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Yeah that’s why. Just keep telling yourself that.


Oh they're not telling *themselves* that. They're telling their *voters*. I can just imagine her campaign staff sitting around in a meeting with her... "We're down in the polls, what should we do?" "Well, have we tried Hating on Trans People? Let's do that."


To be fair, it was really working for them for a minute there, but it’s diminishing returns once the entire right wing ecosystem pivoted to wall to wall transphobia as their primary content. Hating 0.1% of the population can only get you so far.


Probably more, "Have we tried a different social issue?"


but their orange messiah went and fought! oh wait, i meant private bone spurs. oops.


"Are we trying to win over veterans? Why don't we improve..." "No, you idiot! We want them to THINK we support the military."


They're probably not the kind of soldiers we need in the first place if they're afraid of a gender pronoun class.


if you are to afraid to hear that some people like to be referred to as they/them then you are definitely to much of a pussy to get shot at.


heaven forbid they need to take a class on arabic to handle basic communication with locals while stationed in a war zone or something.


Wait until they have to learn a language with gendered words like Spanish.


Even worse, German which has *gender natural words * in addition to gendered words.


Mein gott…..


Do you mean gender neutral?


And this from a woman who prefers to be referred to by a name other than her given birth name *for the sake of appearance*. Sorry, Nimarata, but Nikki is just too damn hard to remember. You expect everyone to just start calling you something else simply because you'd prefer it? What an absurdly entitled mindset!


Kids aren’t joining because they don’t want to be cannon fodder and abandoned by their government when they return home (Remember the Burn Pit legislation opposed by Republicans that claim to love the military). Signed Former US Army Infantry E-5


After my father was diagnosed with cancer from agent Orange poisoning due to his service as an Air Force officer in Vietnam, he insisted I not join the military. So it started even before that. And the treatment of Iraq and Afghan war vets has only proven to me my dad was right.


Bro... you just don't know how true this is. My dad was an Air Force mechanic. He was denied certain benefits because the military burned records where he was stationed. I had to fight with VA for years. I had to track down random photos taken at the time... military flight paths... it was fucking ridiculous. His advocate suggested that he find someone he served with. How is that possible when all the guys are dying from exposure?


My dad served guarding one of those bases, then he worked for the VA in patient records, and when the throat cancer came, suddenly all his own records turned up in that "fire". Years of fighting for service connection. Then the cancer came back as multiple myeloma. A new uphill battle for moronically priced medicine.


*Salutes* "F*ck you for your service" - Medical Insurance Companies.


My dad smuggled evidence back for the free press. That is what helped him for a bit. But ultimately lung cancer took him (he didn’t smoke). The VA wouldn’t admit what it was until after he died. I received a letter saying it was service related. I should have blasted it to the world. He was 1 of six in his troop that came back from Tet offensive. He contacted a few of them and all had some ailment. 3/4 Cav 68-69. Recon.


It’s kind of wild cuz my father had the opposite thing: he kept all his records back in the day. Everything the military gave him (any paper) he kept it. So when the VA tried that shit with denying him over agent orange (my dad loaded the bombers with the bombs) he had the receipts The man did not play. Ironically only joined the military cuz he was joining a gang/mob in Charlestown in the 60s. His dad whooped his ass and made him join before he was drafted.


Similar story with my Air Force vet dad. Still took the ASVAB in high school, scored really well, had recruiters contacting me often claiming I could have any job I wanted (this was 2005-6 so that was bullshit). I'm glad he convinced me not to go and instead go to college. Ended up getting my degree, married, had a kid, working at a great job for 10+ years and don't regret not serving for a single minute of any day.


I went to college with an Army vet on the GI bill. He was walking with a cane the entire time I knew him, and he was only like 30. Turns out he was injured in a training accident that got him discharged, but I couldn't help but think "that profession looks really dangerous if you can end up like this just \*practicing\* for the really dangerous shit. Who would want to do that?"


I remember seeing an older gentleman at the eye doctor with a cane. I asked if he was injured in the war. He said yeah and those Iraqis can kiss his ass. It's all support the troops! But its lip service. Just like how nurses are heros and front line workers are awesome


Honestly, I like the military and would have joined if things in my life and the political climate was different. But seeing how vets get fucked over made me know, that despite my love of really cool machines and the order that the military environment provides, I made the right call.


Samesies. Also Iraq really turned me off from it. Everyone knew that war was started based on lies so doesn’t really make one feel super patriotic and want to go risk your life for your country when the leaders are doing shady shit like that.


Same, father told me to never join after he served in Vietnam, he was special forces and went through some shit there. So my brother and I didn't join and neither have any of our kids.


My dad is an army Vietnam vet. He was there one 9 month tour in 1969. From when I was very young, like maybe 9 or 10 even, he told me to never join, that he did it so I don't have to. My uncle on the other side of the family was a Marines Vietnam vet. He was there a few years before my dad and is gravely ill in a VA home from exposure to agent orange. One of my best friends from high school is an Iraq army vet, he went over there in 2004/2005 and then again 2008ish, and came back not right at all, he died 6 years ago under pretty mysterious circumstances but alcohol was part of it.


Not to mention that wages, benefits, and career advancement all exist on the whims of congressional members who want to use as political tools for advancing their own agendas.


Women don't want to join because they don't want to get raped by their 'brothers in arms'


Number one reason I discouraged my daughter from joining.


My ex with past SA Trauma was talking about joining…. It took longer than I would have liked to convincer her that statistically that was a terrible idea. It’s insane how many women report their cases being swept under the rug because the military has their own justice.


Read up on this a few years ago was v scary essentially says about 70% of females in the military will suffer from sexual assaults while on duty 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I work at the VA now with the mental health team. It's easier to assume that most women have some sort of SA history in their chart. And believe me, this is not relegated to the younger troops either. It's fucking depressing.


Agreed. Very few people want to be the property of the government, have shitty healthcare, be willfully abused by higher ranks, subject themselves to sexual assault that has been largely unchecked, and be moved around the country/world at the will of their job without the option to discharge until their time is up only to come out with extreme mental health issues and no help (as you mentioned). No thanks. Hard no. There’s not enough money for me to even consider it, and we all know the money they’re offering is sub par at best despite the negative aspects of the job.


Poverty is a great military recruiting tool. So is healthcare and education. America does not get subsidized government healthcare because the MIC will lose its ability to recruit troops. Corporations will not have any way to get people to slave for them. It's a helluva mouse trap.




\^\^ Nailed it.


Plus you can die.


This feels like the only positive in a long list of negatives.


Yep, sent almost 2 generations in the shit & they expect that they won't tell others the shitty truth of war life? It took decades for the Army to get many people to sign up after the Vietnam War and that involved a lot of incentives. A lot of recruiting comes from word of mouth or veterans in the family. Just explain to them why a lot of veterans hate the phrase "not a combat disability claim."


Hell, even "Not service related disability..." Bullshit, my knees at 30 wouldn't have been falling apart if it wasn't for the Army...but sure...it's not service related...


Can confirm, my knees have been gone since my early 20’s thanks to the Army. When people ask me about it, I tell them I’d go back and never do it due to the lifelong price I’ve paid. If I ever hear someone say sand n****** in my life ever the fuck again, I’m going to be in trouble. For those or you not in the know, it’s (or hopefully was) a very, very common thing in several marching cadences.


Inhaling burn pit fumes and immediately receiving lung scarring could have happened outside the service! You can't prove it didn't!


Good luck getting those classified documents proving it!


They need to go back to the days of giving land, give some actual equity in America for defending it.


It goes back much further than the burn pits. Viet Nam vet's warnings about agent orange were ignored for decades. Korean war vet's were not considered 'combat vets' at all. WW1 vet's set up homeless camps in DC to protest not receiving their promised 'war bonus'. They love to forget about us as soon as the conflict is over. Army Sergeant myself. I hope you're doing well brother.


Didn't Ted Cruz high five someone when they defeated legislation helping vets? They should run non stop commercials of that shit.


Jesus man think of the defense contracts! That's someone's 4th or 5th mega yacht you're delaying by not willingly giving up your life. [Never forget who you're fighting for.](https://i.imgur.com/NfUUGsO.jpg)


The PACT act is the most significant thing that any president has done for veterans since the GI Bill. If I only needed one reason to vote for Biden again, the PACT act would be it. Obligatory "Fuck the GOP"


Add to that every single veteran friendly bill vetoed by the GOP in the last several decades. When was the last time republicans did anything for veterans?


The fuck is wrong with these people that think we should elect/worship them?


You answered the first part with the second part. They want to be worshipped.


Rule, not lead. Fuck all that.


There’s enough people out there that do. LITERALLY millions. They know (just like Drumpf) that they don’t have to speak the truth. They just need to put out something that will get certain people riled up. These aren’t just uneducated rednecks either. There are plenty of well educated, intelligent individuals who buy into this garbage. What’s this jackasses proof classes are the reason people aren’t joining? There isn’t any, as long as it riles up certain bases, it doesn’t matter. I still don’t get why people get so upset about people identifying how they feel/want and addressing them as they prefer. Who is it hurting? Why not respect them like you would want them to respect you? God, this moron and her ilk are assholes.


I'm a vet who served under DADT. I knew people who were gay af but would never speak a word about it because it would mean they'd lose everything. Imagine hiding your identity like that in order to get an opportunity to serve your country. Imagine sacrificing who you are like that. For twenty years. LGBTQ people have always been in the military. The only thing that changed was the dignity we afford them during that service. Nikki Haley is one of the most fake-ass people I can think of. Why do all of these non-vet asshats keep presuming the authority to decide what's wrong with our military? Fuck her very much. People don't want to join the service because we abuse our service members and shit on them when their service is over. As a veteran I could not, in good conscience, recommend that anyone joins the armed forces. I know how the promises are empty and hollow. I've experienced it first hand. Don't serve in the military. It's a scam.




Oh, don't get me started on the constitution. Man, I have recently been through the ringer and it has really opened my eyes about how the constitution isn't worth the parchment on which it is scribbled. I am a father of three. Being a father is the most important thing I have ever done, by far. No question about it. I grew up in a physically and emotionally abusive household. I vowed to break the cycle of abuse and as such, do not even spank my children. Ever. It goes without saying that this would extend to my wife as well. Well, she decided she doesn't want to be with me anymore, which I suppose is understandable. What's not understandable is how she repeated abject lies about me abusing her and our children. She and her attorney ordered a guardian ad litem. That person interviewed everyone and determined that there was no indication of abuse whatsoever and that not only are my kids not abused or neglected but they present as bright, well adjusted children who are ahead of what would be expected for their ages. Doesn't matter. I haven't been able to see my children or speak to them or go home and get my things for more than three months. We have a hearing next week where my attorney is confident that I will get at least partial custody temporarily but we're hoping that I will get primary custody seeing as how she's kidnapped my children and abused the legal system in every way possible. Not only did she lie but she's refused to follow instructions from either the judge or the guardian. I haven't even had the opportunity to speak to a judge to defend myself. She's used the automatic nature of the exparte process and my state's dismissal funding of our legal system to torment me and my children. My daughter can't call me but she emails me daily. She tells me everyday how much she misses me. The other two are too little to use email. She told the guardian that she loves me and just wants to see me as soon as she possibly can. She was very clear that she has never been afraid of me or concerned about anything in that manner. I have been rendered *less than human* by my state without due process or anything legitimate. Just some baseless accusations from someone with no credibility. She's actively abusing my children and trying to alienate them and poison them against me but the law protects her and does not bind her. The constitution is garbage.


Yes it boils down to state law which supercedes anything else. There are lots of state laws that go against the constitution but, states get away with it because people do not have the time and money to take it to federal court. Then there is the other piece. The justice system is utterly corrupt. A woman friend of mine was married to a baseball player. Baseball player rapes 12 year old daughter in the shower. My friend sues for divorce. Security tapes exist of him doing it, he erases them. She sues, court does not care, does nothing to him. She pressed the court to get a psychologist to evaluate the daughter and get her testimony. Psychologist lies and says everything is fine (the daughter is trying to kill herself by starvation). Court tells friend if she brings that case back she will be in contempt of court. She files suit against the psychologist. Psychologist is found to be guilty of malpractice. She petitions to have his license revoked. The court denies the motion. Icing on the cake the judge gives rapist ex-husband joint custody. She has spent around $10 million dollars and the court, because he was a baseball player, will not go against him. She's been at this for 8 years. Recently the family court system in California was found by a federal court to be corrupt because they continually deny motions and drag cases out to pump up the cost of suits. Apparently the collusion between attorneys and judges is rampant. Apparently, this happens everywhere. It's goddamned nauseating.


That's terrifying. I should explain that the justification for the literal suspension of one's constitutional rights through the exparte process is that there are severe situations where waiting for due process could result in injury or death. I understand that. I'm not unreasonable. I can appreciate that such a system is in place and would protect my wife and children in the case of actual abuse. That's commendable. What's not, however, is the fact that my state refuses to properly fund anything which includes the legal system. As such there are only two judges in this district who handle thousands of these cases and they are backed up for months. Instead of being resolved within 10 days like the law requires they're taking multiple months. That's not acceptable. I should have been able to make my case soon after this was done to me. Then, when the guardian was appointed and made their determination I should have had a chance for redress as my wife has kidnapped my children and is literally in the process of abusing them herself. So instead of preventing abuse like it was designed to do, in this case the exparte process is facilitating abuse. It's fucking sick.


So sorry you're in that situation. It is sick. You might get traction with some media outlet that would run a story. And of course who has money to sue and take it to federal court.


I would never believe this was true if the same damn thing didn’t happen to me 5 years ago. That was a terrible time that I hate to even think about. I currently have primary custody of my son after all that. I hope the best for you, too.


Thank you. I wouldn't have believed this was possible even six months ago or that my wife of ten years was capable of this sort of depravity. I try to imagine reading my post before all this happened and I would have been incredulous about my own story. I am staying with family luckily. I can't help but think about those who are less fortunate than I am. What would have happened to me if I didn't have this place to go. I was also fortunate enough to maintain my job because of this place I'm staying. It's really true that when you see a homeless person you have no idea how they got to that state. It is entirely possible it was through no fault of their own. I could easily see how I could end up footloose and futureless because of this. It's sad. I wish there was something I could do to prevent this from happening to anyone else.


I want to know who convinced her stupid ass to say this ignorant nonsense. Not that she’s not ignorant on her own, but like you said, she’s fake. She‘s just a puppet regurgitating bigoted talking points that someone on her team thought would score some points with their ignorant base.


I was in during DADT as well, but I was pretty open that I supported everyone, no matter what. I had a number of people, both male and female that confided in me that they were gay/lesbian, and that secret I would have taken to the grave with me. Gay and lesbian soldiers have served in the military since the beginning, and will have serve honorably and died in the service. They are my brothers and sisters as much as anyone else who wore or still wears the uniform. Fuck anyone who says differently.


Agreed. I did not appreciate that policy one bit.


>People don't want to join the service because we abuse our service members and shit on them when their service is over. Nobody wants Trump to think they're a loser.


I think that is the main reason people aren't serving in the military anymore. They are starting to realize it's just a giant scam as far as the supposed benefits and future opportunities it gives you. I've met far too many vets who are disabled whether it was from a burn pit or something and trying to help them apply or really do anything with the VA has given me a level of disgust for the armed forces in this country I didn't think was possible after all I've learned about the secret experiments that were done on African American and other soldiers of color during world War II and just all of Vietnam. We really take our citizens and either we send them off to kill brown kids in the Middle East or we have them cleaning up bombed out buildings and burning toxic shit that gives them cancer to the point where one gentleman I help almost every other month can barely even speak. And what further pisses me off with this guy especially is that even though he cannot speak, the VA says that his disability is only 60% related to the military. 60% of his entire fucking throat having to be carved out to the point where he can only speak in a gravelly whisper is only 60% related to the burn pits y'all had him and other soldiers digging and burning toxic waste in? I mean it shouldn't surprise me because we are the same country that had to have a fucking talk show celebrity shame our government into paying 9/11 first responders any sort of compensation for their suffering and death trying to save people. I mean we treat our heroes the same way we treat our criminals So why in the fuck would anyone That has more than half a brain cell in their head do anything for this country? If JFK could see this fucking country now maybe he would walk back his most famous quote


Here! Here!


>Imagine hiding your identity like that in order to get an opportunity to serve your country. <*Nimrata Randhawa has entered the chat*\>


It's absurd to blame gender pronoun classes for military recruitment issues when it's really about broken promises, mistreatment, and lack of support for our veterans. She should be ashamed of herself for spreading misinformation and disrespecting those who serve.


If you're scared of education, you don't belong in the military.


She should prove it by getting her 22 year old son to join.


If it is good enough for a Biden, why not for her son?


rules for thee…


Nobody wants to get shot for Raytheon stock values.


Hey hey hey, that’s totally unfair! You forgot Boeing


Why does it seem like most of the Republicans suffer from cognitive deficiencies?


Soul deficiencies too.


“I love the poorly educated.” - Some orange shitgibbon


Their schtick is to appeal to Americans with cognitive disabilities. They're not stupid, that is their audience.


They're trying to appeal to a heavily propagandized base. If you don't live in their misinformation bubble it sounds dumb as hell. If you do, it makes sense.


If they’re scared of a gender pronoun class they’re probably not the kind of warriors we need in the 1st place.


Likewise if they can’t control their impulses around someone they find sexually enticing.




I swear every time I Republican opens their mouth it makes you wish their mother had an abortion instead


They really are speaking directly to the lowest denominator of our population. No intelligent person can listen to this and thinks it’s rational.


It’s why they are against abortion… it should have been them.


When I went through AIT in Benning (Viet war was going on), we had a few gay guys in our class. Everyone knew it and treated them like any other soldier. Anyone willing to die for their country is OK with me. I was friends with one of them. We would go out clubs like the Chickasaw and take him with us. The girls would gather around him which meant we were getting laid and we would invite guys to drink with us, which meant he might get laid. I am so tired of all of these idiots pushing their BS Trump agenda. He made it OK to hate and OK to hate vets, and especially OK to hate POWs because he only likes soldiers who don't get captured. And he didn't serve because he supposedly had bone spurs. All of these idiots can go screw themselves. People aren't joining the military because a lot of people in the age range for initial enlistement aren't qualified because of legal problems or drug use. And, the ones that are qualified would rather get a good paying job. Then, there are those that listen to idiots like Haley and don't join. The military is a good place to get a paid eduacation. I came out an SSG and I did OK. It is what you make it. I can't speak about what goes on these days, but when I was in, it was what you made it, kind of like life.


No one's joining the military because everyone sees how the Republicans treat them after they're done with their service.


Do these people hear themselves speak?


I think it's more because the process sucks, is dangerous and is not being rewarded enough either financially or emotionally.


Dumber than a box of hammers! Guess Nimarata Nikki Randrata Haley is afraid of her real name, not Anglo Saxon enough or too hard for the MAGA base to comprehend and pronounce.


"You ready to put your life at risk and have people trying to kill you?" "Yes!" "You'll also have to sometimes ask people what their preferred pronouns are" "NO! I can't face that kind of danger! Get me outta here! WAAAAH!" \--- \^ imagine believing that is honestly happening.


No one's joining the military because all the lies about second gulf war as well as the Afghan quagmire and the moment leading to its avoidable collapse have been countlessly exposed and covered. Plus, candidates are grossly overweight and lacks the rudimentary intelligence level to perform basic requires training as well as laden with too many drug convictions to qualify for entry. And people are sick of war.


Some green berets probably do take gender pronoun classes... If they are assigned to speak a language with grammatical genders (e.g., most Indo-European, all Semitic, Romance and Slavic languages).


If pronouns scare you, you certainly have no business standing in front of enemy artillery.


Nikki you ignorant slut.


Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley you ignorant slut *


Wrong Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley. No one is joining because of low pay, stressful, and lack of support is the reason no one is joining. I know, because I’m a veteran.


Imagine being scared of gender pronoun classes but not artillery fire. What a stupid thing to say.


I was more worried about getting my legs blown off on the other side of the planet in a pointless war, but yeah Nikki, pronouns are what's keeping Americans up at night.


My daughter graduated basic and airborne school this fall and is now deployed. Nikki Haley is a fucking moron.




I don't care for people that so easily ditch their heritage. That means they will ditch anything to get somewhere in my mind.


She reminds me of the Simpsons episode where they're thinking of investing in a pita truck but scared to use the real names of ingredients.


Not falafel. Crunch patties!


I understood that reference!


If somebody is scared of a pronoun, I don't think we should allow them to handle a rifle.


Dear Nikki-Nimarata or whatever the fuck your name is this week. Ex-Navy here. When I was serving on board the USS Nebraska none of us gave a rat fuck about pronouns, gender fluidity or wether someone was gay or not. We were busy trying to make sure the reactor didn't melt down, Keep the boat quiet enough so the Chinese or Russians wouldn't hear us during our patrol, hoping to hell we didn't get and order to fire and nuke half of Asia out of exsistance and trying to keep the XO and COB off of our asses. Pronouns have fuck all to do with low recruitment numbers. It's americas shit treatment of the military personnel on a personal, medical and financial level during and after our service. ​ Sincerely, A proud ex-bubblehead.


Has anyone in her family served? Anxious to know if someone critical of our armed forces like this has stepped up and served.


Her husband, William Michael Haley: > is an officer with the South Carolina Army National Guard and specializes in security cooperation. > >In January 2012, Haley was deployed on a yearlong tour of duty in Afghanistan as a captain in the South Carolina Army National Guard. The unit served in Helmand Province as an agribusiness development team helping Afghan farmers improve farming techniques and develop cash crops to replace opium poppies. Haley served as a liaison between the military and civilian authorities. So, yeah. A member of her family has served and is serving. She's one of the least-insane contenders for the 2024 GOP nomination. Talk about damning with faint praise....


Retired vet. It's always nice to hear people talk about shit they know nothing about. There is no f'ing pronoun class and if that scares them then they are in for a real surprise about shit that should scare them.


Also a ton of gay folks in the military, nobody cares.


These people know one joke and it isn't funny.


They know like, 5: “It’s (D)ifferent.” “Pepperidge Farm remembers” “Reeeeeeeeee!” “😂😂🤣🤡” “FJB”


I thought it was because they listen to Trump, who thinks anyone who volunteers is a sucker.


If they are scared of "gender pronoun classes" (whatever those are), they probably arent fit to be in the military where they may have people shooting at tgem.


Last week it was because they were overweight drug addicts


I'll take "shit I just made up" for $500, Alex.


Hi. Active duty officer, here. This isn’t a thing. There are A LOT of reasons military recruitment and retention are down, but this isn’t one.


"Oh, wait, so I was under the impression that joining the military would likely be basic training, then me sitting around on a base until I'm discharged and get my college paid for. Now there are several major conflicts that I might have to go die in, and you're only going to pay me a fraction of the cost of college? Psh, nope." "It's because of pronouns, isn't it?"


Yeah. That’s it. They’re not scared of getting sent to die in some distant corner of the world so a bunch of weapons company CEOs can buy another yacht. They’re afraid they might have to call someone by the name they ask to be called by - like Nikki.


The opposite of "diversity and equity and inclusion" lies somewhere between racism, misogyny and fascism.


Tommy Tuberville has entered the room. Talk about the legislative branch bending over the military branch. Yeah, after that show of loyalty, I would never encourage anyone to join.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/09/04/trumps-callous-alleged-comments-about-veterans-vs-whats-hes-said-very-publicly/ >>When McCain died, in August 2018, Trump told his senior staff, according to three sources with direct knowledge of this event, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,” and he became furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. “What the f--- are we doing that for? Guy was a f---ing loser,” the president told aides.


Not me. I didn't join because I can't make a bed.


That’s not happening, per usual for the bullshit nonsense made up by culture warrior dipshits.


Im willing to kill and/or die for my country, but there's no way in hell I would ever consider someone elses pronouns!! /s


If they are that easily scared i'm guessing they would not be a good fit anyway


Damn, I remember way back when I thought she seemed like she had her shit together and if she remained / painted herself as a moderate conservative, she could be the first woman to be president. Now… I don’t know if I was that dumb, she was that dumb, or both.


She is just as nutty as her orange mentor


Tell me you’ve never been in the military w/o saying you’ve never been in the military.


It took me over a decade to get my disability in order with the VA. When it was all sustained in combat. Purple heart receipt. But I haven't been given the purple heart bc of stupid bullshit with them getting the paper done right. I hit more IED's then i can remember and have such bad brain damage. i shake like Michal J Fox trying to write a check. If it wasn't for my service dog and my wife, I would have been dead a decade ago. -former US Army Infantry. Baghdad,Iraq 2006-2008.


I don’t think the military wants people so weak they are scared of pronouns


Yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with escalating wars where the U.S. government clearly supports a side and will eventually have to intervene directly.


Was she ever in the US military? If not, she should be silent...


Nimarata is a moron.


Kids aren’t joining the military because it doesn’t make financial sense anymore. The benefits suck and the time leaves you with PTSD at best. Sincerely, an actual veteran.


I’ve spent 20 years in the military and have yet to be ordered to attend a gender pronouns course. Haley is a grifting moron.


Yeah dying for rich corporate overloads in a foreign land for freedom oil has nothing to do with it.


She’s batshit crazy and sounds stupider than trump which is quite an accomplishment.


Simmer down girl, It’s not about the pronouns. Is this your new slavery denying line?


**Now** she’s just being Country Club stupid


I’d say it’s cuz the kids who are turning 18 (which are pretty much the only ones the marines will even take) just got done watching their older brothers and sisters get sleepwalked through the Afghanistan war and are saying “yea I’m good on that” …..


She’s a moron


Our former President also made it clear that military members were losers and suckers..


Actually I just don't want to be broken down and forced into PTSD and/or combat doing the bidding of rich assholes and a country I do not respect. If I die I'd like to do it on my own terms thanks.


Maybe they noticed how the people who serve get treated when they get out? Homeless, no aid, no help, wounded, ptsd I'm appalled at the treatment


Uh....no? You could try looking at actual DoD sites that publish the information. Or is finding out anything for yourself something beneath your caste Nimarata?


Riiiight it’s not the idea of being used as a pawn for the rich and powerful that will lie to you about things like WMD, allow your higher ranks to abuse you, and then abandon you when you come back screwed up while you get no health care and even openly mock you (“those guys are suckers”/ “I prefer troops that don’t get captured”). But sure, it’s those gosh darn pronouns….


She should just send her own kids. Smart apples fall from the smart tree. She's obviously SO SMAHT. They should have no problem passing gender pronoun classes. There. Problem solved.


And dying for corporate profits.


says the woman who uses an assumed name in public to whitify herself.


in the military everyone is called by their rank , she's just trying to create more anger that's all the republicans have


Why aren't people willing to kill other people for a paycheck anymore? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


Ya. That’s not why they aren’t joining…


If anything, they're scared a nut job bird brain like her may actually be the Commander in Chief


Can Republicans even hear themselves talk, or are they deaf to reality?


no, more like they see the bullshit deal they get signing up to fight to protect the corporate interests of shitheads who have bought off the politicians to deny them healthcare, affordable housing, access to education or a living wage -- when people see the system is broken the first step in the revolution is to stop participation in the crooked system this is a sign the revolution is coming and when it does it will not look kindly on those who have precipitated all this fuckery


Republicans sure don't think much of soldiers, do they?


Where do they come up with this shit?


Just another sign of a good economy.


Lol. Has nothing to do with the shit pay, potential war, getting killed , killing others , and then finally disregarded when you get home . Sign me up.


How about my cousin who was 25 years in the Air Force and killed herself in her kitchen because of the PTSD she had from the Kuwait war, and had no help from the VA when she really needed it.


Definitely nothing to do with people not wanting to die or get injured in a pointless war, to make some rich asshole even richer, only to be abandoned when you suffer serious physical and mental health issues.


Maybe her kids should join


I'd say most people are not joining because the incentives are no longer valuable. When I served the first time 96 - 00, I did it for the college benefits as did most of the guys I served with. College isn't seen as a viable option anymore for most career options, so what's the point of joining?


Maybe the military is focusing on inclusion to cast the widest net possible for recruitment because numbers are down, Nikki. Just a thought. But what do I know? I'm not someone on Christian broadcasting trying to fearmonger to grandmas and papaws.


If someone is afraid of "gender pronoun classes" they have no business being in the military - they will be expected to face far greater challenges, and far dumber classes.


She’s an idiot.


Subreddit title says it all…


As a former English teacher, I can tell you that it can take a lot of work to get the parts of speech through some skulls. When I was a student, I didn't get it myself the first time an English teacher tried. But that's kinda beside the point: Nikki Haley is lying.


Nimrod Haley's son has bone spurs.....


Give me a list of all the people that have told this to you Nikki. I will wait.


I served in the military, was deployed at 19 in 2003 to Iraq. My kids have suggested interest in joining themselves as they've gotten older, and I always ask them why they want to join. They kind of shrug and say they don't really know. So, I tell them what I would tell anyone considering joining the military: "Don't do it, it's not worth it." While in uniform people will pretend to your face that they respect and care about you, but the moment you're out, no one gives a flying fuck about you, and you're just going to end up back in civilian life struggling even more trying to figure out what the hell you want to do with your life than before you joined; especially, if like me, you had an MOS that either doesn't translate to civilian life or you just don't really want to pursue as a real job in the civilian sector. Now, if another country ever attacked the USA outright, on American soil, I will happily volunteer to fight for my country. But never again will I let the government use me in a stupid, unjustifiable foreign war.


Has nothing to do with illegitimate wars or poor after care, shit pay, universal disrespect from above or shitty policies at all. Nope, it’s gender stuff. None of the marines I knew would have given a single shit. Well maybe a couple, but not enough to affect recruitment numbers.


Lol bullshit


But her son is enlisting ASAP? Right?


Yes, nothing scares new recruits like gender pronouns. They are also allergic to violence. Good job gop, you picked a winner. 🫡


If this fear paralyzed you, a battlefield may not be the right place for you.


She does have the crazy eyes the Trumpers all get. Kind of sad, kind of exhausted, kind of haunted by what's to come if Trump wins.


The stupidity of the republicans just keeps showing! Nimrata is a magat through and through!


The carrot was a college education. Poor people can risk their lives for a chance. Unfortunately college is no longer an incentive.


She's bat guano crazy but comes off as "the rational one" in today's GOP. Think about that.


You want people to join the military? You want people to risk and sacrifice themselves for this nation? Give them something to fight for! Make sure you take care of them afterwords, don't just abandon them like some kid who gets a new toy and abandons the old one. The fact of the matter is that it seems like these politicians (Mostly republican) pretend to care about the military and its soldiers but in reality just want whats best for them selves. It's INSANE to me the amount of Bull Shit these fucker spit out about stupid shit like this. Give the VA more money to take care of vets, make the systems in the military more easier to go through. Give them more reason to join then just Free College and a paycheck. Give them more for when they get out of the military. Give them a reason to fight and die then just for some FUCKING oil company. (This is just stuff off the top of my head that I can think of right now. I'm sure theirs people who can think up more and better reasons.)


The republican party has lost their damn minds.


Scared of being a tool for right wing fascism more like it.


*paid for by military contractors* .*created rubbish pro-military propaganda*


She is beyond stupid.


Wait...we're calling Gen Z snowflakes for not wanting to join the military because...*checks notes*... they're afraid of pronouns instruction. If you're such an Alpha Male that believes you're the toughest of the toughest and your reasoning for not joining the military is over pronoun instruction, that's THE MOST piss-weak reason to not join the military. Those, "I don't take shit from nobody" types have more self-awareness than the "anti-woke, pronouns are for pussies" types. If pronouns bother you, you're a very weak-minded individual.


She is a deeply stupid woman.


I didn't join the military because I wanted to make money


Why do such stupid people think they're fit to run a country? What a moron this woman is.


I don't want pussies who are scared of words in our military.


She keeps sinking lower and lower.


Ah yes. I remember almost having to drop out of school in the 2nd grade when we started in on that stuff. Freaked me out. Pronouns. Adjectives. Fucking verbs? Miss me with words that express existence, action, or occurrence! I’m not down with that


As a veteran. I call bullsh-t. Haley's 'extensive' experience in the military is proof she had no idea what she's babbling on about.


You think they’d know this given one of the Republicans favourite songs is “Born in the USA”