


Naptime is ✨the best time✨ and I’m still trying to convince my grandson that even a teeny tiny nap can make ✨all✨ the difference.


Cucumber and cream cheese Sammy’s? Yum! I love cucumbers!


Do you leave the skin on? I peel strips off and stand the cuke upright for a while to release some of the moisture but I know some who peel them completely :/


For me… it really depends on if they are organic, if I can get the “pesticide look or feel” to wash away. If I can, I like to make stripes down the cucumber! Not for looks, but I like SOME of the peel left on. It may just be in my head that the peel is good for you! I’m not sure! I am going to look it up now! Haha!


That’s exactly what I do! I love the look of the stripes, and since reading back in the 1980s when I was learning to cook that most of the nutrients in vegetables are just beneath the skin have never peeled anything where the skin is edible. How much of that is truth I can’t say but old habits die hard!


Watermelon, salt and napkins. Watermelon without salt is pointless for me! The unusual thing…. Trying to force everyone into a no phone zone while we picnic. I couldn’t think of an unusual item…. So an unusual act will work!


Definitely works for me! I’m so lucky my kids grew up just before smartphones conquered the world.


Oh you are so very lucky! It is such a battle! A battle with them sometimes, a battle with myself trying to teach them healthy habits and also still staying in the “easy on the screen time” path and keep everyone happy while doing so! It can be so helpful and so damaging all at once!


Everyone’s favourite book ?


Ghostwritten, by David Mitchell, by far. Nine disparate but interconnected tales (and a short coda) examine 21st-century notions of community, causality, catastrophe and fate. Each episode is related in the first person, and set in a different international locale. The gripping first story introduces Quasar, a fanatical Japanese doomsday cultist who's on the run in Okinawa after completing a successful gas attack in a Tokyo subway. The links between Quasar and the novel's next narrator, Satoru Sonada, a teenage jazz aficionado, are tenuous at first. As the plot progresses, however, the connections between narrators become more complex, richly imaginative and thematically suggestive. Key symbols and metaphors repeat, mutating provocatively in new contexts. Innocuous descriptions accrue a subtle but probing irony through repetition; images of wild birds taking flight, luminous night skies and even bloody head wounds implicate and involve Mitchell's characters in an exquisitely choreographed dance of coincidence, connection and fluid, intuitive meanings. Other performers include a corrupt but (literally) haunted Hong Kong lawyer; an unnamed, time-battered Chinese tea-shop proprietress; a nomadic, disembodied intelligence on a voyage of self-discovery through Mongolia; a seductive and wily Russian art thief; a London-based musician, ghostwriter and ne'er-do-well; a brilliant but imperiled Irish physicist; and a loud-mouthed late-night radio-show host who, by befriending a caller unwittingly ushers in global catastrophe.


Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go


Hi guys.


So, we had thunderstorms yesterday and they are one of my favorite smells. My question is, what is one of your favorite smells?


This is going to give crazy cat person vibes.. but my cats smell nice. IDK how they manage it though. But, petrichor is nice too. And before it died on me, I used to grow Clematis Fragrant Oberon and it smelled so good!


lol as someone who is a crazy cat person.....I have to say....my cats smell pretty good...thanks for encouraging me (with your post) to share what I would have thought to be a little embarrassing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You're welcome, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) They're house cats so I guess perhaps they smell like home.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


true - home sweet home


It's good that the cats do to you. It makes sense to me. I am not familiar with the other 2 so I will have to look them up.


Petrichor is that smell after rain.


I learned something new. Thank you.


I’ve turned into a little old lady in my dotage because I realised recently that one of my very favourite smells is lavender, after years of treating it with total disdain as being “old fashioned granny stuff”. I bought a lavender and bergamot pillow spray to spritz around my bedroom and it’s just so relaxing.


Lavender is on my list as well




That is a good one too. Specially when you are sitting there watching the fire dance


As long as the smoke isn't blowing in your face, it is quite nice. Yesterday we built a fire in our fire pit and made s'mores. It was nice.


Petrol 😍


An unexpected choice but I see why


Hey all, I accidently made a randon account in the early days that I'm stuck on at the moment. (my normal go to is a theorist called WigWam, which is me. I would like help getting rid of this old account I don't use because it serves no purpouse.


Can confirm. I only just managed to find the username and re-sign in.


Figured it out


Happy Thursday y'all! Can we collectively agree it is way way too hot out this week?


Here in Texas we consider this merely "pre-heating". I'm native to my state and I wear a light sweater at all times in summertime. Texans know it's only a few seconds dash from our cars to the door of the business that we are there to patronize and that's actually all the time I spend in the heat, if I have any say in it. What bothers me about the heat is how *cold* ppl keep their homes and businesses Texas! My "highbeams" automatically come "on". It's embarrassing.


Hi all! I'm a long-time reader but fairly new poster. It seems Reddit won't let me post in Finance or Shopify forums, although I feel I have lots of expertise to offer there! Hope to build my karma so I can start to contribute. My main interest areas are finance, Auslan (Australian sign language), Italy and italian, Shopify, health and nutrition. Nice to meet all of you!


Hey everyone! Not new per se but forgot this account existing and would like to post fitness related things but don’t have enough karma lol. Hope everyone’s doing great!!!


Welcome back!!


Any quote or beautiful sentence from a movie, book or a person you look up to, that is close to your heart? Mine is: “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” - The Shawshank Redemption


"No matter what we see or seem...the world is but a dream within a dream. -Kahlil Gibran in the "Prophet"


I am from México and after a heat wave we are having a good rain, which is good. How is the weather on your country? Are you still struggling with bad weather?


Hi, guys! this is the first time I comment!


Hello Back!! If you are new just keep your comments coming and learn to post and you'll build your Karma aka: Reddit Reputation.


Hi everybody. Nice to meet you. I like running, and on a diet these days! Wish y'all have a good day


HEYYYYYYY! Have a great weekend everyone.


Hi! I'm very happy to be here. :D


Hi! Brand new here! I’m curious, what are other newbies ages are on here?


That's a loaded question for a lot of users. If you get many replies I'll be surprised. Ppl get judged here by the stereotyping of whatever Gen you belong too. Reddit reality.




Wow same thing cant seem to post to anywhere without it getting flagged for spam, even here !!


Mods have no control over Reddit's filters. At least we have approved your content. As I've said to the person you're replying to, this thread is for casual chat. We're more than happy to help in your post thread if you have more questions, pop them there.


This thread is for genuine casual conversation, where you might earn some votes along the way as you contribute, it's is solely for getting karma and especially not to ask for any. So reply to someone or start your own topic of conversation within our rules and see what happens.


Hi! I'm brand new and I'm not sure if you'll even be able to see this comment. I was leaving some comments in subreddit and I realized they're invisible to everyone except me haha


No Man. You are highly visible. No fear.


this sub has no account age or karma restrictions.


Hi 👋🏻 I hope everyone had a great week and gets to enjoy their weekend. It’s the official start to summer. How did you celebrate the solstice? Stay hydrated & keep cool if you’re in the northern hemisphere like me. We’re breaking heat records in the U.S. it’s crazy humid & hot. Make sure to know the warning signs of heat stress & heat stroke. Stay safe out there & be weather alert at all times. You never know with all the stormy conditions across the country nonstop lately what could happen. Edit* {removed emoticons.}


Reddit tip Not trying to be a smart ass or Reddit etiquette police but I'm a semi-noob myself and we gotta stick together... The point being is appearantly Redditors do not like use or excessive use of emojis. It'll get you downvoted. Yw




Yeah, have you read the rules for the Reddit forum itself? These are the rules the admins and mods adhere to before the rules of their own subreddit. Or that has been my take away...


Check out these threads for emoji context: * [Thread 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/ph2ehy/why_do_redditors_hate_emojis/) * [Thread 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/t7town/are_emojis_really_that_bad_on_here/) * [Thread 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/138lwcm/whats_the_deal_with_getting_down_voted_for_using/) * [Thread 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/17robrs/why_do_redditors_hate_emojis/)


Hi guys, nice to meet you!


Hello, I decided to join after my friends recommended it and I am from Chile


Hi I draw silly things, mostly nerdy stuff I like recently. This month fixation: Yu-Gi-Oh


Glad to meet y'all




Hi everyone. Here for the jokes


Check out r/groaners or r/DadJokes (I think that's it) and get ready to snort your beer out ya' nose!!


First of my comments on here! How do u guys find groups u like?


This is just my latest account. When I started it I use the search bar. I would put in a keyword that had something to do with one of my interests. I just kept running through a bunch of keywords and then a bunch of different interests and I found over two dozen groups I had not known about before. I was able to post and comment in those immediately after while I built up some karma and I was able to start getting back into the groups I had participated in before. You can also try out some of the groups from our [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/s/3ynHGhKKKc) of ones that are friendly to new users. They have no minimum requirements or very low ones.


i still dont have a full grasp on the karma system, i am getting annoyed by getting flaged for spam every time i try to post


This is our casual chat thread. I recommend you make a post here for assistance.


I tired making a post just keeps giving me the same error which is Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit’s filters.


I might have just seen that and rescued it from the removed queue.


It's very frustrating!




Sorry, it looks like you are Shadowbanned, which means your account is basically stuck in the spam filter site-wide and all your content is automatically filtered out. As a mod here, I can see your content here, but it has been auto-removed, and I can’t access your profile. This didn't come from us, but from Reddit, and is meant for spammers and other bad faith users, but sometimes mistakes happen and new redditors get caught too. You can appeal to Reddit here: [https://www.reddit.com/appeal](https://www.reddit.com/appeal), and if it was a mistake they'll restore your account. Appeals may take a while, depending on demand and current events. Please do not spam or abuse the appeals team.




Sorry, it looks like you are Shadowbanned, which means your account is basically stuck in the spam filter site-wide and all your content is automatically filtered out. As a mod here, I can see your content here, but it has been auto-removed, and I can’t access your profile. This didn't come from us, but from Reddit, and is meant for spammers and other bad faith users, but sometimes mistakes happen and new redditors get caught too. You can appeal to Reddit here: [https://www.reddit.com/appeal](https://www.reddit.com/appeal), and if it was a mistake they'll restore your account. Appeals may take a while, depending on demand and current events. Please do not spam or abuse the appeals team.








Sorry, it looks like you are Shadowbanned, which means your account is basically stuck in the spam filter site-wide and all your content is automatically filtered out. As a mod here, I can see your content here, but it has been auto-removed, and I can’t access your profile. This didn't come from us, but from Reddit, and is meant for spammers and other bad faith users, but sometimes mistakes happen and new redditors get caught too. You can appeal to Reddit here: [https://www.reddit.com/appeal](https://www.reddit.com/appeal), and if it was a mistake they'll restore your account. Appeals may take a while, depending on demand and current events. Please do not spam or abuse the appeals team.


I'm a researcher looking to share some of my most recent research, there appears to be a block on new accounts posting anything even if it is from verified sources. Is there a way around this?


Sure. Check out some of the existing threads here or make a post for assistance. This is our casual chat thread :)


Sorry mod


I just joined and hoped to make a post supporting a game I like. Sadly I wrote this long thing promoting it and telling people they really should try it only to find out I can’t post yet lol. It’s a downer but I guess it is what it is.


Hi, I'm new to reddit and had a r/personal finance question about if I should accept a line of credit and what a hard credit check is/affects. My post got auto removed, I assume because I'm new. What do I have to do to be able to post/ask for advice on r/personalfinance


This is our casual chat thread, you can make a post for assistance or look though the existing ones for advice as many users face the same issue :)


Definitely hit our heat wave this past week in the southeast! The air is THICK and all my kids wanna do is cannon ball into the pool!


Hello I'm new to this Reddit stuff Hello this is my first post on Reddit!! I am from Chicagoland suburbs. I am a Flight Dispatcher for a major airline, and a weather geek that lives to watch and chase storms. So I guess I am looking for guidance and friends here on Reddit. So there ya go. BOOM it's out there Gregg


Its 23C in the UK and that's too hot for us


I don’t understand why Reddit keeps filtering every post I make :/


You can make a post here for assistance, this is our casual chat thread :)


this account has been suspended.




This post is for casual chatting. Read the comments answering the numerous posts about how to do this.




Oh Sweetheart!! You WILL get different opinions!! And advice and life instructions (step by step) POVs, and some snarky comments/questions. Visit diverse subs, post/comment, flair "advise needed" if available. There is always, always someone here to give you thier opinion. Never doubt...




Thanks for contributing to /r/NewToReddit! We're sorry, but your content was removed: **Rule 3: Do not ask for votes or karma, or suggest free karma subs** Please do not ask for karma or votes here, it is against our rules and is generally discouraged as karma is meant to be earned. You may ask about karma and how to earn it genuinely. We also do not allow mentions of free karma subs (karmafarms) or any suggestion to use them, and caution against their use because it may lead to bans in other subreddits. Please read our [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/p8t966/reddit_and_karma_explained/) for more information. *Please read our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/rules) before participating. [How to find rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnToReddit/comments/pjsazs/finding_a_subreddits_rules/) If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/newtoreddit&subject=&message=). Thank you!* **This action was performed manually by a human moderator**