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Goku (kind of)


Nothing made me hate Goku more that Goku fans.


I've been in the Dragon Ball fandom since the early 2010's and I don't think I've ever met an unironic "can he beat Goku though" type fan, assuming that's what you're talking about. So I can't really speak on that lol I'm more talking about how people claim Goku ONLY cares about fighting and has no care for his family/friends. He definitely enjoys fighting to an unhealthy amount, but he unarguably cares about his loved ones Or the people that call him a bad dad. He's not the best dad out there, but he's still a good one


Goku fans are the worst for fundamentally misunderstanding his character at times. Not just for the example you mentioned but for other aspects such as him being naturally heroic. Even Toriyama pointed out that wasn't true. Most of the times his heroism happens to line up with his desire to test himself. And while he does care for his family and most definitely isn't a bad father, calling him a good one is wrong as well. But those are things that make Goku an interesting character. It makes him more complex, so seeing fans reduce him to one trait or make him something he isn't just makes me dislike him since that's the prevailing thing I'll see about him.


I call him a good father because he cares for, loves, and protects his son. Even in a semi-recent manga chapter, I believe the Moro arc, he says "I'm sorry you had to start fighting again, Gohan" And the only times he "wasn't there for Gohan" was when he was dead. Both times were when he sacrificed himself to save everyone, including Gohan He trains a lot, but when he's alive, he's still there for Gohan


Is he though? Caring, loving and protect your son is bare minimum of being a parent. He spent an entire year in the time chamber with his son alone and still didn't understand that his son fundamentally didn't like fighting. That's a hell of a thing for good father to miss after spending a year with him. Then there's his choice to stay dead after Cell that effectively abandoned Goten to grow up without a Dad. Sure that was because of noble reasons but it is an innoble act in itself. Would you choose to stay away from your son willingly for 7 years? Relaying on others to protect your planet? Placing that burden willingly on your son who again doesn't like fighting? How bout that the one day he gets back on earth isn't for his sons birthday or anything like that, it's for a tournament. Put it this way. If Goku had to choose between a once in the lifetime fight or seeing Gohan make a one time presentation about his work, what would Goku pick?


>He spent an entire year in the time chamber with his son alone and still didn't understand that his son fundamentally didn't like fighting. That's a hell of a thing for good father to miss after spending a year with him. That's not on Goku. Gohan up till that point always jumped at a chance to throw hands. He never showed any inclination otherwise. It's only against Cell he suddenly didn't want to fight.


Exactly, by the time the perfect cell stuff happened Gohan had been fighting for years.


If all the enemies that came to Earth (Raditz, Vegeta, Freeza, androids/cyborgs/Cell were made to kill him specifically) then yes I would stay dead to protect my family. And Gohan isn't the only fighter to protect Earth, there's Vegeta who loves fighting and then the Earthlings, which aren't strong, but can still help protect the Earth. Especially since this point is kind of proven since the Earth is peaceful for those seven years, and before that the only "peace" they got was after OG and before Z, but Piccolo was still a threat (who was again, created to kill Goku) And not wanting to go to Gohan's presentation doesn't make Goku not a good dad, most people wouldn't want to go to that even if it was their child. That's just normal As someone else already said, Gohan never showed that he didn't like fighting before. And "only fighting when he's mad" is kind of just wrong. He fought against the saiyans, Freeza's men, and Freeza himself without initially being mad. It's never shown that Gohan dislikes fighting when in the chamber, he's there and he trains with seemingly no restraint I feel like your bar for a good dad is just a little high. Sure, you're right about protecting and all that kind of just being the bare minimum, but also not really? The bare minimum would kind of just be making sure your kid doesn't die. If anything, it's the bare minimum of being a GOOD dad. And as I said, he's not the best dad out there, but he's still a good one


Oh my kami it was explained million of time how those reason happen 1) breaking News but goku like all father isnt perfect and thought because gohan had enormous potential he thought was just like him and loved to battle + goku is an saiyan so he thought his hybrid saiyan son gonna be into fighting and when he notice he asked krillin an sensu bean to imediately fight cell 2) goku litteraly stay dead because up to this point the horrible things that happen to em was because of him sort off plus gohan and his wife can litteraly solo everyone on earth so it not like they are defenceless 3) you know dragon ball are like cheat code because... dead people are supposed to stay dead lmao do you tell an orphan "yes your parent should have shown up to your 14 birthday"


He isn’t a bad dad in my opinion. Goku would choose the fight & assume Gohan would understand which he would. Goku with an unhealthy obsession for fighting still actually did well as a dad & friend to everyone on Earth. Not saying 7 years away is a great choice but not everyone is perfect & fatherhood lasts longer than 7 years so stop branding Goku with his past mistakes already. You just said how you hate when people reduce Goku to who he isn’t.


Let's face it, we'd have about a quarter of Dragon Ball Z if Goku was much more level-headed. Flawed characters keep the narrative flowing.


Exactly, if characters were perfect then there would be no narrative.


That heroism part is why I despise that Goku's backstory got retconned from being sent to destory Earth to being sent their for safety just like Superman. The series didn't help itself at all doing that as it ruined one of the most interesting aspects about Goku.


Someone: superman is my favorite superhero! The Goku Stan's: CAN HE BEAT GOKU THOUGH-


I tried telling a Goku fanboy that Goku vs Saitama wouldn't end with either character's defeat, but rather, because of Goku/Saitama's personalities, they'd literally just power each other up until all of reality is destroyed. They literally tried to argue that Goku would smite Saitama *by accident*?!?! Bro, when has Goku *ever* done that?


Also, I honestly doubt they’d even get to the point where they’re threatening reality while fighting. If fighting matches were shoe shopping Goku and Saitama would be the same type of shoe, they both love fighting and someone as strong *and* fight-hungry would be perfect for Saitama to spar with on and off - but they wouldn’t be able to fight like that if they broke reality. Honestly, the Zenos could probably just stick ‘em in a similar place to where the TOP is held to have their fun.


Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Krillin, literally every DB character at this point lmao


Goku (Yamcha and Krillin) are mostly because people skipped the original Dragon Ball. That’s where most of their character depth and development comes from. But now, it mostly seems Goku is just a meme, bad father, dumbass or only here for powerscaling. Yamcha and Krillin have always been comedic relieves. Gohan makes no sense, we literally see him grow from a toddler to an adult in DBZ (which everyone saw).


who has a problem with Krillin?


Except Tien. He is forever GOAT


El Hermano 😔🫡


People seems to only quote "Esto es el fin, Jiren", as if that's all he ever done in super. He was arguably the main villain of the tournament arc, there's much more to him than that one line


jren vs jitrn


El Papa>>>


The correct anwser is Goku but a part of me wants to anwser Oolong


Db fans disrespect the champ all the time. They call him a fraud when he literally saved the planet three times


Look at this bozo over here. Saying the champ only saved the world three times? Did you not play The Legacy of Goku 2, where they reveal there was a warlord that Hercule defeated after becoming martial arts champion? That’s a 4th right there


The deepest of lore




Yamaha, my boy Yamaha


Do you mean Yamcha lmao?




Goku, especially with the bad dad allegations


There's this observation I've made while being on internet that a lot of Americans are very quick to label their dads as a bad person for even the smallest of mistakes on their part. On the same hand they are equally as fast to throw that dad title to the first male that shows them the barest of kindness. Even if that person doesn't want to do anything with them.


Idk man, the cell saga senzu bean was straight up unforgivable.


Why unforgivable? Was it a mistake? Most definitely! Was it maliciously done? Definitely not! Goku build that action on three elements that to him made perfect sense. 1. Gohan would improve substantially if he was under pressure. 2. Even at full power, Cell cannot even dent Gohan's full potential 3. Fighting and getting stronger is good. The story shows Goku was absolutely right in his first 2 assumptions which addreses any culpability in physically endangering Gohan. The third assumption however was where he was mistaken. Stemming from not understanding others Goku projected his own feelings upon his son, which upon prodding he realized that Gohan doesn't share the same motivating principles. He then takes full responsibility to the extent that he was ready to interrupt the fight and later sacrificed himself. And quite literally everyone forgave him for that shortcoming. That is by no means the most unforgivable thing that people have done that arc. Do I have to remind you of the entire Dragon team letting Dr. Gero build the world-threatening Androids just because they like fighting strong guys, or Vegeta allowing Cell to transform for the same reason, or Krillin endangering everyone for coochie, or Trunks doing the same to not hurt his father's feelings. In contrast Goku's behavior seems benignly misguided at best.


Honestly Chi-Chi, just a worried mom. no-one should have to have their 9 yo go to war with solar system buster and see their kid bloodied and traumatised. She went through more grief and pain than anyone and peope just write her off as a nag




Raphael, I’m tired of everybody just summing him up to be the angry ninja turtle when he’s probably the most chill one other than mikey


For a second i was like who tf is Raphael but then u said the ninja turtles and i was like “ohh”


This is a dragon ball sub


Let him cook


Nuh uh


“Vegito gets no wins” When the plot itself does him dirty, he had a plan that he fulfilled with buu.. Then he nearly beat merged zamasu(manga) but defused.. Then people wanna give credit to gogeta, but gogeta got his kill stolen from him. Anything else isn’t canon.. but idiots think gogeta got even more of a W Technically both Vegito and gogeta beat their enemies ass. They’re in the same boat and none got canon Kills


Gogeta did tho? Was able to hold broke off until he was wished away, again yes not winning but no way they were winning any other way. Janema was purified by his attack. And well we don’t talk about gt


We don’t talk about anything non canon. My point before still stands, they’re in the same boat.


Even if we’re going off your logic, Gogeta still has more wins


If we don't talk about non canon then Gogeta doesn't exist


The Broly movie is canon.


Chi Chi




Z broly


Completely correct. Funnily enough, DBS Broly acts alot more like the Fandom view of Z Broly than Z Broly does. To be honest, the second and third Z Broly movie is to blame for the "oh, but all he does is scream Kakarot" and clear ignorance like "oh! Z Broly only hates Goku because he was annoying as a baby". Clearly missing the fact Broly didn't actually know who he was until the end of the first movie when he had a flashback before his (retconned) death. Deadass. I hear another "WOW ITS THE GUY WHO GOT PTSD FROM BABY GOKU" or "KAAAAKAKAAAROOTTTT is all he can say" i will commit several war crimes.


Exactlyy. Like, Z Broly talks more in his forst movie than dbs Broly in his own movie.


Fr, the first movie Broly was very much cognisant and extremely sadistic. I wouldn't call him super deep, but he wasn't mindless lol


Vegeta, you know, the guy who's pride has always led to his greatest failures, and who's biggest character arc was letting go of his ego and his obsessive rivalry with Goku.


"Bulma... trunks... and even you... best buddy"




Goku The fact that people say Goku's a bad dad and that piccolo's a better dad to Gohan. The guy who literally died multiple times and would do anything for his son vs a green guy who's only 3 years older than him, killed his dad and left him in the forest to fend for his life. People also love to bring up Goku throwing cell the senzu bean but in reality cell would've killed Gohan because he's already exhausted and tired at that point and when he saw Gohan wasn't a challenge at all he would've killed him to get it over with. The only reason why people really believe goku's a bad dad is because of the memes, tfs and the DBS mistranslations. Another thing I've seen people bring up is that Goku's a bad dad because he's never there for Gohan/ make it seem like he abandons his family. Like nga the only reason he's not there is because he's either dead or in critical condition, in fact during the cell saga he promises chi chi that he'll get a job when he comes back and as soon as Goku comes back and finally achieves a time of peace the first thing he does is get a job as a farmer. "Don't fuck with dragon ball fans we don't read or watch or own show"


Picco-------- what the hell is your profile picture?


i wanna say yajirobe but there’s no good reason but i know the answer to this question is yajirobe


Bean daddy is the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved


Goku, Gohan and ChiChi


Not my favorite character but most people just seem to think Goku has nothing more to him than being “strong and dumb”


“Goku is a bad father” [roaring applause] That one mf who actually watches the show: NO


Me when people say Griffith is 'evil' and 'unforgivable' instead of 'based' and 'femboypilled'






I’ve seen a lot of people do it with Vegeta




Goku, Gohan... Now that I think about it, pretty much everyone became this at some point


Yamcha, except he wasn’t reduced to a specific trait, he was just completely altered and defamed


Zarbon thanks to TFS. omfl. Total character assassination.


Gohan and Goku


Every dragon ball character


Hey it's me Goku.


Z broly


Legit, everyone. I heard a kid talking about "what's the difference between Goku and an elevator, one can raise a child" and I legit had to stop cleaning the table I was at to provide the "Good dad goku" bucket list. He legit looked at me like I was insane. I then had to explain how Piccolo leaving Gohan in the wilderness is not good parenting. He looked fucking baffled. Every DB character has something along these lines. I think the problem stems from the fact that popular people who don't understand the show say something and their absolute meat rider ass fanbase agrees with every word. For instance people like ClassicManD have forever ruined thw vs debate landscape because of their abhorrent takes that all the little kids in their audience just beleive without second thought. Shit like this is legit one of my least favorite parts about the internet


And while I'm at it Goku is a good dad, and Piccolo isn't. Goku does not care about training more than his family. Yamcha Tien and Krillin are not weak. Vegito is not winless ChiChi is not a bad parent


Z Broly.


Goku. But it’s especially frustrating because Toriyama encouraged those mischaracterizations.






Roshi (kinda)


Goku and vegeta


Goku ain't a dumbass, Krillin has some balls, etc


Easily Gohan


Vegeta hands down


Goku and Vegeta. Despite how simple they are they get misunderstood by a lot of people




Vegeta especially in super


Yamcha but it's hilarious so it's okay


My goat yamcha


Goku "he gets stupid in super, bting back z filled with essence one", aka, shonen idiot hero unwanted, kill them all silent badass please come back


Goku and gohan


Honestly Jiren. People say he’s just a brick wall with absolutely no personality, when that’s not really true.


I mean, any? Do you think anyone here reads dragon ball?


Since DB is extremely underrated even in it's own fanbase, some ppl tend to not look at characters nuances and just think it's guys throwing hands with no reason and will deny any deeper explanation you try to give them about a character, so here's the list: DBS Broly; Goku; Majin Boo; Cell; Gohan; Frieza; Bardcok (Z and DBS); Future Trunks




Vegito, the Fandom reduced him to a cocky loss machine and the anime doesn't help that fact. And this whole Gogeta VS Vegito thing is mad annoying since both of them have now canonicaly contributed to the plot only difference is Gogeta has a cool flashy win on his belt and Vegito has 2 sacrificial losses.


It's goku


Goku’s the only answer.


goku, people call him immature, dumb, the reason the universes were gonna get destroyed, slander him, pretend like his whole power is a hand-out because of the SSG ritual and him absorbing the power in the anime, etc.


Goku and yamcha,


Z Broly


Burdock, you clearly don't own an airfrier




"Goku is a bad Dad."


Every returning character in Dragonball Super. Flanderization ran rampant throughout that series.


z broly 100%


Goku. It particularly pisses me off that Toyotaro, the man who’s supposedly the successor now, thinks that Goku hasn’t changed at all & views his character as nothing more than just wanting to get stronger.


Shadow the Hedgehog




Goku(obviously VS scalers and meme makers misrepresent him HEAVILY) and yamcha especially with the death pose


Goku isn't a hero. I am not saying he is a bad guy or anything but with the stuff he does i would say he is quite far away from being a hero. I mean why did dude revive frieza after top (ik about the deal but there was no need for him to follow through with it) and even if he did revive him he should have killed him (we all know what a living frieza will do), giving cell a senzu bean (i am sure that i don't need to explain this one)




Goku? Dumb fuck who doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything as long as he can fight, father of two who doesn't know what sex is Vegeta? The funny thumb point -> jobs combo Krillin? Little jobber who sold out humanity for Android pussy Frieza? Le funny harmless has-been who says "monkey" and wants to be a few inches taller Beerus: "Is that... green tomboy alien? Humina humina awooga!"


Gohan, he is a literal fraud in my opinion. Not even 1 win without plot armor, his potential was used like an excuse to his power ups like 3-4 times. Future Gohan is an exception, this man fought 2 androids at the same time with 1 hand. While Vegeta was low-diffed by 18


Vegeta, he is the best character in DB in terms of writing. From revenge for his race, he came to teach others how bitter revenge is. But no one notices this, everyone just wants to laugh at the fact that he loses every fight. Let's remember how Granola knocked out Goku when he started using his full power? And then, the stronger Granola personally admitted that the only way to defeat Vegeta was to die with him Let's forget about how Vegeta made Gas shake with fear when Vegeta was already at his last strength? For some reason everyone forgets about this, Vegeta truly deserves all the pride that he brings. For some reason everyone forgets this, but they love Gohan. Which is a naive, lazy and stupid weakling who didn’t take out a single battle without plot armor. And even so, Vegeta is still shown to be several levels superior to Gohan You can say whatever you want, but you won’t convince me! Vegeta number one


You are kind of describing the entire fandom of all of anime😂😂


Vegeta. Don’t say that super ruined him, I don’t wanna hear it.




Gohan for sure. I feel like him and Vegeta were the characters with the most depth in Z, unfortunately Buu arc and super really left a shit stain on Gohans legacy




Yamcha, or tien




Zamasu and Buu




Z Broly.


Everyone bc we don't be watching the show ong




The Fandom mischaracterized Goku so much over the years and super made it a reality, unfortunately.


Literally every character on this show that isn't a movie villain.


Lowhan, need i say more?


yes just off the top of my head, we have goku, vegeta, gohan, chi-chi, and mr. satan, probably still a heap of other characters to list here


Getes the super duper super


Android 21 :D


Goku, Gohan and Krilin


Goku (they think he’s a bad dad)






You can see them in the credits.


All of them lmao


Among dragon ball fans? Goku Among non-dragon ball fans? Vegeta


Krillin my man has died 3 times and Goku died more than him


Gohan lol 100%


All the Goku dick riders in the comments as if he isn't the most flat boring character in anime next to the one punch protag.


Isekai protags exist, so your statement is wrong


Will give them credit, I’m sure there’s some special breed of isekai protagonist that isn’t either boring or a raging asshole. …but I don’t watch much isekais so I wouldn’t know.


I like Rei from WataOshi, Fran from Sword Dad, Anis from MagiRevo but that's about it