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Did any of them use condoms? HIV or not, she doesn't exactly look like the picture of health.


Yeah she looks like a long history of drug use. It’s hard for me to feel bad for the Johns. They all seem fucking stupid.


I doubt the guys are beacons of health either


Right?!? Where do you think she got it? It’s always the woman’s fault if she’s pregnant or infected. Not the asshole who insisted on raw-dogging


I mean if she was infected and knowingly slept with people she is definitely in the wrong..


Yup. Irresponsible sex is not an either/or situation in the modern world. It’s an “I’ll settle this. They are both freaking idiots” type of situation.


Their username checks out


She’s in the wrong but so are the men. 100%. If you sleep with a sex worker without protection, there is a close to zero chance you’re testing regularly and/or know your sexual health status to begin with. That’s fucking disgusting (of the Johns). Like who does that???


Dude... there are forums for guys who fuck prostitutes...a SHOCKING number of dudes are into raw dogging hookers


>I mean if she was infected and knowingly slept with people she is definitely in the wrong.. It's almost like sex work would be better off being legalized and regulated over illegal and...this...


Although reused needles will do it too. It doesn't take sex to contract HIV.


Or we can agree that both of them are wrong.


Somehow the woman isn’t at fault for knowingly spreading HIV.


So we just gonna ignore that she knowingly turned around and gave it back to 210 other people? You can’t be this fucking dumb right? Literally everyone involved here is at fault.


Some get HIV from infected syringes/needles.


> It’s always the woman’s fault if she’s pregnant or infected. This is such a weird made up strawman you're arguing against... what??? Its also nonsensical to argue against outside of cases of rape. Like 2 people bang.


How she got it is irrelevant in my opinion. The fact is she knowingly slept with 100's of people without telling them she has the HIV virus, regarding how she came to be infected well that could have just as easily been caused by drug abuse or even a blood transfusion, sex work might not have had anything to do with her contracting HIV.(the unsafe sex wont have helped matters) I 100% agree with you that the men that slept with her without using a condom are ridiculously stupid individuals. How anyone could trade/risk their life expectancy for a quick shag is just beyond lunacy. I just hope to god that they were all single men.. Anyone that intentionally exposes a person to the dangers of the HIV virus should be charged and possibly jailed. I dont think there is anything wrong with being a"sex worker" be it male or female. Im not condemning anyone for being a prostitute. Its the oldest profession in the world . I think it should be more openly talked about and controlled by the local council/authorities, that way the saftey of the workers and clients could 100% ensured. I am glad things like this are brought to peoples attention though.It being widely publicised on television or the newspapers, Internet , raising awareness about the dangers of unsafe sex should be the main issue taken away from all this. There is a pilot scheme in the UK surrounding legal prostitution area. The sex crimes in that area have drastically reduced as a result. I think there was even a long documentary following the lives of working girls


Exactly, wtf were they thinking?


"Finally, a hooker I can afford."


But I can't afford condoms


This response made me laugh while taking a drink. 🤣😂 Now I gotta go clean up.


With the wrong head.


Something I recently stumbled upon: There are people actually having AIDS as a fetish. In the gay scene this is called "Pozer" (having the potency to infect others) - read up on it a bit, seems the app grindr even has a tag for that. One article I read had an infected actually taking money to infect others. Soo... even tho this is probably not the case here, there are sick people outside - mentally and physically.


Redditors are so far removed from the lifestyles these people live. There is no point in trying to understand either person involved.


I got full blown aids from her picture


Yeah, but their wives.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say I think drugs were related. Probably in both (all) parties.


And going to guess out of those 211 men a decent portion of them already had some other disease


Was going to say Methany there doesn't look like she's got any teeth in her head. Anyone could put 2 and 2 together and put a rubber on.


They out there rawdogginging the strange.


Yeah she’s got that meth look. I’d say you’re partially at fault if you bang that chick without a condom. 


Right? What exactly about her is not just a warning sign but search lights and air raid sirens?


Corpse sex is a fetish


Even without a condom, HIV transmission from female to male vaginal sex is quite rare statistically.


Well they did get rid of all that useless and prurient sex education in schools /s


I was in school in the 70s, and our sex ed program was both scary and informative. In 7th grade, we had to look at pics of scabby, pus-filled gonorrhea and syphilis-infested penises and vaginas and stuff. AIDS wasn't a thing yet, but we were well-informed about pregnancy, birth control, protection, and stds. The only kids who didn't participate were the ones with the bible-thumping parents who only believed in abstinence and refused to sign their permission forms.


🤦 Why do I think those religious parents might be her biggest clients?


OMG HOW DARE YOU!! Those were good, God-fearing people, dammit. /s


Yeah man if you fuck that without a rubber you deserve everything you get.


Regardless of that what did they expect? Her to test positive and just be like, well now I just won’t earn money anymore? It isn’t like she was earning money legally anyways. And maybe, hear me out, maybe if prostitution was legal she could have gotten help. Better access to healthcare means better prevention, and better post care. Also she could then file for unemployment or something too.


I feel like this is similar to one of those pictures where I'm surprised to learn she's actually 23 years old or something. Meth life and distress... ages a person.


She looked awful at 29. [source](https://washingtoncountysheriff.org/2023/10/02/press-releases/special-news-release-2-oct-2023/)


Whoa you aren't joking.....that's 29 going on 59


fuck that. i'm 63 & i look like fucking miss america compared to that *thing*


This is what happens when you don't eat your veggies


Wait, she isn’t a redhead?


No longer interested?


Sold her soul. 


She was better looking at one point in her life [https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/linda-leccese-possession-of-drug-paraphernalia/](https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/linda-leccese-possession-of-drug-paraphernalia/)


Dude! That's only from 2017? What the fuck? That's a lot of meth.


I am happy you posted this. I already wasn’t going to do meth but now I’m not going to do meth and am sad


Human trafficking is no joke. But Operation Buyers Remorse is a hilarious name for a prostitution sting operation with someone that looks like her.






Ooooh Ethan Ross kinda bad though


Holy fuck. I looked at the article and saw the girl at the top picture and was like what? No way thats her so i went back and looked for the womans name so i could check. I completely skipped over her picture the first time because at passing glance i thought she was a 60 year old grandpa....


Went to a funeral. Afterwards, I asked my kids how much older they thought my cousin was compared to me. They figured 15+. She's 1 year older. Don't do drugs, kids.


Your kids were so hopped up on drugs they got the age wrong by 15 years?!? Yeah you really need to get those kids off drugs.


I have one aunt who smokes and I always thought she was my dad’s much older sister. It turns out she is 11 years YOUNGER than my dad. I was shocked when I found that out.


She's 30, so yeah, pretty much spot on.


I know deadset crackheads that look better than her at 30, that is a rough ass 30.


So does not having teeth.


What would you expect her to do? You think she’s gonna stop smoking meth because she has HIV? That shit ain’t free


Good point. Contracting HIV wasn't when she was going to decide it was finally time to turn her life around.


Even if she wanted to do something else, does she have any options?


No. She would need people that care and I don’t think there’s anyone, even herself. When hope is gone the only thing left is distraction until we die.


Let’s be honest, the truly unbelievable part in all of this, is the fact that there was 211 different people that thought they didn’t need to use a condom to fuck that


I'm conflicted. On the one hand what she did seems irresponsible and even malicious. On the other hand, she did help more than 200 blind people to get laid. I'm just torn.


She must have made almost 106 dollars.


That's it. I gotta stop reading this while walking. I almost fell down laughing.


106.05* who paid the nickel? They all did


Nope it was uhhhh Tree fitty.


Not cool, I’m eating lunch. I almost choked on my Cheetos.




911? Yeah, I’d like to report a fire, this bitch just roasted, please send the firefighters as quick as possible


Really! She could have at least put her teeth back in for the mug shot.


She’s got a face only a mether could love.


Crystal's the name, amphetamine's the game.


She's as appealing as a two dollar whore. I'd give her $5 just to leave me the hell alone.


No condom mofos made a choice.


Yep, they knew who  they were sliding into. And likely increased risk


Helluva work ethic though. Way to pull herself up by her boot strap-on.


I mean, that would have been a lot safer than intercourse. Assuming the strap-on was new.


Meth give you that energy. Also makes you hyper sexual. 


Why would anyone have condomless sex with a prostitute? I don't wish to kink shame, but that's weird


It’s Russian Roulette. I actually am not sure I wanna know what % of the sexually active population has gotten tested regularly. I just know it’s way lower than I think it would be comfortable with. I mean, this is 212 people right here that clearly don’t give a fuck. The 6 degrees of sexual separation on that becomes troubling, like the shittiest pyramid scheme.


Interestingly enough (statistically speaking), I would expect only one or two at max to have contracted HIV. It’s actually extremely difficult (particularly with vaginal sex) to contract. It is obviously dangerous to practice unsafe sex especially in high risk encounters (like sex workers), but per CDC it’s estimated to transmit 1/300-1k acts. I don’t think it needs to be some pandemic level scare


Caveat Emptor


You know that would be the perfect tramp stamp tattoo


Maybe this could lead to a serious look at legislation of sex workers, since testing for diseases and contractable illnesses would be required for them. But probably not.


Not as long as Republicans are in power. They literally voted down a bill for contraceptives with a lie they rather vote on phantom “worthwhile” legislation. Half the issues we have in the United States is due to religious reasons. Those southern Politicians jumping all over banning abortions can’t even give a non religious reason why a medical procedure should be banned. Pro life women don’t even realized an abortion is the same as a terminated pregnancy.


It’s a problem. Generally when you legalize it, you don’t actually get to fix problems. Demand simply goes way up, and you get the legal stuff and the underground stuff to meet demand. Trafficking goes up, trafficked girls aren’t always being tested, etc, etc. Amsterdam has it legalized and highly regulated, and Amsterdam is now a hotbed for trafficking. Hong Kong has it legalized with a system set up to lower the chances of exploitation. It is the most easily gamed system imaginable.


humans rights watch disagrees with you [https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/08/07/why-sex-work-should-be-decriminalized](https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/08/07/why-sex-work-should-be-decriminalized), so do many experts and organizations.


Quit screwing Lot Lizards!


When my band was on tour we’d see the methed up lot lizards. It’s actually a thing.


Mike Tyson, is that you?


I thought you meant your band name was “methed up lot lizards” at first.


Lot Lizards might be a step up.


A parking facility skink then


Dude your average lot lizard is Miss America compared to this chick lol


You know, if the decriminalized prostitution she would have been banned after the positive test and most pay for play, people would have avoided her. She deserves life in jail, and the Johns deserves no sympathy for raw dogging a lot lizard.


Something tells me that she and her customers would have ignored that bad


I mean, you’re assuming that everyone would register and there’d be no black market. There would absolutely be a black market.


Black markets always exist in some form and have drastic corrective action. What America has is tasit approval, which is in some ways worse. Black market: her handler/ a John kills her, and the body isn't found. Commercialized system she is black walled and if it gets this bad she is paying damages. Tasit situation she gets in trouble, the johns get in trouble if they pop up and everyone is hurt. Also, under a regulated system, her earnings would have been taxed.


211 dudes stuck their dick in that?!?!???


*At least* 211.


And they paid!


It’s really not that surprising


… in a row?


At once


In the parking lot. Dante was number 211.


Try not to catch any AIDS on the way to the parking lot!


This is gonna be a challenging wank.




I had phone sex with her once. Now I've got hearing aids...


Bruh lmao


"Ain't no loving good enough to get burnt while I'm up in it!" Snoop Dogg


Words to live by.


Who’s barecocking hookers?


Had to scroll way too far for this! Wear a goddamn condom folks!!


You’d be surprised. Syphilis seems to reoccur in Vegas every five years or so because people refuse to wear condoms on their drunk vacations.


211 seems oddly specific… does she have an excellent memory or just solid bookkeeping? Because neither seems likely.


They checked her wallet and that's how many dollars were in it.


> Now, both the sheriff’s office and the Marietta Police Department are in the process of contacting at least 211 people who may have been in contact with her based on the numbers were found in a phone she used used conduct business as a sex worker.


Probably a high estimate then, I'd imagine some people called but it didn't go anywhere (she was busy, elsewhere, asleep, pricing didn't work out, whatever.)


Those 211 men saw THAT and thought, that's a good idea. She literally looks like a walking std ffs


She doesn't look like the sort of women who had other options besides prostitution. Maybe if we'd take care of people instead of tossing them out like, well a used condom, then stuff like this wouldn't happen.


A reason why sex work should be fully decriminalised, especially as many of the clients in the story probably won’t come forward out of fear of being punished.


I think you missed the point. Yeah, it would help to decriminalize so we could have proper regulation. But we're still forcing people into sex work using our shitty economy. You're not free so long as someone can deny you food, shelter & medicine.


They can’t even make birth control a right, I don’t see them making prostitution legal.


Or had proper regulation and oversight




guys will stick it in anything


OMG. You're willing to pay for sex - and that's what you pay for?


Man Vivian has had a rough time since Pretty Woman


Obv she looks like shit after her health deteriorated. This is her before: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQT48oLHn78dAAv3uIGQ0_GIywbYtsl8C7LjiLYAp4PRQ&s


She probably has more STDs in her


We don't all get the hooker we want, some of us just get the hooker we can afford.


Poor wives of these men


Anyone with HIV who are on the proper medication has a zero % chance of passing it on. Getting HIV these days is less dangerous than a diabetes diagnosis. On proper medication you do t die any sooner than if you didn’t gave HIV. These medications aren’t free everywhere though.so people still die.


Not to mention a male contracting hiv from a female through regular PINV penetration is not very common.


Now imagine her without makeup.


She looks like death.


Sheriff Mackler stated "She might not be anything to look at, but she can suck start a Harley."


I have never been that horny.


all of you shut up, for me that was 4$ well spent


That’s actually pretty good for her. That’s $4 a minute which means $240 an hour!


excuse you very much, but with years of practice i got it down to 2,5 min thank you very much


In a row??


I'm certainly not one to judge people by their looks, but is using your hand that terrible?


Somebody's paying for that?


Imagine scrolling, you see this face and recognize it. Cue PTSD Chihuahua


This is why it should me made legal. Legal prostitution will have std checks to stop these kind of situation.


Just want to point out that if we actually *regulated* sex work, not only would this not have happened (or it would’ve been heavily curtailed), but sex workers wouldn’t have to bet their lives to pay their bills.


As someone who lives in Nevada, I agree. It’s one of the oldest professions. It’s not going anywhere. Might as well make it safe for *all* parties involved.


Why dont people use condoms anymore???


It's a Going Out Of Business Sale! Discounts Galore! Everything Must Go!


Odds are she had a pimp controlling her didn’t have a choice. The pimp should be facing the consequences.


I was taking a break from work and looking through Reddit, reading this post and my 4 year old daughter comes into my home office, looks at the picture of this lady on my screen and starts a conversation about it beginning with this: 4 YO: (pointing to pic of lady) Daddy, is that a monster? Me: (struggling not to laugh) No, why do you ask? 4 YO: Why does she look like that? Did she kill people? (I literally have no idea where that came from). I know this sounds like something made up for the internet but it is not. I think it is an accomplishment for this woman to be able to get AIDs if it was indeed sexually transmitted.


Good time to have the don’t do drugs conversation


How do the cops know it was 211 men? Did they just sit by and count?


> Now, both the sheriff’s office and the Marietta Police Department are in the process of contacting at least 211 people who may have been in contact with her based on the numbers were found in a phone she used used conduct business as a sex worker.


Who was the prostitute in My Name Is Earl?


Deregulation at its finest


Somebody needs to get on Yelp and make sure she's got the lowest rating possible ..... 0 stars


So she intentionally spread it. She should be charged accordingly. AIDS still kills; it is a deadly virus she has been using to harm as many men as she can. If she is successfully treated, she belongs in prison.


Sex works should be legalized and regulated. Safer for workers and customers.


“You have muppet aids.”


There is no need for anyone to take risks like this. Prep is affordable or free in some cases, depending on income.


kind of as smart as raw dogging a porn star but im not a former president so...


Once you been with a woman with no teeth, you never go back!


I wonder how many cops were infected.


Looks like the chick from Breaking Bad. Can i get a windy Wendy…


Who was hitting that ?! How desperate do you have to be ?


I bet I can back a bus up her asshole


Unprotected sex? If it’s not on, it’s not on.


This is why prostitution is illegal. Whether you agree or disagree, if it were regulated, like the weed industry, it would be legal. Because, not only would it be deemed safe (ie testing), money would be collected by the government. But, it’s a moral argument and no politician is going to Crusade for it.


This is a real case of buyer beware.


My former best friend of like 20 years did this as well. He found out he was positive and instead of being depressed he decided to be mad at the world and have as much unprotected sex as possible to spread it further on purpose. He said at least a dozen guys. He told me that he would even reassure the guys that he was negative and not to worry about using a condom. I told him he was an evil person and no longer talk to him.


She’s got more than that.


Wish this would stop popping up on my feed that thumbnail is haunting


Pretty sure this isn't illegal in California. EDIT: No longer a felony, just a misdemeanor.


Is that a strung out fey regan?


So it was a Quiet weekend then.


She looks like HIV with legs


That’s a tough 30


Men : “ive never met you before and im paying you for sex. I can trust that youre clean, right?”


When you fuck THAT... hiv is the least of your problems


I’d think Matt Gaetz would be a likely contact except she looks about forty years too old for him. Damn.


211 men who have no care for sexual health who will probably spread it to more…


Where was she solicitating at. In front of the dollar store.


I'll bet every John is a bible thumping Christian conservative family man


But seriously, what other options did she had given the excellent /s health- and social care systems in the US?


211 blind men...


Jeezus...were they blind, too? Sheesh.


Ordinarily, I would put the person who knows they are infected-but who still has unprotected sex-at fault. But honestly? A guy who has unprotected sex with a sex worker is asking for everything he gets.


Dear lord … I guess looks don’t matter anymore . Just sack the head !!!


Two points. If we legalized sex work, this wouldn't happen. Workers would be tested and brothels certified. If we have universal health care she would have been receiving treatment for her HIV and probably wouldn't have been contagious. This is what conservative policies do. Buy conservative I mean Democrats, as far as I can tell Republicans policy is 1880's for economics and 1950's for social policy, this is regressive not conservatives.


This is why we need legalized and regulated prostitution. Allow them to be registered and get health screenings frequently. Johns have to sign an agreement. Safe sex is practiced. Security is there to intervene If necessary. Sex isn't inherently bad. But there are safer ways to get a fix