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The last one I know of was Baba Yaga in Benwell but they closed years ago. Such a shame as they were really good.


There did used to be a few but they're long gone sadly. They were always on my list of places to go but I sadly never made it. Shall make up for it in Gdansk next week though 😊


Dm me if you want any food recs. Gdańsk is AMAZING. also the solidarity museum is genuinely stunning and worth the money.


Cheers mate, will go. I've been a few times already but never been to the solidarity museum yet but will be this time.


Please have a chlodnik at the turist milk bar and a khachapuri at the Georgian bakery for me


That sounds like a plan.


I’d forgotten about the existence of khachapuri. I’m trying to lose weight so this isn’t 100% great


To be fair it’s so hard to find in this country so you’re golden.


Agree, did a bit of a tour with work visiting Wrocław, Gliwice and a couple of days in Kraków. Lovely places, I miss the pierogi but also there was a little hole in the wall place in Gliwice selling massive donuts that were amazing!


The doughnuts you can sometimes get at Kopernik are lovely if you’re getting withdrawal 💕💕💕


We had a few. They went out of business.


Bit of a trek but Miss Elephant in Chester le Street does wonderful homemade pierogi, there’s also a great polish shop in Birtley which is very close by


Yes that would be great! Feels like something that might do well in the Grainger Market? Pierogi, pickles and soups.


+1. We are moving to Newcastle in a couple of weeks. Though my Polish partner is an amazing cook, she doesn't have the time to cook up some fresh pierogi. Put us on the list when one does open!


Can recommend the blue barbakan in York meanwhile. It seems popular with the community and it’s lovely! Also welcome ! 💕


It's good. But it's one of the least Polish Polish restaurants I've been to. Perhaps that's what they need to do to survive but I really missed the carrot, beetroot and cabbage salad trio you get in lots of polish places.


Thank you. We may check it out as York is a lovely day trip ☺️


They also do amazing Polish/English breakfasts.


Your Polish partner probably already has this covered but there'll always be someone on FB offering home made polish food.


Ah, nice tip, she might be doing the offering in the near future too 😅


There used to be a great one not far from the Theatre Royal but it's been closed for years. I agree, there should be more!


Awww! That was Pierogi Place, my mate ran it. Great concept and food but not enough sales.


Awh, that's a shame. I only went once but it was lovely. 


I want more Lebanese food. There was an amazing Lebanese place in Washington but it disappeared a year or two ago. Lebanese food tho... holy shit. And there's something about the texture of lavash that I can't get enough of.


https://preview.redd.it/qu4p4kzlhc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d002f058cd95c52c64d930b3c201b7e9d3d6e9 Blue berry dumplings huh? I moved to the toon 2 years ago and I am looking for someone with knowledge and experience in pop ups to help set something up? I would love to serve seasonal sweet and savoury pierogi alongside some soups like pickles soup, barszcz, grzybowa etc. Definitly some compote too!


https://preview.redd.it/2c1cz7i4ic8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c9a32ead7e378f0e26c0661e09ad4cd2965a0e Made these cottage cheese and potato and blue berry dumplings for Italian friends in Morocco two weeks ago 😏


Oh. My. God.