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Well we all knew that


The question is: Is cooking the books a crime that ensures jail time for citizens? Given that no one is above the law, if he doesn't get jail time, then it's time for everyone to cook the books as a new precedent has been set.


Dudes looking at life in prison šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸšæšŸ§¼šŸ†šŸ˜”


Glory! Glory, hallelujah!! Amen! It's about time! Ok, I'm done!!




You're stating that the government that started a sham criminal conviction against an American should have figured out to do it in a 'fair' way to prevent said American for running for any political office. That's election interference.


Did the government make Donald stick his penis in another woman who wasnt his wife? Did the government sign the checks that falsified payments? Did the government even seek a prosecution? No to all the above. At the end of the day, Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers, just like the law says he should be allowed. And if there was an argument about corrupt juries, isnt it on Trumps lawyers to weed out the juriers that would be a problem?


What check did trump sign?


The ones that have now been proven in court: 1. $30,000 to a former Trump Tower doorman, 2. $150,000 to a woman who alleged she had a sexual relationship with Trump, and 3. $130,000 to an attorney for an adult film actress.


To Cohen. Not to those people.


You can say that all you want, but it has been proven in court that the payments WERE to those people and they WERE explicitly ordered by Trump.


Suppose so. The appeals will sort it out. Edit: want to add something. I'm still trying figure how that's illegal exactly


The payments by themselves were not strictly illegal, but Trumpā€™s actions before, during, and after making those payments were. Long story, short, Trump falsified and explicitly directed others to falsify business records in order to conceal these payments from American voters before and after the 2016 election. Trump then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws. Just like with Nixon, ā€œItā€™s not the crime, itā€™s the cover up.ā€ Except Nixon had the good sense to leave politics after his shit hit the fan. EDIT: So this court case had to prove 1) that these payments were made, 2) what they were really made for, 3) that the legal filings made by Trump regarding these payments do not match the truth, and 4) that the mismatch was on purpose to hide the truth. According to the jury, all 4 points were proven 34 times.


Gotcha. Thanks for cleaing it up!


This was a bullshit criminal conviction we all know it. This was grasping at best. Any other person, NY would've never attempted this. This was purely political. Disappointing truly.






Lock him up.




Obviously. They just should have done it more fairly and gone after something that would change the election in a meaningful way. Oh well, politicians and government employees are gonna keep letting us down.


He has 3 other cases cool your jets


Jets are cool. Just a contribution to the discussion, homie.


It's literally against the rules for them to consider the election, either for or against, while processing these cases. Choosing to process one early is election interference. Choosing to process one late is election interference. They happen as they happen, and the rest will happen too.




Us vs them and you're not talking about Americans vs government. All i need to know.


Biden is a criminal as well. Oh, but he has poor memory & is too senile to prosecute šŸ™„


Found the Trump Supporter.


Probably a Russian bot. Look at every post in this sub


Thatā€™s why I said what I said lol


prosecute him for what


Being audacious enough to challenge trump lol


For classified documents he had as VP in his unlocked garaged. & taking bribes


whoch the gop found no evidence of taking bribes so, thats a big no. as far as classified documents go, trump wouldā€™ve been fine if he just gave them back when they were requested, he chose to steal and hoard them, where as biden returned them when requested. if trump wouldā€™ve returned them he wouldnā€™t be facing a trial right now. so again, what are they going to prosecute biden for?


Having classified documents, as VP shouldnā€™t even have them. & taking bribes https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-oversight-committee-has-uncovered-mounting-evidence-tying-joe-biden-to-family-business-schemes/


ya, i already explained that to you.


No one is saying that tho? No one is against people who do crimes getting prosecuted. Biden voters arenā€™t cultists lol


Theyā€™re gonna start screaming ā€œwhat about HUNTER BIDENS LAPTOPā€


Hunter Biden, who's been indicted and not pardoned because Joe believes in the rule of law? That Hunter Biden?


Like flies to shit


Biden voters are elderly & deceased. & if they were coherent they are retarded.


If there was any evidence of that, it would have been brought up at the many trials trumps team sought to overturn the election, I feel like thatā€™s mostly wishful thinking on your part




That article reports a lot of things but doesnā€™t really do a good job of citing facts to verify independently, as we all should be doing


What specific crime? He had some documents, as did Pence and Trump. Having documents, even classified documents, isn't necessarily a crime. The crime Trump was charged with though was "Willful Retention", deliberately keeping the documents after they were identified and subverting lawful efforts to recover them. Is there any evidence that Biden did any of that? And that's not even what these 34 convictions were for.


Thatā€™s what they say šŸ™„


He cooperated with the feds. Biden was vice president & shouldnā€™t of even had them, let alone in his unlocked garage šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸæ


What's the specific crime though? Mishandling the documents is bad, but it's not a felony by itself. And can it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he's the one that put them there and it wasn't some staffer who moved the wrong boxes to the wrong place?


Says the person that is going to vote for a criminal rapist that canā€™t speak 2 sentences without going off on a tangent about people persecuting himā€¦or pouring bleach in your ass to stop ā€˜the 5G ā€˜ or whatever random idiotic thought that pops into his head! How about we drug test Trump before the debates and see what mix of shit he has in his system? Oh, did Rudy ever turn over Bidenā€™s laptop or release the Kraken about the stolen election? Maybe they are saving that for when Trump gets convicted, again. You watch too much Fox News.