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4 year bachelor's degree program to become a police officer. anything less and you cannot become an armed police officer. you get to be a mall security guard with a phone that you can call trained police officers with. it takes 7+ years of post seconday for a lawyer to learn the law but 6 months for a barely functioning high school graduate to be handed a weapon to enforce it, makes zero sense.


It’s truly pathetic you need more training and schooling to become a teacher than a cop. At this point I’m fairly convinced the majority of cops were bullies in school, regularly skipped classes and barely graduated. Every day it seems cops get stupider and stupider


You really should have more training to be a teacher. What is scary is that it takes longer to become a hair stylist than a cop.


It took me about the same time to become an EMT. Most of my scope at that time, stop bleeding and drive to hospital fast... But, no, they can ruin a life, or a family, with zero impunity.


Cops are hired because they can be ordered to do things without question. In other words non critical thinkers. There are smart cops but they become investigators and bosses but the rank and file police officer is trained to react and not think


There is some truth to this. When I graduated high school, I considered a career in LE. The first step was to take the Civil Service exam. Some time after the exam, I received a letter declining to proceed with me as a candidate, explaining that I scored too high on the exam to qualify. It said something along the lines of "scored outside of the range" but then showed the range and my score. This struck me as counterintuitive, and I was certain that I did not understand what I was reading. I showed my dad the letter, and he just laughed and confirmed that was exactly what it meant. It also went on to say I also scored too high for the USPS, so don't bother applying there either if I was considering it. I wasn't but thought it was funny that it was just randomly mentioned at the end of the letter. I joined the Marines, so there Civil Service exam! I wasn't that smart after all!


I’d be confident saying most. But I’ll be nice and say some. I worked with one, who finally became a cop. Told all of us if he saw us driving around his town, he’d pull us over and find something to get us on.


6 months? Laughs in Arizona. 18 weeks is average, last I looked. Edit: "Despite Hernandez’ claim that he thought shots were coming from inside his vehicle, he told an investigation that he didn’t remember seeing the flash of a gun or any glass smashing in the car. What’s more, in his body cam footage you can clearly see the acorn fall into frame and strike the roof of his car. When asked if this was the sound he heard, Hernandez had this to tell investigators: “I’m not gonna say no, because I mean that’s, but what I, [10 second pause in speaking] what I heard [3 second pause in speaking] sounded almost like [12 second pause in speaking] what I heard sounded what I think would be louder than an acorn hitting the roof of the car, but there’s obviously an acorn hitting the roof of the car.” " WTF?!?


Making it up as he went along.


He claims he got shot... Get rid of their fucking immunity.


I assumed he shot himself. He said he felt weird; that was adrenaline and stupidity coursing through his veins, and maybe a boo-boo on his knee.


Booboo on his ego


What's worse, is they patted him down before putting him in the car, so how did an unarmed handcuffed man shoot at you?


Two years in the UK. To be a cop without a gun. You have to do another two years on the beat and pass a strict selection process to be considered for a firearms unit. You then have to pass a nine week course. You only get issued with a gun when necessary, not as a matter of course.


This is one of the sanest things I’ve ever read about the UK. Exactly how it should be.


Just take their guns away period. They've shown repeatedly they're incapable of using them responsibly.


> Just take their guns away period. They've shown repeatedly they're incapable of using them responsibly. And yet nearly every gun control law exempts on duty police officers and some also exempt off duty police officers. Curious.


Democrats should make a law that police officers cannot have firearms either on duty or off. Then, once that is in place and enforced, proceed with their civilian rights infringements.


So? What does that have to do with this comment?


Gun control liberals are out of touch with reality and are mindless morons.


Talking about yourself again?


I'm an anarchist. Take my guns from my cold dead hands, and even then I'll come back and haunt your ass.


🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣gun obsessed psychotic losertarian


Also if they don't bow to cops they'll stop enforcing the law in those areas. It's all fun and games until there is suddenly a homeless encampment on the governors lawn.


Some of these barely functional high school and GED graduates are making close to $100 grand a year.


And they think *you* shouldn't have a union, *you* should be held to a high standard, and *you* pay for their mistakes.


And each officer personally pays for their own liability insurance, if they can't get insured they can't work.


Really we mostly need to change how cops are trained too, cops need to be trained not to fucking shoot every damn sound that spooks them, and they need to be tested to make sure they arent skitish like this. someone like this should never be a police officer regardless of how much education they might have, althugh sure 4 years of education or a degree would be helpful too but even smart cops can be scared of falling acorns when the time comes.


I read somewhere (on the Internet so it MUST be true!) that cops are often trained to think of everything as a potential threat. That would be why we have cops shooting guys holding phones or seemingly terrified of a guy on his knees trying to comply to orders. But I feel police unions are also to blame, they are very protective of their members, even the ones who commit big mistakes, and they probably contribute to cops' seeming paranoia.


I‘m all for workers rights and shit, but there has never come a single good thing for society out of police unions.


If cops knew the law and what is rightful as much as a lawyer instead of being high school bullies and douches, the politicians wiuldn't be able to control them like they do.


It takes more classroom hours to become a Yoga instructor than it does to be an American cop.


Ah I see you have never met the type of human who goes to school to become an FBI agent


But don't you know? Then there wouldn't be any cops /s


Oh, so giving the former high school a gun a badge isn’t a good idea?


The problem is who's gonna pay for it. You'd need to raise pay a *lot.* The job is dull as dishwater, so to keep people like that you need to either pay them a lot or hire dummies who won't get bored and quit.


According to the Washington post, the guy was a West Point grad and spent 10 years as a Green Beret officer. Obviously there should be more stringent requirements for cops but clearly the problem with police culture and training runs deeper than the lack of undergrad requirements to be a cop...


must have been from a black oak


You beat me to it dangit!


...tossed by a black squirrel.


I think you mean African American oak




This is why I'm not a fan of the 'good guy with a gun' philosophy. I'm sure they exist, but they're greatly outnumbered by 'bad guy with a gun', 'idiot with a gun', 'moron with a gun', 'guy with shitty eyesight with a gun', 'chickenshit with a gun' and numerous other variations that you don't want armed in any way.


Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun . . . after the bad guy has already shot 8 people because being purely reactionary to everything is a phenomenally stupid philosophy.


Empty his mag with a backdrop of thin skinned townhouses. Holy shit. A freaking trained police officer dropping a mag in panic in a neighboorhood WITHOUT A TARGET! He was shooting randomly. How the heck is this legal and defensible? Edit: Nice red dot and he has good form. He has obviously trained with his gun. Missed the part about checking the target is valid and what's behind the target. Maybe he needed the no shoot area marked in black like at the range.


He actually did have a target. He was shooting at a handcuffed suspect in the back of the patrol car who he thought had shot him when he walked up to the car. Thank God all his shots missed.


Seems like he had plenty of marksmanship training and absolutely no situational awareness, which is regrettably a far too common situation, not just for LE but plenty of CCW folks in the US.


Great, he resigned. And will probably be hired in the next city or county over from this one. Needs to be a national database.


Uvalde is looking for heroes like him. Oh, wait, he pulled a trigger.


theres a disturbing trend of other departments actively recruiting these guys as some form of fucked up solidarity


A database would change nothing since he resigned without any punishment his record is still spotless.


What a fucking clown. This person should, at minimum, be barred from participating in any kind of security/police type work for the rest of his life.


Shouldn't even be able to own a can opener, let alone touch a firearm.




It's what they're taught. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html


At what point do we mandate common sense, mental acuity, and an IQ for being a cop? As far as I can tell, all three of the aforementioned are lacking from the vast majority of cops in this country.


I forget where I saw it, but I remember reading that people have been turned down to become police officers simply because they were deemed "too intelligent" or the like.


Because they might come up with their own ideas.


Or use their brains rather than just blasting away.


It's their training to see everybody as an enemy


100%; they're trained that every civilian has either just committed a crime, is in the process of committing a crime, or is about to commit a crime in the very near future, and it will endanger their lives.


The cops that I’ve met by and large have considered everybody a suspect.


with fewer RoEs than military personnel in an active warzone


He shot his own cruiser??


With a suspect handcuffed in the back seat.


His cruiser was black. Do we expect more at this point?


It was not being cooperative…. Made noises at him.


Did he actually hit it?


That dude has no business being a cop


You don't need a degree or even a clean record to be a cop. Murica equal opportunities for scumbags always positions in law enforcement or the GOP.


The Venn diagram is a full circle.


Someone running that up tight has always got to be 5 seconds from shitting themselves at any point of the day.


So desperate to pull the trigger, he was willing to overreact and endanger an entire neighborhood. He needs to go to jail for 10 years for every shot he fired. They don't mention what happened to the suspect. I'm sure a huge lawsuit is coming.


When I worked as an EMT, I had a partner with a uniform that was like a cop. He wore a full police belt with med bags on his legs like he was going into battle. We worked in private service, mostly taking people to dialysis and doctor appointments. He had to leave because he dropped a stair chair and their patient on his partner, breaking his partner's leg. This cop reminds me of that guy.


I think we could do without severely mentally ill people in any profession requiring a firearm but I understand that offends people who don't care if their loved ones end up on the wrong side of someone like that. I say this as someone with severe mental illness. Don't fucking give people like that a gun because they're fucking jumpy assholes. They will kill someone thinking they're doing something fucking amazing.


Florida man strikes again.


Thank goodness Calamity Jack doesn't know how to use his red dot site. And his screaming about being hit and shot through the car. This moron should be sent to prison for a long time and NEVER be allowed to touch a knife, let alone a firearm. Good grief there are some incredibly delusional and stupid people out there, armed with badges. SMH


Just came here to say FLORIDUH


:sigh:.. and no repercussions will happen for the wanton endangerment he put the neighborhood through while just sending bullets. A civ would've been hit with every charge they could think of.


He fired at his own police car with a handcuffed suspect in the backseat the policemen thought he was shooting, the guy had no weapon.


Florida is willing to hire folks who are incompetent because it suits their narrative. It is not a safe place to be.


I bet he gets a locker full of acorns at least twice a year.


It's expected. Modern cop training teaches them they're in a warzone, so I'm not surprised they're terrified.


You wouldn’t be laughing if you knew just how many people are killed by falling acorns each and every day. It’s atrocious. A comprehensive educational program needs to be developed to help put an end to this scourge.




Getting a little bit spooked happens to everyone, but the body cam footage is crazy. He was fully committed to a gunfight that wasn't happening.


I love the little SWAT rolls he did rolling away from his car.


Man thought he was playing Dark Souls.


It's lucky nobody with a cell phone in their had was in his line of sight.


True. Spray and pray with a pistol should go in some record book. If I was him I would have blamed it on Professor X.


Florida man is finally upstaged in his stupidity by Florida cop.


bet you he shit his pant


Takes 6 years to become a barber and 6 months to be a cop. The more you know.. \*star wooosh\*


The squirrels are out to get us, Rick & Morty was right again! /s


This is literally part of their training. They are actively instructed to empty their magazine whenever they fire their gun. It's part of the legal defense to support any claim of "fearing for their life."


Yeah dispatch - I got a 5292 - being ambushed by squirrels- requesting backup


I swear this looks like a sketch from I Think You Should Leave.


Just confirms my theory that surprising amount of cops are cowards that became cops to "feel strong". But at core they are still cowards.


In his defense, he thought it was a black walnut. /s


Sounds like he was...  Just plain nuts. 😎


One thing the article really doesn’t fully address, the car had a guy in it. The cop shot at the car because he thought he was being shot at by his prisoner. It doesn’t even say if he was hit or what.


The guy that was in the backseat of the police car is lucky to be alive and will be suing the ass off of that police department.


> After hearing the sound of the acorn, the deputy reported that he also felt a “tingliness” all along the side of his body. He then said his “legs just give out” and he fell to the ground, assuming that he had been seriously injured by something. >Because of this, the video also showed Hernandez complaining about feeling “weird” and shouting to his colleague that he’s been hit. It’s all very dramatic. Seriously


I'm just glad he's safe


Classic Chief Wiggum.


Now imagine that acorn was a person


I have seen this same article copy and pasted multiple times today. Does anyone have a source if the guy in the back seat is ok?


Chief Wiggum IRL


"All we need is a good guy with a gun to protect us"


And he was allowed to resign with no punishment and no negative marks in his jacket so he will be back on patrol in another municipality shortly.


Maybe switch to decaf?


Let's give the cop a break, it was an assault-style acorn! Perhaps it was an Acorn-15!


This cop should be in jail for endangering the lives of others for no actual reason.

