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That's summery of Mr Beast videos 🤣


All the Mr Beast - like content too. Mb I am too old but i just cant watch over 3 seconds of anyone screaming at the camera for no reason


I've been watching YouTube for as long as i can remember and never have I watched his video, despite YT's doing a very creepy job of serving me his videos at suggestions. His thumbnails just feel kinda weird to me.


I was recording a Minecraft mod pack and got jumped by a dragon I screamed but decided to caption it as "orgasm".




Is it because the voice is robotic or is there more to it? It's a polarizing topic so I ask -- I see many people asking for TTS solutions but many viewers are vocal about their distaste for it. I'm neutral on this topic and genuinely curious to understand the objections from viewers.


I'd personally prefer to listen to anything other than TTS. Broken English? Thick accent? Scratchy Mic? Better than TTS! Videos with TTS are almost universally poorly mastered with the TTS volume way too loud. Even when it's not, it's awful to listen to. I feel like it's similar to the uncanny valley problem with CGI.


Same, I'd rather just have captions in and some background music than TTS. I just hate it


Thanks for explaining. Appreciate the comparison to CGI's uncanny valley.


This. It also can't be monetised


What if for example I have a annoying Voice? Would that still be better than TTS? im asking for a friend


I've found that most people think their own voice is more annoying than it actually is. But even if it is *truly* annoying, I think there are a couple options out there better than TTS. If you're already writing a script, why not just add it as captions and put some good music over your video? Alternatively, you could use a mixer or voice modulator to make your voice less annoying. I've never tried out any modulation software, but my natural speaking voice is a little too deep. I don't think people find it annoying, but it can make me hard to understand. So, I run my mic through a mixer, boost the treble a bit, turn down the bass a bit, and the end result is massively improved. Finally, I think it's worth mentioning that an annoying voice won't prevent you from finding success on YT. There are a handful of YouTubers I subscribe to who have voices (or at least speaking patterns) I would describe as somewhat grating, but I'm still subbed, and I still watch their content. If they were using TTS, that might not be the case.


Alrighty, thank you for taking the time to answer :D


I can’t stand it. There are channels out there that I’ve really tried to watch (because of their topic) but the automatic/computer voice is a complete turn-off I just can’t stand to.




Text to speech


talk to speech, you know those robotic narrator voices you see everywhere on instagram/tiktok, they are cancer


Text to speech*


yea i just realized i said talk idk why, thanks


Right, got it.


See, I'm fine with TTS on channels that are purely memery, because the TTS cring me accentuates the memes, personally. Can't stand it on any other type of video though


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.


TTS just reading askreddit threads as "content".


Ho-ly cow, so much this. I wish someone would ban these TTS movies recapped videos for example, utter garbage with bait and switch thumbnails to boot


I hate when they talk to much about unrelated things at the beginning of a video. If its pertaining to the subject then its fine but if its just random channel junk then you should put it at the end of the video


Video title: "how to do xyz in Adobe after effects" [3:23] Video: [ten second intro withthe loudest music youve ever heard] HEY GUYS what up it's Jacob again, hope you are having a GREAT DAY. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's been a wild couple of months! In case you haven't heard, I had to move apartments again and I had a pretty nasty breakup. But I got some new equipment! Got a new capture card for my new gaming channel!!! Check that out over at JacobPlays, link in the description! And for this channel I did get a new mic funded by my patrons. Thanks you guys! If you'd like to contribute to my patreon the link is in the description and it'll get you access to premium content. If this video is helpful to you be sure to leave a like and don't forget to hit that subscribe button, and ring the bell to be notified when i post new helpful tutorial videos like this one. Anyway, let's get on with the video! [Actual solution to the thing you looked up is at 2:54] [Solution is 4 clicks into a menu] Anyway that's the tutorial, if you enjoyed this video leave me a comment and font forget to subscribe. If there's any other videos you'd like to see leave me a comment down below! Have an awesome day! [30 second outro music that is loud as hell]




that or tutorials that dont answer the question. i was stuck yesterday and watched a vid of how to do x in Ae. the guy was pretty much made the tutorial after attempting to do the thing only a few times and then just wrapped it up. never answered the question, i was a little disappointed. comments were super supportive tho.


So true for my niche — tutorial videos. Viewers are searching for a solution to a problem. If I meander at the start, the video flops.


Omg! Yes! I wonder if they get paid by the word??!!??


1. intro longer then 5sec 2. When you have end cards covering your video footage before it ends...Very annoying especially in instructional videos when I don't see the last 10sec clearly.. Or when you make a compilation of shorter videos and your last video is completely covered. There is an easy fix - just add outro ,,even blank screen . 3. When you record from a room that looks like $5 a night motel from a horror movie and you are giving financial or life style advice.


Anyone giving any financial advice.


Just saw a "TOP 44 BUSINESSES TO OPEN IN 2022" from some guy on what looks like a crackhouse (graffitis on wall and broken window) The hustle is real


End cards covering footage is a very effective way to keep viewers from clicking off the video immediately and actually looking at your videos


I think the complaint is more about when the youtuber is displaying the finished product of the video and the cards completely obscure what they are trying to display.


Only X amount of you are actually subscribed so please subscribe


HEY GUYS ONLY 69 PERCENT OF YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED \*scrolls to see how many subs they have\* ***1 MILLION***


My god yes it is so annoying


A call to action is important and can drive 20 times higher subscriber attachments.


I understand the call to action is important but saying only X of you are actually subscribed is annoying


Personally it just says to me that the creator doesn't understand YouTube. I want 0.1% of my viewers to be subscribed ;)


May i ask why you said this? My wife just started her channel and we're trying to learn the nitty gritty details of this YouTube system.


While you obviously want your subscribers to be watching your videos, if 0.1% of your views are coming from subscribers, that means your video is being seen by loads more new viewers that have the potential to subscriber and further grow your channel.


Now I get it. Thanks for sharing that viewpoint.


Of course. Best of luck to your wife’s channel! :)


Thank you very much!


Doesn't make it any less annoying


I try to find a fun way to say it that relates to the video. Like if I'm making fun of Dr. Phil I'll be like "Hit that like button or Dr. Phil will be on your porch at 3 AM singing THIS IS BANANAS, and you don't want that"


Smash that like button, let’s get right into it, sensational clickbait titles for a fairly straightforward and short video, smash that like button (*again?!*), misleading titles and thumbnails, redundant or confusing language. Mostly, misleading things and not valuing the viewers’ time. And I understand the need to have something exciting in the thumbnail and title, there’s just a line that gets crossed.


"SMASH THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON" Please find new verbiage. I beg of you.


***FREE ALTERNATIVES YOU MAY USE :)*** tickle that like button scratch that like button poke that like button rub that like button tap that like button


"Don't subscribe" Reverse psychology


I don't mind a subtle 'subscribe for more' type c2a, but I hate when creators make a big show of it. Especially when it's combined with a distracting visual and sound effect. Just overkill imo.


Literally makes my skin itch when I hear this one.


I would never ever subscribe to anyone who says it . Whoever popularized it should be in prison.


This is why I NEVER say this or anything close to this. I don't care about the number of subscribers or likes, as long as you can enjoy my videos.


It's a socially accepted way to make the call to action, something a lot of creators have a hard time adding to their videos, and it works. It's the "would you like to super size that" of the video world, and sure there's other ways to say it but why?


I think it's just the word "smash" for a call-to-action has been used for ages, even "make sure to subscribe if you want more of this" would be better in my opinion


I gave a 4 second long Line were I say be sure to Subscribe it will only take a second and you can always unsubscribe later. If they won't from that they won't no matter what you do and 4 seconds in the middle of a video doesn't mess up retention


“If this is the first video of mine that you’re watching, please subscribe”. Why would I subscribe if it’s the very first video of yours I’m watching?


Exactly, most people will only subscribe after several videos


Begging for likes and subscribes at the start of the video *before you have given anyone a good reason to do it* is one of the things that most annoys me.


I always say by the end of the video "if you enjoyed watching this, then consider subscribing for more content like it!" AT THE END, not at the start, because I know how it feels lol.


Especially if you are in the same Niche, and comment if you like their video, and they can't return the favour like it's all about them.


When Somebody unsubscribes to my channel as a small YouTubers Under 200 subscribers it feels like you broke up with your Gf/Bf


300+ and I feel this. At this point I just shrug and keep on making videos.


Yep. I had 391 then woke up to 390. Feels like the end of the world. haha.


Lack of silence… editing so much that there’s no natural pause between sentences or room for breath.


It's a hard balance tbh, people click off in pauses but too much editing and it sounds unnatural. Most creators decide they'd rather have mildly unnatural cadence rather than lower retention.


Exactly. I would never walk away from a conversation with a friend if they paused for a few seconds, so I never click off a video if the creator also pauses for a few seconds.


If the dialogue is too slow I have to speed it up to help me concentrate, however I have never had to slow it down


Bad audio. Only right or left channel, too loud or generic background music that sounds like the 2000s.


Yeah this is a failure


When they try to draw out the content. Since I work really hard to make my videos concise and straightforward, whenever I see a section in a video that I personally wouldn't put in a video (because it'll tank retention) I get annoyed lol


I find 2 things to be annoying.... 1: The classic Youtube shocked face 2: The classic shock face+pointing The person looks goofy to me and i never end up watching... You literally have a canvas to put anything up to represent your video but you decided to put up an image that literally screams desperation.


This is thanks to the mainstream "everyone wants to see a face with expression" advice that youtubers have given over the years. "It helps entice people to click on your video" and "it also helps with the algorithms" smh. Me personally, those over reaction thumbnails from rich kids in LA make me NOT want to click on it, ever.


Not to to talk about the saturation of the image, pumped up to 150 in case you can't see the neon colors well enough


The only thing that really bugs me is a few of the essay channels get a bit too memy and joke ridden. Feels like they’re trying too hard to be funny. But could just be I’m not on their target demo.


"I'm not their target demo" is the answer to 50% of the complaints in this thread tbh


Without a doubt. Sad thing is I love a lot of the video essay channels and commentary channels. But most of them feel like they cater to under 30’s


My favorite essay channel started a separate one for shorter <5 minute videos and it suffers exactly what you're saying. It just feels like whoever writes these episodes is so desperately trying to be funny that it distracts from what I clicked the video for in the first place.


I hate the "YouTuber" thumbnail. Washed out over contrasted face reaction pic taking up half of it, arrow pointing to something in a circle. Some buzzword taking up the rest of the image. I get it, they're playing the YouTube game, but I personally stay away from thumbnails like that, I far prefer something with an actual balanced, artistic look.


Title is "x" But the video takes forever to get to the point of said title "x"


Channel intros of any sort is mildly annoying for me. I experimented with it myself for a short time & completely removed it since I hated the idea of it. I don't like to waste time, neither mine or someone else's.


it can really make your brand recongizable after a certain point though like when i show you a game theory intro or something similar you KNOW it them. Just wish there an intro skip button for every channel i already seen it for the million times.


I like how everything people hate is what successful YouTubers do lol.


The fact is that "thing that works" and "thing I enjoy" aren't often the same. For example, YouTube viewers are awful entitled creatures that think ads and sponsor integrations are "annoying" and do everything they can to skip or otherwise avoid a YouTuber making a living. They complain about merch. They complain about Patreon. There's nothing you can do to guarantee complaints in a video more consistently than monetize it.


The only time I skip sponsored segments is when I know it’s for a company or service that doesn’t pertain to me or my needs. However there have been plenty of times that I’ve decided to start using a service, like Squarespace, and have specifically gone back to channels I watch and looked for a sponsored video just to use their sign-up code. Even before I was a YouTuber I thought it was ridiculous that people would get mad that their favorite channels are doing what they can to make money, like sponsors, video ads or a patreon. Especially now that I’m trying to do this consistently I understand that the only way to be as consistent as I’d like to be is by making it a paying job. The amount of time that has to go into making a quality video vs the amount of time I have when I’m not working only allows for me to make a video once or twice a month. Some people do what I do on a weekly basis because they get sponsors, good! Good for them! Why would someone be mad about that?


That's also why doing YouTube is a hard job. There's no doubt that with hard work anyone can be successful. That said, being successful, making a living AND getting respected by the viewers at the same time is tough as hell. Basically you need to be able to sell stuff or do sponsorships in a way that's so entertaining that people don't skip it, which is easier said than done (the only two channels I saw being able to pull that off are Flashgitz and Corridor Crew).


Yeah lol like a lot of people are saying intros like it can’t be an effective way to keep someone watching


Its r/newtubers lol you think people here know what they're talking about?




Right on the nose. The ultimate problem of this sub is the blind leading the blind.


Isn’t that the ultimate irony. I think the plusses from the main thing they do cancel out the annoying things they do.


Some of my favorite channels don't do this stuff. Like Futives doesn't yammer on with a long intro, it's immediate gameplay. He doesn't tell you to subscribe. Hell, lately he simply uses the words "like" or "subscribe" as censors for profanity in the subtitles. DangerouslyFunny is similar. His intro is like a brief sentence. "Today, we're going deeper." Immediate gameplay. He doesn't ask for your subscription. And he has 2 million subscribers. So yeah, being an annoying copycat isn't the only path to success.


Ya I mean it's basically our own fault for supporting it lol. If it didn't work they wouldn't be doing it.


There are good and bad ways to do most of those things. And a lot of channels are trying to do what the big guys do, but not doing it in an effective way.


When the music in the intro/title screen makes me scramble for the TV remote to turn the volume down after I had to turn the volume up just to hear the video. I don't come across this too often luckily.


Normalize and compress!


The fake YouTuber voice. The people who just obviously put on a voice for YouTube that is exaggerated and full of energy. I know it is a staple of media in general but for some reason on YouTube it feels more forced than say the commentary of a sporting event.


1. Long intro 2. Thumbnail: 😱 3. English title, video isn't english. 4. Music is louder than the voice 5. General volume is so low you have to use earphones to understand.


Roses are red. Violets are blue. Your title is english... So why arent you?


The YouTube speak. Some youtubers speak in a very monitone way and with predictable inflections in their voice. I'm no speech coach and wish I can explain it better.


Overuse of zooming in and out. It’s a useful technique that keeps my attention depending on the topic, but there are those that overuse it to the point where it’s distracting itself.


Asking for likes and subs literally as soon as video starts Like, haven’t even watched anything or even know if I do want more of this content yet. On smaller channels feels like a “tip” they picked up from some YouTube how to videos or something and on larger channels I feel like it’s them just feeling “yeah I got the numbers now, you better like” I dunno… just me. I prefer those that ask or put a reminder in the video after at least a few minutes go by


Edgy dark humor... And this is coming from a guy who loves dark humor. They love making jokes about killing themselves, jokes about death, self deprecating humor. Like we get it... You hate yourself - work that out before you get on the camera. ALSO - don't get on camera while crying.... PLEASE!


Yeah that kinda humor should’ve been left in 2016 tbh, feels stupid doing it now


This is the first response that I 100% agree with it. Even irl, I hate when my friends make constant jokes like this. As an adult now, who has gone to therapy, I understand that making those jokes will do nothing to help you or those around you (or your viewers). It’s a cope, we all know that, but it’s an unhealthy one. The only “dark-ish” joke I’ve made in a video was something a long the lines of “I’m dying inside” because of a bad movie I reviewed.


The entirety of this thread is people complaining about things people do because it’s successful. Making shorts and doing sponsers are the worst thing a person can do? Well then I guess YTbers can’t make money or reach a more accessible audience.


They're thinking like viewers and not creators.


Complaining is easy but they lack solutions so let me provide some. For me, shorts are annoying sometime because they actually post multiple shorts in a single day literally cluttering your feeds (I had one channel did that and unsubscribed) So try to spread out your upload time. Sponsor is a valid annoyance, even if the sponsor segment is creative, it can only get so creative until you know it the same raid shadow legends every time. Solution? Make a "sponsor timer", you are respecting people time by showing how long sponsor segment is. Linus has a way of making it double tap x3 times to skip which also mean sponsor should only last around 30 seconds. As for something like "hey guys" or "smash that like" There's only so much English vocabulary and eventually someone else gonna also say it so just say whatever you want. It's only at intro or outro anyway.


The sponsor timer sounds like a good idea that respects all parties involved - sponsor, creator and viewer. The Shorts cluttering the feed is definitely getting to be annoying. YT should ideally have a viewer setting to filters out shorts from their feed.


i'm at least 70% certain that, if you are not big YT person with at least 1 million subs (and good view stats), many sponsors will not agree if you use a timer for their adds. It of course depends of you financial situation - there are people who can afford to say to sponsors: if you don't like my rules, fuck ok. Buuuut those people are far and few.


Also, hugely love when channels make the sponsor segment a video chapter. Easy to skip if you don't care about the ad read, can tell how long it is, easy to go back to if you want to use the code.


Stupid red arrows and circles on things that actually have nothing to do with anything in thumbnails and are pure curiosity sparkling clickbait. I guess it works to draw in people but I just hate them with passion. Screams desperate to me.


It’s what the impressions algorithm likes unfortunately


Ey, desperate times calls for desperate measures i guess. lol. I am guilty when it comes to red arrows and circles.


Clickbait... Yesterday I saw: Get 100K subscribers in 24 hours.


i remember i once saw this dude making a video of how to get 1M subscribers in a month and the dude was at 200k subs lol.


Did you click it.


Yes I did lol. It was good but not 100k subs.


Sounds like it was effective


Yes it’s a confusing feeling lol


Copy other channels. So many channels out there doing exactly the same thing and pulling all their inspiration from the biggest channel in their niche. You gotta be uniquely you on this platform for it to work.


Fake surprised thumbnails. They do something to my soul.


Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Swallow. Chew. Slurp Eating and drinking during a stream. Christ at least have the deceny to mute your mic. Especially for us headphone users


drinking sounds make me want to shoot myself


You would make a good roommate.


Okay this is probably really unpopular, but I hate that generic “oh wow look a thing” face on thumbnails. I think having your face on there can be cool, but it needs to add to it to give an impression of the video - that generic 😱 face detracts from any value the thumbnail had and makes me far less likely to click on it.


I hate when editing tutorial channels have long intros. Like bro, I ain't here for you. Just tell me how to edit a camera shake in premiere 😂


spoon wild dirty onerous chubby reminiscent lip gaze plate combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An unnecessary long intro, unless it has relevance to the video, the first 5 seconds should intrigue you, but the 30 seconds after that should convince you to stay, don’t waste it on a generic opening intro (guilty of this in my first few videos tho Ngl, you learn through failure)


Do you mean like an intro like your channel name with a bunch of graphics appear and music playing sorta intro or do you mean an intro like welcoming the viewer and explaining what the video is gonna be about?


Sponsors right smack in the middle of the video. Put it at the start or at the end.


It is often mandated by a contract. YouTubers would prefer to put it at the end, and are not allowed to


That sucks damn


but it pays lol


Using notepad to write text. I guess most of them don't know what editing is....


It really irritates when people apologize and take time in the video to try to correct shortcomings. Basically, anything that's just a lazy afterthought to bandaid something I might not have even noticed. Like alot of Youtubes apologizing for not uploading for half a second. Its like, we fucking get it, were not unsubscribing because you missed a day or something, I dont actually know anyones schedule on youtube and I certainly am not holding anyone accountable to a schedule. I just don't like the groveling feeling it gives sometimes, and id rather you just fix it or dont bring it up. Dont waste my time even more to bring attention to a shortcoming. half the time I wouldn't be aware of it. Like if you couldn't get a clip, don't make a little voice over saying how you wish you could have done your content. You dont get credit for thinking about something. Ive done this by the way, thats why I hate it even more


Why does someone else mentioning their shortcoming, trigger you so much? I feel like this is is way more prevalent in society than people, like you, will admit.


Say dumb stuff like “don’t forget to like and subscribe and click the bell Ivón so you don’t miss a thing! Also share this video and don’t forget to support me on patreon! Also follow me on Instagram and Snapchat! And did I mention to subscribe and like this video?????”


Telling me to like, smash that subscribe button before I even watch more than 40 seconds of your video


Using only one song on a really long video


Excellent point. Good idea to vary the song through the video.


The thing that bothers me the most when someone is live streaming and then about an hour or so in, they have food delivered and sit there playing whatever game, then stop playing to have some bites of their food. Like.. plan ahead of time and eat before starting a stream, or legit take a 10 min break and eat while not playing. CourageJD seems to be the biggest one that bothers me when I can catch a stream. "blue shield here, purple mag here... nom nom nom nom nom, ammo here"


Overstimulating editing, I feel my dopamine receptors frying


I dislike "stay til the end" commentary. Other things I don't enjoy i.e. swearing, cheesy background music, "gotcha moments" are mostly because I am just not the target audience for those videos.


shocked face thumbnails long drawn out intros where they talk and talk and talk until they get to the point titles that don't actually explain what they are about "The one thing you must buy from Amazon!" or some crap.


The 'youtuber voice'. This super annoying pretentious voice that a lot of youtubers put on and I have no idea why. It's incredibly generic and just pisses me off a lot and most people I've asked agree


when they make random loud ear ape noises with no warning, like dude that shit isn't funny ​ act like they dont know what's going on in a game when they very clearly did and suck so bad at hiding it. overreact at any little thing that happens (OMG GUYS DIAMONDS GUYS) "GuYs I jUsT fOuND oUt OnLy 21% oF yOu aRe SuBsCRiBeD) ​ (SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON) ​ Youtubers like onevillage who just copy and paste memes off reddit or just lip sync videos by giving no credit. ​ People who overuse the "i spent 100 days in (inset game name here) videos and the thumbnail is always the same day 1:basic tools day 100: netherite armour ​ Youtube short users trying to make their videos loop ​ videos that call everything underrated (omg guys this game taht has no good qualities is underrated because I liked it once time when i was drunk) ​ youtubers who react to that topper guild video when he waste a ton of ice cream or something, and then act like they care so much about homeless people and wasting food. Sure what that guy does with the food is bad, but at least be real with your shit cause at first no one cared but once 1 guy did it now all of a sudden everyone "cares" about wasting food lol.


I can’t stand fake headlines, I even left a dude several comments saying “I like your message, but you have got to stop with the misleading headlines.” Eventually I unsubbed. He would always post shit like “THIS IS IT! TRUMP IS GOING TO PRISON TONIGHT!” And when you click it, it takes him 20 minutes to get to the relevant point, and then he’s like “So, if the police WANTED to, they could use this extremely rare move to POSSIBLY arrest him if they wanted to.” Fuck you dude.


"welcome back to my channel"... In every makeup video


They're building community. It's a great intro.


It's not, just like the red arrows on a thumbnail with surprised face, just like eating and slurping, just like sponsor segments that aren't given a timer or any form of skipping so you are forced to do it yourself.


Crap music that's too loud


Talking about things like them being in a new room or place and That’s why the sound or camera quality is different Or talking about why they hadn’t made a video in a while Or talking about how many times they reshoot a vlog I don’t care about any of that stuff unless your my top favourite youtubers An even then I don’t care that much


Pinoy vloggers , gamers always shout af


The absolute worst thing they can do is post shorts. I might let you get away with 1 every now and again. But once your shorts start cluttering up my subscriptions page you're gone. No exceptions.


I hate shorts so bad too. Not the mention their verticality and lack of proper thumbnail looks like ass and ruins a channel's nice string of proper videos with thumbnails. This is just a minor nitpick. But then I also had channels I was subscribed to who stopped making normal content and switched to basically posting just shorts. Big turn off. If I want that type of content I'll open tiktok thanks. At least I appreciate those who make a dedicated channel just for shorts and keep them out of their main. I've seen that too and I think that's the most elegant solution.


I tell them to let me know if this video was any good to them by giving it a thumbs up or down. However i do add a chapter so they can skip it if it is annoying to them. What do you guys think about?


Overreacting to things and pretending it’s genuine. You know what I mean right? The kinda people that go “woaaah that’s crazy!” whenever anything vaguely happens. Realistically I just hate when people in videos get randomly loud, like audio peaking loud, because that’s their style of “humor.” Also find some different verbiage for your CTA, enough screaming “Smash that like button! Smash that subscribe button!” It just comes off and juvenile and uncreative and for me that’s a pretty big turn off.


for ambient video: shaky camera work; uneven sound quality; too much talking; crappy music; spitting. yes, spitting.


When people make a purposely bad or cringey joke then immediately apologise for it. It’s like you wrote it into the video, if it’s bad just don’t include it


When they have a sponsored and say they use the product all the time and it’s amazing etc. bitch please we know you don’t give a crap about it and don’t even use it.


Inside jokes. Videos should be made with the assumption that new people will watch them. Its what put me off RedLetterMedia because within the first 10 minutes of every video they lose me.


Unnecessary jump cuts, I even unsubscribed to an ASMR mukbang creator just for this reason. One frame, nothing on his spoon; just to jump to the next frame sharp and abruptly; chocolate in the spoon. Almost every video of his is like this. I was getting so annoyed with it, I ended up unsubscribing.


People who try to copy how famous streamers speak


Late to the party, I find it annoying when they start the video with, "I don't want to make this video" then don't do it, make video about something else.


When the vid is a tutorial, demo, how to or what have you along those lines, and what you need to see will take all of 30 seconds, and the guy talks about it for 5 mins first. First thing I do with almost all vids is mute and set it to 2x playback speed till I find something that's actually relevant. I don't care about you, or your wanna be tv personality. Just be informative and concise.


Trying to make their videos as long as possible without actually giving more content. If I starting thinking to myself: "they are not giving me the information, they are just making me wait for no good reason" then I will probably just stop watching.


When the thumbnail has them looking sad or defeated with the hand over their face and has a vague ass message like "This happened........." or "You won't believe this......". Granted I never watch them, but its annoying seeing on my suggestions for whatever reason. Can't stand that shit.


When it takes them more than a minute to get to the subject matter because they decide to lead with a lengthy plug for their patreon


Inserting stupid movie clips, excessive hand flapping and gesturing, not getting to the point.


1.) Smacking their lips before starting a sentence. Sometimes it’s in a semi-condescending way, other times they have too much spit in their mouth and sometimes they’re nervous. The worst is when the volume is super sensitive and between sentences they stop, swish around their spit, gulp, and pucker their lips and then SMACK! “So, as I was saying…” 2.) Vocal fry at the end of each sentence, I think to avoid upspeak and to appear more credible. But I’m like dude let it go, you can just speak freely and be normal. Some do more than just end their sentence creaky, they say entire sentences like that…”like yaaaaaaw.” 3.) Talking in artificially low voices to appear more “masculine” but to the point where it takes effort and strain, and it’s obvious they are “putting on a voice.” 4.) Nasal voices where it sounds like they are stuffed up, just got done crying and smoked a pack of Marlborough’s. 5.) Overly nerdy voices sometimes nasal who always pronounces their Rs way too hard. Like “Right heeerrrrree we seeeee anothrrrrrr deerrrrrre on the road. 6.) Yes I analyzed things quite a bit, but isn’t that the point of a complaining thread on reddit to vent and share things that annoy us and see that we aren’t the only ones annoyed with certain things? So my last pet peeve, is people who come on a forum dedicated to venting and “complain” that we complain too much. I’m like dude why are you here then? This is for us, get lost.


I absolutely can't stand the instructional videos that say "go ahead and" every sentance. "Alright guys were gonna go ahead and get right into it. What you're gonna wanna do is go ahead and xXxX then you're gonna go ahead and unplug it and once it's unplugged were gonna go ahead and plug it back in" GO ahead and stop doing that 👍


Talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one has a chance to interrupt (or catch their breath), it's really quite hypnotic.


When I try to ask “what’s the song name?” they always end up liking the comment and not being helpful. It’s so damn annoying like they know everything and don’t give a shit. Can you people be a little nicer?


Reverse psychology.


Not using full potential or just completely being dumb and goofy


Talking about sponsors for 2 mins at the start of the video. I paid for YouTube Premium, mate! Why I got to fast forward past this rubbish?


Gotta get paid brother


Because you want to watch the content that the sponsor paid to support, and that you didn't pay to support. Sign up for their Patreon and request a Patreon sponsor free version.


I hate YouTubers shilling for products that they obviously don't use. I don't believe any of these people actually play Raid: Shadow Legends


Tbh they are shooting themselves in the foot. Retention must be absolutely atrocious when they put an 2 minute sponsor at the beginning (and yeah I know these people exist and they often get a lot of hate in the comments for doing this, and rightfully so. Nobody gives two shits about your sponsor)


I mean to make enough money to work they’re contractual obligated to do a sponser segment for a certain length, and sometimes it’s even required to be the first thing in the video.


it takes like 5 seconds to scrub past it


Pander to audiences 100%. I understand “giving the people what they want” but when that’s all you do you are a puppet to the masses and it is cringe. Don’t just give me what I want, challenge my thinking, introduce something new, an interesting idea. Don’t just recycle what you’ve been doing because it racks in the views. Case in point, The new MORGZ. He is legit now.


"Don't just do what rakes in the views" and instead do something harder, more complicated, and less rewarding?


It’s not about people pleasing, it’s about expression. But you do have to take a little bit of what the people want into consideration


Delaying the actual content with needless filler. I rarely watch any videos that are longer than 5 minutes anyway because my time is valuable and I'm usually looking for learning or solutions, not entertainment.


Travel videos, all the ones with title like this: “first impressions of city xyz (NOT WHAT I EXPECTED)”, a clickbait titles trying to create curiosity. Bullshit. We are in 2022, a quick research on internet will give you all the info you know about a place.


Not getting right into the video. Thats why I just get right into the video myself. If your looking at what to avoid my best advice is watch your favorite creators pick out what you personally dont like and dont do that in your own content. As said by entrepreneurs “dont sell something you wouldnt buy yourself” similar concept.


you don't see this so much anymore but i hated in the mid 2010s when people would call their audience youtube. "hey youtube" etc i'm not youtube, if anything you are


WHAT'S UP GUYS telling me what "we're talking about today" instead of just getting into it asking me to like/sub before i've even seen the video corny soy face thumbnails bad endings that don't need to be there ("thanks for watching and i'll see you next time") corny outro music self-important title cards/intro animations and the worst of all, an animated avatar that makes dreamworks face


Clickbait thumbnails. 100% Or people doing the overdramatic "YouTube" face. You know which one I mean. Those two things are the most annoying "trend" I've seen yet. Just do away with both of those things, please.